How Easter was used to replace the Sabbath


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We see how the name "Easter" never appears in the Greek New Testament. Easter is not a Christian name. It is Chaldean (Babylonian) in origin, a variation on the name Astarte, one of the titles of Beltis, the queen of heaven. It is to be noted that the apostolic church never gave attention to either the date of Christ's birth or the date of His resurrection, other than to note that the latter occurred on a Sunday. Neither of these days was observed by early Christians but as the pagan influence came into the church so did its festivals. In the third and fourth centuries a tremendous debate arose among Christian churches as to when Easter was to be observed. For the Roman Catholic branch it was largely settled at the Council of Nicaea (AD 325) with a formula still followed to this day, which cannot possibly be commemoration of the actual resurrection. In current practice Easter always falls on a Sunday and the Sunday chosen wanders over a period of four weeks ranging from March 22-April 25. Here is a good explanation..

“Easter occurs on different dates each year because, like the Jewish Passover, it is based upon the vernal equinox, that dramatic moment when the hours of the day-light and the hours of darkness at last draw parallel and then the light finally and triumphantly wins out. Thus Easter is always fixed as the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox. It's a cosmic, solar, and lunar event as deeply rooted in religious traditions originating from sun-god worship as one could conceivably imagine.” ~ Tom Harpur “The Pagan Christ”.

The point is that the early Christians gave no attention to commemorating the resurrection day of Christ. If they had been serious they would be observing the 17th day of the Jewish month, Nisan, which begins with the first new moon following the spring solstice. Passover among the Jews begins with the 14th day of Nisan. It would not be possible to commemorate the actual day of the month and have it always on Sunday, so the choice was made to have it on Sunday, adjusting the day of the month for convenience.

Given this information, although the resurrection of Jesus is a historical event of huge importance, we have no biblical precedent for making Easter a special day of celebration. Now the fact that Sabbath was supplanted by the church at Rome and even the anti-Judaism stirred up by Jewish revolts is well known and documented, and the claim that came out that it was from the 'resurrection', but scripture does not give any change nor was there any 'tradition' from the apostles. The truth is it was used to supplant the Sabbath, and the first day, Sunday has no basis for worship except for pagans as their festival day to the sun. Nothing of Easter was about Christ or His being risen, it was sun worship, 'the sunrise service tradition', is bowing and praying to the rising sun as you can see today. Here is even more on this:

"The author of the "Epistle of Barnabas" adduces the occurrence of the Resurrection on the first day as the reason for the observance of this "true day" (xv.). In the meantime the attitude of the Roman authorities had become intermittently hostile to the Jews; and after the rebellion under Hadrian it became a matter of vital importance for such as were not Jews to avoid exposing themselves to suspicion (Huidekoper, "Judaism at Rome"). The observance of the Sabbath was one of the most noticeable indications of Judaism. Hence, while in the first Christian century more or less regard and tolerance for the Jewish day were shown in Rome, even by non-Jewish Christians, in the second century the contrary became the rule (Justin Martyr, "Dial. cum Tryph." ii., § 28). In the East, however, less opposition was shown to Jewish institutions. Saturday and Sunday both were celebrated by "abstaining from fasting and by standing while praying" (Rheinwald, "Archäologie," § 62), In the West, especially where Roman influence dominated, Saturday was turned into a fast-day (Huidekoper, ib. pp. 343-344). The name "Sunday" is used for the first time by Justin Martyr ("Apologies," i. 67) in accommodation to a Roman nomenclature, but with reference to the circumstances that the light was created on the first day (noticed also in the Midrash; Gen. R. iii.: "ten crowns adorned the first day") and that the "light of the world" rose from the night of the grave on the first day of the week. The Christians, accordingly, were obliged to defend themselves against the charge of worshiping the sun (Tertullian, "Apologeticus," xvi.). The celebration of two days (by the Judæo-Christians?) is attested by Eusebius ("Hist. Eccl." iii. 37) and by the "Apostolic Constitutions," which advise the keeping of Saturday as a memorial of the Creation, and of Sunday, the Lord's day, in memory of the Resurrection (ii. 59).

Originally, then, Sunday and Sabbath were kept sharply distinct. But, like the Jewish Sabbath, Sunday was deemed not merely a holiday, but a holy day, and hence fasting thereon was interdicted (Tertullian, "De Corona Militis," § 3). Ease of mind (ευφροσύνη, which corresponds to "naḥat ruaḥ"; "Epistle of Barnabas," l.c.) was the proper condition for the day. One should not kneel at prayer (Irenæus, "Fragm. de Paschate"; "Apostolic Constitutions," l.c.); the standing posture, being at first a protest against mourning and ascetic rites (such as were forbidden on the Jewish Sabbath), came to be explained as suggestive of the Resurrection.".... SABBATH AND SUNDAY -

Some try to say it was changed by the disciples or their actions or the resurrection, but Sunday has nothing even after the resurrection as the disciples continued with the Sabbath as it was before and Christ tells it it would continue so you have to really bend scripture to fit Sunday as the day of worship. It isnt there.......


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Why I agree that Easter is not the best term, I see no problem with people honoring the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and calling it Easter. Especially when I look in the Old Covenant and read this day was a Sunday, Leviticus 23:9-12. For verse 11 of this passage states on the morrow after the Sabbath, that is Sunday would be the Feast of Firstfruits see verse 10.
Yes God called this Holy Day Firstfruits and it should be held right at this time after the Passover. Paul reveals this in the Resurrection chapter of the Bible, see I Corinthians 15:20-23. This Holy day teaches us that Christ is the Firstborn of the dead, Revelation 1:5; 3:14 and Colossians 1:13-19.

As to what day is the Sabbath will it isn’t a day but the person of Jesus Christ, Matthew 11:28-30; Hebrews 4:9-10; Colossians 2:16-17. Spoken of in Isaiah 28:9-16 this is true REST to the Saints.
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Why I agree that Easter is not the best term, I see no problem with people honoring the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and calling it Easter. Especially when I look in the Old Covenant and read this day was a Sunday, Leviticus 23:9-12. For verse 11 of this passage states on the morrow after the Sabbath, that is Sunday would be the Feast of Firstfruits see verse 10.
Yes God called this Holy Day Firstfruits and it should be held right at this time after the Passover. Paul reveals this in the Resurrection chapter of the Bible, see I Corinthians 15:20-23. This Holy day teaches us that Christ is the Firstborn of the dead, Revelation 1:5; 3:14 and Colossians 1:13-19.

As to what day is the Sabbath will it isn’t a day but the person of Jesus Christ, Matthew 11:28-30; Hebrews 4:9-10; Colossians 2:16-17. Spoken of in Isaiah 28:9-16 this is true REST to the Saints.
None of your verses says Jesus because a day, a commandment or became rest. He claims is His Lord of the Sabbath Mat 2:28 i.e the Creator not that He is the Sabbath i.e. creation and we can ignore the 4th commandment. Also there is no command to keep the first day holy. If one wants to honor the resurrection, that's fine, but God never said it was a weekly memorial or that it replaced His Sabbath commandment.
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Actually that is precisely what they state but you keep your day as Fulfilling the Sabbath I will keep Jesus as my Rest.
Please provide the scripture that says Jesus is the Sabbath. The scripture you posted doesn't say that. Jesus in His own Words said He is Lord of the Sabbath- not that He is the Sabbath. Mark 2:28 The Sabbath is a commandment of God and God's people are supposed to keep God's commandments Rev 14:12 just the way He commanded. Exo 20:8-11. Jesus said not one jot or tittle could be changed from God's law as no one is above the Authority of God. Mat 5:18-30. we have free will, but keeping Sunday is a Catholic tradition/holiday and Jesus warns us about keeping mans traditions over the commandments of God. Mat 15:3-14
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Christ our Passover
Feb 18, 2017
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Please provide the scripture that says Jesus is the Sabbath. The scripture you posted doesn't say that. Jesus in His own Words said He is Lord of the Sabbath- not that He is the Sabbath. Mark 2:28 The Sabbath is a commandment of God and God's people are supposed to keep God's commandments Rev 14:12 just the way He commanded. Exo 20:8-11. Jesus said not one jot or tittle could be changed from God's law as no one is above the Authority of God. Mat 5:18-30. we have free will, but keeping Sunday is a Catholic tradition/holiday and Jesus warns us about keeping mans traditions over the commandments of God. Mat 15:3-14
"Today is the Day of Salvation ... Today, if you will hear his voice, harden not your heart, for if Jesus had given the Jews "rest" he would not have afterward spoken of another day. Therefore, there remains a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into Jesus' rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us therefore labor to enter into that rest ... Come unto me ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me. For I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your soul."

Sunday did not replace the Sabbath. Sunday is observed as the Resurrection of Christ, the Firstfruits unto God, the beginning of the new creation, the dawning of the Day of Salvation, which has fulfilled everything the Sabbath foreshadowed which, along with all the rest of the Old Covenant, has passed away. The Day of Salvation, that glorious day when men no longer strive and fail to be obedient to all the commandments of God that they might be counted righteous, that day has been fulfilled, Today, if you will hear God's voice, Today, when men through faith "rest" in the without-sin-perfect righteousness of Christ which is imputed to us that we might be counted worthy to dwell in the presence and know the fellowship of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. And it is in that dwelling in the presence of the Holiest that we are changed, not through the will of the flesh by outward obedience to the letter of the Law, but through His Spirit that works in us a far more eternal weight of glory than anything mere outward compliance of the flesh could ever hope for. That is why God made a New Covenant, and why the Old passed away.

If you have not yet found that rest which faith in Christ affords, then I would urge you seek that rest that is found only in Jesus. For the eternal rest God intended for His people is not a rest for the body, but for the soul.

In Christ,
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"Today is the Day of Salvation ... Today, if you will hear his voice, harden not your heart, for if Jesus had given the Jews "rest" he would not have afterward spoken of another day. Therefore, there remains a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into Jesus' rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us therefore labor to enter into that rest ... Come unto me ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me. For I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your soul."

Sunday did not replace the Sabbath. Sunday is observed as the Resurrection of Christ, the Firstfruits unto God, the beginning of the new creation, the dawning of the Day of Salvation, which has fulfilled everything the Sabbath foreshadowed which, along with all the rest of the Old Covenant, has passed away. The Day of Salvation, that glorious day when men no longer strive and fail to be obedient to all the commandments of God that they might be counted righteous, that day has been fulfilled, Today, if you will hear God's voice, Today, when men through faith "rest" in the without-sin-perfect righteousness of Christ which is imputed to us that we might be counted worthy to dwell in the presence and know the fellowship of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. And it is in that dwelling in the presence of the Holiest that we are changed, not through the will of the flesh by outward obedience to the letter of the Law, but through His Spirit that works in us a far more eternal weight of glory than anything mere outward compliance of the flesh could ever hope for. That is why God made a New Covenant, and why the Old passed away.

If you have not yet found that rest which faith in Christ affords, then I would urge you seek that rest that is found only in Jesus. For the eternal rest God intended for His people is not a rest for the body, but for the soul.

In Christ,

Where does is say Jesus is the Sabbath?

Jesus in His own Words said He is Lord of the Sabbath Mark 2:28, not the He is the Sabbath. Jesus is the Creator- when people claim He became the Sabbath- it makes Him the creation i.e. day or commandment,

The Sabbath commandment is for us to keep holy- the commandment wasn't given to Jesus for Him to do something for us- Read Exo 20:8-11

None of the verses you quoted or highlight say Jesus is the Sabbath.

Where is the command to observe the resurrection in lieu of the Sabbath commandment? That is a tradition of man, not a commandment of God- something Jesus warns us about Mat 15:3-14 Mark 7:7-13
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Christ our Passover
Feb 18, 2017
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Where does is say Jesus is the Sabbath?

Jesus in His own Words said He is Lord of the Sabbath Mark 2:28, not the He is the Sabbath. Jesus is the Creator- when people claim He became the Sabbath- it makes Him the creation i.e. day or commandment,

The Sabbath commandment is for us to keep holy- the commandment wasn't given to Jesus for Him to do something for us- Read Exo 20:8-11

None of the verses you quoted or highlight say Jesus is the Sabbath.

Where is the command to observe the resurrection in lieu of the Sabbath commandment? That is a tradition of man, not a commandment of God- something Jesus warns us about Mat 15:3-14 Mark 7:7-13
The Scriptures do not say that Jesus is the Sabbath. The Scriptures are clear that the New Covenant Sabbath is "Today," the "Day of Salvation." Today, if you will hear the voice of God, and trust in Jesus, his blood will cleanse you of sin, and his righteousness will clothe you, and Jesus will present you before God perfect, without spot or blemish, not because of your obedience to the Law, but because you trust in the work that Jesus did to save you and make you right with God.

When God created the heavens and earth in six days, He "entered into rest" on the 7th day. Not because He was weary. But because his work was finished. And under the Old Covenant, His people were invited to join Him in His rest, because the works God did were finished. And it's the same under the New covenant. Jesus has "entered into rest" because he has finished the work of salvation. Hanging on that cross, before he breathed his last breath and gave up the ghost, he said, "IT IS FINISHED." The work he had come to do, of reconciling a fallen, sinful world with a Holy God, was finished. And we, blessed generations that now live AFTER that work has been accomplished, we are invited to join Jesus in his rest, because the work of saving us, redeeming us from sin and death, reconciling us with God, making us "right" in the eyes of God, that work, IT IS FINISHED. There is nothing we can do to add one thing to justify us before God.

Jesus did not save us to follow Moses. Jesus saved us to follow him, to be "raised up" to the very throne of God, to become citizens of God's Kingdom, to enter the very courts of Heaven, to dwell pure and sanctified in the very presence of God, to "come before His throne with thanksgiving" for this blessed gift of eternal life with God that He has given, something the Law could not and never can do, because that wasn't the purpose of the Law. I don't believe you understand why the Law was given to Israel, and why the Law could not make men perfect, and why therefore, another covenant was needed, and why that covenant was dedicated by nothing less than the blood of Jesus.

You said the Sabbath commandment wasn't given for Jesus to do something for us. Why would you say that? What part, what jot or tittle of the Law did Jesus not fulfill for us? The sacrifices ... he fulfilled every one of them, and the old sacrifices passed away. The Passover, he became our Passover, and the old Passover passed away. Unleavened Bread, Jesus became our sinless bread, and the old passed away. The Goat for Jehovah, Jesus became our sacrifice for atonement, and the old passed away. The mikveh, Jesus washes us with living water, and the old passed away. The Tabernacle, Jesus has made us the dwelling place of God on this earth, and the old passed away. Jerusalem, we now have been given right to "come up" to that Holy City which God has made, and to enter its gates and walk its streets and dwell in its mansions, to take and eat of the tree of life, to drink of the river of life, to enter the courts of the Holy of Holies of Heaven itself, and to stand in the very presence of God ... and the old passed away. All of these Old Covenant things, every jot and tittle of that Old Covenant Law, were types and shadows that we, under the New Covenant, now enjoy as blessings rained down on us from "on high."

I believe there is a dearth of teaching in the churches today about the New Covenant and what exactly it means to believe in Jesus. And it leaves a lot of particularly young Christians who are new to the faith floundering in a sea of "doctrine overload" that has little or nothing to do with the Gospel of Salvation ... it's all about the end times of prophecy. Little wonder then that in this present world the darkness is growing stronger, and the light is growing dim.

In Christ,
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The Scriptures do not say that Jesus is the Sabbath. The Scriptures are clear that the New Covenant Sabbath is "Today," the "Day of Salvation." Today, if you will hear the voice of God, and trust in Jesus, his blood will cleanse you of sin, and his righteousness will clothe you, and Jesus will present you before God perfect, without spot or blemish, not because of your obedience to the Law, but because you trust in the work that Jesus did to save you and make you right with God.
Thanks for the response back. I see a lot of commentary, but I am not seeing what you are writing in the scriptures, which is what we are told to go by Psa 119:105

The Sabbath is a commandment- just like thou shalt not have any other gods before Me or thou shalt not murder- God wrote the Sabbath commandment in the same unit of Ten by His own finger. No where in scripture says the Sabbath is the day of Salvation. The Sabbath is the day to keep holy Exo 20:8 and it is the seventh day Exo 20:10 according to what God personally wrote.

I think what you are quoting is from Hebrews 4 which is a direct quote from Psalms 95 and Heb 3. What this verse is about is calling us out of rebellion to God. This scripture is calling one out of the very thing you are advocating we do, that we do not have to keep God's commandments- which is called sin and rebellion to God.

This is what the writer of Hebrews is quoting in Hebrews 4:7

Psalms 95

Today, if you will hear His voice:
8 “Do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion,
As in the day of trial in the wilderness,

9 When your fathers tested Me;
They tried Me, though they saw My work.
10 For forty years I was grieved with that generation,
And said, ‘It is a people who go astray in their hearts,
And they do not know My ways.’
11 So I swore in My wrath,
‘They shall not enter My rest.’

God is pleading with us not to follow the same path of disobedience as the Israelites in the wilderness. Heb 4:11.....its really not wise to think we can follow their same path of disobedience and expect a different result.

What did they disobey in the wilderness?

Ezekiel 20:13 Yet the house of Israel rebelled against Me in the wilderness; they did not walk in My statutes; they despised My judgments, ‘which, if a man does, he shall live by them’; and they greatly defiled My Sabbaths. Then I said I would pour out My fury on them in the wilderness, to consume them.

Ezekiel 20:21 “Notwithstanding, the children rebelled against Me; they did not walk in My statutes, and were not careful to observe My judgments, ‘which, if a man does, he shall live by them’; but they profaned My Sabbaths. Then I said I would pour out My fury on them and fulfill My anger against them in the wilderness.

When God created the heavens and earth in six days, He "entered into rest" on the 7th day. Not because He was weary. But because his work was finished.
Agreed. He rested also as an example for man as man was created in His image, Gen 1:26 to follow Him, hence why the Sabbath was made for mankind Mark 2:27 and why He commanded man the same week cycle. Work six days Exo 20:9 Gen 1and keep the seventh day Sabbath holy Exo 20:8, Gen 2:1-3 God wants to spend holy time with man to bless Isa 56:1-7, Isa 58:13 and sanctify Eze 20:12 because man cannot sanctify themselves, we need God.

And under the Old Covenant, His people were invited to join Him in His rest, because the works God did were finished. And it's the same under the New covenant. Jesus has "entered into rest" because he has finished the work of salvation. Hanging on that cross, before he breathed his last breath and gave up the ghost, he said, "IT IS FINISHED." The work he had come to do, of reconciling a fallen, sinful world with a Holy God, was finished. And we, blessed generations that now live AFTER that work has been accomplished, we are invited to join Jesus in his rest, because the work of saving us, redeeming us from sin and death, reconciling us with God, making us "right" in the eyes of God, that work, IT IS FINISHED. There is nothing we can do to add one thing to justify us before God.
Could you please quote scripture. It really help so we can be sure to see what the scriptures say, which is what we are told to test everything by.

There is no scripture that says the Sabbath commandment has been abrogated. This is a teaching of the Catholic church who changed God's Sabbath, that was predicted in scripture Dan 7:25 that most churches followed suit. One of the reasons He is calling us out of our false teachings Rev 18:4

Jesus taught- not one jot or tittle can be changed from His holy law, because no one is above the Authority of God Mat 5:18-30

We should join the rest Jesus provides and if we allow scripture to interpret itself, it will never lead us down the wrong path.

To enter in Christ rest (this is not the Sabbath rest- its Christ's rest) one ALSO ceases their works as God did from His (the Sabbath rest). Hebrews 4:10

When did God cease from His works?

Hebrews 4:4 For He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”;

What is the seventh day according to God?

Exodus 20:10 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.

In Christ rest there is no rebellion to Him or His commandments, just peace.

Isa 48:18 Oh, that you had heeded My commandments!
Then your peace would have been like a river,
And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.

Jesus did not save us to follow Moses.
Jesus said:

John 5:46 For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.

Are you familiar that it wasn't Moses who wrote or spoke God's eternal law, it was God Himself? Deut 4:13, Exo 34:28 and after God wrote the Ten Commandments, He added no more. Deut 5:22. Only the Ten Commandments was placed inside the ark Exo 40:10 and its the law all man will be judged by James 2:10-12 Mat 5:19-30

Jesus saved us to follow him, to be "raised up" to the very throne of God, to become citizens of God's Kingdom, to enter the very courts of Heaven, to dwell pure and sanctified in the very presence of God, to "come before His throne with thanksgiving" for this blessed gift of eternal life with God that He has given, something the Law could not and never can do, because that wasn't the purpose of the Law. I don't believe you understand why the Law was given to Israel, and why the Law could not make men perfect, and why therefore, another covenant was needed, and why that covenant was dedicated by nothing less than the blood of Jesus.
The purpose of the commandments is to show us our sins and need for Jesus. Romans 7:7 Romans 3:20 James 1:22-25. So we are not depending on our own righteousness, but God's Psa 119:172, not our truth but God's Psa 119:105. Sadly most people depend on their own version of righteousness, but we are only sanctified by the Truth of God's Word John 17:17 and only God can sanctify us Eze 20:12. Sin separated us Isa 59:2 and sad people teach the exact thing that separated us, we don't have to keep, which is not the solution to reconciliation. That is not a teaching by Jesus. He said- If you love Me, keep My commandments John 14:15 our faith in Him and living by His every Word reconciles us Rev 22:14
You said the Sabbath commandment wasn't given for Jesus to do something for us. Why would you say that?
Jesus did not give Himself a commandment to keep. Jesus in His own Words said the Sabbath was made for man- not made for Him. Christ in His own Words said the Sabbath is My holy day. Isa 58:13 Why would we want to profane something that God made holy, blessed, sanctified and said He made for us?

Jesus kept all the commandments through including the Sabbath Luke 4:16 as our example to follow 1 John 2:6, but He did not give Himself a commandment. The commandments are for God's people- Rev 14:12. He is God, we are to love and serve Him. Isa 56:6
What part, what jot or tittle of the Law did Jesus not fulfill for us?
It does not say until He died at the Cross that the commandments ended and can be changed. He said heaven and earth will pass before one jot or tittle will pass from the law, until ALL is fulfilled and why He goes on to say not to break or teach others to break the least of these commandments as one would be least in heaven, which means lost. if you read the next verse. Mat 5:18-30.

Not all is fulfilled until Jesus comes again and His saints meet Him in the air, until then not a jot or tittle can pass from His holy law as no one is above the Authority of God.
The sacrifices ... he fulfilled every one of them, and the old sacrifices passed away. The Passover, he became our Passover, and the old Passover passed away. Unleavened Bread, Jesus became our sinless bread, and the old passed away. The Goat for Jehovah, Jesus became our sacrifice for atonement, and the old passed away.
Amen as what Hebrews says 10:1-22 and 1Cor 5:7 but after the Cross do you really believe we can now worship other gods, vain His holy name, covet or steal or break the least of these commandments, not according to Jesus Mat 5:18-30 Math 15:3-14, Mark 7:8-13, Mat 19:17-19. Sin is breaking God's law even in the NC Romans 7:7 Mat 5:18-30 breaking one we break them all James 2:10-12. Jesus did not die so we can sin freely- He came to save us from sin Mat 1:21- we need a conversion and we too must die of sin. Romans 6 which is why God's saints keep God's commandments Rev 14:12 through faith and love Rom 3:31 1 John 5:3 John 14:15 Exo 20:6 which reconciles us Rev 22:14

These are the words of Christ, we are to live by Mat 4:4

Isa 56:1 Thus says the Lord:

“Keep justice, and do righteousness,
For My salvation is about to come,
And My righteousness to be revealed.

2 Blessed is the man who does this,
And the son of man who lays hold on it;
Who keeps from defiling the Sabbath,
And keeps his hand from doing any evil

6,“Also the sons of the foreigner
Who join themselves to the Lord, to serve Him,
And to love the name of the Lord, to be His servants
Everyone who keeps from defiling the Sabbath,
And holds fast My covenant

Should we not want to keep justice and do righteousness? Should we not want to join ourselves to the Lord, to love His name and serve Him? This is what Jesus in His own Words equates to Sabbath-keeping, which He blesses. Should we not want to be blessed by Him? Only God can reverse His blessing and to me its mind blowing how people think they can reverse something God blessed and wrote with His own finger.

I know what you are teaching is what the popular churches are teaching, but its really important to study the scriptures for ourselves.

This is the first answer Jesus gave when asked what the sign of His return would be.

Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.

Those who are speaking for Christ are deceiving so many. What were Christ's own Words- read Mat 5:18-30, Mat15:3-14, Mark 7:8-13, Mat 19:17-19 John 14:15 Exo 20:6 Exo 20:8-11, Mark 2:28,Eze 20:20, Eze 20:12, Isa 58:13, Isa 56:1-6, Isa 66:23

Jesus says the majority will be deceived. Mat 7:13-14 Mat 7:21-23 We don't have to follow the crowd, we can be part of the remnant who keep God's commandments and have the faith of Jesus. Rev 12:17 Rev 14:12 Rev 22:14

I wish you well in seeking Truth to God's Word.
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Jun 9, 2015
I think we all agree that the scriptures are chock full of all manner of commandments, including ten which were written on stone. The fact that some Christians (make that all) pick and choose which commandments to obey ought not to be a surprise to anyone here. I have yet to encounter any Christian or denomination which teaches and practices obedience to each and every commandment of God.
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We see how the name "Easter" never appears in the Greek New Testament. Easter is not a Christian name. It is Chaldean (Babylonian) in origin, a variation on the name Astarte,

Easter is an Anglo-Saxon word and didn't become used in Christianity until after Britain became Christianized.

The people who used the term Easter, had no idea who Isthar or Astarte even was and had no cultural connection to her.

However, the name Easter does derive from a Germanic goddess Eostre who was the goddess of spring and the dawn. The Anglo-Saxon pagans called the spring holidays after Eostre, and they continued to do so after they became Christians.

If you don't like the name Easter, that's fine, don't use it.

However, your whole argument here about Christianity in general and Easter is nonsense. Easter has ONLY ever been used by native English speakers in countries that were colonized by the English. Most of the Christian world has never called the celebration of the Resurrection "Easter" and they don't call it that today. It has always been known as Pascha (derived from Passover) in the historic and traditional Churches.

The point is that the early Christians gave no attention to commemorating the resurrection day of Christ. If they had been serious they would be observing the 17th day of the Jewish month, Nisan, which begins with the first new moon following the spring solstice. Passover among the Jews begins with the 14th day of Nisan.

Fixing the date of Easter was one of the major controversies in the Early Church for one simple reason. The Jews kept the calculation of their lunar calendar a secret. The Christians had no way of following the Jewish calendar. As a result they had to try and figure out a way to fix the date of the Passover on the solar calendar.

It would not be possible to commemorate the actual day of the month and have it always on Sunday, so the choice was made to have it on Sunday, adjusting the day of the month for convenience.

This is not true, or not entirely true. The feast of Passover is fixed to Nisan 14 and thus the day of the week it falls on changes. However, the resurrection occurred on the feast of First Fruits. Even at the time of Jesus there was a dispute among the Jews, between the Pharisees and the Sadducees over when the feast of First Fruits should be celebrated.

The scriptures mandate that the feast of First Fruits happens on the day after the sabbath following the Passover feast. The Pharisees counted the feast of Passover as a Sabbath, and a day of rest, and therefore they argued that the feast of First Fruits was on the day after the Passover. The Sadducees insisted that the feast of First Fruits was required to follow the weekly Saturday Sabbath, which would mean it always falls on Sunday.

Jesus settled this dispute when he rose on Sunday (three days in the tomb), instead of on the day after the Passover (two days in the tomb).

For the record this means that Pentecost also always falls on a Sunday.

Some try to say it was changed by the disciples or their actions or the resurrection, but Sunday has nothing even after the resurrection as the disciples continued with the Sabbath as it was before and Christ tells it it would continue so you have to really bend scripture to fit Sunday as the day of worship. It isnt there.......

The New Testament explicitly states that the Church gathered on the first day of the week.

Further, the argument that Early Christian writers changed the practice out of fear of persecution from Rome for being "Jewish" is pretty laughable.

Here is a quote from Ignatius of Antioch about the Sabbath.

"If then they who walked in ancient customs came to a new hope, no longer living for the Sabbath, but for the Lord’s Day, on which also our life sprang up through him and his death."

Ignatius wrote that after he had already been sentenced to death by Rome for being a Christian, and was on his way to Rome to be executed.
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Easter is an Anglo-Saxon word and didn't become used in Christianity until after Britain became Christianized.

The people who used the term Easter, had no idea who Isthar or Astarte even was and had no cultural connection to her.

However, the name Easter does derive from a Germanic goddess Eostre who was the goddess of spring and the dawn. The Anglo-Saxon pagans called the spring holidays after Eostre, and they continued to do so after they became Christians.

If you don't like the name Easter, that's fine, don't use it.

However, your whole argument here about Christianity in general and Easter is nonsense. Easter has ONLY ever been used by native English speakers in countries that were colonized by the English. Most of the Christian world has never called the celebration of the Resurrection "Easter" and they don't call it that today. It has always been known as Pascha (derived from Passover) in the historic and traditional Churches.

You are completely correct that the whole "Easter comes from Astarte" thing is nonsense, and the word used for Easter in most languages bears no resemblance at all to Easter. However, while the claim that the word Easter comes from Eostre isn't as absurd, it still has some difficulties.

The idea that the word Easter is derived from Eostre comes from only one source, an 8th century writer named Bede, and this is the entirety of what he says about her:

In olden time the English people -- for it did not seem fitting to me that I should speak of other people's observance of the year and yet be silent about my own nation's -- calculated their months according to the course of the moon. Hence, after the manner of the Greeks and the Romans (the months) take their name from the Moon, for the Moon is called mona and the month monath.

The first month, which the Latins call January, is Giuli; February is called Solmonath; March Hrethmonath; April, Eosturmonath; May, Thrimilchi; June, Litha; July, also Litha; August, Weodmonath; September, Halegmonath; October, Winterfilleth; November, Blodmonath; December, Giuli, the same name by which January is called. ...

Nor is it irrelevant if we take the time to translate the names of the other months. ... Hrethmonath is named for their goddess Hretha, to whom they sacrificed at this time. Eosturmonath has a name which is now translated "Paschal month", and which was once called after a goddess of theirs named Eostre, in whose honour feasts were celebrated in that month. Now they designate that Paschal season by her name, calling the joys of the new rite by the time-honoured name of the old observance. Thrimilchi was so called because in that month the cattle were milked three times a day...

Source: Bede, on 'Eostre'

There have been some skepticism on Bede's statements here, as we have no mention of Eostre anywhere else, and thus Bede might have just had some incorrect information about where the names of the months come from; he identifies only two as being named after goddesses, and note that the other goddess mentioned (Hretha) we also have no other reference to. However, even if we accept all of this information as accurate, the only information he actually gives is that the month was named after Eostre and there were feasts to her celebrated at some point prior in the month. If anyone claims anything beyond that, it's speculation. So things like her being goddess of dawn is speculation, as is the idea of her being goddess of spring. It doesn't even say any of the feasts were actually named after her.

It is not even clear if Bede is saying the name Easter comes from Eostre or if he's saying it comes from the month (which may or may not have been named after Eostre). The translation above says "they designate that Paschal season by her name", but the Latin text is not entirely clear as to whether it is referring to Eostre or Eosturmonath, and a highly plausible--arguably more plausible--alternate translation is "they designate that Paschal season by its name", referring to the month instead, as explained here. Even if Eosturmonath was named after Eostre, this would make the name Easter no more associated with Eostre than the name of the Juneteenth holiday (a celebration of the end of slavery in the United States) is associated with the Roman goddess Juno.
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You are completely correct that the whole "Easter comes from Astarte" thing is nonsense, and the word used for Easter in most languages bears no resemblance at all to Easter. However, while the claim that the word Easter comes from Eostre isn't as absurd, it still has some difficulties.

The idea that the word Easter is derived from Eostre comes from only one source, an 8th century writer named Bede, and this is the entirety of what he says about her:

In olden time the English people -- for it did not seem fitting to me that I should speak of other people's observance of the year and yet be silent about my own nation's -- calculated their months according to the course of the moon. Hence, after the manner of the Greeks and the Romans (the months) take their name from the Moon, for the Moon is called mona and the month monath.

The first month, which the Latins call January, is Giuli; February is called Solmonath; March Hrethmonath; April, Eosturmonath; May, Thrimilchi; June, Litha; July, also Litha; August, Weodmonath; September, Halegmonath; October, Winterfilleth; November, Blodmonath; December, Giuli, the same name by which January is called. ...

Nor is it irrelevant if we take the time to translate the names of the other months. ... Hrethmonath is named for their goddess Hretha, to whom they sacrificed at this time. Eosturmonath has a name which is now translated "Paschal month", and which was once called after a goddess of theirs named Eostre, in whose honour feasts were celebrated in that month. Now they designate that Paschal season by her name, calling the joys of the new rite by the time-honoured name of the old observance. Thrimilchi was so called because in that month the cattle were milked three times a day...

Source: Bede, on 'Eostre'

There have been some skepticism on Bede's statements here, as we have no mention of Eostre anywhere else, and thus Bede might have just had some incorrect information about where the names of the months come from; he identifies only two as being named after goddesses, and note that the other goddess mentioned (Hretha) we also have no other reference to. However, even if we accept all of this information as accurate, the only information he actually gives is that the month was named after Eostre and there were feasts to her celebrated at some point prior in the month. If anyone claims anything beyond that, it's speculation. So things like her being goddess of dawn is speculation, as is the idea of her being goddess of spring. It doesn't even say any of the feasts were actually named after her.

It is not even clear if Bede is saying the name Easter comes from Eostre or if he's saying it comes from the month (which may or may not have been named after Eostre). The translation above says "they designate that Paschal season by her name", but the Latin text is not entirely clear as to whether it is referring to Eostre or Eosturmonath, and a highly plausible--arguably more plausible--alternate translation is "they designate that Paschal season by its name", referring to the month instead, as explained here. Even if Eosturmonath was named after Eostre, this would make the name Easter no more associated with Eostre than the name of the Juneteenth holiday (a celebration of the end of slavery in the United States) is associated with the Roman goddess Juno.
Fair points. Interesting and instructive.
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“Easter occurs on different dates each year because, like the Jewish Passover, it is based upon the vernal equinox, that dramatic moment when the hours of the day-light and the hours of darkness at last draw parallel and then the light finally and triumphantly wins out. Thus Easter is always fixed as the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox. It's a cosmic, solar, and lunar event as deeply rooted in religious traditions originating from sun-god worship as one could conceivably imagine.” ~ Tom Harpur “The Pagan Christ”.
Hence why it is a slap to God's face
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Christ our Passover
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You are completely correct that the whole "Easter comes from Astarte" thing is nonsense, and the word used for Easter in most languages bears no resemblance at all to Easter. However, while the claim that the word Easter comes from Eostre isn't as absurd, it still has some difficulties.
Hello. It’s been a while, but I’m happy to catch up with you again.

I agree. There is an old saying I'd like to paraphrase for Christians: "Lies travel halfway around the world before truth can put on its armor." And that is especially true of all the disinformation that is spreading like wildfire across the internet about Christmas and Easter. A lot of it stems from a virulently anti-Catholic bias (you'll see evidence of it all over social media), but a lot comes from a decidedly anti-Christian bias as well (coming from groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses and an assortment of Judaizers, groups who disassociate themselves from “Christianity”).

I don’t believe we ever finished our chat on the origins of the word Easter (mia culpa), but I would like to once again suggest that Tyndale working very closely with Luther on the first English translation of the Scriptures, and Tyndale making heavy use of Luther’s German words to coin many new English words for both the Hebrew and the Greek, at least makes it possible if not probable that Tyndale either chose or coined (see what I did there?) the word “Easter” because of Luther's influence on his work. A quick note from our previous conversation:

Martin Luther had completed his German translation of the New Testament in 1522 in which Luther broke with tradition; most translations of the Greek New Testament retained the word “pascha” to translate “passover.” Luther instead translated many New Testament occurrences of “pascha” as “ostern, “osterlambe,” and “osterfest.” To this day the German people call the observance of Jesus’ resurrection “Ostern.” Tyndale followed suit in his English translation by translating those same passages as “ester,” “esterlamb,” and “esterfest.” (Ma26:2, 26:18, 26:19, MK14:1, 14:12, 14:14, 14:16, LK2:41, 22:1, 22:7, 22:8, 22:11, 22:13,22:15, JN2:13, 2:23, 6:4, 11:55, 112:1, 13:1, 18:39, 19:14, AC12:4, 1CO5:7, HB11:28) This comparison of how the word was used to translate passover strongly suggests that the source of Tyndale’s use of “Easter” is Luther’s “Ostern.” If only the Roman Catholic Church had not martyred Tyndale, he may have written notes explaining many of his choices. But at least they didn’t dig up his bones after he was buried and crush them and dump them in the river, as they did Wycliffe.

I still contend however, that theologically, the Hebrew/Greek words “passover” should never be translated “Easter” as the New Covenant Passover is in fact the Lord’s body and blood, (Communion, The Lord’s Supper, Mass, the Eucharist, and various other names Christendom gives it; "Even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us." 1CO5:7) while Easter is in fact the observance of the Lord’s resurrection, which occurred on the Sunday following the Old Covenant Passover. But as another historian duly noted, when Tyndale made his translation for the English people, they were just “breaking from the straight-jacket of Roman Catholicism” and were woefully ignorant of many Old Testament stories (and it can be argued New Testament stories as well) and at that time the whole week of the Lord’s passion, beginning with Palm Sunday and culminating with the Resurrection, was commonly called “Passover.” We even see that lack of distinction during the Quartodecimen controversy and the Council of Nicea three centuries later. And even today.

Good speaking with you again, and kudos on your true and faithful testimony on these forums.

In Christ,
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The New Testament explicitly states that the Church gathered on the first day of the week.

Further, the argument that Early Christian writers changed the practice out of fear of persecution from Rome for being "Jewish" is pretty laughable.

Here is a quote from Ignatius of Antioch about the Sabbath.

"If then they who walked in ancient customs came to a new hope, no longer living for the Sabbath, but for the Lord’s Day, on which also our life sprang up through him and his death."

Ignatius wrote that after he had already been sentenced to death by Rome for being a Christian, and was on his way to Rome to be executed.

The apostles gathered every day Acts 2:46 - which does not make every day the Sabbath or a new commandment. Also our teachings should come from scriptures and there is no scripture says Sabbath was changed and there is a new day of worship. That is a teaching outside of scripture which we are warned is danger if it teaching against God's Word. Isa 8:20 and against the teachings of Jesus Mat 15:3-14 Mark 7:8-13 Mat 5:18-30 Mat 19:17-19 John 14:15 Exo 20:6

There is no teaching that Jesus is the Sabbath or the Passover is the Sabbath. These are teachings of man leading people away from God's Truth.

Jesus said this to His disciples

Mat 28: 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go [c]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” [d]Amen.

Jesus said not a jot or tittle can pass from His law until all is fulfilled which is until Jesus comes back because no one is above the Authority of God on what He personally wrote and spoke..

Which is why the apostles kept every Sabbath -from the example of Jesus and what He commanded- after the Cross-that's a lot of Sabbaths 30 years later

Luke 23:56 Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.

Acts 13:14 But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down. 15 And after the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the rulers of the synagogue sent to them, saying, “Men and brethren, if you have any word of [c]exhortation for the people, say on.”

Acts 13:42 So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath.

Acts 13:44 On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God.

Acts 15:21 For Moses has had throughout many generations those who preach him in every city, being read in the synagogues every Sabbath.”

Acts 16:13And on the Sabbath day we went out of the city to the riverside, where prayer was customarily made; and we sat down and spoke to the women who met there.

Acts 17:2 Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures,

Acts 18:4 And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded both Jews and Greeks.

The disciples observed every Sabbath until the end of their life -decades after the Cross- certainly not what man teaches- but we were warned Acts 20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

God kept the Sabbath, Jesus kept the Sabbath, the apostles kept the Sabbath, His faithful followers kept the Sabbath- If God's Word is how He speaks to us and going outside of it we are warned is danger Isa 8:20 the choice is obvious if one wants to follow Jesus as we are made in His image to follow Him, not to do our own thing.
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Christ our Passover
Feb 18, 2017
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follow their same path of disobedience ...
lead us down the wrong path ...
we can now worship other gods, vain His holy name, covet or steal or break the least of these commandments...
we can sin freely...
I am afraid someone has given you some really bad information about the Christian faith.

Christianity does not teach breaking God’s Law.

Christianity teaches following God’s Spirit.

Do you honestly believe that “following God’s Spirit” will “lead us down the wrong path”?

In Christ,
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I am afraid someone has given you some really bad information about the Christian faith.

Christianity does not teach breaking God’s Law.

Christianity teaches following God’s Spirit.

Do you honestly believe that “following God’s Spirit” will “lead us down the wrong path”?

In Christ,
Of course not, the Spirit is given to help us keep God’s commandments John 14:15-18 and given to those who obey Acts 5:32 which leads us to reconciliation. Rev 22:14

The Spirit pleas with us daily if we hear His voice to not harden our hearts in rebellion to God Heb 3:7-8 which is disobedience to God and His commandments , that Jesus said not a jot or tittle can be changed as no man is above the Authority of God and why breaking or teaching to break the least of theses commandments comes with a warning and some consequences . Mat 5:18-30. We need the faith in Jesus and the faith of Jesus. How did He live, Jesus kept all of the commandments John 15:10 including the Sabbath Luke 4:16 and live to be our example to follow 1 John 2:6
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Also our teachings should come from scriptures and there is no scripture says Sabbath was changed and there is a new day of worship. That is a teaching outside of scripture which we are warned is danger if it teaching against God's Word. Isa 8:20 and against the teachings of Jesus Mat 15:3-14 Mark 7:8-13 Mat 5:18-30 Mat 19:17-19 John 14:15 Exo 20:6

There is no teaching that Jesus is the Sabbath or the Passover is the Sabbath. These are teachings of man leading people away from God's Truth.

You say that our teaching should come from scripture, and there is no scripture that says the Sabbath was done away with.

1: Our teaching must come from scripture

Can you provide me with a scripture that says all our teaching must come only from scripture? The answer is no, you can't, because there is no such scripture and that means that one of your core teachings, is not from scripture. It was not practiced by the Apostles and it was unheard of in Christianity (or Judaism) until over a thousand years after Jesus.

2: Scripture never tells us the Sabbath was changed, and there was a new day of worship.

The Apostles gathered in Jerusalem specifically to address the question of what portions of the Jewish law Christians were obliged to follow. This is in Acts 15.

Here is the letter that they sent to the gentile believers

28 For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these requirements: 29 that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell.”

Note, the clearly say that this is from the Holy Spirit.
Note, it clearly does not mention keeping the Sabbath.
Note, it says that no other things are required other than what is listed.

Jesus said this to His disciples

Mat 28: 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go [c]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” [d]Amen.

Jesus said not a jot or tittle can pass from His law until all is fulfilled which is until Jesus comes back because no one is above the Authority of God on what He personally wrote and spoke..

Jesus did indeed say that. However, he also then proceeded on to fulfill all of the Law. Every jot and every tittle is fulfilled in Christ, in his death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven.

Which is why the writer of Hebrew could later say this...

Hebrews 8

4 Now if he were on earth, he would not be a priest at all, since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law. 5 They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things. For when Moses was about to erect the tent, he was instructed by God, saying, “See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.” 6 But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises. 7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion to look for a second.

In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

Hebrews goes on to say that those who cling to the Old Covenant have no place in the New.

10 We have an altar from which those who serve the tent have no right to eat. 11 For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the holy places by the high priest as a sacrifice for sin are burned outside the camp. 12 So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood. 13 Therefore let us go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured. 14 For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.

Notice in the first passage that the author of Hebrews describes the Old Covenant by Moses setting up the tent. In this passage he says that those who serve the tent (the old covenant) have no right to partake in the altar and sacrifice of the New Covenant.

He goes on to say that we must go "outside of the camp" (the camp of Israel around the tabernacle) and leave behind the "earthly city" (Jerusalem, the holy city of the old Covenant where the temple was).
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You say that our teaching should come from scripture, and there is no scripture that says the Sabbath was done away with.

1: Our teaching must come from scripture

Can you provide me with a scripture that says all our teaching must come only from scripture? The answer is no, you can't, because there is no such scripture and that means that one of your core teachings, is not from scripture. It was not practiced by the Apostles and it was unheard of in Christianity (or Judaism) until over a thousand years after Jesus.
Scripture tells us His Word is a light to our path Psa 119:105 and going away from it there is no light Isa 8:20. Seems clear to me.
2: Scripture never tells us the Sabbath was changed, and there was a new day of worship.

The Apostles gathered in Jerusalem specifically to address the question of what portions of the Jewish law Christians were obliged to follow. This is in Acts 15.

Here is the letter that they sent to the gentile believers

Note, the clearly say that this is from the Holy Spirit.
Note, it clearly does not mention keeping the Sabbath.
Note, it says that no other things are required other than what is listed.

28 For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these requirements: 29 that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell.”
Are you saying the Holy Spirit is teaching Gentiles they can worship other gods, not love God with all our hearts, minds and soul, not love our neighbor, covet, steal, murder but as long as they don't do these four things they are abiding in the Holy Spirit. Such a sad teaching.

Acts 15:1-2 lets us know what this is about- circumcision. Not doing away with the Seventh day Sabbath commandment of God that they kept every Sabbath preaching to Jews and Gentiles alike. Acts 18:4.

Jesus did indeed say that. However, he also then proceeded on to fulfill all of the Law. Every jot and every tittle is fulfilled in Christ, in his death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven.
This is what the scripture says.

Mat 5:18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Can you please tell me when this Prophecy has been fulfilled?

1 Thess 4:17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

Revelation 21:4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

Jesus never said until some things are fulfilled, or until He goes to the Cross, He said until all are fulfilled and breaking and teaching others to break the least of these commandments- comes with a warning and consequences if we are to believe in His teachings and live by His every Word. Mat 4:4. Adding what is not there, is not really a good idea Pro 30:5-6

Hebrews goes on to say that those who cling to the Old Covenant have no place in the New.
Hebrews says the New Covenant is established on better promises Heb 8:6 not better or new laws. It still has God's law written in our hearts Heb 8:10 because what God wrote and spoke is perfect for converting the soul Psa 19:7 because God is perfect and you can't make something that is perfect more perfect. Which is why it is still a sin break the Ten Commandments in the NC Rom 7:7 and in doing so one would be in fear of sin and judgement Mat 5:18-30 because breaking one is like breaking them all James 2:10-12 and God wants us close to Him why He wrote His law in our hearts. When we keep our own rules over the commandments of God- Jesus again teaching on the Ten Commandments- say ones heart is far from Him Mat 15:3-14 Mark 7:8-13. Seems like a bad idea to me, but we are given free will.
Notice in the first passage that the author of Hebrews describes the Old Covenant by Moses setting up the tent. In this passage he says that those who serve the tent (the old covenant) have no right to partake in the altar and sacrifice of the New Covenant.

He goes on to say that we must go "outside of the camp" (the camp of Israel around the tabernacle) and leave behind the "earthly city" (Jerusalem, the holy city of the old Covenant where the temple was).
God’s Temple is in heaven, it is what the earthy temple was modeled after Heb 8:1-5 and the Ten Commandments was placed in the Most Holy of His Temple in the ark of the covenant under His mercy seat and what all man will be judged by James 2:10-12 Mat 5:19-30 Ecc 12:13-14 Rev 22:14-15 hence why its revealed in heaven Rev 11:19 so definitely not “old covenant” God wrote and spoke the Ten Commandments- God blessed the Sabbath day and said to Remember- He knew everyone would forget. Only God can reverse His blessing Num 23:20 and all the thus saith the Lords on the Sabbath and there are many- are for us to keep and not profane. My faith is in Him and His every Word.

Guess we will have to agree to disagree. It will get sorted out soon enough.

Thanks for the chat and God bless.
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