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I'm a Saint. Not because of me, but because of Him
Mar 15, 2011
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One has to come to the point where we must accept the sovereignty of God in all things...that includes salvation.

We are totally depraved!!! How can we not be? We are descended from Adam.

Such foundational, elementary truths are no where to be found in the thinking of many people on these forums (read: synergists), my friend.
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Augsburg Catholic Conservative
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Jun 26, 2004
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Free eBooks for your Bible Studies

Just a reminder:


The ebooks available for download on this site are free. All are either in the public domain, or published with the permission of the author or publisher. Both ‘classic’ and ‘contemporary’ materials are available.

While most all claim to speak in the name of God, in defense of the Christian faith, no defense or justification is offered for the site’s content. All books have been extensively bookmarked and are invaluable to anyone who reads the Scriptures.
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Presbyterian (PCA) - Bona Fide Reformed
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Free eBooks for your Bible Studies

Just a reminder:


The ebooks available for download on this site are free. All are either in the public domain, or published with the permission of the author or publisher. Both ‘classic’ and ‘contemporary’ materials are available.

While most all claim to speak in the name of God, in defense of the Christian faith, no defense or justification is offered for the site’s content. All books have been extensively bookmarked and are invaluable to anyone who reads the Scriptures.
An excellent resource!
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The original! Accept no substitutes!
Feb 23, 2003
Home, except when I'm not....
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I've been going through some of the trolls' PMs to me, and others, and apparently they are of the opinion that the Calvinists "own" this forum, because we "fund" it somehow. Apparently that's how they excuse their lack of ability to defend their doctrinal stances, by claiming that it's "rigged", and they can't get a level playing field. I almost had to wipe off my screen when I read those PMs....

Let's just make this clear: Calvinists do not "own" this forum in any financial or authoritative way. We have no "behind the scenes" influence, we are not paying anyone off, or engaging in any sort of influence pedaling (which would amount to racketeering), or in any way gaining an advantage over the Arminians and non-Calvinists here, other than the Word of God.

I know they will find that hard to believe, but it's the Truth. It's always easier to blame one's own lack of success on others rather than taking a long hard look in the mirror and recognizing that the source of one's troubles is in nearly all cases, oneself. It's called taking responsibility. Something that "the devil made me do it" crowd has problems with....
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Deliver me oh Lord, from evil men
Apr 20, 2002
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The Troll has shown to be - for lack of a better term - unstable. The fact that he would make such a ludicrous claim, that Calvinists control this board, only serves to prove this fact. I would not worry about what he or any other troll has to say regarding this board. They have continuously violated the rules of the forum by their childish antics and continuous use of profanity. I don't believe they are even Christians because a true Christian would not conduct him or herself in such a manner.
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γέγονα χαλκὸς, κύμβαλον ἀλαλάζον
Jul 19, 2005
Gastonia N.C. (Piedmont of N.C.)
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Just a word of warning to the wise.

In a recent thread, it was thrown up in my face that I hold to Reformed theology.

I have never denied that.

There were two members who were "chomping" at the bits to debate Calvinism.

Out of respect for the OP, I did not.

Each and every post I made, I made from scripture. I even quoted from the Greek scriptures.

Not once did I insert any theology based on Calvinism.

Yet, I was taken to task, and eventually, had my Reformed theology thrown up in my face even though as I said, I never quoted or inserted any Reformed theology.

I was even accused of "hi-jacking" a thread.

Its getting to the point to where you might be Presbyterian, or Lutheran, or Baptist, or any other group that holds to some symbolism of Sola-(insert adjective), or that might hold to Reformed theology, that is very, very quickly being frowned upon.

Some here, want to make it a "sin" if you hold to "Reformed theology" in any fashion.

Now...I ask, if you start a thread here, and don't want me to post, just say so, and I'll butt out.

Now...I ask, that if you want me to put you on my ignore list, quote this, and I will.

I'm getting very tired of this.

God Bless

Till all are one.
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The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
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The real story is that you were debating in a thread in which I asked the non-Reformed, non-Calvinists to debate in. And I asked more than once for the Calvinists/Reformed to stay out of the debate. You refused to comply. I asked publicly. You refused publicly. I called you on it publicly.
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γέγονα χαλκὸς, κύμβαλον ἀλαλάζον
Jul 19, 2005
Gastonia N.C. (Piedmont of N.C.)
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The real story is that you were debating in a thread in which I asked the non-Reformed, non-Calvinists to debate in. And I asked more than once for the Calvinists/Reformed to stay out of the debate. You refused to comply. I asked publicly. You refused publicly. I called you on it publicly.

How many times did I say:

Out of respect for Ham, I will not debate Calvinism.


And no where in your opening post did you say or ask Calvinists/Reformed to stay out.

You said:

So please, feel free to give your insights.

How many times did I say:

I'm not debating what Calvinists teach. That is "off topic" for this thread.

And I'm the one wrong.


God Bless

Till all are one.
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The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
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How many times did I say:


And no where in your opening post did you say or ask Calvinists/Reformed to stay out.

You said:

How many times did I say:

And I'm the one wrong.


God Bless

Till all are one.

We seem to varying degrees of non-reformed folks on here. I was hoping to get some insight on what these different views are, and why proponents think the others are wrong. The only real commonality I see is that most non-reformed folk think that particular redemption (limited atonement) is wrong. But I also sense some differences on their views of the atonement.

So please, feel free to give your insights.


There's the OP. Apparently you only read the last line and ignored the rest. And ignored the title. :doh: :doh: :doh:

And then there was thus little diddy:


I know it's tempting to let this thread revert into the normal fray, but I'm asking if you all can help to keep that from happening and stay on track.



And yet you kept debating with FreeGrace2.
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γέγονα χαλκὸς, κύμβαλον ἀλαλάζον
Jul 19, 2005
Gastonia N.C. (Piedmont of N.C.)
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We seem to varying degrees of non-reformed folks on here. I was hoping to get some insight on what these different views are, and why proponents think the others are wrong. The only real commonality I see is that most non-reformed folk think that particular redemption (limited atonement) is wrong. But I also sense some differences on their views of the atonement.

So please, feel free to give your insights.


There's the OP. Apparently you only read the last line and ignored the rest. And ignored the title. :doh: :doh: :doh:

And nowhere in that did it exclude members of the Reformed theology.

And then there was thus little diddy:


I know it's tempting to let this thread revert into the normal fray, but I'm asking if you all can help to keep that from happening and stay on track.



And yet you kept debating with FreeGrace2.

Now, was not:

With all due respect to Ham...in whom I respect a lot, just a cursary reading shows that this one point where Arminianism, Synergists, and Free Grace all agree agree is...


In other words, why were people chosen in the first place.

In Arminian, Synergist, and Free Grace, it seems to me that people are chosen because God looked forward, saw who would or would accept and believe, and based his chosing on that.

That was expressly stated by both Arminus and Wesley.

That is an arguement I've heard for some 8 years now.

A valid answer to your question?

And yet, was I not taken to task:

Hi Deacon! Just a little correction: if God has to "look forward" to know who would accept/believe, that means He isn't omniscient.

Omniscience means that He has always known who will accept/believe. He doesn't need a crystal ball, which is what "looking forward" implies.

otoh, Calvinists claim that God knows who will believe because He determined (chose) who will. That's also not omniscience, but just a decision.

If God knows because He decides, that isn't omniscience either.

The reality is that God knows because He is omniscient; He knows intrinsically. He doesn't have to choose or look ahead in order to know. He just knows.

So I am not allowed to defend myself?

You wanna slap my hand, and not the others who took me to task. :doh:

And nowhere in the thread did I quoted anything remotely Calvinistic!

But you know what, this is neither the time nor place for this.

I do know that I had my Reformed views thrown up in my face, even though I quoted nothing reformed.

You know, I can discuss/debate without using Reformed theology don't you?

But I can be the bigger guy.

I just warn others of the treatment they are going to get.

And I will be the bigger one, say I'm sorry for posting in your thread.

And I will be the bigger one and say God Bless you.

God Bless

Till all are one.
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Jacob the twister.....
Apr 12, 2004
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Free Will Synergism Vs. Free Grace Monergism

by John Hendryx

Synergists teach '... and as many as believed were ordained to eternal life.' but The Bible teaches 'AND AS MANY AS WERE ORDAINED TO ETERNAL LIFE BELIEVED.' (Acts 13:48)

Synergists teach that 'salvation depends on human will', but the Bible teaches that 'it depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy." (Rom 9:16)

Synergists teach '...'no one knows the Father except those who choose the Son.' But the Bible teaches that 'no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him' (Matt 11:27) They are the ones who 'choose' the Son.

Synergists teach that 'All can come to Christ of their own free will', but Jesus teaches that 'no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father.' (John 6:65) and all whom He grants will come (John 6:37) Free Will Synergism Vs. Free Grace Monergism

Synergists teach that 'you are not Christ's sheep because you do not believe', but Jesus teaches that 'you do not believe because you are not of My sheep.' (John 10:26)

Synergists teach that 'the reason you are not of God is because you are unwilling to hear and believe God's words.' Jesus, on the other hand, taught, 'The reason why you do not hear [God's words] is that you are not of God." (John 8:47)

Synergists teach that 'salvation is so easy a cave man can do it" but the Bible teaches that "What is impossible with man is possible with God." (Luke 18:27)
In the Divine economy men are responsible to believe the gospel, but are morally impotent to do so (when drawing from their own native resources). This inability (due to our intimate solidarity with Adam's sin) is something we are culpable for, much like owing a debt we cannot repay. So God has every right to call us all to account to 'repay our debt', so to speak, even though fallen man does not have the resources to do so. The Church has a privilege and an obligation to call all men to repent and believe the gospel (an imperative) but, left to themselves, no one believes. But God, in his great mercy, still has mercy on many, opening their hearts to the gospel that that might believe.

To this sometimes a synergist often quotes "whosoever will may come" to which we reply that this quote does not teach an indicative of what we are able to do, but rather, teaches what we 'ought' to do. As Martin Luther said, "Does it follow from: 'turn ye' that therefore you can turn? Does it follow from "'Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart' (Deut 6.5) that therefore you can love with all your heart? What do arguments of this kind prove, but the 'free-will' does not need the grace of God, but can do all things by its own power...But it does not follow from this that man is converted by his own power, nor do the words say so; they simply say: "if thou wilt turn, telling man what he should do. When he knows it, and sees that he cannot do it, he will ask whence he may find ability to do it..." Luther BW,164
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Jacob the twister.....
Apr 12, 2004
UK Northampton
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I have been on CF soteriology for some time now , it can best be summed up with one picture :

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Jacob the twister.....
Apr 12, 2004
UK Northampton
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Just as the Pope was dwelling upon his avid commitment to the dogma of a mans free-will "...........

Pope Francis drops F-bomb
Pope Francis inadvertently demonstrated his own fallibility during an address in St Peter’s Square when he mistakenly said the Italian word for “f---”

Video: Pope Francis drops F-bomb - Telegraph
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