Are we subject to the Old Covenant today?

Gary K

an old small town kid
Aug 23, 2002
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So what exactly are you disagreeing with that bolded statement?
  1. You don't view yourself as a protagonist?
  2. You don't view your life as your own private movie?
Have a good day. I'm done.
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No problem. Our General conference and some of our local conferences are corrupt. I know that very well, but have no where else to go as I will never find another church that believe the Biblical truths that are encapsulated in SDA doctrines. We used to be the "people of the book", but we have become corrupted by the devil. What Peter said is very true. Our adversary the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy.

The end times are upon us and we don't have much time left on this old sinful world.

Just be careful my friend. These religions of this world have a power influence, nothing to be playing with. And remember, according to Scriptures, both Jew and Gentile have this life to "repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance." (Acts 26:19,20)

If this is true, then everyone has their own "end times" and it has been this way since before Paul. And we never know when our time is up, it might be today. I think this is why Jesus said " My time is not yet come: but your time is alway ready. "

You have a great day.
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Gary K

an old small town kid
Aug 23, 2002
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Just be careful my friend. These religions of this world have a power influence, nothing to be playing with. And remember, according to Scriptures, both Jew and Gentile have this life to "repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance." (Acts 26:19,20)

If this is true, then everyone has their own "end times" and it has been this way since before Paul. And we never know when our time is up, it might be today. I think this is why Jesus said " My time is not yet come: but your time is alway ready. "

You have a great day.
I am. I have carefull studied the SDA doctrines and Ellen White's writings. She is scriptural all the way around
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I am. I have carefull studied the SDA doctrines and Ellen White's writings. She is scriptural all the way around

That is the same exact thing studied LDS church members say about Joseph Smith. And JW's teachers say about Charles Russell. And it seems the Pharisees, and even Paul before his conversion, also believed the same about Gamaliel. And Calvinists about Calvin, and Baptists about Wesley and AOG teachers about Arminius and RCC about the Pope.

I mean no offence, but these things are simply absolute truth. And the men who say these things believe them absolutely. And yet they all promote doctrines contrary to each other's teaching. And when challenged, they are all offended, and they all defend the religious philosophies of the founder of their religion.

I have chosen not to partake of this world's most popular religious tradition, which requires me to pick from one of the many religious sects or businesses of this world, and promote the teaching of its founders, in order to know God and His Son. And then just hope I picked the right one.

I could be wrong, there might be some unwritten command from God to choose from the many religious businesses who build manmade shrines of worship out of wood and stone, to promote the philosophies of some random preacher which existed hundreds of years ago.

Maybe my Faith in the Holy Scriptures and the God who inspired them for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: is foolish, and I can't rely on them for the Truth Jesus speaks about. But must first choose between the many "other voices" in the World God placed me in.

Nevertheless, I have chosen not to partake of this world's religions for over 30 years now. And the perspective I have, right or wrong, is the result of study apart from the influence of them, all of them.

I don't believe I need the words or interpretations of William Miller or Ellen White, but I do need the words and interpretations of Paul and Peter. I don't believe I need the words or interpretations of the RCC, but I do need the Words of the Lord's Christ, and His Father who sent Him.

Of course, if everyone had this same view, then how could these religious businesses survive? And if the Pharisees had believed Moses, would they have created their religious business in the first place? And what did the teaching of the Jesus of the bible mean for them? The end of their religious business, Yes? The end of the power over others it provided them, and the wealth and fame their religious business brought to them by those who supported them financially. And the security these religions provide for people who are convinced "You shall surely not die".

So I understand fully that any talk of salvation "apart from" participation in these religious businesses of this world will be shut down hard by all of them, just as it was in Christ's Time. Religion is big business.

It seems prudent to share this perspective with the brethren. Who knows if others have considered the same thing, but felt they were alone. I can assure them they are not alone.

Just "Take Heed" my friend, Jesus warns of "many" who come in His Name. Am I so holy, so smart, so strong that these "many" can't deceive me? I think I would be a fool for thinking so. Isn't this what Paul told us.

1 Cor. 10: 11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. 12 "Wherefore" let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

An important topic to discuss among men for sure.
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Gary K

an old small town kid
Aug 23, 2002
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That is the same exact thing studied LDS church members say about Joseph Smith. And JW's teachers say about Charles Russell. And it seems the Pharisees, and even Paul before his conversion, also believed the same about Gamaliel. And Calvinists about Calvin, and Baptists about Wesley and AOG teachers about Arminius and RCC about the Pope.

I mean no offence, but these things are simply absolute truth. And the men who say these things believe them absolutely. And yet they all promote doctrines contrary to each other's teaching. And when challenged, they are all offended, and they all defend the religious philosophies of the founder of their religion.

I have chosen not to partake of this world's most popular religious tradition, which requires me to pick from one of the many religious sects or businesses of this world, and promote the teaching of its founders, in order to know God and His Son. And then just hope I picked the right one.

I could be wrong, there might be some unwritten command from God to choose from the many religious businesses who build manmade shrines of worship out of wood and stone, to promote the philosophies of some random preacher which existed hundreds of years ago.

Maybe my Faith in the Holy Scriptures and the God who inspired them for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: is foolish, and I can't rely on them for the Truth Jesus speaks about. But must first choose between the many "other voices" in the World God placed me in.

Nevertheless, I have chosen not to partake of this world's religions for over 30 years now. And the perspective I have, right or wrong, is the result of study apart from the influence of them, all of them.

I don't believe I need the words or interpretations of William Miller or Ellen White, but I do need the words and interpretations of Paul and Peter. I don't believe I need the words or interpretations of the RCC, but I do need the Words of the Lord's Christ, and His Father who sent Him.

Of course, if everyone had this same view, then how could these religious businesses survive? And if the Pharisees had believed Moses, would they have created their religious business in the first place? And what did the teaching of the Jesus of the bible mean for them? The end of their religious business, Yes? The end of the power over others it provided them, and the wealth and fame their religious business brought to them by those who supported them financially. And the security these religions provide for people who are convinced "You shall surely not die".

So I understand fully that any talk of salvation "apart from" participation in these religious businesses of this world will be shut down hard by all of them, just as it was in Christ's Time. Religion is big business.

It seems prudent to share this perspective with the brethren. Who knows if others have considered the same thing, but felt they were alone. I can assure them they are not alone.

Just "Take Heed" my friend, Jesus warns of "many" who come in His Name. Am I so holy, so smart, so strong that these "many" can't deceive me? I think I would be a fool for thinking so. Isn't this what Paul told us.

1 Cor. 10: 11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. 12 "Wherefore" let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

An important topic to discuss among men for sure.
How many LDS members do you know who were abused pretty badly as kids, left the church because of the abuse and lived a live of drug abuse for years trying to destroy themselves? Then came back to the church? It was a book by Ellen White on the life of Christ that showed me, a guy hated by his own family, that God loved me personally. I'd never understood that before even though raised by parents who had read Ellen White for most of my life. Unfortunately they were SDAs but not Christians as the love of God did not dwell in their hearts. That's not peculiar to SDAs. It unfortunately happens in all denominations.

The desire of Ages is in the Smithsonian library as it is well known to be the brest book ever written on the life of Cjrist. It has even been e dorsed b Catholic preists for hoe it demonstrates the love of God.
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