Doug Brents
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    • Doug Brents
      Doug Brents replied to the thread Baptism and communion.
      Dan, we have been over this many times. "Baptized" itself has nothing to do with "water". The word means "immersed". The people were...
    • Doug Brents
      Doug Brents replied to the thread Baptism and communion.
      There cannot be a Jew or a Gentile in the Church, because those terms have no meaning to those in the Church. The Church transcends all...
    • Doug Brents
      Doug Brents replied to the thread Baptism and communion.
      I am not sure what version/translation of the Bible you are reading, but NEITHER does not mean "can never happen". The word is, "used...
    • Doug Brents
      Doug Brents replied to the thread Baptism and communion.
      Col 3:11 says nothing about "CANNOT". It says there "IS NOT" any distinction any more. Gal 3:28 means that within the Body of Christ...
    • Doug Brents
      No, I would contend that Peter was righteous in his response, but God then told him that He was changing the rules; the unclean of the...
    • Doug Brents
      Peter's resistance was righteous at the time. We are told in the OT to test messengers who claim to be from God, and if their message...
    • Doug Brents
      We should obey God when He speaks from whatever source at all times. We certainly don't always do so, meaning that we continue to sin...
    • Doug Brents
      Faith is not just confidence and certainty. It is confidence to the point of action, thus evidence of what is hoped for. It is certainty...
    • Doug Brents
      The Bible is not "Lord", that is only God (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), but the Bible is God's words written by inspiration by His...
    • Doug Brents
      And what is the Bible but His Word? The Bible came from Jesus, just as Jesus came from the Father. Just as Cornelius was saved through...
    • Doug Brents
      Faith means the same before one is saved as it does after one is saved. There is not one faith that saves and then a different faith...
    • Doug Brents
      Faith without works is not real faith; it is dead and worthless. That is exactly the point. Without taking action none of them would...
    • Doug Brents
      Doug Brents replied to the thread Baptism and communion.
      Jews and Gentiles both can be saved and enter into the Body of Christ. Neither Jew nor Gentile are born a part of the Body of Christ...
    • Doug Brents
      Very good. Now what is substance? What is evidence? Is there evidence in a thought? Is a thought admissible in court to convict someone...
    • Doug Brents
      Forgive me for what I said about the catholic cult. They worship a man that they say is Christ on Earth who has the authority of Christ...
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