The Pro Palestinian protests and news thread

Hans Blaster

Rocket surgeon
Mar 11, 2017
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The existence of Isreal as a nation in the land may have ceased but the symbolic Isreal still existed.

Symbolic Isreal (or rather Israel) is not a state. There were no Israelis at all before 1947 as "Israeli" is a term used for citizens of the State of Israel which did not exist then. (Everything else you wrote is irrelevant.)
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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Symbolic Israel. Sure, an idea. A concept.
No an entity. A real people whether in the land or not. When they were dispossessed and in forigne lands they were still Isrealites and Jews who belonged to that land. So the Isrealites as a people was a real entity. When I say symbolic I mean the idea of being an Isrealite or Jew who were a nation no matter where they were in the world.
No, it was very much the creation of something more than an idea.
Yes but that creation of an Isreali nation in the land in 1947 was a recognition of what was already in existence for over 3,000 years which was a people, a nation. Resolution 181 was onlt a western intervention to give Isreal and the Jews what was rightfully theirs for 1,000s of years.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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Symbolic Isreal (or rather Israel) is not a state. There were no Israelis at all before 1947 as "Israeli" is a term used for citizens of the State of Israel which did not exist then. (Everything else you wrote is irrelevant.)
A State of people is just a Western concept. There were still Isrealis and Jews in the land all the time maintaining their connection, language and heritage. Many who were dispossessed then came back and grew again as a people and a nation as one nation regardless of what tribe they came from. People from the tribe of Judah lived in Isreal and people from the other 10 tribes lived in Judah. They were one people.

If Isreal was created in 1947 then on what basis was it created. It was the basis that there was already a nation of people. So Resolution 181 was just the recognition of this. Isrealis didn't suddenly become Isreal on the day the resolution was signed.

If anything it is Palestine that was created. There is no heritage or artefacts or history of Palestine in the land. Its a created idea and nation made by foreign powers.
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Hans Blaster

Rocket surgeon
Mar 11, 2017
United States
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First, before we start, could you learn to spell Israel, please. It is quite annoying that you spell it wrong every time.
A State of people is just a Western concept. There were still Isrealis and Jews in the land all the time maintaining their connection, language and heritage.
What part of there were no "Israeli"s until 1947 do you not understand? It's like there were no "Soviets" until 1921. You can't refer to the citizens of a country that doesn't exist yet.
Many who were dispossessed then came back and grew again as a people and a nation as one nation regardless of what tribe they came from. People from the tribe of Judah lived in Isreal and people from the other 10 tribes lived in Judah. They were one people.

If Isreal was created in 1947 then on what basis was it created. It was the basis that there was already a nation of people. So Resolution 181 was just the recognition of this. Isrealis didn't suddenly become Isreal on the day the resolution was signed.

The real problem is that you can't distinguish between Israelis and Jews. While there is a large overlap, neither group is a subset of the other. Using that term before it is applicable distorts the reality of the situation by conflating ancient and modern history.
If anything it is Palestine that was created.
No. Both are modern creations (or recreations). Both are the appplication of old names to modern polities with no political continuity prior to WW 1. The Jewish state took the name of one of the ancient Jewish kingdoms (even though their modern ethnic name arises from the other, the Kingdom of Judea) the Arab one took its name from another ancient name for the southern Levant -- Palestine. The name Palestine itself arose in ancient times from the name of one of the tribes that settled (you'll never guess) -- the area of the modern Gaza strip who were called the Peleset by the Egyptians. (Gaza is one of their cities from ancient days.)
There is no heritage or artefacts or history of Palestine in the land. Its a created idea and nation made by foreign powers.
Wow, just wow. The people called Palestinians today have the same ancestors in ancient Canaan as those called Israeli Jews today. They are the ones who stayed behind in the Levant and became Christians or Muslims.
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Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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David Ben Gurion and a few dozen others declared the independence and existence of Israel on May 14th 1948, and ultimately most other countries have recognized its existence.
India gained its independence and was 'officially' recognised in 1948. Does that mean India was not a people of nation before that. What about Egypt in 1922, was it not a nation before that.

Ironically Britain who was the main player behind Isreals independence was also the one denying India their independence and declaring it not an independent nation so I don't think any mandate by Western nations as to when a nation is a nation is something to rely on.
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our world is happy and mundane
Apr 14, 2007
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India gained its independence and was 'officially' recognised in 1948. Does that mean India was not a people of nation before that. What about Egypt in 1922, was it not a nation before that.

Ironically Britain who was the main player behind Isreals independence was also the one denying India their independence and declaring it not an independent nation so I don't think any mandate by Western nations as to when a nation is a nation is something to rely on.
India is a sub-continent made up historically of several countries. In fact, before the Brits conquered it, it looked a lot more like the german confederation of the early 19th century than any coherent state. And before you ask, Germany didn't exist back then, either.

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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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India is a sub-continent made up historically of several countries. In fact, before the Brits conquered it, it looked a lot more like the german confederation of the early 19th century than any coherent state. And before you ask, Germany didn't exist back then, either.

OK Neither did Germany. It seems half the worlds countries didn't exist until the 20th century and yet everyone is hyper focused on Isreal and the Jews who perhaps have been the most disenfrnachised people from their land.

The point is the Germans, Indians, Egyptians have a connection to the land they occupy. It has their archeology, traditions, stories and culture with that place and this was the case before they were officially recognised. We may be able to break those nations into even smaller ethnic groups and there may be some cross over but they are still connected with that area and the land. They are all related.

But we can be more specific with Isreal and the Jews regading their connection with the land than most nations so their case is even stronger for being a nation going back thousands of years more than most nations. So I don't know why the Isrealis are scrutinized more so that other nations who were not recognised.

I think the harder people to determine is the actual Palestinians as they seem to be a people belonging to no land and they have a history of being parts of several nations or as nomads. They have no history in the ground or deep connection with any land. They were said to be the Philestines which happened to occupy the land of Gaza near the Egyptian border. But the Philestines were wiped out in around the 4th to 6th centrury BCE.

The name Palestine seems to be a generic name given to the whole area between Egypt and Phoenicia. The Romans also called the area Syria Palaestina’ which covered by Judea and Samaria. But it has never been known as a specific ethnic group or nation until modern times when people began to identify as Palestinians which seems to be made up several ethnic origins.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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First, before we start, could you learn to spell Israel, please. It is quite annoying that you spell it wrong every time.
Yeah sorry I am a little dyslexic. You will notice it with quite a few words and with my grammar. I tend to get things back the front. I will keep it in mind.
What part of there were no "Israeli"s until 1947 do you not understand? It's like there were no "Soviets" until 1921. You can't refer to the citizens of a country that doesn't exist yet.
But the Soviets is just a label for the people in that land right. Were they not the same people the day before they were named Soviets. Its not as if a new lot of people came along who were called Soviets and took over their land.

A person who was known as a Soviet in 1921 was still the unique ethnic group who belings to that region before they became Soviets. Its like your trying to say the label itself has some magically power that creates a nation and not the actual ethnicity of the people and the land.

So sure as far as a label there was no Soviets before 1921 but there was an ethnic group who have been labelled Soviets who had been there for many years. A laabel doesn't make a nation but an ethnic group with the same culture and connection to the land they occupy. Thats unless they are nomads.
The real problem is that you can't distinguish between Israelis and Jews. While there is a large overlap, neither group is a subset of the other. Using that term before it is applicable distorts the reality of the situation by conflating ancient and modern history.
Actually the real problem is Western and others outsiders telling the Isrealites who they are and are not. To the Isrealis themselves, thats the people who know who they are more than anyone say that Isreal and the Jews are one and the same people whichever way you look at it.

Isreal was names after Jacob whos was also known as Isreal. It is the place where the 10 tribes lived who were Jews. Even once divided they were still Jews. Their ancestors Abraham, Issac and Jacob in that land were Jews, their tradition and culture is Jewish and the land is full of Jewish artefacts and archeology. They have always kept a connection with that land. It is westerners who seperate the two.
No. Both are modern creations (or recreations).
Actually no. There was and never has been any Palestinian people. It was a generic name given to the area by the Greeks and later Romans. Isreal has been around for around 3,000 years. They were dispossessed of their land but still some Isrealis stayed and maintained their connection. So all the modern mandates are doing is recognising something that has been for millenia.
Both are the appplication of old names to modern polities with no political continuity prior to WW 1.
Once again no. Isreral was a Kingdom so it was an established political entity in that sense like Britain was. If someone dispossessed the Brits of their land and then they came back we would recognised that though the United Kingdom ceased for a couple of centuries they are the rightful people of the land and we would be just recognising that fact once again.
The Jewish state took the name of one of the ancient Jewish kingdoms (even though their modern ethnic name arises from the other, the Kingdom of Judea)
The 12 tribes of Isreal split into two parts with 10 of the tribes in Isreal and the other two Judah and Benjamin in Judah. But they were still one people, the chosen people who escaped slavery. There are many Jewish artefacts of Jewish and Isrealite prophets in the land of Isreal. Jacobs well is in the West Bank and Abrahams alter is in the Isrealite city of Bethel. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin were known as Isrealites.
the Arab one took its name from another ancient name for the southern Levant -- Palestine. The name Palestine itself arose in ancient times from the name of one of the tribes that settled (you'll never guess) -- the area of the modern Gaza strip who were called the Peleset by the Egyptians. (Gaza is one of their cities from ancient days.)
Yes the Philistines, the sea people who lived where Gaza is. But they were not the Palestinians. The Philistines were wiped out around the 5th century BCE. Palestine was a generic name given to the area including Isreal. It did not represent a people or nation but rather similar to like the name Europe is used as a generic name for that area.

the modern-day Palestinians do not descend from, and bear no relation to, the ancient Philistines who dwelled along Israel’s coast in Biblical times.
the modern-day Palestinians did not emerge directly from the Ancient Philistines of Biblical times. Rather, the term ‘Palestinians’ describes the population of modern Palestine. It is a population primarily comprised of Arabs. This population arrived in the area principally during the Islamic conquests of the Levant.

Wow, just wow. The people called Palestinians today have the same ancestors in ancient Canaan as those called Israeli Jews today. They are the ones who stayed behind in the Levant and became Christians or Muslims.
All the peoples of that region going right across most middle eastern nations and even including Turks, Egyptians, Armenians and Iranians. Most coming from around Mesopotamia the cradle of civilisation. So if you apply that logic all peoples come from the same region and origin.

But thats not how people and nations evolve. They seperate into groups and develop their own culture and connection with a land.

Likewise the Iranians, Turks, Egyptians, Greeks ect developed into nations with cultures. The Isrealites have been established as a people with culture for longer than most nations in the world. But the Palestinians have never evolved into a people and nation themselves or with any land. That was until the modern idea and identity of a Palestinian people and nation was created.

The concept of Palestinian identity and nationalism is a recent invention. Both historically and in contemporary times, the Arabs living in the area now known as Palestine were regarded both by outsiders and by their own spokespeople as members of the greater Arab population, without a separate or distinct identity. Today, however, it is clear that Palestinian nationalism has emerged and become a political factor.
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Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
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India gained its independence and was 'officially' recognised in 1948. Does that mean India was not a people of nation before that. What about Egypt in 1922, was it not a nation before that.

These are great examples if you spent a little effort to learn about their histories. Nithavela has already pointed out some of it.

"India" if we talk 'symbolic India' must stem from the civilizations of the Indus Valley, and early civilizations like Mohenjo-Daro, or in more historical times, the kingdom of Sindhu-Sauvīra. But Sind, like other places we could name, was overrun by Alexander, and the Persians, and the Mongols, and the British...

And when the British did ultimately grant India its independence, where did Sind and Mohenjo-Daro wind up? In Pakistan, because the population was mainly Muslim.

The modern states of India (and Pakistan (and Bangladesh)) were created to generally match the people who were living in those places at that time. Such was also the intent for British Palestine.

As for Egypt, it was conquered by the Amorite Kingdom that arose in Canaan. In the New Kingdom era, the situation flipped, and Egyptian dynasties were reastablished and conquered Canaan. All of this before the establishment of the Kingdom of Israel.

So really we should restore the Palestine Mandate to Symbolic Amurru or Canaan or Egypt as having the better claim on the land.
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Hans Blaster

Rocket surgeon
Mar 11, 2017
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Yeah sorry I am a little dyslexic. You will notice it with quite a few words and with my grammar. I tend to get things back the front. I will keep it in mind.
OK, I'll also keep that in mind.
But the Soviets is just a label for the people in that land right. Were they not the same people the day before they were named Soviets. Its not as if a new lot of people came along who were called Soviets and took over their land.

A person who was known as a Soviet in 1921 was still the unique ethnic group who belings to that region before they became Soviets. Its like your trying to say the label itself has some magically power that creates a nation and not the actual ethnicity of the people and the land.

So sure as far as a label there was no Soviets before 1921 but there was an ethnic group who have been labelled Soviets who had been there for many years. A laabel doesn't make a nation but an ethnic group with the same culture and connection to the land they occupy. Thats unless they are nomads.
You don't seem to understand. Soviet was a term used to label someone who is a resident/citizen of the USSR (1922-1991), just as Israeli is a term used for a resident/citizen of the State of Israel (1948-present). Neither is an ethnicity like Ukrainian or Ossetian is a ethnicity inside the USSR.
Actually the real problem is Western and others outsiders telling the Isrealites who they are and are not. To the Isrealis themselves, thats the people who know who they are more than anyone say that Isreal and the Jews are one and the same people whichever way you look at it.

Israelite is a term used for the people of the ancient kingdom and religion of ancient Israel. It is used by historians and archeologists to describe them, their religion, their culture, etc. There is no one characterized as "Isreaelite" today and haven't been for 2000+ years. After the Babylonian captivity, the people are referred to as Jews and their religion Judaism. (Second Temple Judaism in the first few centuries.)

Isreal was names after Jacob whos was also known as Isreal. It is the place where the 10 tribes lived who were Jews. Even once divided they were still Jews. Their ancestors Abraham, Issac and Jacob in that land were Jews, their tradition and culture is Jewish and the land is full of Jewish artefacts and archeology. They have always kept a connection with that land. It is westerners who seperate the two.
So their stories say, but I have no reason to thin Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob were historical people.
Actually no. There was and never has been any Palestinian people. It was a generic name given to the area by the Greeks and later Romans. Isreal has been around for around 3,000 years.
Israel has "been around" with a 2500 year break in state continuity.
They were dispossessed of their land but still some Isrealis stayed and maintained their connection. So all the modern mandates are doing is recognising something that has been for millenia.
No "Israeli"s were dispossessed or "remained". Israeli is a 20th century term for a 20th century state creation. It is correct that some Jews remained in the Levant throughout the "diaspora" period, but they were not alone.
Once again no. Isreral was a Kingdom so it was an established political entity in that sense like Britain was.
Britain only became a kingdom in 1707 with the merger of Scotland and England. It no longer exists.
If someone dispossessed the Brits of their land and then they came back we would recognised that though the United Kingdom ceased for a couple of centuries they are the rightful people of the land and we would be just recognising that fact once again.
The UK is a young nation as it has only existed since 1800.

Neither of these kingdoms are ancient and one doesn't exist anymore. States change names.
The 12 tribes of Isreal split into two parts with 10 of the tribes in Isreal and the other two Judah and Benjamin in Judah. But they were still one people, the chosen people who escaped slavery.
So they claim, but all of those claims are just in their religious text.
There are many Jewish artefacts of Jewish and Isrealite prophets in the land of Isreal. Jacobs well is in the West Bank and Abrahams alter is in the Isrealite city of Bethel. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin were known as Isrealites.
Wow! Correct usage of the terms to refer to ancient people and sites. Congrats!
Yes the Philistines, the sea people who lived where Gaza is. But they were not the Palestinians. The Philistines were wiped out around the 5th century BCE. Palestine was a generic name given to the area including Isreal. It did not represent a people or nation but rather similar to like the name Europe is used as a generic name for that area.
I didn't claim the Palestinians were Philistines. Not even once. I was only pointing out that the name Palestine was ancient and recycling it to name a new state in the southern Levant was not any different than recycling the name Israel to name a new Jewish state in the southern Levant.
the modern-day Palestinians do not descend from, and bear no relation to, the ancient Philistines who dwelled along Israel’s coast in Biblical times.
the modern-day Palestinians did not emerge directly from the Ancient Philistines of Biblical times. Rather, the term ‘Palestinians’ describes the population of modern Palestine. It is a population primarily comprised of Arabs. This population arrived in the area principally during the Islamic conquests of the Levant.

All the peoples of that region going right across most middle eastern nations and even including Turks, Egyptians, Armenians and Iranians. Most coming from around Mesopotamia the cradle of civilisation. So if you apply that logic all peoples come from the same region and origin.
Now you're really stretching. Certainly there are connections throughout the fertile crescent with many Semitic speaking peoples, but these do not include the Anatolians, Greeks, Persians, Hittites, or Caucus groups.

My point was that the Jewish people come out of ancient Canaan like the Phoenicians, and the modern Palestinians are from that same peoples. Some of them followed the Torah and of those some are modern Jews, others are not. Others remained in the region and never adopted the Torah and eventually became Christians or Muslims (or both in sequence).
But thats not how people and nations evolve. They seperate into groups and develop their own culture and connection with a land.

Likewise the Iranians, Turks, Egyptians, Greeks ect developed into nations with cultures. The Isrealites have been established as a people with culture for longer than most nations in the world. But the Palestinians have never evolved into a people and nation themselves or with any land. That was until the modern idea and identity of a Palestinian people and nation was created.

The concept of Palestinian identity and nationalism is a recent invention. Both historically and in contemporary times, the Arabs living in the area now known as Palestine were regarded both by outsiders and by their own spokespeople as members of the greater Arab population, without a separate or distinct identity. Today, however, it is clear that Palestinian nationalism has emerged and become a political factor.

I looked up this site, and it seems to be a think tank pushing Israeli political priorities, including the denial of a Palestinian state (or people).
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Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
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With fake blood and screams at city council meetings, Gaza cease-fire protests are disrupting tiny Ojai

The Ojai City Council was listening to public comments on a mundane short-term rental ordinance when a scream pierced the air.

Cyrus Mayer burst into the room, wearing a keffiyeh head scarf and a white shawl soaked with faux blood.

“Hellllp!” shouted Mayer, a pro-Palestinian activist, punctuating his words with agonized screams. “Cease-fire! Cease-fire!”

“Oh, [Jiminy Crickets],” muttered resident Larry Steingold, annoyed as he stepped away from the lectern where he had been asking for a crackdown on vacation rentals.

Mayer collapsed onto the floor. He writhed. Then he went quiet, pretending to be dead.

[Police chief Trina] Newman then stood over Mayer and — because this is a tiny town where everyone knows just about everyone — addressed him by first name.

“Cyrus, what do you want to do?” she asked after he had been on the ground for about half an hour. “Do we need to drag you out of here?”

[They did.]

Ojai, population 7,500, is half a world away from the Gaza Strip. But the eclectic tourist town — which has declared itself an “international city of peace” and a “nuclear-free zone” — has been rocked in recent weeks by increasingly brazen protests over the brutal war between Israel and Hamas.

In tiny Ojai, biweekly City Council meetings regularly lasted more than five hours even before scores of people began showing up to plead for a cease-fire.

“We have a lot on our plate and only a certain number of hours in the day, and so my feeling is that we need to focus on issues in our jurisdiction,” Mayor Betsy Stix said in an interview.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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You don't seem to understand. Soviet was a term used to label someone who is a resident/citizen of the USSR (1922-1991), just as Israeli is a term used for a resident/citizen of the State of Israel (1948-present). Neither is an ethnicity like Ukrainian or Ossetian is a ethnicity inside the USSR.
I don't think this is a good comparison as the Soviet Union was a large land mass that extended to different ethnic groups who had established themselves as seperate peoples and cultures. Whereas Isreal is a tiny area in comparison and contains 80% Jews which has a destinct and long culture in the land.

Its like saying there is no destinction within Europe of different cultures in that land area. We can find destinct peoples with long held cultures within the Soviet Union and Europe.
Israelite is a term used for the people of the ancient kingdom and religion of ancient Israel. It is used by historians and archeologists to describe them, their religion, their culture, etc. There is no one characterized as "Isreaelite" today and haven't been for 2000+ years. After the Babylonian captivity, the people are referred to as Jews and their religion Judaism. (Second Temple Judaism in the first few centuries.)
The Isrealites have maintained their destinct culture in the land despite invading powers. It is wrong to say they were completely removed and stopped practicing their culture in that land even as a minority. The Isrealite culture was also maintained outside of Isreal where many longed to return and still practiced their culture. A culture and nation is not defined by its land. Many returned and today the Jews make up 80% of the people.

So their stories say, but I have no reason to think Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob were historical people.
Well thats your belief which is outside the belief of the actual Jews. Its what they think thats important. We don't dispute for example Indigenous peoples stories of spiritual and sacred connections with the land. Its the fact that the people were in the land and they left an imprint and the stories reflect their real life in the land whether fiction of fact.

But the fact is we have evidence for many of the people mentioned by the Jews throughout history. We have archeological evidence of King David and his city in Jerusalem. We have evidence of Jacob, Joseph, Hezekiah and Abraham and other Kings even from the Egyptians.

We even have evidence of the proto Isrealites before their enslavement in Egypt as a strong culture in Canaan and of Joseph entering Egypt as well as the Isrealites re-entering Canaan and establishing their nation. Much of the evidence is found in Isreal, Jerusalem and even within the West Bank. Its real history that should not be dismissed.
Israel has "been around" with a 2500 year break in state continuity.
Once again this is a misrepresentation. Isreal as a name for the people may have ceased for times but the people as a culture, as maintaining that destinct culture throughout time in the land of Isreal is a fact. They just happened to be a dispossessed people within their own land for periods only to restore themselves with the land. They have been dispossessed 17 times but have re-established themselves 18 times.

If there is any people with evidence of being unjustly denied their land and culture its the Jews. If this happened to any other people there would be calls for their rights to be re-stored. This is the basis for Palestinian rights that they have been disopossessed and yet no one recognised this has happened to the Jews over and over again.
No "Israeli"s were dispossessed or "remained". Israeli is a 20th century term for a 20th century state creation. It is correct that some Jews remained in the Levant throughout the "diaspora" period, but they were not alone.
It doesn't matter if they were not alone or the minority. They were still the rightful people of that land which was taken from them. If you want to say that they don't have the right because the land was taken then we should then respect the right that the Isrealis have now taken it back by the same means. The difference of course is that the Isrealis are just taking back what was theirs whereas forigne powers were taking what was not theirs to take.
Britain only became a kingdom in 1707 with the merger of Scotland and England. It no longer exists.
Your missing the point. You were talking about a people being a political entity. As part of Britain being a political enity they were once united under Royalty like the Jews. Though the exact setup is no longer the same there is still such a people, the same people as an enity known as Britain or the United Kingdoms. United under their culture, their belief in God and Rule of law as a democratic and free people. They have common roots.
The UK is a young nation as it has only existed since 1800.
A nation is not a geographical area but a culture of people. The UK as a culture of people has always existed. The Ukraine is a destinct culture of people and gained independence in 1991. But they were still a unique culture of people before 1991 and in fact it was their long established unique culture that was the basis for them becoming independent.
Neither of these kingdoms are ancient and one doesn't exist anymore. States change names.
The existence of an official recognition of a nation or culture of people is irrelevant as to what makes a nation of people. You can have a nation of people even without a land or official title. Britain as a culture and people existed pre 1800's. What they were not a people and culture the day before they were officially recognised.
So they claim, but all of those claims are just in their religious text.
I think I understand your motivation for dismissing the Hebrews claims to their culture with the land. If the Biblical stories are just made up then the Isrealis and Jews have no evidence of any factual connection with the land.

The problem is as I mentioned above there is plenty of archeological and textual evidence. Even the Egyptians and Babylonians mention the tribes of Isreal and the Kings of those tribes. Several of the tribes which was also the name of their cities like the city of Dan have been discovered when skeptics claimed there was no such place.
Wow! Correct usage of the terms to refer to ancient people and sites. Congrats!
Not sure what you mean. They are not just terms but actual places. Like for example Judean King Hezekials Tunnel built to defend Jerusalem from the Assyrians.
I didn't claim the Palestinians were Philistines. Not even once. I was only pointing out that the name Palestine was ancient and recycling it to name a new state in the southern Levant was not any different than recycling the name Israel to name a new Jewish state in the southern Levant.
Its different because Palestine was never a unique culture and nation of people but a generic name for an area that was actually bigger than Isreal with a mix of people. Whereas Isreal was a unique people and culture of Jews. Palestine did not destingusih culture or religion and there were mixed religions and cultures such as Muslims which are not Jews.
Now you're really stretching. Certainly there are connections throughout the fertile crescent with many Semitic speaking peoples, but these do not include the Anatolians, Greeks, Persians, Hittites, or Caucus groups.
No but if we are going to use the idea that areas once had a mix of cultures and ethnics before they were established as seperate cultures and nations then everyone in that area was once one people with evolving cultures and ethnicity. Where do you draw the line. The Persians evolved into a destinct culture consuming several ethnic groups into one. The Isrealites did the same and the Palestinians did not and never have. In fact they have been known more as Jordanians or Syrians.
My point was that the Jewish people come out of ancient Canaan like the Phoenicians, and the modern Palestinians are from that same peoples. Some of them followed the Torah and of those some are modern Jews, others are not. Others remained in the region and never adopted the Torah and eventually became Christians or Muslims (or both in sequence).
Today 80% of Isrealis are Jews. Just as it was initially. They have been able to re-establish their culture in the land. The Palestinians have never. Jordan and Syria have. Thats because there never was a Palestinian culture to develop into a people. There still isn't one. Even some Palestinian leaders recognise they have never had the requirements of becoming a nation because none has developed.

Its only in recent times that the idea has been presented. They were given the chance to develop a nation and even Saron helped with the elections to ensure they had a leader who could create a nation so that they could live in peace with the Isrealis. But they could not because there is no history that unites the people, that identifies them. This happens naturally and evolves over time. But if a Palestinian culture has never really developed then you can't make it happen with some mandate.

Creating a nation state without an identity or unified people under a strong leader who is willing to install democracy and freedom is the only way a Palestinian state will work. Just making one and dividing the land for the sake of it will only create a bigger version of a terrorist state right on Isreals doorstep.
I looked up this site, and it seems to be a think tank pushing Israeli political priorities, including the denial of a Palestinian state (or people).
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Hans Blaster

Rocket surgeon
Mar 11, 2017
United States
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I don't think this is a good comparison as the Soviet Union was a large land mass that extended to different ethnic groups who had established themselves as seperate peoples and cultures. Whereas Isreal is a tiny area in comparison and contains 80% Jews which has a destinct and long culture in the land.

Its like saying there is no destinction within Europe of different cultures in that land area. We can find destinct peoples with long held cultures within the Soviet Union and Europe.
I'm not talking about "land areas", I am talking about nations. Blobs of land don't have membership in the UN, nation-states do.
The Isrealites have maintained their destinct culture in the land despite invading powers. It is wrong to say they were completely removed and stopped practicing their culture in that land even as a minority. The Isrealite culture was also maintained outside of Isreal where many longed to return and still practiced their culture. A culture and nation is not defined by its land. Many returned and today the Jews make up 80% of the people.
*returned* and *80%* are important. Those other 20% are the non-Jews that never left the land now called the State of Israel.
Well thats your belief which is outside the belief of the actual Jews. Its what they think thats important. We don't dispute for example Indigenous peoples stories of spiritual and sacred connections with the land. Its the fact that the people were in the land and they left an imprint and the stories reflect their real life in the land whether fiction of fact.
Sure we do. Have you not studied the history of indigenous peoples?
But the fact is we have evidence for many of the people mentioned by the Jews throughout history. We have archeological evidence of King David and his city in Jerusalem. We have evidence of Jacob, Joseph, Hezekiah and Abraham and other Kings even from the Egyptians.
Other than this Hezekiah of whom I don't know, none of the others are attested in the records of any other cultures.
We even have evidence of the proto Isrealites before their enslavement in Egypt as a strong culture in Canaan and of Joseph entering Egypt as well as the Isrealites re-entering Canaan and establishing their nation. Much of the evidence is found in Isreal, Jerusalem and even within the West Bank. Its real history that should not be dismissed.
There is no documentation of any enslavement or return outside the "historical" sections of the Jewish scripture written centuries after the alleged events.
Once again this is a misrepresentation. Isreal as a name for the people may have ceased for times but the people as a culture, as maintaining that destinct culture throughout time in the land of Isreal is a fact. They just happened to be a dispossessed people within their own land for periods only to restore themselves with the land. They have been dispossessed 17 times but have re-established themselves 18 times.
17 dispossessions? Where'd you get that number?
If there is any people with evidence of being unjustly denied their land and culture its the Jews. If this happened to any other people there would be calls for their rights to be re-stored. This is the basis for Palestinian rights that they have been disopossessed and yet no one recognised this has happened to the Jews over and over again.
What are you talking about? Virtually everyone recognizes that the Jewish people have been treated poorly on multiple occasions in the past. (And you'll never guess who displaced Palestinians from their homes and farms and villages.)
It doesn't matter if they were not alone or the minority. They were still the rightful people of that land which was taken from them. If you want to say that they don't have the right because the land was taken then we should then respect the right that the Isrealis have now taken it back by the same means. The difference of course is that the Isrealis are just taking back what was theirs whereas forigne powers were taking what was not theirs to take.

"My distant ancestors used to live here" is not a valid claim to land. If it was you'd probably need to start packing and I'd go reclaim the Rhineland.

Your missing the point. You were talking about a people being a political entity. As part of Britain being a political enity they were once united under Royalty like the Jews. Though the exact setup is no longer the same there is still such a people, the same people as an enity known as Britain or the United Kingdoms. United under their culture, their belief in God and Rule of law as a democratic and free people. They have common roots.

A nation is not a geographical area but a culture of people.
No a nation is a political entity consisting of a group of people with a specific territory. The UK is a nation, the English are an ethnic group.
The UK as a culture of people has always existed.
The "people" of the UK have *not* always existed. That little island has only been occupied for a few thousand years.
The Ukraine is a destinct culture of people and gained independence in 1991. But they were still a unique culture of people before 1991 and in fact it was their long established unique culture that was the basis for them becoming independent.
Ukrainians are a distinct ethnic group with their own culture that have existed for awhile (not forever though), but Ukraine did not become an independent nation until 1991. (Well, this time. Ukraine was also an independent nation for a few years until the Bolsheviks conquered them.)
The existence of an official recognition of a nation or culture of people is irrelevant as to what makes a nation of people.
Ethnic group, not nation.
You can have a nation of people even without a land or official title. Britain as a culture and people existed pre 1800's. What they were not a people and culture the day before they were officially recognised.
Britain isn't a culture, it is an island.
I think I understand your motivation for dismissing the Hebrews claims to their culture with the land. If the Biblical stories are just made up then the Isrealis and Jews have no evidence of any factual connection with the land.
I don't think you do. We cannot survive as a species if every "nation" (read ethnic group) were to claim territory their ancestors once controlled. Just looking at Europe (and not counting ephemeral empires of short-term conquest like those of Napoleon and Hitler) the English once controlled parts western France and all of Ireland (the latter later assumed by their successor states of Great Britain and UK), the Spanish once controlled Belgium, the Germans the western third of Poland, the Poles (with Lithuania) all of what is now Belarus. Sweden controlled all of Norway until the start of the 20th century and various Scandinavian nations controlled NE England, western Ireland, Sicily, and Normandy at one point. The Russian Empire controlled all of Belarus, Ukraine, and FInland (and other places). Russian revanchism regarding Ukraine is the major driver of their invasion. The Austrians (jointly with Hungary) controlled a large portion of Eastern Europe and the Turks (in the Ottoman period) controlled Greece and the Balkans for centuries.

But, wait, you say, these didn't involve dislocation of peoples, just different rulers, but that isn't true. At the end of WW2, the Germans living in the land that was transferred to Poland were forced out of their homes. They were replaced by Poles pushed out of Eastern Poland in lands taken by the USSR (the westernmost parts of Ukraine and Belarus today). At the end of WW1 there was essentially a forced swap of peoples Greeks were forced out of the Aegean coast of Asia Minor (Modern Turkey) where they had existed since before the Babylonian captivity as were the Turks living in the modern Greek state.

The displacement of the Jewish people is horrible as were these other forced relocations, but it didn't justify forcing other people off their land to recover the lands of their ancestors.
The problem is as I mentioned above there is plenty of archeological and textual evidence. Even the Egyptians and Babylonians mention the tribes of Isreal and the Kings of those tribes. Several of the tribes which was also the name of their cities like the city of Dan have been discovered when skeptics claimed there was no such place.
Those records don't back the scope of the claims about the strength and territory of ancient Israel.
Not sure what you mean. They are not just terms but actual places. Like for example Judean King Hezekials Tunnel built to defend Jerusalem from the Assyrians.
Just a little astonishment that you used terms correctly, my prime complaint.
Its different because Palestine was never a unique culture and nation of people but a generic name for an area that was actually bigger than Isreal with a mix of people. Whereas Isreal was a unique people and culture of Jews. Palestine did not destingusih culture or religion and there were mixed religions and cultures such as Muslims which are not Jews.
Did the non-Jewish, Arabic speaking residents of the southern Levant not have any culture? Do they not count?
No but if we are going to use the idea that areas once had a mix of cultures and ethnics before they were established as seperate cultures and nations then everyone in that area was once one people with evolving cultures and ethnicity. Where do you draw the line. The Persians evolved into a destinct culture consuming several ethnic groups into one. The Isrealites did the same and the Palestinians did not and never have. In fact they have been known more as Jordanians or Syrians.

Today 80% of Isrealis are Jews. Just as it was initially. They have been able to re-establish their culture in the land.
Isn't it amazing how you can build a culture in a short period. (I hear they even tried it in your continent.)
The Palestinians have never. Jordan and Syria have. Thats because there never was a Palestinian culture to develop into a people. There still isn't one. Even some Palestinian leaders recognise they have never had the requirements of becoming a nation because none has developed.
This is just othering of the Palestinian people and denying their dignity.
Its only in recent times that the idea has been presented. They were given the chance to develop a nation and even Saron helped with the elections to ensure they had a leader who could create a nation so that they could live in peace with the Isrealis. But they could not because there is no history that unites the people, that identifies them. This happens naturally and evolves over time. But if a Palestinian culture has never really developed then you can't make it happen with some mandate.
I don't know who Saron is so this paragraph makes little sense, except for the repetition of your othering of the Palestinians and their society. That part reads loud and clear.
Creating a nation state without an identity or unified people under a strong leader who is willing to install democracy and freedom is the only way a Palestinian state will work. Just making one and dividing the land for the sake of it will only create a bigger version of a terrorist state right on Isreals doorstep.
Israel has created many of their own problems through the way they treated the people they displaced from their land.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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I'm not talking about "land areas", I am talking about nations. Blobs of land don't have membership in the UN, nation-states do.
Ok I just thought earlier you were saying Isreal ceased to exist when they were dispossessed by the Assyrians . I was saying that they still existed as a nation though they did not have their land. That the small number still in the land represented that nation despite being overpowered.
*returned* and *80%* are important. Those other 20% are the non-Jews that never left the land now called the State of Israel.
Yes they have returned to their homeland, their rightful homeland. The 20% that are non Jews don't get to determine that Isreal should be a Muslim state. Thats the point. The minority of any group in a nation doesn't get to dictate that their host nation must not exist and should completely change their culture to accommodate them.
Sure we do. Have you not studied the history of indigenous peoples?
Yes but we still acknowledge that they are the traditional owners and often com pensate for the wrongs and even make appologies. Its the principle that now we realize our wrtongs and therefore we should know better.
Other than this Hezekiah of whom I don't know,
You should know if you are quoting the Babylonian capture of Judah. King Hezekiah was the King at the time who was fortifying Jerusalem from Babyloanian attacks. Even the Babylonians mention him. They also mention other Kings who come later.
none of the others are attested in the records of any other cultures.
Of course they are and perhaps your ignorance is why you dismiss the Jews and their connection to that land so easily. We have discovered so much especially in the last couple of decades with modern techniques and access to areas disallowed.

For example Isreal King Hoshea and Jehoiachin another King of Judah plus other kings.

There is textual and archeological evidence for King David. The Tel Dan stele mentions the House of David. So not just King David but that there was a Royal blood line just as the Bible says.

There is interesting discoveries around Abraham, Jacob and Joseph and some of Jacobs sons who made up the tribes of Isreal such as Dan, Gad and of coiurse Judah who was the most famous. All having cities named after them which have been found after skeptics said there were no such places.

Top Ten Discoveries Related to Abraham
The Hyksos: Evidence of Jacob’s Family in Ancient Egypt?
The Hyksos: Evidence of Jacob’s Family in Ancient Egypt?
The Israelites and Rameses
There is no documentation of any enslavement or return outside the "historical" sections of the Jewish scripture written centuries after the alleged events.
Then you haven't done enough research as even the Egyptians mention enslaving Asiatics.

During Amenhotep II's reign (1453-1419 BC) there is a list of prisoners that mentions 3600 'apiru, and 15,200 living Shasu that were taken as prisoners from Canaan. Some of these were probably Hebrews. In the temple of Amon in Soleb (Nubia) there is a topographical list from the time of Amenhotep III (1408-1372 BC) That gives the name "Yahweh of the land of the Shasu" (Giveon 1964, 244; Redford 1992, 272; Astour 1979, 17-34).

Therefore the best explanation for all of the archaeological evidence seems to be that Israel is a confederation of Hapiru tribes in the hill country of Canaan, that formed the nation of Israel in the Iron Age. Originally, Abraham was part of an Amorite migration south into Canaan from Mesopotamia which continued down to Egypt climaxing in the Hyksos rule. The exodus is to be identified with the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt by Ahmose (1570-50 BC; Frerichs and Lesko, 1997, 82, 96).
IBSS - Biblical Archaeology - Evidence of the Exodus from Egypt

Top Ten Discoveries Related to Moses and the Exodus

Now, new research lends weight to an alternative theory on the Hyksos’ origins. As Colin Barras reports for Science magazine, chemical analysis of skeletons found at the Hyksos capital of Avaris indicates that people from the Levant—an area encompassing the countries surrounding the eastern Mediterranean—immigrated to Egypt centuries before the takeover.

Three Egyptian Inscriptions About Israel

I covered this a while back in one of the threads but can't find it now. Its quite interesting what the new dicoveries are revealing.
17 dispossessions? Where'd you get that number?
I read it somewhere and now I can't find it. When you consider the Assyrians, Babylonians, Romans, Ottomans, Muslims, Crusaders and the different attacks like the 7 day war it adds up. Not so much completely dispossessed but attacked and then having to re position themselves each time.
What are you talking about? Virtually everyone recognizes that the Jewish people have been treated poorly on multiple occasions in the past. (And you'll never guess who displaced Palestinians from their homes and farms and villages.)
I am not sure people really do recognise this by the way they are attacking the Jews with antisemetism. Everyone is preoccupied with the plight of the Palestinians. Look at the attacks on the Isrealis at the United Nations even UN workers plotting against them in support of wiping them out. Africa and other nations accusing Isreal of genocide when every Muslim nations has cleansed their lands of every Jew and no one says boo about that.
No a nation is a political entity consisting of a group of people with a specific territory. The UK is a nation, the English are an ethnic group.

The "people" of the UK have *not* always existed. That little island has only been occupied for a few thousand years.
A few 1,000 years is a long time considering civilisation is suppose to only be a 6,000 years old.
Ukrainians are a distinct ethnic group with their own culture that have existed for awhile (not forever though), but Ukraine did not become an independent nation until 1991. (Well, this time. Ukraine was also an independent nation for a few years until the Bolsheviks conquered them.)
OK then maybe a good comparison to Isreal in that they are falling in and out of independence and recognition as a people.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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All that ancient history is very interesting, but none of it has anything to do with what our reaction should be to the policies and actions of the modern day secular state of Israel.
That seems to be what everyone is complaining about that Isreal has no right to the land. So of course people begin to speak about their history and connection with the land to show they do have a right. Part of that right is to stop extremist who want to wipe them out.

I always take it back to what would we do in the same situation where terrorist entered our society and started to mutilate innocents. Who were on our doorsteps doing this for years. There comes a point where enough is enough and you have to take action.

The other question is why is it Isreal who is being scrutinized about their policies and actions. The Palestinians and Hamas policy is to wipe out a neigbouring people. They have had no elections and have no democracy. They breach the human rights of their own people for years. More Muslims die at the hands of Muslims.

This is not the type of nation you want anywhere let alone next to Isreal. I know I would not want them next to my countryu and I don't think even most of the nations in that area do either. Egypt have also refused to have the Palestinians and have closed their borders with them as they know they are trouble. How about we look at the real problem the radical Islamists.
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Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
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That seems to be what everyone is complaining about that Isreal has no right to the land.
That is not what 'everyone' is complaining about. Israel has its right to its land. But that right does not stem from some special or magical connection to ancient Judaea.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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That is not what 'everyone' is complaining about. Israel has its right to its land. But that right does not stem from some special or magical connection to ancient Judaea.
I am not sure what you mean. Who said it was based on anything magical. Besides don't Indigenous peoples cite spiritual connections to land to stop developers mining their land. Isn't citing spiritual connections a magical connection. It seems the same people who are complaining about the Jews cultural connections aare the ones who trumpet Indigenous rights to their land based on their cultural beliefs.
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Hans Blaster

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Mar 11, 2017
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Ok I just thought earlier you were saying Isreal ceased to exist when they were dispossessed by the Assyrians . I was saying that they still existed as a nation though they did not have their land. That the small number still in the land represented that nation despite being overpowered.

I also said in the same post, but you completely ignored it:

"No a nation is a political entity consisting of a group of people with a specific territory. The UK is a nation, the English are an ethnic group."

Don't play games with me.
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