Thoughts on Dave Hunt? 3 questions please



Dear Faulty,
"Hearing" from God through the Holy Spirit occurs after being baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Such as occurred to Apollos in Acts chapter 19:

1And it happened that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the inlanda country and came to Ephesus. There he found some disciples. 2And he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” And they said, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” 3And he said, “Into what then were you baptized?” They said, “Into John’s baptism.” 4And Paul said, “John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who was to come after him, that is, Jesus.” 5On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6And when Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they began speaking in tongues and prophesying.

Hebrews 6:6 mentions the multiple baptisms - water and Spirit baptism.
Later in the book of Acts you have the Holy Spirit forbidding them from going to Asia in one place. And later allowing them to do so.

This is what I mean by "hearing."

Another example:
Acts 20:23: except that the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and afflictions await me.
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And that goes right back to your OP and the warning by Dave Hunt. It is a proven channel for demons to communicate. There is absolutely no assurance from scriptures that God will meet them there at all, and no assurance that something else won't meet them their either.
Actually, there is, but you brush it off like it doesn't exist. I can't discuss scripture with someone who ignores what scripture says.

It must be something to be these authors who know more than God.
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citizen of heaven
Jul 8, 2011
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I'm reading Dave Hunts "Occult Invasion." He is an excellent writer and researcher.

He claims in the book that the practice of having Quiet Time- with a journal and pen, is unbiblical and can open you up to familiar spirits. :eek:GASP! Question #1 : Is there any truth in this warning?

I know in my time in a cultic group....I did see the damage of "false revival"/Toronto type false holy spirit annointings....but the whole thing of "listening" for a word....often /daily....could this be one practice that has set up many of us for deception or demonic influence?

Or is Dave simply a cessationist?

He's definiately a dear brother and the book is awesome....I'm just wondering...Question #2 [/B]are there any caveats here or something he is personally missing?

And Question Derek Prince solid? I have many of his books...considered him a respectable teacher.

Thanks for reading and any input you might give.

I credit Dave Hunt with exposing the tricks of the devil that few mention. My exposure was in the latter 80s.
One thing he described was demons rearranging the recorded patterns of magnetic oxide on cassette tapes. That would change the audio content recorded on those tapes. I realized that if demons could do that there wasn't much they couldn't do.
I later found out that it doesn't matter what demons attempt, the Christ in us is greater.
In another instance, he described geneology researchers in the Mormon Temple being assisted by demons. He described a person looking for a volume in the book stacks and the desired book falling off the shelf when the researcher came nearby.
I appreciate everything I learned from Dave Hunt's writings.

As to Derek Prince, I have seen the extended interview of his life and times on God TV. I appreciate Derek Prince as a prince of a man -- self effacing, hopelessly solid, unimpeachable in the way he lived his life and served Jesus -- solid in doctrine. He had no natural children but adopted 5 girls from 3rd world countries.
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Gospel Guy

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Aug 11, 2013
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I consider Dave accurate in that regard. God never made any promise to speak to us in that way, nor did He ever tell us to use such a process. So when one does so while expecting a response from the "other side", they might just get it, just not in the way they hope.

Wow! God no longer speaks to His people!

Reckon He's has changed, and now He's dumb?

The gifts are still in operation, but they are also counterfeited, as you are learning.

Yes, and the biggest way to attract demons... is to be in fear that "oh my GAWD... I hope that wasn't a devil... I sure hope I'm not hearing demonic voices"

Yeppers, fear is the calling card of the devil and folks that believe God doesn't talk to people today will be hearing from the "other side" as in devils will be speaking to them since they have opened the door with fear!

First step in hearing from God is to judge all things by the written Word of God, which is the primary way of hearing from God. Then, what are folks going to do when they have a question that isn't in the Word such as which church to go to, what job to take, what person to marry, etc???

I guess if you do not believe God talks to His people today, you'll just have to do rock-paper-scissors or some other method of making decisions that does not include any input from God whatsoever.

Hope that work out for those that believe God is dumb and cannot/does not speak to His people.
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bind on pick up
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Apr 23, 2005
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Wow! God no longer speaks to His people!

Reckon He's has changed, and now He's dumb?

Yes, and the biggest way to attract demons... is to be in fear that "oh my GAWD... I hope that wasn't a devil... I sure hope I'm not hearing demonic voices"

Yeppers, fear is the calling card of the devil and folks that believe God doesn't talk to people today will be hearing from the "other side" as in devils will be speaking to them since they have opened the door with fear!

First step in hearing from God is to judge all things by the written Word of God, which is the primary way of hearing from God. Then, what are folks going to do when they have a question that isn't in the Word such as which church to go to, what job to take, what person to marry, etc???

I guess if you do not believe God talks to His people today, you'll just have to do rock-paper-scissors or some other method of making decisions that does not include any input from God whatsoever.

Hope that work out for those that believe God is dumb and cannot/does not speak to His people.

Those are real questions or just babbled assumptions?
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Gospel Guy

Headed Home!
Aug 11, 2013
Word of Faith
Those are real questions or just babbled assumptions?
Think the Lord is going to speak to you thru the Holy Spirit anytime soon?

And, just curious - What do you do if you have a question you need an answer for that there is no specific chapter and verse to turn to in the Bible that provides the answer?

I always wondered what people did in these types of situations when they believe God does not lead and guide His people thru the Holy Spirit anymore.

So, what do you do?
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bind on pick up
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Apr 23, 2005
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Think the Lord is going to speak to you thru the Holy Spirit anytime soon?

And, just curious - What do you do if you have a question you need an answer for that there is no specific chapter and verse to turn to in the Bible that provides the answer?

I always wondered what people did in these types of situations when they believe God does not lead and guide His people thru the Holy Spirit anymore.

So, what do you do?

When you walk with the Lord for any length of time, you'll find that as you seek His will He will transform your desires into His, then He will fulfill the desires of your heart when you ask Him to do so.

As such, no christian needs a specific word on what job to take or who to marry. As long as there are no obvious sinful choices (which should not be the desire on their heart anyway), They simply just choose and trust.

And now that I answered your question, you need to work a bit on your understand of what I say if you choose to respond to it. This is the 3rd in a row you've misrepresented my position. I never said God doesn't lead His people by His Spirit, just simply said He doesn't use the same methods of demons or is obligated to do so by any method we concoct in our imaginations just because we demand He must.
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They simply just choose and trust.
That is the surest way I know to fall into Satan's hands. "I'm going to do this God, and I'm going to trust that You are in it, even though I never actually asked, or heard, but it is what I desire so you have to bless it." Yeah, not a smart approach.
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Gospel Guy

Headed Home!
Aug 11, 2013
Word of Faith
As such, no christian needs a specific word on what job to take or who to marry

OK, so you apparently do NOT believe God leads His people by the Holy Spirit anymore concerning specific issues in our lives, right? This come from the cessation camp that claims God has changed when He says of Himself that He in fact NEVER changes. He led folk in old times, and He be leading folk today... except for folk like you who have chosen to believe God quit doing that.

Your statement just said that, so this is no misrepresentation but taking you at your word concerning your position.

That is the surest way I know to fall into Satan's hands. "I'm going to do this God, and I'm going to trust that You are in it, even though I never actually asked, or heard, but it is what I desire so you have to bless it." Yeah, not a smart approach.

Exactly... this is close to putting out a fleece!

It's like saying "Lord, I'm going to do such and such... I sure hope that this is what you want since I know you don't talk to people anymore". That's how to get what you are believing for: God doesn't talk to people anymore.
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Mar 1, 2013
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I dont know Dave Hunt. however, I do journal and have 2-way conversations with the Lord daily. You see, if you are born again, the Holy Spirit dwells in you. Learn to listen for His voice, for He is always speaking to us.
some of what I hear, is from my own self, some of what I hear is from the enemy, and some of what i hear is from the Lord. Its a matter of learning to discern what voice I am hearing. Everything has to agree with scripture for sure.
It is very important to learn to hear His voice speaking to us, that still small voice inside us. we have to get quiet to hear.
I know when a demon is speaking to me because the word will discourage me, or try to mislead me from truth of scripture. If I wake up one morning and I hear in my mind the thought "I am such a loser, what a piece of garbage I am! I might as well end it all!" I know that is not the Lord, that is not even me, that is the enemy speaking to me, using the first person so that I think that thought is mine. It isnt mine. Its from the enemy. and right then I must choose to reject that thought.
If I am journaling and I ask the Lord, "What do you want to say to me today?" I very often hear something like this:
"I love you, you are precious to Me. Come walk with Me today..." I have pages and pages of written words from the Lord as He speaks to my heart His great love for me, His encouragement, His drawing me to Himself and reminding me that He is waiting for me to come to Him with everything that is troubling me.
I am not afraid to journal for fear that demons will speak. For one thing, I have several mature christian friends who I submit my journaling to, and if they see me getting off track, they will let me know pretty quick. For another thing, I usually can tell when its demons speaking because their message is negative and against scripture. Where I sometimes am not sure, its usually because its from my own heart, but usually the Lord gives me that sense that, "this part of that word is from the flesh and not God" ... so I am not afraid to keep journaling. This is not occult or any other such thing, I am conversing with my Lord Jesus Christ as every christian should do, but sadly most dont know how or are told to be afraid to..."dont try to hear from God cause you will hear from demons!" why not just teach people how to discern which voice you are hearing? and let them learn to LISTEN to GOD who is always speaking!
If you do not believe the bible, or have no knowledge of scripture, you better not try to journal and hear from God. but if you do have the scriptures, there is no reason why you should not begin to learn to hear for yourself.
prayer for me used to be one way, I talked to God. Now its 2 way. I talk, He speaks back, and I answer, and He answers me back...It takes time and practice to learn to hear His voice and discern which is Him, our own mind, or the enemy.
If you are accountable to other mature christians who can correct you if you get off track in your "hearing", and have a solid biblical base, there is nothing to fear in hearing God.
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