Is there such a thing as a Jezebel spirit?


Jezebel's bain
May 14, 2012
Marital Status
The satanic armies are very well organized. They have a hierarchy as listed in the Bible, that is similar to the Indian caste system. They always seek promotion and hate those beneath them. If we weren't around for them to try and oppress, they would destroy each other.

They have spirits that run across generations and the same curses that are passed down from your ancestors follow to you (according to the type of curse and the number of generations listed in the Word). Their names are actually specialties and some are more powerful than others. There are some that watch you your entire life and they have "files" of what works on you. You have heard of people having "triggers". They are well placed strongholds built in and given place by people who react in fear and make judgments within their heart (often reflected by your lips). They are legalists and are constantly pleading their case to waste your life in a certain manner. If you give a place for them in your life, they move in quickly. This can be done by speaking in judgment against someone, watching or being a (passive) observer to filth, movies, TV, radio that ministers things that are not of God. The fact that these acts are prevalent in the media is no accident. It is part of a well planned attack to get into your life and home. Think how far we've fallen as a society since the 1950s or early 1960s?

One of their most important attacks is to separate families. God loves families. Another is to separate the Body of Christ. If they can get people to "lone wolf" it by not being in unity with a local body, they will deceive you into thinking God's blessing your life. They'll even ease up on your attacks if they can keep you ineffective in the Body of Christ.

This sounds freaky, but it's really true. This world is littered with them (although you can't see them). Their are many angels here as well and everyone typically has at least one or more from each camp accompanying them through life.

As they say, if you have a call on your life, you have more angels and the enemy sees this and really works to make your life Hell (even more so than in other's lives).

Back to "Jezebel". Jezebel upsets the system of family authority as indicated in the Word. Their are also "Ahab" spirits that enable "Jezebel" spirits by abdicating authority in the man (in authority) and Jezebel is a "control spirit" wreaking havoc in his sphere of authority. This can happen at home, on the job, in church, etc. They are manipulative and are well known for "playing" one person against another.

There are often seen in controlling mothers who manipulate their children even after they move away and marry. We can all be victims of control spirits and a study of this is warranted if you are suffering along these lines.

One of the most important things we can do to relieve demonic oppression is to get our lives in proper order and submitting to God given authority. Not to be manipulated or controlled, but as God intends, which should be a joy. There's a special blessing for submission and it is a sign of a meek spirit. It's necessary if we are to exercise authority that we be under authority.

Well said!
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Jezebel's bain
May 14, 2012
Marital Status
I selected yes... but I would say my real answer is "probably" and "it depends".

The reason I selected yes is that I relate it kind of to the concept of Elijah and John the Baptist. Jesus tells us that John the Baptist came in the 'spirit of Elijah'. Now, I don't know if that means there is an "Elijah spirit" or a spirit named Elijah... I just know that either in some literal, or in some metaphorical sense, John the Baptist came in, or was motivated and driven by the spirit of Elijah, or the same spirit which motivated Elijah.

If you look at the meaning of Elijah it helps to understand this concept. Elijah basically means 'mighty in Yah' which is exactly what John the Baptist was.

Scripture also says that the 'spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets'. This may imply that certain spirits that help support the role of a prophet also work to support others later in time. For example, contempt of the prophets of Baal was also demonstrated in John's contempt of the Pharisees. John the Bapitist was also killed as a result of a mother/daughter Jezebel pair that had him destroyed.

The 'spirit of Elijah' and the 'spirit of Jezebel' are rival influences. Elijah brings judgement and condemnation on the ways of Baal and Ashtoreth. Jezebel seeks to silence, discredit or kill any Elijah.
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Jezebel's bain
May 14, 2012
Marital Status
Jer 5:21 Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:
Jer 5:22 Fear ye not me? saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it: and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it?
Jer 5:23 But this people hath a revolting and a rebellious heart; they are revolted and gone.

Sir, you have been told.

Actually the spiritual realm of Ashtoreth is the 'bitter waters', the sea. It is why the great harlot rides the beast out of the sea. She is over 'many waters', peoples, tribes, nations and tongues.

Many times in scripture the raging of the sea is a reference to her influences. She is worshiped as a moon goddess that has power over the sea by tidal forces.

She is represented as one of the five points of the pentagram of witchcraft over the spirits of the waters. Every wonder what the five points of the pentagram represent? Four of them are spirits associated with the four main principalities of hell while the fifth is dealing with the Holy Spirit but mixing the laws of Yah with the ways of the enemy to gain power.
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Jezebel's bain
May 14, 2012
Marital Status
It's because their is typically an Ahab who abdicates his authority to the controlling spirit. As far as what I've learned about Jezebel spirits, when the Holy Spirit turns the lamp up, it's very obvious. When He witnesses to the truth, the fruits are present.
An 'Ahab Spirit' is just a spirit under the principality of the anti-christ spirit. That is the spirit of Baal, ie 'lord'. It is the anti-christ spirit that is the 'prince of the powers of the air'. The 'air' or 2nd heaven is his realm of influence. He is also the 'prince' verses the 'shameful king', ie Molech.

It is a spirit that forces submission to Jezebel. Ashtoreth has greater authority then the anti-christ spirit. It is why she RIDES the beast out of the sea. Ashtoreth was both the mother AND consort of Baal. She was the dominant member of the relationship.
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Regular Member
Jun 19, 2006
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The Bible does not teach there is a Jezebel spirit. That's one of my beefs with the teaching-- people reading a passage that doesn't talk about Jezebel being a 'spirit' and acting as if it does. 'That woman Jezebel' in Revelation isn't just controlling, she, like the Canaanite in the Old Testament, was instrumental in leading God's people into sexual immorality and into eating meat offered to idols. Yet the label has gotten thrown around quite freely over the years and put on people who were not like this.

Here are a couple of YouTube videos on the question:

Jezebel spirit? part 1 - YouTube

Jezebel spirit? part 2 - YouTube
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