• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Im worried all the time about how strict of a Christian I have to be


Jul 3, 2021
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Hello Claire.
Here's what I would suggest for you, and it's what I need too. I really believe you could benefit by finding a prayer partner with a sister in Christ on here. Someone who is wise and understanding.
Someone you respect.
I believe forums are great places for meeting people, but I believe just posting on message boards are not enough for strong relationships. I think people need to do zoom or phone meetings. If someone is in great need, everyday would be even better.
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Jul 28, 2023
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I’ve had agoraphobia since I was 20 I’m 45 now. I don’t go out at all. I have panic, anxiety, ocd, I was diagnosed with Addisons two years ago. I have a bunch of problems with food. A dietitian I managed to get to talk to on the phone thinks I have oral pollen syndrome where my body attacks the pollens in food and have reactions and get ill. There is a small list of things I’ve found that I can eat but this year because of the lack of pollution from Covid outside pollen is affecting me. Since the tree pollen started in the beginning of March all I’ve ate is boiled potatoes and water. I haven’t been able to go out the back garden because the pollen makes me so ill. Most of this year my mind has been in such a dark sad place for a reason I’d not say that most of the time I’ve just cried. Thank you God I’ve felt a lot more like myself this last month and I’ve even been able to drink two kinds of soft drink without getting really ill

I’ve always believed in God and I’ve always been a good person. My dad is a Christian too and he is really strict and hes stopped me from watching and listening to things that I like. He’s not a mean person he just wants me to live like him. Just watching the God channel and listing to Christian music. I’m so scared of watching or listening to the wrong things. If your in this area of the forums you know what it’s like thinking with a anxious mind worried about everything. My life is so limited already. People have a bad day and they sit down with some comfort food or a cup of tea or go for a walk :( I feel guilty listening to music is it bad I feel guilty watching tv and films are they wrong even kids cartoon films I worry about. I get up I eat potatoes every two hours to have strength I play games on my iPad go to bed do the same the next day.

there is a American programme about a Christian family who are really strict. They won’t even dance not even stepping side to side they think everything is evil. Then the other end of the scale is a pastor who when asked about reality stars having sex on tv she said it was ok that God give us our bodies to have fun and enjoy and have pleasure with. No sex before marriage. So I’m somewhere in the middle floating around not knowing what I can do. Sometimes I feel like I’m going mad and I watch and listen to a bunch of stuff because I feel like I’m going to crack up if I don’t have some enjoyment. Then I have anxiety thinking I’ve done wrong by God. It’s not God making me feel bad it’s people making me feel bad. Because weather you don’t dance cos it’s evil or you’re a pastor that’s ok with sex before marriage on tv in front of everyone they all think their level of strictness is right. Unless you’re me too scared to read the bible because I’m scared what I’ll read because I can’t give up one more thing :( I’m sorry this was so long. If you answer please don’t give details about anxiety attacks it makes me anxious sorry
it shall be well
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Aussie Pete

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Aug 14, 2019
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I’ve had agoraphobia since I was 20 I’m 45 now. I don’t go out at all. I have panic, anxiety, ocd, I was diagnosed with Addisons two years ago. I have a bunch of problems with food. A dietitian I managed to get to talk to on the phone thinks I have oral pollen syndrome where my body attacks the pollens in food and have reactions and get ill. There is a small list of things I’ve found that I can eat but this year because of the lack of pollution from Covid outside pollen is affecting me. Since the tree pollen started in the beginning of March all I’ve ate is boiled potatoes and water. I haven’t been able to go out the back garden because the pollen makes me so ill. Most of this year my mind has been in such a dark sad place for a reason I’d not say that most of the time I’ve just cried. Thank you God I’ve felt a lot more like myself this last month and I’ve even been able to drink two kinds of soft drink without getting really ill

I’ve always believed in God and I’ve always been a good person. My dad is a Christian too and he is really strict and hes stopped me from watching and listening to things that I like. He’s not a mean person he just wants me to live like him. Just watching the God channel and listing to Christian music. I’m so scared of watching or listening to the wrong things. If your in this area of the forums you know what it’s like thinking with a anxious mind worried about everything. My life is so limited already. People have a bad day and they sit down with some comfort food or a cup of tea or go for a walk :( I feel guilty listening to music is it bad I feel guilty watching tv and films are they wrong even kids cartoon films I worry about. I get up I eat potatoes every two hours to have strength I play games on my iPad go to bed do the same the next day.

there is a American programme about a Christian family who are really strict. They won’t even dance not even stepping side to side they think everything is evil. Then the other end of the scale is a pastor who when asked about reality stars having sex on tv she said it was ok that God give us our bodies to have fun and enjoy and have pleasure with. No sex before marriage. So I’m somewhere in the middle floating around not knowing what I can do. Sometimes I feel like I’m going mad and I watch and listen to a bunch of stuff because I feel like I’m going to crack up if I don’t have some enjoyment. Then I have anxiety thinking I’ve done wrong by God. It’s not God making me feel bad it’s people making me feel bad. Because weather you don’t dance cos it’s evil or you’re a pastor that’s ok with sex before marriage on tv in front of everyone they all think their level of strictness is right. Unless you’re me too scared to read the bible because I’m scared what I’ll read because I can’t give up one more thing :( I’m sorry this was so long. If you answer please don’t give details about anxiety attacks it makes me anxious sorry
Lord Jesus came to set the captives free and give dead sinners new life. No one is good. We are all born dead in trespass and sin. It's not enough to believe in God. You need to know that you are a sinner in need of a Saviour. Only Jesus can save you. Put your trust in Him, believe that He died and rose again, and ask Him to save you. You are full of fear. Lord Jesus will set you free - if you ask Him. "I sought the Lord and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears" (Psalm 34:4)

God has only one standard of behaviour and it's not according to a TV pastor, your dad or anyone else. You will find that standard in His word. However, all the written word will do is condemn you, unless you know Jesus. Religion says, "Follow these rules or else". Jesus says, "Come to me, all who are worn out weighed down and I will give you rest". Receive Him as Saviour and Lord. Give Him your life and allow Him to lead and guide you. You will never regret it.
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