I think I'm now officially "post-Charismatic"


Servant of the Most High
Jul 19, 2009
Colorado Springs, CO
Marital Status
Salamacum, you are right, it would be incoherent of me to dismiss the entirety of the teachings of the Charismatic movement based on a few bad experiences. I don't dismiss outright. I am a Pentecostal; when the Holy Spirit moves, He moves. I haven't even been burned personally, not outright, it's just that I saw what became of the Brownsville AG in Pensacola, the TACF, and more recently the Crystal Cathedral of Colorado Springs (I was in COS for that, the mood of the place was not pretty after that scandal), and I feel that we are well served by taking a step back, focusing on the basics, and moving from there. The general message is that some churches are becoming Corinth in the modern era, all about the show and pizzazz, and not enough about the function of the Gifts of the Spirit for bringing unbelievers to Christ. I have no problem attending a Charismatic Church in the least, I just want to know that the church I attend is focused on the real Gospel of Salvation, not a gospel of please men's ears.
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