SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors


I like water
Aug 27, 2005
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Rearrange? No re-arranging is what males do when their penis is uncomfortable in the position it's in.

What actually happens is serious surgery. Yes the penis IS removed. It's cut off. Here's a brief description.

Converting male anatomy to female anatomy requires removing the penis, reshaping genital tissue to appear more female and constructing a vagina.

An incision is made into the scrotum, and the flap of skin is pulled back. The testes are removed.

A shorter urethra is cut. The penis is removed, and the excess skin is used to create the labia and vagina.

You see, I do know what I'm talking about. Apparently you don't.

But let's not talk about adults. That's a different subject than the OP. We are talking about kids, not adults. Kids ARE having thier breast's removed.
It's not removed, and out of respect for this forum we should not be describing medical procreedures that more sensitive people could find disturbing. You can PM me if you want to have discussions of that nature.

You show me proof that a child, someone 12 or under, is having surgery. I'll be marching with you against it, as would most trans people. It's illegal and medical malpractice.

The youngest I've ever heard of is one case in Germany of a 16 and a half year old, then a few 17 year olds. Even then I'm not sure I agree with it. Do not say child when you mean teenager as I consider that emotional or loaded language.
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Really? I think you have to prove that. You mean if kids call another kid scooter the parents have to be notified?

Okay so how does this bill outlaw minor accommodations for kids who don't like contact sports or preferences in certain careers? And your going to have to tell us what the strict standards and attitudes are that have been set for men and women. It seems to me that you are the one with tge gender issues here. Where on earth do you get off trying to claim the Standards are so set that a girl who likes football is non-conforming to a woman's standard? Or a guy who prefers to cook instead of hunt doesn't measure up to some manly standard?
And both of these are suspect for being trans?
Only by conservatives is gender nonconformity "suspect." But the rest of us realize that such a person may grow up to be a tradwife after all and like it just fine. The problem is, we don't care if she doesn't.
Your argument establishes nothing.
Let's boil it down.
A girl likes to play hockey so she's non-conforming and may or may not be trans. She likes hockey
1. She might be trans
2. She might not be trans.
You've established exactly nothing.
I've established that gender non-conforming behaviour does not prove trans--that's something a medical professional needs to find out. Except in states where it is illegal to consult a medical professional about it.
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Fair enough. Go ahead and tell the people whose research I linked that they are wrong, and you're sure of it because 2 generations ago some doctors were wrong about the dangers of smoking. Let us know what their response is.

I get it. Looking at cases where researchers got it wrong in the past (while ignoring the vast majority of times they get it right, or at least improved our knowledge) is a great way to rationalize cases where one hopes this might be the case now. But without actual evidence that the current research in question is flawed, there's literally no way to tell if it is like one of the unusual cases in the past where the research was totally wrong or if it is part of the much more common situation where experts in the field are working their best to come to informed conclusions using the limited information at hand.

I'm really reminded of climate change deniers pulling out a single magazine cover from the 70s talking about a coming ice age as "evidence" that all of modern climate science is wrong. Or evolution deniers pointing to a misidentified fossil from a century ago as evidence that all of modern biology is flawed. It's not an exact parallel but feels much the same.
But you have to acknowledge the differences in "the rate" for lack of a better way to put it.

There's a huge difference between something that's been researched by multiple generations of scientists, vs. something that's been researched for a much shorter amount of time. Are we supposed to pretend that a body of limited-scope research that's only 5-10 years old is as durable as broad-scope research that's been going on for 60 years?

It's not that the scientists you cited have research that's "wrong", it's that there's been a concerted effort to keep research efforts contained to conforming to a certain social mindset.

As I noted, most of that research is centered around "how can we improve the affirmation process?" and "how can we reduce the negative side effects of the affirmation process?", and virtually none around "Is the affirmation process even the best way, or is there the potential for some medical/pharmaceutical intervention like there was for schizophrenia or bipolar disorders?"
(largely driven by the stigmas and taboos around someone saying that gender identity issues are a "problem"'s one of the few situations where people want to view it both as a "medical situation" and "normal" simultaneously)

"this is completely normal, and shouldn't be viewed as a problem" doesn't gel with "this a private and personal medical decision between people and their doctors". Last I checked, people don't have to do long term work with an endocrinologist and plastic surgeon for things that are "normal".

It'd be like if researchers were exclusively focused on researching "How can we make the Ozempic approach to weight loss more effective, and how can we mitigate the side effects from it?". Their data & conclusions within that very limited scope would likely be pretty valid...they certainly have the tools at their disposal to know which organs it effects, how it impacts a person's blood work, which medications/supplements would help with side effect, etc... however, it's still not asking the question "Is Ozempic even the best way to approach this obesity problem?, or is there the possibility we could find a better approach if we keep looking?"
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Angels Team
Feb 10, 2013
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It continues to be instructive how the "reasons" for believing in right wing culture war issues keep shifting as the previous excuses run face-first into reality. This post appears to be part of that pattern.
Reality? Eh? Like how XX is female and XY is male? There is no “right wing culture war.” Just logic and science ;)
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Angels Team
Feb 10, 2013
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Rearrange? No re-arranging is what males do when their penis is uncomfortable in the position it's in.

What actually happens is serious surgery. Yes the penis IS removed. It's cut off. Here's a brief description.

Converting male anatomy to female anatomy requires removing the penis, reshaping genital tissue to appear more female and constructing a vagina.

An incision is made into the scrotum, and the flap of skin is pulled back. The testes are removed.

A shorter urethra is cut. The penis is removed, and the excess skin is used to create the labia and vagina.

You see, I do know what I'm talking about. Apparently you don't.

But let's not talk about adults. That's a different subject than the OP. We are talking about kids, not adults. Kids ARE having thier breast's removed.
It’s actually not possible to convert male anatomy to female anatomy. It’s just mutilated genitalia.
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Angels Team
Feb 10, 2013
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Not only that but he is very depressed. His mother threatened him that if he didn't continue to - lubricate his new orifice - while he was away at collage that she would attack him and do it herself.

It's all very disturbing and we all know his parents did it for themselves.
It’s sexual assault. Beyond disturbing. I hope he sure the socks off of his patents and TLC when he gets older.
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Zaha Torte

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Alright enough is enough. Until you show respect, stop playing games and answer what I asked I'm ignoring you.
No one forced you to refer to Caitlyn Jenner by the wrong pronoun.

I will love you forever - but respect is earned - and you have not given me any reason to respect your opinion.

I have a different schedule than you. I will be responding to your past post anon.
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Zaha Torte

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Okay then if I comb these forums I'm sure in every post you agree with every single Christian here always.

What an absurd comment. Jenner is not the empress of trans people, so why do I care what her opinion is?
Thank you for using a pronoun for a single person as opposed to a group like you did before.
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Zaha Torte

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Your claim that I am committing the fallacy of Appealing to Nature is baseless.

I did not say that mammalian biology is "good" - only that it exists.

My claim that a man cannot be a woman or a woman a man is not an argument. It is a simple statement of fact.
I don't need to give you more examples because you know exactly what I'm saying.
The reason I asked for more examples is not because I did not understand what you were saying - but because your past examples did not substantiate your claims.

I was giving you another chance to back up what you said with examples.
Playing like you don't means you are very dishonest and I don't waste my time with dishonest people.
This just sounds like you are looking for a way out of this discussion because you don't have anything to base your claims on.
No it's not... virtually everyone opposed to LGBT rights and transgender medical treatment are religious fundamentalists. This is not my opinion it's born out by the research.
Yes - you were begging the question - because you assume that every decision or reasoning a person makes must be based on their religious affiliation.

I suppose it is only natural for you to do that because this is what you yourself have done. You have made every aspect of your life about your sexuality/gender.

Don't you understand that there are many homosexual and transgender people who disagree with you on this issue?

People are capable of wearing different hats. I don't make every decision while wearing my "father" hat or my "white male" hat.

Most people do not build up their entire identity around a single aspect of their being.
There's more, but I'm not going to waste my energy finding it because you won't read it or care anyway.
Well - maybe you should find another source because the one you shared didn't really support the point you were trying to make.
No fact based argument and scientific data can possibly stand up to hard hitting loud opinion stating. Who cares what you personally think? This is your opinion and nothing more. It's no more meaningful then someone saying vanilla ice cream is better then chocolate.
You are unable to prove that what I just said is an opinion.
Yes, better we confuse them with your ideology.
Biology is not an ideology. You can use biology to support an ideology - but it is not an ideology.

Biology is the study of living organisms.
I have never in my life met, seen or heard of a doctor or parent saying to a child "Hey did you ever consider you're a girl in a boy body? Let's getcha on some estrogen stat!".
Irrelevant. You don't know every person in the world, and you are unable to be present with them at all times.

Also - it is pretty out in the open that this happens.

I tried watching "Blues Clues" the other day with my boy and Steve told the viewer that they can be a boy or a girl if they wanted.

We don't watch that - and many other shows that promote this nonsense - anymore.
What nonsense. You obviously don't know what ideology means. Medical conditions and psychiatric disorders are not an ideology.
You are correct - they are not ideologies.

These medical conditions and disorders have been hijacked by people pushing an ideology.

These medical conditions and disorders do not make a man a woman and vice versa.

It is the ideology - that people use these conditions and disorder to push - that claims that.
I don't care one iota what the bible says, it also says unicorns and cockatrices exist, that bats are a kind of bird and the sun moves around the earth.
You claimed that anyone who opposes your view did so out of "Christian fundamentality".

I was only referencing the claim made in the Bible to point out that a person does not need to believe in the Bible to come to the same conclusion that the Bible taught - that men and women are not the same and one cannot become the other.

It is just common sense.
Okay, who? Name any organization qualified in medicine and gender identity disorder who agrees with you that is not religiously affiliated.
Since I am claiming that anyone can disprove and reject your claims on nothing more than common sense - there is no need for anyone to have a background in medicine or "gender identity disorder" to disprove and reject your claims.

Literally anyone and everyone who rejects your claims is doing so based on common sense. No one needs to read the Bible to know what a man and woman are and that one cannot become the other.
Okay let's take that challenge. I've inserted three pictures here. No one on this forum try and help please. There are no tricks, and none of these people are transgender or had any surgery. Which one is biologically male? You tell me and I'll tell you if you picked correctly.

Even if I were to be deceived by someone - that does not mean I don't know what a man and a woman are.

Are you telling me that a "medical doctor or a psychotherapist" could look at these pictures and instantly know what each of them are?

I find it insulting that you believe a man, or a woman is determined by manner of dress, length of hair, make-up or ability to deceive others.
"No need for experts... my uniformed opinion is all that should matter." Go and have a hard think about that statement.
There is literally no need for experts. What I have stated is not an opinion- it is biological fact.
Ah yes, pray the gay (trans) away. Known for it stunning track record of success.
There are evil spirits in an around you who are actively robbing you of your identity as a son or daughter of God.

Satan is the "father of lies" and he believes his own lies. Your willingness to entertain impure and inappropriate thoughts has allowed him to infect you with his delusion.

You truly need the Lord Jesus Christ in your life. You need to study the Word of God and pray to the Father - in the name of Christ - to help you overcome the devices of Satan and be healed from the wounds he has given you.

God loves you. The Lord Jesus Christ loves you. I love you. You can overcome anything Satan throws at you as long as you are willing.
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Ana the Ist

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Feb 21, 2012
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Not at first, they likely will have to get a referral from their primary Dr. (unless they have grade-A insurance that has a list of providers that you can see). That's beside the point but that's step one when seeking mental health treatment.'re framing this as mental health treatment.

That person will do a basic intake which will go over physical health questions, family history, medications, etc. Then they will get to the questions that will better determine a few things like.... Is this patient a candidate for the diagnosis of gender dysphoria? If the doctor believes they fit the criteria or if it's a clinic like Mayo, a team of doctors will come to a consensus on the diagnosis and the Doctor and patient will agree on a treatment plan. This is where they set goals for treatment, what is an indicator that each goal has been met. At that point, if their goals have been met, they go to the next phase of treatment, reevaluate, and so on.

Let's make this 100% clear....

You do not need to experience "gender dysphoria" to get hormone replacement therapy or puberty blockers.

Is that clear?

You can simply say "I'm transgender and I want the pills".

Those places you see in the news are on the news for a reason. It's not "normal" to rush someone through the process in order to get to the big expensive surgery.

You'll understand why I'm going to ignore this statement since you have no way of showing what "normal treatment" is.


No objective measurement or imaging of the human body exists for gender identity, as it is part of one's subjective experience.[119][120]

Exactly, no evidence exists for this thing called gender.
Numerous clinical measurements for assessing gender identity exist, including questionnaire-based, interview-based and task-based assessments.

What sort of consistency do these measures have?

Are they something we can consistently measure like IQ? Or the "big 5" personality traits?

Or is there no consistency at all?

Look it up in the DSM-5.

Gender dysphoria is in the DSM 5....but it's not required for treatment.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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I addressed this in another post. Check it out. Gender Dysphoria IS an illness by defenition

Gotcha, read the reply....gender dysphoria isn't required for treatment...hormones, puberty blockers, or surgery. Being transgender isn't considered a psychological condition so there's literally nothing to diagnose....that's why the recommendation is Affirmative Care.
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May 22, 2015
The only thing this post is missing is evidence.
C'mon dude the evidence has been presented many times. I've linked many times to statistics involving the rate of kids that go on puberty blockers that go on to transition and videos from Sweden who conducted studies on it. You ignored them then. Give me a reason to believe that reposting them now will make any difference? I'm done re-posting evidence when you and others just ignore it. When you give me a reason to believe that this time it will be different then I'll repost.
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May 22, 2015
Finding one article isn't evidence that every expert in the field "are 100% biased". And no idea why you're bringing up with WPATH whatever stuff - I never mentioned them. The discussion was about a rhetorical question of whether or not experts in a field could potentially be biased or not.
How many do you need?
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May 22, 2015
You've found a few researchers who agrees with you. That doesn't mean that there's no evidence from any other research in the area. Two totally different things.
A few? Who do you think was involved in the process in Europe? One, two? That Europe altered its course cause one or two people said so?

There is no evidence from other research. That was the point on why it was dropped in Europe. Boy you just keep.missing rhe point.
Edit - and it is interesting that if the research were as conclusive as is being asserted that there'd be a need for politicians to jump in and resolve the question. Unless the assertion is that everyone who doesn't agree with one particular approach (one which lines up with far-right messaging on the subject) is hopelessly biased and can't see the obvious truth. Which kinda starts to look like a conspiracy theory.
Other countries have done the research. You bring up a good point. The question has to be asked is if all these other scientists and medical professionals have determined this kind of Care is ineffective and the results are dangerous and the research supporting Affirmative Care is junk science, why hasn't the US? Not a single systematic review has been done. Why not?
The US obviously isn't required to follow the medical.practices from other places. Does that mean the US is correct? Aren't you one of those who likes to compare how medical care in the US is worse than other places? Such as in prenatal and postnatal Care? But somehow when it comes to this issue rhe US can't be questioned?

Oh stop with the far right messaging no sense. It's just a tactic to make yourself feel better about dismissing rhe information from sources that are NOT far right.

Why hasn't the APA done a systematic review? Why hasn't rhe Endocrine Society despite the fact that members asked for one. Instead of doing one they ostracized members who wanted it done. Why?

Rhe WPATH files have been instrumental in showing how biased they are.

Yes the research is conclusive. That's why it's so puzzling as to why the US hasn't done it. They have not only dismissed rhe research they haven't done thier own. Why?

Politicians have to step in when the medical field refuses to. Someone has to protect the kids.
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Domine non-sum dignus
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That's not acceptable by transgendered people.
I didn't know you were aquainted with every transgender person alive. You must be busy. Or are you talking about people who congregate on social media know more than the medical community/
They do NOT want anyone to say they have an illness.
Again, who exactly is "they?" All transgender people or the most outspoken ones?
Take a look at the trans person on this thread. He would be very upset with you if you claimed he had an mental illness.
Does that trans person dictate who does and who does not have gender dysphoria?

Let me unpack that a little more.......

What has even a deeper stigma than being transgender? I would say, having a mental disorder. Would you say that someone with a penis who believes they were supposed to have a vagina is ordered thinking or dis-ordered thinking? If trans people want their mental disorder treated, and be paid for by insurance (especially subsidized insurance, they must admit to having and be treated for gender dysphoria. Other than that it's elective surgery done by a plastic surgeon for cash. I believe trans people resist this diagnosis in order to make people they aren't "crazy." Crazy is just a term for a mental health disorder that is not understood. schizophrenic people see and hear things that only exist in their minds. In the past, we would have simply deemed them "crazy and locked them up so they don't hurt themselves or others. Over time they have found treatments and medications that do treat the disorder and many can even lead "normal lives"
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Domine non-sum dignus
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US-Green're framing this as mental health treatment.
Because it is if you want your insurance to pay for it. Now treatment can include hormones and even surgery but it's done via a comprehensive treatment plan, it's not something that you can just walk in and get. Providing it's not a pill mill or simply cash for plastic surgery.
You can simply say "I'm transgender and I want the pills"
You could try that and maybe even get them if you pay cash. If you want insurance to pay for it, you need to be treated, whatever that consists of.
You'll understand why I'm going to ignore this statement since you have no way of showing what "normal treatment" is.
There IS a way to show what kind of treatment most insurance companies will cover.
Exactly, no evidence exists for this thing called gender.
Except the DSM-5 which clearly states the criteria and the Psychiatric community that accepts these standards across the USA.exepts
Are they something we can consistently measure like IQ? Or the "big 5" personality traits?
No it's not, it is evaluated on an individual basis. WHat they believe, what they believe they need, what is missing in their life etc. I'm sorry but mental illness evaluations have "scores that relate to how likely or how severe this person is suffering but treatment plans a made on an individual basis based on the individual evaluation of the patient.
Gender dysphoria is in the DSM 5....but it's not required for treatment.
You are absolutely correct, just don't expect your insurance to pay for it unless you cop to gender dysphoria. You can pay cash and hire doctors to do just about anything that isn't life threatening.
Gotcha, read the reply....gender dysphoria isn't required for treatment...hormones, puberty blockers, or surgery. Being transgender isn't considered a psychological condition so there's literally nothing to diagnose....that's why the recommendation is Affirmative Care.
"Transgender" isn't a disorder, it's a label for a person who suffers from gender dysphoria. If there is nothing to diagnose, why do they show it on paper to the entire nation through the American Psychiatric Association which sets the diagnosis criteria of every mental disorder known to man? Is an activist with a blog more qualified than the agreed-on national authority?

Like I said before, people will do anything to not be labeled as crazy. Nobody takes a crazy person seriously. They just say "Don't even listen to that guy, he's crazy." That model of mental health treatment went out with the Middle Ages. Well,, I guess for a conservative, the middle-aged science would get more respect than modern mental health treatment techniques.

Unless you are telling me you buy into the hype that we are all supposed to ignore from trans people who think they are not thinking in a disordered way. Would you say trans people's ideas about gender are in the right order or disordered?

I also want to repeat that what you think is simply a character defect is a mental disorder.

The Affirmative Action people are basically saying to believe someone when they don't feel they were born the correct gender and treat them for it rather than say they have a character flaw and need to straighten up. As an intelligent human being, you really think that will be more helpful to these people.

One more thing....I have known you to follow the words of legitimate opinions by nationally agreed upon standards by the expert doctors (PhD or MD) than the opinion of the leader of an activist blog. Why are you changing your standards now? If you had a child with this affliction would you seek treatment or just tell you child they have a serious defect of character and they need to work it out for theirself? That's exactly what gets these kids put on the streets and abused by old men.
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May 22, 2015
It's not removed, and out of respect for this forum we should not be describing medical procreedures that more sensitive people could find disturbing. You can PM me if you want to have discussions of that nature.
Do you need me to post more links to the medical descriptions? It's disturbing because of what occurrs not because is a medical procedure. When people are hit with what is actually happening it's disturbing.

Here's one from the mayo clinic. BEWARE GRAPHIC MEDICAL LANGUAGE.

How Gender Reassignment Surgery Works (Infographic)

You show me proof that a child, someone 12 or under, is having surgery. I'll be marching with you against it, as would most trans people. It's illegal and medical malpractice.
Under 12? That's your line? You know girls usually don't have developed breast's under 12 to be removed. You are not a legal adult until you are 18. Please give us a valid reason a teen girl needs to have her breast's removed. Why she can't wait until she's 18?

And I noticed you didn't answer my question.
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May 22, 2015
didn't know you were aquainted with every transgender person alive. You must be busy. Or are you talking about people who congregate on social media know more than the medical community/
The thing is I agree with you. But I also thought you were one that wanted to go along to get along. You don't want to be seen ad offensive. By claiming it is a mental health issue you have just offended much of the trans community. Welcome to the transphobic club.
Again, who exactly is "they?" All transgender people or the most outspoken ones?
Does it matter? Are only the outspoken ones offended?
What has even a deeper stigma than being transgender? I would say, having a mental disorder. Would you say that someone with a penis who believes they were supposed to have a vagina is ordered thinking or dis-ordered thinking? If trans people want their mental disorder treated, and be paid for by insurance (especially subsidized insurance, they must admit to having and be treated for gender dysphoria. Other than that it's elective surgery done by a plastic surgeon for cash. I believe trans people resist this diagnosis in order to make people they aren't "crazy." Crazy is just a term for a mental health disorder that is not understood. schizophrenic people see and hear things that only exist in their minds. In the past, we would have simply deemed them "crazy and locked them up so they don't hurt themselves or others. Over time they have found treatments and medications that do treat the disorder and many can even lead "normal lives"
You know, you are in far more agreement with us on the right than you realize. Much of what you are saying are rhe same things we have said.

Of course they resist the diagnosis. It's exactly the reason it was changed in the DSM. It wasn't because it stopped being a disorder. It was because the transgender community didn't want the stigma. It's obviously disordered thinking. But we have no way of determining if someone really is or isn't, as you pointed out.

The question of this thread is, what do we do about it in children? When a kid says they are trans, where do you go from there?

And right now in the US it's Affirmative Care with medicalization. That's it. Puberty blocker then hormones. Get on the trans train. They are being influenced by the physicians affirming they are, giving them blockers, which further the affirmation and then on to hormones in very short order furthering the influence just go all in. That's the reality.

It's good to have you on board at least in recognition that it is a mental health disorder, an illness. That's a good start.
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The thing is I agree with you. But I also thought you were one that wanted to go along to get along. You don't want to be seen ad offensive. By claiming it is a mental health issue you have just offended much of the trans community. Welcome to the transphobic club

Does it matter? Are only the outspoken ones offended?

You know, you are in far more agreement with us on the right than you realize. Much of what you are saying are rhe same things we have said.
For me, it's not as much about agreeing or disagreeing with a particular political; party, it's more about obtaining the proper healthcare.
Of course they resist the diagnosis. It's exactly the reason it was changed in the DSM. It wasn't because it stopped being a disorder. It was because the transgender community didn't want the stigma. It's obviously disordered thinking. But we have no way of determining if someone really is or isn't, as you pointed out.
I think transgender people want to feel like they are "normal" and they are normal in that the value of their lives is no less than anybody else. All we really have to go on is what the patient says and does related to coping with the way they feel. What I am talking about is how to get gender dysphoria treated under the already established guidelines AND have insurance pay for it. People still have the option of hiring a plastic surgeon for elective surgery. I honestly don't know how or who prescribes hormones leading up to and after going under the knife but if you have enough cash, I'm pretty sure they can purchase the treatment of their choice.
The question of this thread is, what do we do about it in children? When a kid says they are trans, where do you go from there?
I think like I was saying........It's time to get a referral from one's MD to a specialist on gender dysphoria. Even if they deem through evaluation that they have it, the treatment starts off slow with the therapist helping them figure out what their short and long-term goals are and what measurements will indicate that the goals have been met. Through this process, for example, someone could realize that they don't want to be a woman, they just like women's clothes and makeup and are being pursued in the way that men pursue women. I'm sure some will be focused on changing their gender all the way through. The thing that treatment is so good for is helping the young person gain some level of acceptance of where they are in the process and make a level of peace with that at least enough to lead a fairly normal life or better to describe it as living the life they want to live or envision for themselves. I'm sure there is way more to the therapy but every patient must have a comprehensive treatment plan with goals and a way to measure the progress to those goals.
And right now in the US it's Affirmative Care with medicalization. That's it. Puberty blocker then hormones. Get on the trans train. They are being influenced by the physicians affirming they are, giving them blockers, which further the affirmation and then on to hormones in very short order furthering the influence just go all in. That's the reality.

It's good to have you on board at least in recognition that it is a mental health disorder, an illness. That's a good start.
From my understanding, it's not so important that they fast track people to surgery but the main tenant of the Affirmative Action program is to believe the patient when they tell you how they feel rather than try to convince them they don't really feel that way or their condition is not medical but it's a character defect that can be overcome with will power and discipline. That was another groupof people's best practices and it was very harmful and led to self harm and even suicide.
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