Rejoice in the Lord Always

Fear, anxiety, and worry must be universally troublesome to most people because God/Jesus Christ warned his people, and/or he encouraged his people all throughout Scripture (and history) to not fear, to not be afraid, to not fret, and to not be anxious, but “in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,” (to) “present your requests to God. And, the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (see Philippians 4:6-7).

One of the antidotes for fear and worry, thus, is to pray with thanksgiving, believing that God is going to answer, and to put our trust in God, knowing he has all things under his control, for fear is the opposite of trust/faith. Yet another antidote for anxiety is to rejoice in the Lord always and to sing songs of praise unto God. So, when Satan throws his darts of fear or doubt our way, we need to pray. It is essential that we choose to put our trust in God, believing that he has our circumstances under his control. And, we must be thankful, we should rejoice, and it is necessary that we praise our God in life, in word, and in song.

Sometimes we worry because we have adopted the ways and patterns of this world, and because we daily take into our minds and hearts far too much of this world’s junk, philosophies, character traits, habits, and attitudes. Instead, we need to focus our minds, hearts, and attention on what has eternal value. We need to daily die to our old ways of living in sin and for self, and we need to clothe ourselves with our Lord Jesus Christ, and take on his character and values. What is important to him should be essential to us. And we should not only read or hear his word, in context, but we should put it into practice in our lives.

Rejoice in the Lord Always!

An Original Work / January 26, 2013
Based off Phil. 4 & Col. 3

Rejoice in our Lord God always.
I say again: “Rejoice always!”
Let your love and kindness show forth.
Our Lord Christ will soon appear.
Do not let yourself be troubled.
Do not fear your circumstances.
In all of life’s complications,
Pray to God with thankfulness.
God will give you peace and rest.

Set your minds on things of heaven:
What is true and right and lovely.
Do not focus your attention
On the things that pass away.
Therefore put to death your old self.
Clothe yourselves with God’s compassion.
Put the word of Christ in practice.
Let God’s peace rule in your hearts.
Sing songs of praise unto God.

In all of life’s circumstances
I’ll learn to trust; be contented.
Whether I have none or plenty,
I will give thanks unto God.
I can live my life to please Him,
Because Jesus gives me His strength.
My God will meet all of my needs,
From his treasure chest in Christ.
Glory, praise be unto God.

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Encouraging One Another

“The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth.
“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul. For I rejoiced greatly when the brothers came and testified to your truth, as indeed you are walking in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
“Beloved, it is a faithful thing you do in all your efforts for these brothers, strangers as they are, who testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God. For they have gone out for the sake of the name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.” (3rd John 1:1-8 ESV)

We who believe in Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of our lives are to be encouragers. Sometimes the encouragement is like it is here that feels good to our emotions, but sometimes it must be more of an exhortation which is a holy urging or a strong encouragement away from particular behaviors to walks of obedience to our Lord and to surrender to his will for us in holy living, and to no longer walk in sin. And we need both types of encouragements within the body of Christ toward one another.

We also need to be those who are praying for one another’s needs and prayer requests. But we should be praying according to the will of God and not necessarily always as the one we are praying for is hoping for. So, we need to pray for discernment in how and what to pray for other Christians so that our prayers are effective because they are according to the will of God. And then we should check in with those for whom we are praying occasionally to see how things are going with them, too.

Now all of us are probably not going to do all of this perfectly all the time, but we must make it our goal and our practice to be encouragers and to pay attention to people’s needs and to be praying for them and inquiring of them as to how things are going with them, for we all need encouragement, don’t we? We all need to know that someone out there cares about us and how we are doing and who wants to encourage us and to pray for us. And we should do for others as we would want to have done for us.

But not one of us can be all things to all people, and we are not going to be able to meet everyone’s needs for encouragement because we are not superhumans. So we just need to trust the Lord to lead and to guide us in who he wants us to encourage and in what ways and in what timing. And we should be praying to the Lord for his leading in this and for him to put people on our hearts and to show us the needs and to know when to say what and when to whomever he wants to be encouraged at that moment in time.

Especially we should be encouraging one another in our walks of faith and in obedience to our Lord. And when we see fellow believers in Jesus walking in the ways of the Lord and/or sharing their testimonies of faith, we should try to encourage them. For we should take joy in our fellow Christians walking in the truth of God’s word, especially in these times in which we live when so many are walking in the ways of the flesh, and in the ways of the world, and not in the ways of the Lord, and not in obedience to his commands.

And when we see fellow Christians showing one another the love of Jesus, we should bless them for that, and thank them for their expressions of love and kindness, especially if their acts of kindness are directed towards us personally, but not only to us. Now we should not speak lies to them just to make them feel good, for lies are never kind. So, in whatever way in which you choose to show your appreciation and to acknowledge someone’s expressions of love and kindness, always speak the truth in love.

And then sometimes the Lord has us add on an exhortation, as John did here when he said, “You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God.” And when he said, “Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.” And like I said, we need both kinds of encouragements in the Lord so that our walks of faith in the Lord are according to his word, and so that we are living our lives pleasing to the Lord in all that we do, for the glory of God, in his power.

[Matt 5:13-16; Matt 28:18-20; Jn 4:31-38; Jn 13:13-17; Jn 14:12; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:14-18; Acts 26:18; Rom 10:14-15; Rom 12:1-8; Rom 15:14; 1 Co 12:1-31; 1 Co 14:1-5; Eph 4:1-16; Eph 5:11-27; Php 2:1-8; Col 3:16; Heb 3:13; Heb 10:23-25; 1 Pet 2:9,21; 1 Jn 2:6]

Love Must Be Genuine

An Original Work / October 22, 2013
Based off Romans 12:9-21

Love must be genuine.
Hate what’s evil; cling to good.
Love each other with affection.
Show respect for ev’ryone.
Never lack in your zeal.
Serve the Lord with diligence.

Rejoice in steadfast hope.
In affliction, patient be.
Keep on praying; share with others.
Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute.
Feel with others sympathy.

Be not filled with conceit.
Daily sit at Jesus’ feet.
Live in harmony with others.
Live at peace with ev’ryone.
Repay not to someone
With the evil he begot.

Do not take your revenge;
Leave it to the wrath of God.
If your enemy is thirsty,
Give to him something to drink.
Do what’s right for mankind.
Evil: overcome with good.

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Being a Christian and hardships


Why should I continue being a Christian if God has given me a rubbish adulthood?

I am single and try hard to find someone, I live in one room and I have no mortgage to get a house or a flat, I have no savings, I don't have a car, God can't seem to heal my mental illnesses, no children, I always struggle for money and I don't know if Christians need to keep the Law of Moses or not.

I show my love to God but I get nothing back in return. What a cruel God! Where are his blessings? His love is an absolute joke.

Prayer Zoom Room for China and Nations (Chinese, 汉语)

Zoom:84769255004, Code:2023
Time: American Eastern Time 6:00 PM to 10:00 AM , From Sunday 6:00PM to Friday 10:00AM

Thank you for caring and praying for China and Nations.

This Zoom Room was started by Chinese Christian in U.S.. They speak Chinese but not English in this Room. So it is difficult to English Speakers.


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Is this an end time thing?

I know scripture says "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,' Matthew 24:12

but is anyone else noticing a pattern where loved ones and people you know are changing their behaviour and becoming
nasty and sarcastic, and at times, abusive.

I've noticed this with some family members now and also some friends.
They have no time for you, or becoming overly selfish and preoccupied
and, when you go to share, they say they have to go or are busy.

I've had some friends become abusive and seem to have no filter now and they will
say that they truly think about you.

This is with christians and non-christians.

My own husband, a christian man, turned on me 8 years ago and changes his personality and became
from being a gentle person, to an abusive person.

I've noticed a pattern.

Can anyone back this up?

It's like there has been a shift in relationships and how people interact with each other.

Thanks in advance.
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what happens to someone between Lutheranism and Orthodoxy, where should they stay?

If someone is not quite fitting into either of them, where should they go? For example, for me, while I agree with the principal of sola scriptura, and have been in the Lutheran church, certain practices of Lutheranism I disagree with as opposed to Orthodoxy such as rejecting the essence-energies distinction, and having statues instead of icons. Another big one is the Lutheran liturgy is not historical like Orthodoxy. However, I think because of the issue of "free will" or monergism/ faith alone however you want to call it, Orthodoxy would reject that I don't believe in a synergistic theosis as opposed to a Lutheran one (as in Jordan Cooper). There is a substantial neglect of studying the liturgy and the church fathers in Lutheranism with most emphasis on Chemnitz and Luther, even though both churches are supposed to be patristic. I wonder if should just join Orthodoxy due to these problems, as I don't disagree with that much in Orthodoxy. I'm a big proponent of the Orthodox liturgy and patristics and the fact that Lutheranism rejects Maximus, and other fathers and bases the entirety of their beliefs on Luther's modifications bugs me. I'm not sure Luther had it right on everything, just maybe free will but his other stuff like 2 kingdoms, and statues being monergistic is nonsense in my opinion, and I disagree with Lutherans discarding patristics and liturgical.

We have been ALL COUNTED for God's divine purposes: Numbers 1:1-4:20

PARASHA: “B’Midbar” (in the wilderness) NUMBERS 1:1-4:20

We start the new Torah Sefer called “Numbers” in English because it talks about “numbering” the tribes of Israel. We wonder why the reason for “numbering the people?” for this reason, we need to go back to the beginning to see.

In Egypt, Israel was a hodge-podge of undisciplined slaves working for Pharaoh, In Adonai’s timing, He sent Moshe, a “Messiah Type” to lead the people out of slavery to freedom. Once out of Egypt, came the task of taking Egypt out of the Israelites. They came to Har Sinai, ready to become a nation united under YHVH. The Ten Commandments served as the document in stone, a “Ketubah” to solidify the covenant. Now, the United Tribes of Israel under YHVH is established. But this is only the first part. Each Shavuot/Pentecost, we remember the giving of the “Torah in Stone” in the midst of thunder and fire.

Now that the nation is established, YHVH takes a count, why the count? As a nation, Israel needs an army! So, the count is taken to form the very first IDF (Israel Defense Force). I am sure that many of you who are reading this have served in one of the branches of the Armed Forces of the USA, or other countries. I myself served in the US Army from 1972-1984. I met many people and learned many things. It was a great experience and a special time in my life. Quite a few of my family members also served in the Armed Forces, the first being an ancestor of mine, Richard Ellis, who served in the Massachusetts Militia in 1640. I also served as a volunteer chaplain with the Armed Forces of El Salvador, where I now live. Also with the IDF as a volunteer helper during the summer of 2015.

YHVH takes up the count and “enlists” every man who is 20 years old and older. They will serve in the armies of Israel. All those who are …”20 years old and upward who are able to go to war.” After the numbering, part of daily life would have been practicing and learning how to use different combat weapons, back then would have been swords, spears, bows and arrows, and slingshots.

The term that is used is "lifting up the head" as far as "counting" went. The Midrash says that "Lifting up the head" could mean "prosperity and blessings" if the person was obedient, yet, the same term was used by Joseph when he predicted the outcome of the baker, "In three days, your head will be lifted off from you" (loss of life)

Every soldier has a job to do. Today we call these jobs MOS, (Military Occupation Specialties) One of mine was that of chaplain assistant. I was to assist a catholic chaplain who everyone called; “Father McCarthy” who had a bulldog named “Gus” who also went to chapel with him. 11 of the 12 tribes were called to be fighting men yet the tribe of Levi, was called to be the “chaplain tribe” They were exempt from combat duty, they would attend the Tabernacle and services. There were the cohenim (the priests) who would be the “chaplains” and the “Levites” who would serve as the “chaplain assistants” sort of speaking.

So, you are thinking, what does this numbering have to do with us as born-again believers in Messiah Yeshua? We are all soldiers in God’s army of believers. He’s got us all numbered. Yes, he has your number! We need to again, go back and look at our lives before and after Messiah Yeshua. Before, we were just a bunch of “hodge-podge lost sinners in the camp of HaSatan, until Yeshua took us out of that camp by shedding his blood on the cross of Calvary, when we accepted his sacrifice, we were officially “out” of the camp. Yet, there would still be a lot of “HaSatan and worldly influence” still in us, so, like the Israelites, “Egypt” was still in us.

When we accepted Messiah Yeshua as our Mashiach and Goel (Redeemer) we were added to the Commonwealth of Israel, now part of the Community, the “Adat” which began at Sinai 3500 years ago. We are the “olive branches” that have been “grafted into” the Olive Tree.

Now that we are members and citizens of “HIS People” we also are considered “soldiers” and in the LORD’s Army. However, we fight a different type of war. In this world, armies fight with RPGs, M-16s, Kalashnikovs, Berettas, M-60s, etc. We fight against, “spirits and principalities of darkness” it is a spiritual war against HaSatan and his demons. Only through the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) and the power of His WORD can we overcome the onslaughts of the enemy. He realizes he has lost the war, yet still continues to fight a losing battle, which was won at the cross 2000 years ago.

As the Cohenim ministered and had jobs to do, and the soldiers also had their jobs to do, we believers also had jobs within our “Kehilot” and “Adat” (congregations). That is why the Holy Spirit has given gifts of the Spirit so that we might all serve in different capacities in the body of the Messiah. In this way, the body grows and prospers. Some of us are rabbis, and pastors, who also serve as teachers. We also have ministers in music and praise, finances, maintenance, prayer intercessors, counselors, and the list can go on.

The twelve tribes of Israel encircled the Tabernacle, with the tribe of Levi next to it. The “Mishkan” was at the center of the People. Also, YHVH should be the “Center” of our lives. The whole purpose of our life is to serve our God and Creator, while loving and supporting our brothers and sisters in the faith, reaching out to others who are lost, and teaching Torah to those who have ears to hear and learn. We are “numbered” in the eyes of Elohim, HE knows who we are, He has numbered the hairs on our head, and there is no such thing as “retirement” in the work of YHVH, well, there is…. It is called d-e-a-t-h.

It is also notable to mention that the Hebrew word "B'Midbar (in the desert) also contains the letters that form the words; Son (Bar) "In the Word" (B'd'bar) and "from the Word" (M'D'bar) what could this tell us? That God would keep his people "In The Word" and would direct their journeys "from the Word" as He keeps us "In His Word" and we learn and mature "from the WORD" and we are "born again" through the "Son" (Bar) (Aramaic)

Another detail which I would like to add to this midrash. When Adonai numbered the people, he chose leaders out of each tribe. In all groups of “chosen” there are “leaders”. They can be pastors, rabbis, Sunday school teachers, Torah teachers, counselors, etc. But every group needs a leader or leaders. If not, we have a lot of sheep running around without shepherds. We see the names of the leaders. Many ask about the meanings of the names. Well, here they are as follows. Starting with chapter 1, verse 5;

“Elizur’ = My God is the rock;” Shelumiel” = At peace with God. (I know, it sounds like “Schlemiel” but it isn’t. “Zurishaddai” = My Rock is Shaddai; “Nahshon” = Serpent, “Amminadab” = The (Divine) kinsman is generous; “Nethaniel” = God hath given; “Eliab” = God is Father; “Elishama” = God hath heard, or God hears; “Ammihud” = The (Divine) kinsman is glorious; “Gammaliel” = God is my reward. In later times, it was the name of many famous rabbis, like the rabbi of Apostle Paul; “Pedahzur” = The Rock hath redeemed; “Abidan” = The Father hath judged; “Ahiezer” = The (divine) Brother is a help; “Ammishaddai” = The People of Shaddai; “Pagiel” = The lot (or fate) is given by God; “Eliasaph” = God has added; “Deuel” or “Reuel” = God is a friend; “Ahira” my brother is a friend, or, evil. (depends how we read it)

Our life is a journey and we have been counted by God for HIS divine purposes. We have a job or jobs to do while on earth, for HIS Kingdom, we will be rewarded for our efforts, yet, do we do our jobs to reap rewards? or just because we Love the LORD! and want to be in fellowship with HIM?

Life goes by quickly. Before you know it, you'll be hitting the senior years. Do not faint in doing good works, we will reap the rewards for all eternity.

Pentecost/Shavuot June 12-13th 2024.

Ben Avraham

Countering America’s “Establishment Revolution”

This is a very long, but also very interesting read. I hope that y'all may enjoy as well as be blessed by this article.

Every Book in the World

John 21:5 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

I talk about this quite a bit, how every book in the world would not be enough to explain the Bible. So I did a study on just how many books that would be. Harvard University has 18 million books. The US Library of Congress has 32 million books. It is not unheard of for a library to have one million square feet. This is the size of 17 football fields. I remember I was at the trade center in Hong Kong and saws a room filled with buses about the size of a football field. I was amazed that so many buses took up a small part of that building. Even we are told in Heaven the library is MUCH bigger there than here. At least three times bigger. The angels have to get the book for us that we are looking for. We would not be able to find it ourselves.


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The Joy of My Heart

“Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.
I have sworn an oath and confirmed it,
to keep your righteous rules.
I am severely afflicted;
give me life, O Lord, according to your word!
Accept my freewill offerings of praise, O Lord,
and teach me your rules.
I hold my life in my hand continually,
but I do not forget your law.
The wicked have laid a snare for me,
but I do not stray from your precepts.
Your testimonies are my heritage forever,
for they are the joy of my heart.
I incline my heart to perform your statutes
forever, to the end.” Psalms 119:105-112 ESV

When we believe in Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of our lives, and so we are crucified with Christ in death to sin and raised with him to walk in newness of life in him, no longer as slaves to sin, but as slaves to God and to his righteousness, his word (Genesis to Revelation) becomes that lamp to our feet and that light to our path. The truth of the Scriptures, as applied to followers of Christ, leads us and guides us in the way that we should go.

Now, many people are teaching today that we do not have to obey the Lord and that we do not have to obey his commandments to us under the New Covenant. They are teaching that we do not have to do anything – no repentance, no submission to Christ as Lord, no surrender of our lives to do His will – no works at all, not even the works of God which he prepared in advance that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10; cf. Titus 2:11-14).

But if we read the New Testament Scriptures, in their context, we will realize that they teach the same things that this Psalm is teaching us. Now, we don’t have to give animal sacrifices like they did under the Old Covenant, but we are to be living sacrifices to God, holy and pleasing to him, which is our acceptable worship of him, no longer living as slaves to the desires of the flesh, no longer conformed to the ways of this sinful world (Romans 12:1-2).

The New Testament insists that we walk in obedience to our Lord and not in sin or else we will not inherit eternal life with God. So the gospel of our salvation is not a free ride into heaven regardless of how we live, as many people would have you believe. We should be people of God who love the word of the Lord, and who desire to do his will, because we love God, and because we are so thankful for Jesus Christ saving us from our sins.

But if we are teaching the truth of the gospel of our salvation, and if we are teaching obedience to the Lord and to his commands, and if we are insisting on the forsaking of our sins and walks of holiness and righteousness, in practice, in the power of God, we will face lots of opposition from others who also profess faith in Jesus Christ but who are believing that no obedience is required of them because they are saved by God’s grace.

But the grace of God, which is bringing us salvation, trains (teaches, instructs) us to renounce (say “No” to) ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives while we wait for our Lord’s return. For Jesus Christ gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works (see Titus 2:11-14; cf. Ephesians 2:10).

So the wicked today who are laying snares for the righteous are those who are trying to convince us that we do not have to obey the commandments of our Lord under the New Covenant, and that no works are required of us at all, and that we do not have to cease from sin. And they are those who are attacking those servants of the Lord who are still teaching the righteousness of God and his requirements for all who believe in Jesus as the Christ.

But we must be those who continue steadfast in our faith in Jesus Christ, in doing what we know is right, according to the Scriptures. We must be those who love the Word of the Lord and whose desire it is to walk in the ways of the Lord and to do his will. We must not give way to fear of what other humans might do to us, but we must continue to share the truth of the gospel and to expose the lies of the enemy for what they are.

For far too many people today are believing and following after the lies and not the truth. Far too many professers of faith in Jesus Christ are living not much differently from those who make no profession of faith in Christ, for they are still living to please the flesh, and not God, and they are still deliberately and habitually sinning against the Lord while claiming God’s grace covers it all, and while claiming heaven as their eternal destiny.

So, please know that Jesus said that if anyone would come after him, he must deny self, take up his cross daily (die daily to sin) and follow (obey) him. For if we hold on to our old lives of living in sin and for self, we will lose them for eternity. But if for Jesus’ sake we deny self, die daily to sin, and follow him in obedience, then we have the hope of eternal life with God. But if we deny Jesus in this life, he will disown us (see Luke 9:23-26).

To Be Like Him

An Original Work / March 16, 2014
Based off Scripture

Crucified you are with Jesus.
To be like Him, oh, you’ll be,
Because He died at Calv’ry,
So from sin you’d be free.
Oh, what joy He brings into your life,
Giving life with Him endlessly.

Oh, what plans He has for your life.
Share the gospel faithfully.
Show the people He loves them.
Now His witness you’ll be.
Tell the world of sin about Jesus,
How He died for them on a tree.

Purifying hearts, He saves them,
Who believe on Christ, God’s Son.
Turning now from their idols,
New lives they have begun.
Jesus saves from sin; we’re forgiven.
Over sin, the vict’ry He won!

When He comes again to take us
To be with Him evermore,
There will be no more crying.
Gladness will be in store.
Heavens joys will now overtake us:
We’ll be with our Lord evermore.

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New member seeking a true Christian discussion board

Hello brothers and sisters, I've been searching for a forum to discuss some of the lingering questions I have regarding the Bible and how certain things apply in modern times. I originally ended up on r/Christianity (as it was the first to pop up during my search) and I have been utterly disgusted by it. Seemingly half of the people on the board proclaim themselves as Christians while spewing the most vile, blasphemous rhetoric I have ever heard. It seems to me that these people are actually radicalized leftists who actively seek to disrupt and degrade our faith. They pretend to be one of us so they can say "well I'm a Christian and I believe such and such is true" in an attempt to muddy the water and create the illusion of support for things that are inherently wrong. (Abortion being one of the most prevalent topics).

I could go on and on naming specific examples, but I guess I'm just seeking some reassurance that there are true networks of Christians on the internet who operate in good faith. I truly hope to find my people here, and I want to thank you for allowing me to join.


Salvation of freemasons 3

Good day, I'm asking for prayer for salvation of George Washington Union, National Sovereign Sanctuary Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm for the United States and Jurisdictions, Honorable Order of Universal Co-Masonry, Le Droit Humain – American federation, Le Droit Humain – American federation, National Grand Lodge Prince Hall Origin, Grand Lodge of Alabama, King Solomon Grand Lodge, Olive Branch Grand Lodge, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alabama, Grand Lodge of Alaska, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska, Grand Lodge of Arizona & families. Thank you for all your prayer.

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗Introduction˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

Screenshot 2024-06-09 180240.png

Hi! I'm Asánte. I've have been called to redefine myself.
Grew up a religiously-divided household of the same faith but different belief systems.
This is the time for me to get a restart!
Finding out that there are no denominations when it comes to Jesus Christ.
I'm here to unlearn the knowledge I have gained that have been slightly tainted by man's judgments, standards & laws.
I'm here to have the unanswered questions I have, answered.
I'm here to improve my faith, trust, and secure my hope for my future in Christ's love.
I'm here to be transformed again, accordingly through the foundations and standards of God's will.
Bare with me as I journey through the cramped and narrow road with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 16:24-26 | Ephesians 4:22-24 | Romans 12:1-2

How Online Conspiracy Theories Led to a Mental Health Crisis | PBS NewsHour

David Morrill of Portland, Oregon, was involved in conspiracy theory communities online until a mental health crisis forced him to confront his beliefs. He talked with his father about how he found his way back to reality. Their conversation is part of our Student Reporting Labs series on misinformation, “Moments of Truth.”

Watch the video above to learn more, and then answer the discussion questions in the upper-right corner of this page.

This lesson was originally posted here on PBS NewsHour Classroom on February 13, 2023. Check out more resources at NewsHour Classroom.

Discussion Questions for Moment of Truth: How Online Conspiracy Theories Led to This Man’s Mental Health Crisis

The Mark of the Beast (It's not complicated and it is an upsetting matter)

Genuine warning! Please do not read this if you are easily upset and not rooted in scripture by way of Scripture only. It can be an upsetting matter! This is not a joke. Please do not read on within this if you are denomination only and get most of your information from a pulpit or biblical commentary! This is only for those that read scripture and interpret it with scripture. It is not an assertion of being a fact, but simply a logical presentation of current facts within scripture and the world around us.

As for the scriptural points in the beginning of this post, please do not use this passage of scripture against brothers and sisters in the BODY, as it is not intended to be used in place of the Holy Spirit, Who alone must convict Christians of these matters in HIS time, not ours.

Matthew 23:2 “The scribes and the Pharisees are seated in the chair of Moses. 3 Therefore do whatever they tell you, and observe it. But don’t do what they do, because they don’t practice what they teach. 4 They tie up heavy loads that are hard to carry and put them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves aren’t willing to lift a finger to move them.

13 “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You lock up the kingdom of heaven from people. For you don’t go in, and you don’t allow those entering to go in.

15 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as fit for hell as you are!

What makes this more clear?
15 “Woe to you hypocritical Torah-teachers and P’rushim! You go about over land and sea to make one proselyte; and when you succeed, you make him twice as fit for Gei-Hinnom as you are!

Does this mean "Judaism" is the focus? NO!
It is an identifier of Satan's most repetitive work, by which he corrupts mankind. He doesn't bother with the "world" as it is understood. He works on corrupting the NEW WINE and making people that have HEARTS of STONE, yet believe that they are serving God in the process.

Revelation 20: They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands.

Deuteronomy 11:18 Therefore, you are to store up these words of mine in your heart and in all your being; tie them on your hand as a sign; put them at the front of a headband around your forehead;

Deuteronomy 6:8 Tie them on your hand as a sign, put them at the front of a headband around your forehead,

Matthew 23:5 They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long,

Any person that undermines God, while claiming to be HIS FOLLOWER, yet carries the STONES of the PHARISEES is MARKED. Better it is to have never known HIM, than to have KNOWN Him and .... NOT Understand the TRUE meaning of JAMES 2.

This is a SPIRITUAL Mark. It is a mark that is a false presence of marred and disfigured LOVE. It is the voice of human condemnation, that claims the high ground of "Righteousness".

Not all Christians are "Marked". No "Denomination" can be "Marked". It is a matter of personal HEART.

No "Religion" can fully be "Marked", as again, it is a matter of personal HEART.


All this to say... There is a most interesting point of interest in this matter.

Sharia, or Islamic law, is a set of religious principles and guidelines that govern many aspects of Muslim life, including daily activities and religious rituals. The word sharia is Arabic for "the way" or "the path to water". Sharia is derived from the Quran, Islam's holy book, as well as the Sunnah and Hadith, which are the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad.

Sharia law, or Islamic law, can have different consequences for specific crimes. These consequences are known as hudud punishments and can include death, amputation, flogging, and stoning:
  • Apostasy
    Rejecting Islam by word, deed, or omission can result in the death penalty if the offender doesn't repent within a specified time.
  • Theft
    Stealing in secret can result in the amputation of the offender's right hand.
  • Highway robbery
    Armed or highway robbery can result in execution, crucifixion, or amputation of hands and feet from opposite sides of the body, depending on the severity of the offense.
  • Extramarital sexual relations
    Also known as zinā, this crime can result in death by stoning for married offenders and 100 lashes for unmarried offenders.
    Other crimes that can result in capital punishment under Sharia law include murder, rape, adultery, homosexuality, and witchcraft.
This sure does seem awfully familiar.

Hmmmm... 1 John says something about denying the Son.

1 John 2:18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.

20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. 21 I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth. 22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

Here are some disturbing passages from a faith that claims to be "Abrahamic" of origin. It's not a religion of our Father's, for Certain!

Quranic Quotes that Deny that Jesus is of the FATHER. Link to a site that gives the passages and the Quranic verse and book information, with many more verses about this matter.

O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.

They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allah is the third of three." And there is no god except one God. And if they do not desist from what they are saying, there will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment.
[He is] Originator of the heavens and the earth. How could He have a son when He does not have a companion and He created all things? And He is, of all things, Knowing.

On The Perseverance of the Saints

I must say that I have experienced much of what is written here, from the Canons of Dort in 1618-1619. I do believe in pressing toward the goal of perfection as stated in Article 2, but also that the sin nature and infirmities of the flesh are still with us as expressed in Article 1.
Article 4 contains some rather frightening revelations: "they are not only liable to be drawn into great and heinous sins by the flesh, the world, and Satan, but sometimes by the righteous permission of God actually are drawn into these evils. This, the lamentable fall of David, Peter, and other saints described in Holy Scripture, demonstrates." I know all this quite well, and can add to that the sins of Samson, and Solomon as well.

Now there must come a time the person is either brought back to repentance by a literal act of God upon his or her life, sometimes in drastic and dramatic ways, or the person continues on in their sin to the point of apostasy, departing completely from the faith of which they were exposed to, but yet not born again by.
Yes, I believe you be exposed to the faith, taste the good things of God, even reap of His blessings, but be lost. case in point: Judas, and those described in Matthew 7:20-23.

In my case I have no idea if God was involved in granting righteous permission, but I do know He will give someone over to their sins. Could He have stopped me from some of these sins? Of course. Why didn't He? Perhaps to show me the true gravity of sin. Perhaps to show other people other things I have no idea about. And to show that no matter the powers I claimed for myself, as I described in a testimony yesterday, all personal power and ability is as nothing in His sight, and we are truly weak without Him, and our giving Him our 100%

I've also experienced Article 11, having doubts concerning this assurance, and feeling assured of hell. But I suspect if did not have such doubt at the time, that perhaps the seed of the Word was not within, for if I did not fear Him who can cast into hell, there would be no fear of God, and such as who do not fear God are usually lost. Also in my prodigalness I did not really "run from the Father" but would call Him out and demand Jacob like wrestling matches, or to destroy Satan in a duel for God, and all form of madness and folly. Yet at the core I obviously clung tightly to an ultimate trust in God.
1 John 3:20, "For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things." Absolutely! HalleluYAH!

So now I find for the past few years what is explained in Articles 12, 13 and 14 - an incentive to godliness, is no inducement to carelessness, and that God keeps me by His Word, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers.

I suppose I will only know the real reasons and purpose of my many follies when I am set free from this flesh and am glorified. There is no way I can know all of the Fathers sovereign will and what He purposes in my life, or how my life may have effected others for both good and for evil, and considering Romans 8:28 I have seen what begins as an evil gets turned around for good, as was with Joseph in Egypt.

The Fifth Main Point of Doctrine:
The Perseverance of the Saints

Article 1: The Regenerate Not Entirely Free from Sin

Those whom God, according to His purpose, calls to the communion of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and regenerates by the Holy Spirit, He also delivers from the dominion and slavery of sin, though in this life He does not deliver them altogether from the body of sin and from the infirmities of the flesh.

Article 2: The Believer’s Reaction to Sins of Weakness

Hence spring forth the daily sins of infirmity, and blemishes cleave even to the best works of the saints. These are to them a perpetual reason to humiliate themselves before God and to flee for refuge to Christ crucified; to mortify the flesh more and more by the spirit of prayer and by holy exercises of piety; and to press forward to the goal of perfection, until at length, delivered from this body of death, they shall reign with the Lamb of God in heaven.

Article 3: God’s Preservation of the Converted

By reason of these remains of indwelling sin, and also because of the temptations of the world and of Satan, those who are converted could not persevere in that grace if left to their own strength. But God is faithful, who, having conferred grace, mercifully confirms and powerfully preserves them therein, even to the end.

Article 4: The Danger of True Believers’ Falling into Serious Sins

Although the weakness of the flesh cannot prevail against the power of God, who confirms and preserves true believers in a state of grace, yet converts are not always so influenced and actuated by the Spirit of God as not in some particular instances sinfully to deviate from the guidance of divine grace, so as to be seduced by and to comply with the lusts of the flesh; they must, therefore, be constant in watching and prayer, that they may not be led into temptation. When these are neglected, they are not only liable to be drawn into great and heinous sins by the flesh, the world, and Satan, but sometimes by the righteous permission of God actually are drawn into these evils. This, the lamentable fall of David, Peter, and other saints described in Holy Scripture, demonstrates.

Article 5: The Effects of Such Serious Sins

By such enormous sins, however, they very highly offend God, incur a deadly guilt, grieve the Holy Spirit, interrupt the exercise of faith, very grievously wound their consciences, and sometimes for a while lose the sense of God’s favor, until, when they change their course by serious repentance, the light of God’s fatherly countenance again shines upon them.

Article 6: God’s Saving Intervention

But God, who is rich in mercy, according to His unchangeable purpose of election, does not wholly withdraw the Holy Spirit from His own people even in their grievous falls; nor suffers them to proceed so far as to lose the grace of adoption and forfeit the state of justification, or to commit the sin unto death or against the Holy Spirit; nor does He permit them to be totally deserted, and to plunge themselves into everlasting destruction.

Article 7: Renewal to Repentance

For in the first place, in these falls He preserves in them the incorruptible seed of regeneration from perishing or being totally lost; and again, by His Word and Spirit He certainly and effectually renews them to repentance, to a sincere and godly sorrow for their sins, that they may seek and obtain remission in the blood of the Mediator, may again experience the favor of a reconciled God, through faith adore His mercies, and henceforward more diligently work out their own salvation with fear and trembling.

Article 8: The Certainty of This Preservation

Thus it is not in consequence of their own merits or strength, but of God’s free mercy, that they neither totally fall from faith and grace nor continue and perish finally in their backslidings; which, with respect to themselves is not only possible, but would undoubtedly happen; but with respect to God, it is utterly impossible, since His counsel cannot be changed nor His promise fail; neither can the call according to His purpose be revoked, nor the merit, intercession, and preservation of Christ be rendered ineffectual, nor the sealing of the Holy Spirit be frustrated or obliterated.

Article 9: The Assurance of This Preservation

Of this preservation of the elect to salvation and of their perseverance in the faith, true believers themselves may and do obtain assurance according to the measure of their faith, whereby they surely believe that they are and ever will continue true and living members of the Church, and that they have the forgiveness of sins and life eternal.

Article 10: The Ground of This Assurance

This assurance, however, is not produced by any peculiar revelation contrary to or independent of the Word of God, but springs from faith in God’s promises, which He has most abundantly revealed in His Word for our comfort; from the testimony of the Holy Spirit, witnessing with our spirit that we are children and heirs of God (Rom 8:16); and lastly, from a serious and holy desire to preserve a good conscience and to perform good works. And if the elect of God were deprived of this solid comfort that they shall finally obtain the victory, and of this infallible pledge of eternal glory, they would be of all men the most miserable.

Article 11: Doubts Concerning This Assurance

The Scripture moreover testifies that believers in this life have to struggle with various carnal doubts, and that under grievous temptations they do not always feel this full assurance of faith and certainty of persevering. But God, who is the Father of all consolation, does not suffer them to be tempted above that they are able, but will with the temptation make also the way of escape, that they may be able to endure it (1Co 10:13), and by the Holy Spirit again inspires them with the comfortable assurance of persevering.

Article 12: This Assurance as an Incentive to Godliness

This certainty of perseverance, however, is so far from exciting in believers a spirit of pride, or of rendering them carnally secure, that on the contrary it is the real source of humility, filial reverence, true piety, patience in every tribulation, fervent prayers, constancy in suffering and in confessing the truth, and of solid rejoicing in God; so that the consideration of this benefit should serve as an incentive to the serious and constant practice of gratitude and good works, as appears from the testimonies of Scripture and the examples of the saints.

Article 13: Assurance No Inducement to Carelessness

Neither does renewed confidence of persevering produce licentiousness or a disregard of piety in those who are recovered from backsliding; but it renders them much more careful and solicitous to continue in the ways of the Lord, which He has ordained, that they who walk therein may keep the assurance of persevering; lest, on account of their abuse of His fatherly kindness, God should turn away His gracious countenance from them (to behold which is to the godly dearer than life, and the withdrawal of which is more bitter than death) and they in consequence thereof should fall into more grievous torments of conscience.

Article 14: God’s Use of Means in Perseverance

And as it has pleased God, by the preaching of the gospel, to begin this work of grace in us, so He preserves, continues, and perfects it by the hearing and reading of His Word, by meditation thereon, and by the exhortations, threatenings, and promises thereof, and by the use of the sacraments.

Article 15: Contrasting Reactions to the Teaching of Perseverance

The carnal mind is unable to comprehend this doctrine of the perseverance of the saints and the certainty thereof, which God has most abundantly revealed in His Word, for the glory of His Name and the consolation of pious souls, and which He impresses upon the hearts of the believers. Satan abhors it, the world ridicules it, the ignorant and hypocritical abuse it, and the heretics oppose it. But the bride of Christ has always most tenderly loved and constantly defended it as an inestimable treasure; and God, against whom neither counsel nor strength can prevail, will dispose her so to continue to the end. Now to this one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be honor and glory forever. Amen.

Are polytheistic gods really demons?

There is only one true God, 1 Corinthians 8:

4 Therefore, as to the eating of food offered to idols, we know that “an idol has no real existence,” and that “there is no God [Θεὸς G2316] but one.” 5 For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as indeed there are many “gods” [G2316] and many “lords”— 6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.
Other so-called "gods" are demons, 1 Corinthians 10:

19 What do I imply then? That food offered to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20 No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons.
Demons are angelic beings who rebel against the one true God.

A rock and a hard place

So it appears my search is getting to an end. It doesn't matter how much I search, I just get to the same place. A complete and utter hatred for everyone and everything in this world.

First, I hate the people who cannot read the four characters of YHWH. They claim to be professors and experts, and they try to educate me, even though this should be obvious to anyone with half a brain, what the four characters mean. I wish them sickness and death, because their presence is just regurgiating.

Then I hate the people of this country. I know them on a level few people know about them. They are disgusting beings, with less of a soul than an animal.

In fact, I am so disgusted by this situation and the people around me, that I would rather die than to continue being a witness to this.

Now when Christ was in the world, all you had to do was to say his name basically and somebody would kill you. That's alot more merciful than my current situation.

Car on fire. I missed a big opportunity.

Over the weekend, I went to the park to share the Gospel. Upon returning to my car, I witnessed a concerning sight: another vehicle went past hastily, yet one of its tyres was blown and the wheel scraped against the ground, emitting smoke and sparks.
My instincts kicked in, suspecting foul play—a stolen car taken for a joyride. Fueled by excitement, I decided to tail the vehicle, intent on thwarting the thieves. However, after just a minute of pursuit, the car disappeared around a bend, leaving me momentarily puzzled.
Soon, I spotted it down a nearby driveway, smoke rising from the back right-hand side. Hastily turning around and parking outside the driveway to block any escape, I approached the scene. Small flames licked from the shredded tyre. If left, this would have spread not only engulfing the car but also to the adjacent house.
Then, a frail, elderly woman emerged from the house with a bucket of water. Grabbing it from her, I attempted to douse the flames to no avail. Urging her to fetch a hose, I ventured inside for another bucket, only to find the fire stubbornly persistent.
Thankfully, the woman returned with a hose, and after connecting it to the tap, I sprayed the underside of the car until the fire relented. It dawned on me then that she was the driver, unaware of how to change a punctured tyre. In a panicked moment, she rushed home at speed, hoping that the police would not see her.
With the crisis averted, I made sure the lady was OK before departing. Yet, halfway home, regret washed over me—I missed a crucial opportunity. I could have assisted her in changing the tyre and shared the Gospel with her while doing it. It was a missed chance, and I couldn't help but feel frustrated.

Thinking back on what happened, I need to always keep an eye out for opportunities to talk about the Gospel and lend a hand whenever I can. Always be vigilant.
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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

OCD is a mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts or sensations (obsessions) or the urge to do something over and over again (compulsions). Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help.

Scrupulosity is a form of OCD involving religious or moral obsessions. Scrupulous individuals are overly concerned that something they thought or did might be a sin or other violation of religious or moral doctrine.

God knows your anxiety and your suffering.

Romans 7:

15 For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.
That is the compulsion.

16 Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good.
That's your conscience agreeing with God's law.

17 So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me
i.e., dwells in your brain to mess up your thinking.

Is OCD intrusive thoughts a sin?

It is sin that dwells within your brain. Don't look to yourself but look to God, 1 John 3:

21 Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God
Trust in God that he knows you and does not condemn you. Jesus died for all our sins. This is the truth and the truth sets us free.

How can one overcome OCD?

It will take time and practice. You have been born of the Spirit. Look to the Paraclete who dwells in your spirit. Focus on Him and not on the erroneous thoughts in your brain. Seeking a Christian therapist may help.

See also

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“We are Finished” Rector Pens Apocalyptic Epistle to Jesuits

Outspoken priest raises concerns over predator priests in the Society of Jesus

A senior Jesuit has written an apocalyptic letter warning his confreres across the world that the Society of Jesus is doomed if it does not repent and regain its original vision.

In his 11-page epistle titled Ad Usum Nostrorum (For Our Use), Fr. Julio Fernández Techera, rector of the Catholic University of Uruguay, raises the alarm that the society is in “deep decline” and “does not have a real vision of where it is going and what it wants to achieve.”

The letter begins by asking why the sex abuse scandals of the celebrity Jesuit mosaic artist Fr. Marko Ivan Rupnik that rocked the Society of Jesus in 2022 have not been addressed in the Congregation of Procurators and are not stated clearly in the De Statu Societatis 2023.

Fernández expresses grave concern that multiple members within the Jesuit community at the Aletti Center in Rome, co-founded by Rupnik, have left the Jesuit order as an expression of solidarity with the predator priest, who is accused of sexually abusing 25 nuns.

After highlighting the “Rupnik Tsunami,” Fernández addresses the cover-up by several Jesuit provincials in the case of Fr. Alfonso Pedrajas Moreno, a Bolivian Jesuit, who abused over 85 males, including several Jesuit seminarians, in the 1980s.

Continued below.

I don’t think I really care

These past few months I’ve been slacking and somewhat grew bitter about my life and my relationship with god. Ive grown bitter and have been living in unrepentant sin. I think that I’ve been actively hardening my heart again but I’m trying to stop it now.

I’ve been trying to return to god after years of being away and I recently talked to a pastor. I’ve still been debating with myself on a lot of things but I think I hold worldly sorrow/false guilt. It’s still guilt but it’s temporary I think. I’ll constantly remind myself of what exactly I’ve done and remember but I know that’s not repentance. I’ve hurt a lot of people in my life and this pastor said to trust god to restore the damage and help those who I’ve hurt and to trust that Jesus can still cover those sins even if they have hurt other people or if there’s some condemning verse about it. I do know that it’s a common belief that if you still care then you haven’t blasphemed the Holy Spirit or anything however what if I truly don’t care? I’ve been neglectful of my spiritual situation and my relationship with god for years and i ‘stopped caring’ for some time. I stopped walking in the ways of god and stopped acknowledging my sins, instead I pursued them and I didn’t care for the consequences or if they would estrange me from god. I don’t think I am sincere and I don’t think I care but I truly want to care. I think there’s a huge chance that I’ve dulled my conscience and use this ’false guilt’ to at least make me care a little, otherwise without it I don’t care.

Daily Bible Verses | Sermon On The Mount | Beatitudes | Love Revealed By Jesus Christ

Hey Everyone,

The lectionary has the opening of Matthew 5 as the daily verses - i.e. the Beatitudes.

This is a part of my reflection - on my site it goes on forever.

My audio - my reading is on my site here: Daily Bible Verses | Sermon On The Mount | Beatitudes | King James Audio Bible | KJV – Listen To the Bible! | King James Audio Bible | KJV | King James Version

Here is a bit of my reflection. It goes like this:

The Beatitudes form our gateway to the Sermon on the Mount, the first of the great five discourses which are recounted in Matthew’s Gospel, and a beautiful invitation to be with Jesus, a programme by which we may live a Christian life. Moses ascended a mountain to be with God and to bring the Law back to the people. Now Jesus ascends this mountain and draws the people with him, both his disciples and the multitude, and here he reforms and brings new life to the Law, teaching with authority as only he can.

The Beatitudes give us Christ’s teachings as it were in microcosm. They are an invitation for everyone to be spiritually renewed and to receive such grace as will bring us to heaven. Jesus names different groups or kinds of people, and we are those people. Each one of the Beatitudes is for everyone. Each sheds its own special light on the Christian’s soul.

Jesus’ teaching is a call to renewal of faith. In the Beatitudes, Jesus is drawing his listeners toward a kind of revolution in terms of the religion to which they would be accustomed. Received norms are overturned. Then as now, Jesus is asking us to look again at our life from a spiritual perspective. Jesus is especially asking his listeners not to think of earthly riches and the fleeting happiness that thereby accrues as a reward from God for good behaviour, and conversely earthly suffering and misfortune as punishments. Rather we are asked to realise where true happiness lies, which is in our proper relationship with God, with Jesus.

We may know the whole text of the Bible, the New Testament and the Old. The Beatitudes are at the heart of the truth we return to. We are at home with Jesus in these verses.

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. We are asked in the Beatitudes to be detached from material things, possessions and those things we cannot afford to possess, and to know these worldly goods as transitory. We are asked to store treasure in heaven and not to set undue value on the treasures of this world. Additionally, we are to adopt an attitude of spiritual poverty in our relationship with God. We cannot rely on our own merits. Rather we give ourselves to God and trust in His mercy. We are to be as a little child in the presence of God, owning nothing.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. We are blessed when we experience grief and mourn for the loss of loved ones. We are blessed also when we mourn for our sins, pained by the offence which we or others have offered God, saying sorry to God and asking for God’s forgiveness. When we honestly admit to our sins and allow ourselves to grieve for what we have done, emptying ourselves in this way, God will comfort us.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. When we face adversity, we are called by Jesus through the Beatitudes to preserve inner calm and serenity. Christians are persecuted in this world. More generally, Christianity in civilized countries finds itself at odds with much that is worldly. When we are confronted by evils, when the evils of our society rub up against us, such that we may recoil in disgust, still we are encouraged by Jesus to maintain our sense of humility and always to give and to radiate our joy at living a Christian life.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. We are called by Jesus not merely to be quite good or quite nice. We are called not merely to try not to do much that’s very wrong. We are called not merely to do our bit for our community, for our neighbours, the occasional stranger, our family and friends. We are called to be more. In fact, Jesus’ call is for us to be saints. With every fibre of our being, Jesus wants us to hunger and thirst after righteousness. This is a life mission, requiring a lifetime’s effort. Above all, we know that with Jesus we can be saints.

Additionally, I put this YouTube up today Psalm 107:

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