Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Transgender Competitors

No parent should want their child to suffer and die - either at the hands of an enemy combatant - or by a doctor and their child's own hand when they finally decide to end their suffering because they believe that the evil spirits won?

Why do you make it seem like I would be for either choice?
And no parent wants to say things that cause their children significant mental health problems and can lead to them wanting to end their own life.

But some parents think they are being spiritually righteous and helping their child and don't know that what they are saying is causing their children significant mental health problems and can lead to them wanting to end their own life.

I know this because I watched it play out at my youth treatment facility. And that was CERTAINLY not the only set of parents who speak that way to their transgender or LGBTQ child
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Free will and determinism

P1: If P then Q
P2: P
C: Therefore Q

NOT question-begging.

@Fervent, your options are to deny P1 or to deny P2.
Or simply require a justification for P1 besides assuming it to be the case. Because the burden lies on the one making the argument, not the one asking for justification. I don't need to refute P1 unless an argument for P1 has been presented, but if no argument for P1 is presented there is nothing to refute.
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Supreme Court Immunity Decision

It is categorically INSANE to me that this measure is ANYWHERE near getting play given all the work the founding fathers did toward trying to decrease the likelihood of tyranny.

It seems to me that those Constitutional Purists on the right would be up in arms about this.....(and if Biden had proposed it, they'd have every right to be). But Biden isn't a criminal that needs that protection; nor does he regularly do criminal activities.
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Jan 6 Breach of the Capitol: Consequences & Repercussions III

Steve Bannon's lawyers argue his contempt of Congress conviction should be overturned

Bannon was originally sentenced to months in prison, but Judge Carl Nichols agreed to suspend the sentence — which also included $6,500 in financial penalties — to allow Bannon to appeal the conviction, due to what the judge said were unresolved constitutional questions.

Steve Bannon ordered to report to prison by July 1 to serve contempt of Congress sentence

The federal judge presiding over the case, Carl Nichols, had initially paused the sentence while Bannon appealed the conviction.

Last month, however, a DC Circuit Court of Appeals panel unanimously rejected several challenges Bannon made to the case, and prosecutors immediately asked Nichols to send Bannon to prison to begin serving his sentence.

The judge, who was appointed by Trump, said that he concluded that he had the authority to lift the hold on Bannon’s sentence, even as an appeal of conviction will continue.

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Being depressed and sad in church and how to deal with people

I'm not clinically depressed but O have moments where my mood is down, feel very alone ad sometimes don't want to go to church. I have to because my parents will complain plus I work in the A/V and I have the most experience working there so I have responsibility. People are nice, say hi ask me how I'm doing ect... but sometimes I just want to walk past them and be on my own, not have to fake smiling as if everything is alright. The reason being that I know if that older members see me being sad, unfriendly, cold, they will find it weird because "you are Christian and you are in church, you shouldn't be sad". What do i do and how should I handle it? It's worse when their "help" is saying "hey God loves you, be happy, read this Bible verse". Do I believe God loves me, yeah i do. is that a very lazy and simplified way to help someone going through struggles, also yes. Why do you think, things like depression gets downplayed a lot in the church and by Christians? Everyone expects you to be happy all the time and if you aren't, there is something wrong with you.

PSA; If you are in church and see someone who is cold and unfriendly, don't just assume they're a bad person, most likely they are going through something.

SC Senate Passes Bill Banning Affirmative Care For Minors

Trans women, from my perspective, aren’t women. They’re men.
Yours is not the only perspective. Get used to it.
Words do not change based on an ideology.
No, people change words through common usage.
So? They made their choice. Not everyone accepts it. Move on.
What choice was that?
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A Meditation on Love to Christ

While Jonathan Edwards is part of the Congregationalist tradition, his style of religion was controversial at the time he lived, and isn't necessarily normative in our denomination today.

Our spirituality is alot like any other mainline Protestant church in the Reformed tradition, it focuses on the ordinary means of grace in expository preaching and the sacraments.

Yet Edwards was used mightily by God in the awakenings of the 1730s and 40s in which many were saved. I believe his type of preaching is a necessity today, not just for the Congregational churches, or Church of Christ, but all. The Baptist church I attend makes mention of him from time to time, and even occasionally preaches his style of preaching.

One of his so called "issues" was the strictness of communion. He did not believe in open communion like Solomon
Stoddard. My church also practices closed communion. It isn't necessarily members on the church roll that can attend, as I am not an official member, but I can take communion. I also preached a short sermon there one time. But it isn't open to anyone who comes in like on a Sunday morning, and it is held on a Sunday evening service, which is when the most faithful are there. When you read 1 Corinthians 11, is it not the case that people must be right in order to partake of the ordinance?

Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.

But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.

For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.

For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.

But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world." (1 Cor 11:27-32)
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Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

Just the opposite is true because Trump and his supporters will not accept the results of an election he does not win.
And continue to place him above the law.
Unlike Nancy Pelosi. :tearsofjoy: (very short video, worth the watch)
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What is freewill?

Do you believe that God Loved All Mankind in this manner, that He Gave the Blood of His Only Begotten Son for All born of the lineage of Eve, that whosoever would believe, shall not perish but have everlasting life?
I do, but I see the verse above as God sifting or refining, having mercy on whom he will have mercy and hardening whom He will harden.
How do you see this verse?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

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Did David rape Bathsheba?

Why would they do that? It is hard for me to imagine because I played football and I went though combat training in the army so I would just defend myself if I were to be under attack. That would be my reaction. Although we were trained to defend ourselves without hurting anyone.
A. They weren't trained to defend themselves without hurting anyone.
B. If you restrain a violently aggressive woman, she's going to call the police and claim you abused her. And the police will believe her.
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Texas man details wife's devastating miscarriage amid state's strict abortion laws

Because the procedure that should have been performed - a D&C - is the same procedure used in a surgical abortion. Texas's restrictive (and vague) anti-abortion laws have created a lot of uncertainty for doctors surrounding abortion procedures, which has led a lot of hospitals to institute very conservative policies on their use, even for cases that might seem straightforward.
The cannot list every case that is considered an emergency. Every case is different. The law is there to restrict abortions and not to restrict emergency situations. The legislature left ur up to the physician to determine if an emergency exists. And in thus case the law also specified that if there is no fetal heartbeat these things do not apply.

In this case if anything was done incorrectly it appears the hospital was at fault for giving her too much of a drug. And the doctor stated flatly that no emergency existed. So this case has nothing to do with a failure of law. I don't even know if anything happened at all that was a failure. If so it appears it rests on the hospital and not any law.
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Court Docs: Host of Trump Fundraiser Made Frequent Racist Comments in Workplace, Also Ponzi Scheme

Meaning what? Locals gossiped about prominent citizens and suddenly stopped after I left?

Meaning that the activity may not have occurred while you lived there and were privy to local gossip.

Ahern suddenly became rabidly racist only a couple of years ago and only around a few or just a couple of people?
The guy's 71. He'd hardly be the first person to grow more vocally bigoted with age.
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I was completely wrong. Joe did a good job

I’m thinking you don’t have a clue about me or my reading habits.
Your take on Biden comports with my take on your media habits.

I do admit he has way more cringe moments than I'd like. But Ive also heard plenty of perfectly acceptable speaking moments, both scripted and unscripted. Somehow you missed those, so when one sneaks though your filter..... youre surprised.
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Female Athletes Sue NCAA for Allowing Transgender Competitors

Except they are targeting children - trying to spread their delusion - and it leads to nothing but their own suffering and destruction.

This is no different than war - except most people don't recognize it as such and often support it - so its worse.
That is what you said. Their "delusion" is promoting tolerance and acceptance for LGBT people.
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I don’t care how realistic and gloomy the world is, why do people keep harping on negativity with the news?

It always seems that whatever side, it’s always some rage hate news story for you to get angry. “This person did this, be mad”. I’m honestly sick of it at this point. People say things like “good things happen far more than bad” but you’d never notice if your doom scrolling on this forum or any social media site. What is the psychology behind negative news articles? It appears that almost every news article revolves around a negative topic, is there a reason as to why the positive news is completely outshone by it?


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