Flat Earthers: What They Believe and Why

Michael Marshall, project director of the Good Thinking Society in the U.K., talks about flat earth belief and its relationship to conspiracy theories and other antiscience activities.

So I'm Michael Marshall and I'm the project director of the good thinking society, which is a charity based in the UK. Uh, the whole purpose of our charity is to promote science to challenge pseudoscience. So we'll do work, uh, to forward science education. And then another part of the, the work that we do, which is the bulk of my work, is to find ideas that aren't backed by evidence and find people who are promoting those ideas, find people who are buying into those ideas and to explore them and figure out if anything can be done to prevent people being confused by them, harmed by them misled by them in those kinds of things. So I spent a lot of my time looking at things like alternative cancer kills and the people who promote those and alternative medicine. I've spent a lot of my time going to see people who say they can talk the dead. Who say they can do faith healing.

And then another part of my, uh, my time is spent talking to people who believe in, uh, unusual ideas and who are kind of proponents of them. And that's how I came across the flat earth world, uh, is through my, uh, slightly odd, uh, hobby. Uh, at the time before I was working full time as a, as a skeptic, it was a hobby of mine to, um, be in rooms filled with people who disagree with me. To just understand what brings people to ideas that I would look at and say, well, this can't be true. These kinds of fringe and extreme and unusual beliefs. Um, what brings people to believe them and what kind of paths lead people there? What evidence supports, uh, supports their position in their minds and how do they engage with the world with that worldview and try and have conversations.

Continued below.

The weakness that humbles….

2 Corinthians 12:9 (NASB20)
And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.


What weakness is being extolled as that which is necessary for His power to dwell in one...?

It is the weakness of when one comes to the end of oneself, for it being the weakness that humbles one before God…. For it is this weakness of when one truly sees from the bottom of one’s heart one is undone, without strength, when one sees that of a truth nothing good dwells in one…. It is from this place, this place of total weakness that faith raises its head as that faith that saves, this faith that looks to Christ to be its All and All….. It is from this place where one’s sees the corruption that is oneself, than the humbling that comes from one knowing of one’s weaknesses, for it is this knowing that leads one’s eyes to look to Christ…. It is from this place that the power of God works in one according to the strength and depths of that one’s looking to Christ…..

For it is in the seeing from the truth that it is the fall into this life of this materiality that is our separation from God, it being the earth created out of the light and the darkness of the first day….. For this light and darkness being both the good and the evil this creation was created out of….

For our salvation is a real pulling of one, out of the darkness into the light in the time of this life, being, the humbleness caused by seeing one’s weaknesses meeting His strength in the realm of faith….

Unto Him be our all, a fellow follower, Not me

Cracker Barrel CEO says chain is 'just not as relevant as we once were,' amid struggles

LEBANON, Tenn. (WKRC) - Cracker Barrel CEO Julie Felss Masino said the chain, famous for its Old Country Store, is "just not as relevant as we once were," amid struggling sales.

According to The New York Post, the company's stock has been falling over the past week after Masino, who became the company's CEO nine months ago, claimed Cracker Barrel is "just not as relevant" as it used to be. Per The Post, Cracker Barrel has seen a decline in traffic over the last decade.

A portion of the chain's loyal senior clientele never returned after the end of the pandemic, with Truist analyst Jake Bartlett telling The Post that around 10% of seniors overall have not settled back into their pre-pandemic dining out habits. The publication added that Cracker Barrel has lost 16% of its customers over the past four years.

“We’re just not as relevant as we once were,” Masino said on a call with investors, per The Post. “Some of our recipes and processes haven’t evolved in decades.”

Bartlett told The Post that a major reason the company's stock was struggling was because there "wasn't much of a plan."

“They announced a plan for a plan but they didn’t give investors enough information to judge whether reinvesting in the stores was a credible plan to address the traffic losses,” Bartlett told the publication.

Nation's Restaurant News (NRN) reported that Masino detailed plans for a brand overhaul that involves these five pillars:

  • A brand evolution
  • Menu enhancement
  • Store remodels
  • Digital and off-premises investment
  • Employee experience improvement
“Cracker Barrel is an iconic brand, but even iconic brands have to evolve,” Masino told investors, per NRN. “We know from our research that despite high levels of consumer affinity, we're just not as relevant as we once were. We need to address these dynamics by refreshing and refining the brand and reflecting this in all of the ways we interact with our guests. We will take what is known and be loved about our differentiated brand and build upon it so that it's more relevant to today's and tomorrow's guests.”

"Happy" Memorial Day?

Two former Presidents tweet out messages to America about Memorial Day.

As an outsider I've always been intrigued by how other countries celebrate their fallen soldiers. I can say in Canada, Remembrance Day is a solemn day. It is meant to show humble respect, admiration and gratitude to the soldiers who have fought for us AND the soldiers who have perished. This has been the Canadian way since....I dunno, before I was born, for sure.

On Memorial Day in the US, two US Presidents tweeted about Memorial Day.

Who do you think did a better job at honouring the legacy of the fallen soldiers from your country? Which of these two presidents cares first and foremost for their country?


Daily Wire host: Candace Owens was fired over ‘Christ is King’ being received as ‘deeply antisemitic’

Andrew Klavan said that the firing was a result of the repeated use of 'Christ is King.'
Featured Image

(LifeSiteNews) — Daily Wire host Andrew Klavan admitted that Candace Owens’ firing from the company in March was the result of her repeated use of the phrase “Christ is King,” which he said was co-opted into an “antisemitic trope” by social media users.

Klavan, 69, is ethnically Jewish but converted to Anglicanism in his late 40s. He is a successful screenwriter and author. While claiming to be a conservative, he is an outspoken supporter of homosexual “marriage.”

Continued below.

Words from the Mountain Top (Leviticus 25:1-26:2)

Parasha: B'Har (On the Mountain) LEVITICUS 25:1-26:2

“Give it a rest! Will ya?” I am sure you have heard that expression before, or “Give it a rest already!”

People tend to say that when one continues in some theme or argues over a point that is "pointless", HOWEVER, God is saying this when He sees the earth, soil, and ground being worked over a 6- year period; “Give it a rest!” just as people need to rest and take their “Shabbat rest” so does the land which belongs to HIM, we are just using it.

"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; 2 for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters." (Psalm 24:1-2) The earth belongs to the Lord and the Lord alone and He created it.

This parashah deals with giving the land a rest after six years of planting and harvesting, on the seventh year the land shall rest. This was a commandment given to the children of Israel when they were at Mt. Sinai. The land which they would inherit was Canaan, (now Israel). They were to implement this when entering and settling down (40 years later). They would plow, plant, and harvest for 6 years, then let the land rest in the 7th year, and also in the 50th year.

Agriculturally, this is good and comes from the mouth of the creator of all the earth. The reason is quite simple to understand. Crops, such as corn, wheat, barley, vegetables, etc., when they grow in the soil, take in nutrients, quite like us, when we eat, we absorb nutrients from the food we eat. Imagine the land after 6 years of planting and harvesting, all those nutrients, minerals, and chemicals from the soil, are being absorbed by the crops sown, if the land does not have a chance to rest and renew itself, it will soon become useless, quite void of nutrients…so… a year’s rest will give the soil enough time to replenish itself.

In a way, one could apply this command (even though it was directed at the land in Israel) for those of us who have gardens in the back of our houses. We can enjoy six years of vegetables and then in the seventh year, just dump compost in the soil, food that goes bad, moldy bread, etc., don’t put it in the garbage, bury it in the garden, do that in that seventh year, and then the next year, plant and harvest again.

We can look at ourselves in a similar way. How do we count our lives? By a 365-day year? Or by sabbaticals? If we were to count our years by the day, we could say we have many days and years ahead of us! Really? Do we know tomorrow? (didn’t think so). However, if we were to count our years on earth by counting by sevens? How many “sabbaticals” have we lived? How many “might” be left? If I were to count my sabbaticals, I would have to count starting in 1954. 1954-1960 first seven years, 1961-67, the second sabbatical. I would have to ask myself, what have I done or accomplished in each of these periods of seven years? Anything of importance? Have I influenced other lives? If we count by sabbaticals, we will find that we really don’t have many sabbaticals to live. I have lived 10 Sabbaticals.

We may not be able to take off from work every 7th year to rest since it wouldn't go well with the boss, we can take some time out to minister the WORD, to counsel, to teach and preach, pass out gospel tracts. It was wonderful to have worked in a school district for 25 years and to have the summers off (with pay). A lot of time to do ministry work, and now that I am retired, more time.

We have our Sabbaths to rest, the land has its Sabbaths to rest. It is part of God's perfect plan, since he rested on the 7th day. the word "Shabbat" not only means to rest, but also, to cease, to stop, to halt, to detain oneself from activities.

The 7th year was also the year that slaves and servants went free in the land of Israel. They would work 6 years and be released on the 7th. If the servant or slave wished to remain with his or her master, they would be able to do that, yet on the year of "Yovel" (Jubilee) which was the 50th year, they would be released.

Even though this might not apply to us today, it teaches us to value those who work for us, or under us (if some of us are employers). To treat employees right and with respect, caring for their needs. They might say one day; "I wish I could work for you forever sir" (I felt that way in my school district. I still miss the Special Ed kids).

Returning to Psalm 24, we need to remind ourselves that the "Earth and all in it belong to Adonai". We are just caretakers for a season, the "all in it" includes spouses, pets, wild animals, the forests, the seas, etc. One day we will give an account as to how we cared for HIS things.

We can look at this in the spiritual realm as well. We are like the crops, which are planted, by Adonai, on this earth, to grow in HIM, and reach maturity. Yet, there comes a harvest time, when we will be harvested to go back home, to our eternal Sabbath’s rest, to enjoy our “Yovel” our time of “Jubilee” to reap what we have sown, souls that have come to YESHUA through our testimonies, believers who have grown to maturity through “teachers of the WORD.”

It is not enough to give out the WORD of God, there must be the ones who teach it, like seeds that are planted and watered. For this reason, spiritual gifts are given, and among those are the “teachers of the WORD” and counselors, who water the seeds so that they may grow, mature, and in the end, be harvested.


We read "Sabbaths" in the plural. All of God's holidays (Holy Days) are considered "Sabbaths." They are times to rest from our labors and just enjoy God, and his WORD, and fellowship with other believers. We must also respect God's House. It is a place of worship. We go to meet the KING of kings and LORD of Lords. It is not a place to run wild and cause havoc (kids out of control) It is a place to learn from God's Word and sing praises, and fellowship/dine with other believers. (food and fellowship) "Oneg" in Messianic circles.

So, rest in Yeshua/Jesus. Take care of HIS things. He's always watching!.

Shavua Tov (Have a good week)
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My kids need me and I them

Please PRAY for my kids and I. My wife and I have recently divorced and my kids are with my ex-wife still. Though some of the reasons for the divorce were on me, not all of it was my fault and God has saved me since then. I know my kids are hurting because they don't understand it all and they need there father but right now they are a bit bitter and are not communicating with me.

I love them and want to be there for them and they love me. Please pray that God will make a way for them to forgive me and for me to be able to be the father they need.


Feds secretly knew for years Joe Biden met with son’s Chinese partners on official trip

Federal agents gathered evidence during the 2016 election that Hunter Biden had used access to his father on an official government trip to Beijing aboard Air Force Two to connect prospective Chinese business partners with then-Vice President Joe Biden, according to a massive cache of documents recently turned over to Congress and obtained by Just the News.

"They got to meet Dad. All very good. Talk later,” Hunter Biden wrote in a December 2013 email confirming how he connected his Chinese associates with his father in a Beijing hotel after the vice president had met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The younger Biden also bragged in his emails that his father was so enamored with China's communist leader that "I think they are in love with each other," the emails showed.

"They all most kissed on departure,” Hunter Biden wrote in one of the emails seized by federal agents.


From Billy Sunday's sermon Broken Down Altars
I LOVE this kind of preaching, and am a bit that way myself. I'm not so much into theatrics as jumping up on the pulpit, standing on chairs, or running up and down the aisle. My pastors done some of that, and some other pastors I know. Word wise I can be like this if the anointing comes and it flows. It can be in either written word or spoken.

"Broken down altars

The preacher who is afraid to be like Elijah in this respect will be as weak in his ministry as Samson with his hair cut: he will have no power. I tell you, whenever God calls a man to preach, He expects him to do it as naturally as he sneezes or snores. His individuality is to him what the steel frame is to a skyscraper. And when he surrenders it, he becomes like other people. Down go his ministerial methods; his candlestick is taken away, and God casts him into the dust of His displeasure. Lots of us are afraid that we do something sensational. I have no more patience with such a man than I have with a horse that will shy at a wheelbarrow, or a woman who will go into hysterics over the sight of a mouse.

Everything that Elijah did was sensational; that is why he aroused the country. If shutting off the water supply, shutting up the heavens for three years so there was not a drop of rain or dew to fall on the earth, wasn't sensational, trot out something that was. It raised the biggest stir that that whiskey-soaked, licentious, idolatrous, corrupt, godless, blasphemous country had ever seen or had ever recorded; and it made Ahab and Jezebel mad enough, I think, to spit fire.

If you wish to see a dead church awakened, do something out of the ordinary. There's plenty of Bible authority for not pushing a thing aside just because it seems sensational. When Noah built the ark and loaded it with strange cargo, that was a sensation. When Jonah walked down the streets of Nineveh covered with seaweed crying, "Repent! Repent!"-that was sensational. Jesus Christ created a sensation when He went into the synagogue at the beginning of His ministry and taught, not as the scribes, but as one who had authority.

GET A LITTLE ENTHUSIASM FOR JESUS! The preacher who can't preach as one who has authority has no call from God to open his mouth! Matthew 23 is sensational preaching in words that cut like a razor. John the Baptist was sensational in what he said as well as in what he did, and in the clothes that he wore; and because he was not like one of the bunch, all Jerusalem and Judaea came out to hear God's lion-hearted preacher hurl anathemas of the Lord into the ranks of sin-high, low, rich and poor!

"Why don't people go to church?" is a question always asked. My guess is that it is because it is too much like going to a cemetery or a funeral parlor. Put more life in it and you won't have so many complaints. Many a time the prayer meeting is dead because a corpse is leading it. When Ahab saw Elijah, he put on a long, prayer-meeting face and with a sort of sanctimonious whine said to him, "Art thou he that troubleth Israel?""

Elijah Urged Immediate Decision

He addressed himself to the conscience of the people. That is my aim when I preach. He urged immediate decision according to their honest conviction. You do the same! If everyone would act according to his or her conviction, there wouldn't be a sinner left on God's earth. He said," if the Lord be God, follow him"-appealing to their conscience and reason. Now he gave the people to understand that God would manifest himself in a God-like way. In these days we are prone to belittle the work of the Holy Spirit. We depend too little on God and too much on the kitchen, or the choir loft, or something or somebody. Miraculous work of grace must be expected and prayed for God is still the wonder-working God and He always will be. The salvation of a sinner is as much a miracle as the raising of the dead.

Offending Others


The analogy
A blind man has lost his way.
You tried to steer him on the right path, but he stubbornly refused to hear you. He became deaf to your words.
Now, the man is in a desert, headed for what seems to be certain death.
Should you tell him what's ahead of him and try to point it out as clearly and directly as possible, or should you just let him be, because you do not want to "offend" him?

The actual situation
You realize that someone is misunderstanding and misapplying the scriptures.
You try to in the most loving way, share scriptures and reason on them, with the hope that they will consider these scriptures in light of what they believe, and adjust to what is scripturally clear.
They however, stubbornly stick to what they believe.
Should you show them scriptures that directly and clearly reveal the folly of their belief, or let them be?

I try to be balanced in how I apply Jesus' example, as well as his followers, when talking to religious people.
Is Jesus response at Matthew 15:3-20 to this situation a good one to follow, or should we never do similar, lest we offend persons?
The disciples perhaps thought that Jesus should have taken a different approach.
Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you realize you offended the Pharisees by what you just said?” Matthew 15:12
See Jesus response at Matthew 15:13, 14

What do you think, and what would you do in the situation?

My family…

Asking for prayers for my family again. Life has just been continuing to get worse for us. Constant struggle to keep afloat and even health wise. Having to move again, scrounge up spare money for the car and food and so much more. I’m tired of living with the feeling of being unable to breathe.

Was Abraham Reprehensible for Pretending that Sarah was His Sister?

St. Paul famously describes the Old Testament patriarch Abraham as our father in faith (see Rom 4:16; Gal 3:7), yet this doesn’t seem to square well with Abraham’s treatment of his wife Sarah on not one but two separate occasions.

On the first occasion, in Genesis 12, we’ve only just been introduced to the figure of Abram and his wife Sarai when the biblical narrator announces to us that due to a famine afflicting his native country, “Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land” (Gen 12:10). Upon his arrival, however, Abram is worried that the Egyptians will kill him in order to take custody of his beautiful wife Sarai.

To avoid this, Abram declares that Sarai is merely his sister, even though he knows this means Pharaoh will want to take her and sleep with her. Not unpleased with the arrangement, Pharoah begins to shower gifts upon Abram, until suddenly God intervenes by casting a plague on the royal household. Realizing he has been deceived, Pharaoh angrily summons and rebukes Abram, and instructs him and Sarai to go on their way.

So far so bad. But the plot thickens further when Abram tries the same trick again, though this time it’s in Genesis 20, and it’s after his and Sarai’s re-naming. On this second occasion, the motivation for Abraham and Sarah leaving their native land isn’t explained, but they end up in the territory of Gerar. Once again, Abraham resorts to manipulation, telling the men of that country that Sarah is his sister. When the local king, Abimelech, takes Sarah to be his concubine, God once more intervenes by appearing in a dream to rebuke the unwitting ruler.

Continued below.
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Who was Elijah ?

Elijah's miraculous deeds will be better understood if we remember that he had been an angel from the very first,
even before the end of his earthly career. When God was about to create man, Elijah said to Him: "Master of theworld! If it be pleasing in Thine eyes, I will descend to earth, and make myself serviceable to the sons of men."

Then God changed his angel name, and later, under Ahab, He permitted him to abide among men on earth, that he
might convert the world to the belief that "the Lord is God." His mission fulfilled, God took him again into heaven,
and said to him: "Be thou the guardian spirit of My children forever, and spread the belief in Me abroad in the
whole world."

His angel name is Sandalphon, one of the greatest and mightiest of the fiery angel host. As such it is his duty to
wreathe garlands for God out of the prayers sent aloft by Israel. Besides, he must offer up sacrifices in the invisible
sanctuary, for the Temple was destroyed only apparently; in reality, it went on existing, hidden from the sight of ordinary mortals.

In the Bible we have two Prophets who translated to Heaven, they were Elijah & Enoch (Melchizedek) but were they angels ?

We have Elijah who According to later Kabbalistic literature was really an angel in human form, so that he had neither parents nor offspring.
Then we have Enoch ( (Melchizedek) who too had a strange birth.

Were these the two angels that the disciples saw Jesus talking to ?

Are these the two witnesses whom we shall encounter during the last days ? I reckon so.

To be continued ......................
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The Unity of Faith. What do you believe?

The Unity of the Spirit ....is by the Holy Spirit and for us to keep by our right attitude one to another otherwise we disqualify ourselves.

`I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.` (Eph. 4: 1 - 3)

The Unity of the Faith ....is believing the truths of how the Lord is building His Body and His purposes.

`And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ, till we all come to the Unity of the Faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;.....` (Eph. 4: 11 - 13)

The truths of how the Lord is building His Body -

Salvation, believer`s baptism, infilling of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the 5-fold ministries of the Lord and His eternal Purposes for the Body of Christ, Israel and the nations.

So, what do you believe?

1. All.

2. Some. (please write which, thank you).
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Prevenient Grace Receiver

Hello All!

Long journey to Christ. I was a humanist and had numerous supernatural experiences that took me a decade to process and realize what I experienced has a name; Prevenient Grace. There is a song where the chorus goes 'you never stop coming after me,' with no wall you won't tear down. That really fits my experience.

During that time, while I was still an enemy of Christ I had a powerful dream. 3 demons revealed themselves to me, one at a time. I was dress in linen as their hatred poured into me, I stretched out my arms to the side and knew to reflect their energy to heaven. My body elevated by the demonic power, higher and higher as their hate poured into me.

At the zenith of my ascend I recognized my true identity and announced, "I am a soldier of Christ." I woke profusely sweating.

LGBT Activists Spend $15 Million Reminding Voters about Biden’s Most Unpopular Agenda

If you’re one of those rare voters who just can’t get enough of LGBT extremism, you’re in luck! The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) plans to drop big bucks reminding swing-state Americans how they’ve successfully overtaken classrooms, sports, business, entertainment, and politics with radical gender ideology under Joe Biden. Of course, most people would say they don’t need the recap. As far as they’re concerned, the last three years of the Biden administration have been one long ad for the LGBT movement.

According to HRC, the $15 million campaign will focus primarily on six battleground states they believe could “make or break Biden’s reelection bid”: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Organization President Kelley Robinson told NBC, “This group of voters, when you break them down by state, can actually make the difference. … This is a powerful constituency, a powerful community. It’s our job to make sure that they have the tools that they need to show out to the polls. So we’re going to be knocking on doors, making phone calls, engaging every member that we’ve got to make sure that our people turn out.”

And while no constituency should be happier with Biden — after all, he did more to advance radical transgenderism than every president combined — the LGBT population’s outsized influence in the White House doesn’t exactly translate to election politics. Even this 7.6% of the country (a generous estimate, many believe) isn’t exactly thrilled with Biden, despite his unpopular decision to declare war on every social, scientific, and biological norm.

Despite the White House’s incessant pandering, his most overrepresented base (apart from illegal immigrants, who, at least for now, can’t technically vote) doesn’t necessarily believe that Biden’s overt LGBT gestures are enough. “Like much of the country, LGBTQ+ Americans aren’t particularly enamored with the president,” ABC News warns. “Though they’re more likely to approve of the job Biden is doing than Americans overall, the president’s approval rating was still flat with this group: An equal share (47 percent) said they approved of the job Biden was doing as said they disapproved.”

Sports Should Unify, Not Divide Us

The following is adapted from a talk delivered on April 17, 2024, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Bellevue, Washington.

On April 6 this year, as the University of South Carolina and University of Iowa women’s basketball teams were preparing to play in the NCAA National Championship game, two press conferences were held featuring the two head coaches: South Carolina’s Dawn Staley and Iowa’s Lisa Bluder.

An OutKick reporter asked Coach Staley a question regarding an issue that needs to be answered honestly and realistically if women’s sports is going to survive—he asked if she supported the idea that biological men can legitimately compete in women’s athletics. And Staley failed the test.

To be fair, it was clear from Staley’s reaction that she didn’t appreciate the question and would rather not have answered it. “Damn, you got deep on me,” she said. But after some uncomfortable hesitation, she came around to admitting that she was “under the opinion [that] if you’re a woman, you should play. If you consider yourself a woman and you want to play sports or vice versa, you should be able to play.” Asked again to clarify whether she thought transgender women should be able to play women’s sports, she said simply, “Yes.”

It is rare that a women’s college coach is asked to address this issue, because the people in sports media tend to be woke and would rather let transgender ideology impose itself on sports without becoming a public controversy. It is not surprising, then, that the sports media’s reaction to this exchange was not to press Staley about the implications of her statement but to condemn OutKick’s reporter for having the audacity to put Staley on the spot.

There was good reason to press Staley. She has made a point of saying, after all, that one reason her women’s team is so good is because it practices against an intramural men’s team that is better. Indeed, she has thanked the men’s team for helping her women win a national championship. She is fully aware, then, that men are bigger, stronger, and faster than women. So why would she say, on her sport’s biggest stage and at the apex of her career, that men should be able to play women’s basketball?

Staley of course is by no means alone in this. To one degree or another, almost the entire sports world has surrendered to woke madness. Consider the story of collegiate women’s swimming standout Riley Gaines. Now on the staff of OutKick, she has been one of the few to speak out. Gaines was a swimmer at the University of Kentucky and a Southeastern Conference champion. But when she went to the NCAA Championships, she was placed in the position of swimming against a man going by the name of Lia Thomas. For three years, Thomas had competed unremarkably as a member of the University of Pennsylvania men’s swimming team. He then “identified” as a woman, was allowed to swim for the University of Pennsylvania women’s team, and became a women’s national champion. As a result, ESPN absurdly honored him during its Women’s History Month special as one of the top female athletes of the year.

How did we get to this point?

I might be overthinking this about a priest.

I've learned since starting confession that I don't share too much detail about a sin unless the priest needs to know. I ask the priest during confession if he needs any more detail, and he usually says no, but before I used to ask the priest, I think I would reveal too much.

Yesterday I went to confession at a parish that I don't go to and hardly ever do. I confessed face to face because the way he was sitting made it hard to enter into the confessional and him not see you anyway. However, the last time I confessed face to face with him was a couple years ago. During the latter confession, I was not seasoned enough on what details I could leave out and I think I said some things in the confessional that offended him. I hate that I might have done this. Fast-forward to two years later - meaning yesterday. I confessed face to face to him some sins and tried to "trim the fat" on them, and I can't tell if he remembered me from back then or not. I'm kind of worried that even if he didn't remember me, he might have sensed that I look familiar in a "bad" way. The priest is a very intelligent priest, but he doesn't have much of a personality, if any. I said what I needed to say, he gave my penance, I said "Thanks be to God" at the end like I always do at confession, he said nothing and just looked at me, and I left, and he had no specific form of hospitality - he just looks at you straight in the eye, no expression, neither frowns or smiles, and when you're done, you're done. I'm sure there are worse priests out there. However, as I said, I'm most worried that he remembers my "offensive" confession from two years back. I have one of those faces where people remember me for a long time.

My Parents do not Believe in the End Times (RESOLVED)

Hello folks. I am a 24 year old man, a Christian, as most of you guys know. My parents are Christian (recently converted to Catholicism), but they do not believe that we are living in the End Times, and that Revelations is more metaphorical for something that happened 1900 years ago, which was Nero. My folks told me, that because of so many failed predictions, discussing the end times is bad. We both agree that credit scores are probably not the Mark, and we 100% agree the vaccine is not the mark (my folks and I are vaccinated, and are for pandemic safety). But, I told them that the Mark may happen in the future, but they are not convinced. What should I tell them? I do think Nero was the start of the end times, but that the End Times is kicking into high gear in the 2020s. We may only have a decade or two (2030s) to a few centuries (say, maybe the 2300s) left here on this Earth.

Failed Predictions:
1994 (Camping)
1997 (Applewhite)
2000 (Y2K)
2011 (Camping again)
2012 (Mayan calendar)
2019 (Weinland)
2020 (Dixon)
2024 (Eclipse)

Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering

It started out that you had to be terminally ill with a short time to live, now they're killing some healthy lady (with depression) because she wants to die. Where will it end? Will the pressure to have yourself killed be applied so you won't be a "burden on society"?

US officials say North Korea may be planning military action to create chaos ahead of US election

US officials say North Korea may be planning military action to create chaos ahead of US election, report says

US officials are preparing for potential North Korean military action — possibly encouraged by Russian President Vladimir Putin — in the run-up to the US election in November, NBC News reported, citing six senior US officials.

Such a move could be designed to create chaos in another part of the world as the election process ramps up, they said.

"We have no doubt that North Korea will be provocative this year. It's just a matter of how escalatory it is," one US intelligence official added.

Following the NBC News report, a campaign spokesperson for Donald Trump said, "The only 'October surprise' will be the look of shock" among reporters when Trump is reelected.
The officials' warning comes ahead of a likely meeting between North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and Putin, which the Kremlin announced earlier this week was "being prepared."

"President Putin has an active invitation for an official visit to North Korea. The visit is being prepared. We will announce the dates of the trip in due course," Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on Friday, French news agency AFP reported.

Russia and North Korea have developed closer relations since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Here's the other article:

Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

Christ bringing the Bride home

I often think about the great commission that Paul had in bringing the good news of Christ to the gentiles. His mind was so full of the ordinances in the history of his people, yet he had to set them aside to adjust to his hearers. His job was to fill in the blank of Mars hill monument to the unknown God to make Jesus of Nazareth known to them Acts 17:16 to the end of the chapter. How difficult that must have been for him that it took 14 years for him to set about it in a way acceptable to the Jewish Christian leaders Galatians 2:1-2

Except for in the book of Hebrews there is not much mention of the outline of the tabernacle in the desert which I believe to be an outline of Christ Himself. But I saw it from the book of Song of Songs today as "who is this coming out of the wilderness leaning on her beloved" Song of Solomon 8:5. From the distance all that could be seen of the tabernacle was fine white linen just as the bride of Christ wears at the marriage supper Revelation 19:7-8 So we see the bride coming out of the wilderness leaning on her beloved ready for the marriage. But how did she get there? Christ brought her there. But we have to look inside the workings of the wilderness tabernacle to see this.

The first thing seen upon entering the tabernacle is lots of brass, which stands for judgement. The brass altar of sacrifice, the brass lavar to wash made from the women's mirrors. we will stay in this outer court while we remember what the sacrifice of Christ Jesus accomplished. That can be found in the book of Hebrews. His blood was sacrificed (for the bride) and He Himself brought it into the Holy of Holies to cover the mercy seat (for the bride) The first sacrifice declared "it is finished" the bringing in the blood caused Him to sit, now waiting for death to be abolished so that the 2 that are now 1 will live together in the New Jerusalem prepared.

Blessed are those invited to the marriage supper, those who are being formed as living stones to become a spiritual tabernacle.

What kinds of things do you do on the computer?

(Or on your tablet or phone, if you use those instead)

I need some inspiration. I want to do something more meaningful with my time on the computer. I'm getting tired of playing an online game where I lose most of the time. I'm tired of seeing nasty comments from people who love animals but hate humans, and who believe we are all evil and have no value. I haven't had much inspiration for digital art or music lately, and it's been kind of boring.

What do you most enjoy doing online?


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