There is only one Dragon/Serpent in scripture (Part 6)

Grip Docility

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Nov 27, 2017
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Part 6
Rapid OP overview

Link to part 1: Biblical terms used to identify Satan and his first canonical appearance in Genesis. What occurred in Eden.

Link to part 2: Job chapter 1 shows us very important aspects of Satan's place in scripture.

Link to part 3: Satan's attributes are recapped and Job 41 is used to Demonstrate how to find Spiritual Prophecy that reveals Satan.

Link to part 4: Jobs Faith is contrasted against Satan's deceit. Discussion about the Decalogue, Full Book of the Law and Moses. Job 2 shows Satan increasing in his Pride.

Link to part 5:The biblical timeline of when Satan hadn't been cast from Heaven, yet. Implications discussed.
Ezekiel 28 reveals so much more.

Link to part 7: Scripture study methods to properly exegete scripture. Esther 1-3

Haman builds His gallows. The children of Israel and Mount Sinai.

This Part of the series will focus on Satan's tactical error and God's perfect plan. To be continued tomorrow. See you there.

There is a narrative that needs to be spelled out. We will go through scripture as succinctly as possible, because it has to be done, to follow the narrative. Even though this Narrative is spelled out, primarily through Genesis and Deuteronomy, this narrative requires Genesis through Revelation to spell out. We will observe this narrative in the most succinct way possible. There will be plenty of direct references to full passages of scripture to come in future parts of this OP... but today, it's going to have to be a birds eye view of several threads that twist together to form this narrative that we are observing.

The threads that make up the overall single thread have to be articulated.

Thread 1: The standards and perfection of God.
Thread 2: The difference between God and God's Creation (Privation)
Thread 3: The Blood lineage of God
Thread 4: Satan's Work against God
Thread 5: God's plan.

Let's start with Satan's Work against God. There was only ONE command dispensed to mankind. It was that mankind wasn't supposed to Burden itself with the knowledge of God. (Genesis 3:22) The work of Satan accomplished several things.

Thread 4: Eve (Mother of Life) wasn't the target of Satan because she was an easy mark in comparison to Adam. Eve was a strategic choice. By enslaving Eve to Creation, instead of the Creator, Satan had claimed dominion over Eve and every child born to Adam and Eve. Satan effectively enslaved all future humanity to His dominion, by DECIEVING Eve (The Mother of Life... or Womb of Humanity). Adam was a side note of the story in regards to Adam himself, however he is the focus in regards to his being a Type of Christ. (Heb 2:14 because just as Adam partook of the curse that his wife partook of... Christ partook of FLESH AND BLOOD to defeat what the Devil had accomplished)
He, Adam, wasn't capable of undoing what Satan had done. The first Adam was powerless to defeat Satan's established authority over Eve. When we say Death and Sin, we can interchangeably suggest the word JUDGE OF MANKIND. When we say the word Law, we can interchangeably use the word GOD. Mankind and Angelkind can indeed JUDGE, but Neither Mankind nor Angelkind are capable of BEING PERFECT like GOD is PERFECT, therefore only God is the True, Merciful Rightful and Righteous judge.
Satan became the Judge of Humanity by the authority of comparing mankind to the Perfect precepts of God, in respect to God's response to the Knowledge of Good and Evil,
Satan usurped mankind's dominion over the Earth.
Satan enslaved mankind to the Dominion of Creation, specifically Angels and more specifically, Satan, himself.
The difference between God and God's Creation (Privation)

Thread 2: Privation is defined as: a state in which things that are essential for human well-being such as food and warmth are scarce or lacking.
God lacks No-Thing, because God can meet any need that He has. God's "Resources" are utterly inexhaustible. God can make something out of nothing.
All of Creation, itself, is born into the need of the provision of God... our (as in any living being or thing created) very reality is sustained by YH-H Jireh (God will Provide: the very title given to God at the binding of Isaac)
The standards and perfection of God.

Thread 1: God has the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God, contrary to most theological assertions is MOST CAPABLE of choosing Evil, Doing Evil, Being Evil... BUT... God, by His Perfect Precepts and utter Lack of Privation Chooses GOOD, when given the CHOICE between Good and Evil... EVERYTIME, of HIS very own, Individual Free Autonomous Agency. God is LOVE. God is Justice. God is THE LAW. God, Alone is PERFECTLY RIGHTEOUS. God NEVER chooses EVIL. God NEVER chooses PRIDE. God, alone, displays PERFECT HUMILITY. God is LIMITLESS. God, alone, is PERFECTLY Altruistic!
Psalms 115:3 But our God is in the heavens: He hath done whatsoever He hath pleased. 3 Our God is in the heavens; He does all that He pleases. 3 Our God is in the heavens, and He does as He wishes.
The Blood lineage of God

Thread 3: From Genesis to Luke, we can see that the Bible itself meticulously traces the Bloodline of Jesus Christ. Now, imagine this... Moses writes Genesis-Deuteronomy... and within those books, the very Lineage of Jesus Christ is introduced. It carries through scripture as we discussed, but let's focus on an amazing thing. The very moments that the Pentateuch (Books of Moses, Genesis-Deuteronomy) are introduced, encapsulating the beginnings of the Blood lineage of Jesus Christ, the Book of the Law which contains the Decalogue (or Moral Law) is also introduced.
Matthew contains the Blood lineage of Joseph. Luke is known as a physician, which is well, because within Luke, the Bloodline of Jesus Christ through Mary is given. Hebrew tradition demanded that Patriarchy dominate Lineages, therefore, you have to understand that the lineage starts with (or ends at) Mary's Father "Heli". Heli was actually Mary's Blood Father and Jesus' true Blood Grand Father. Luke, per proper Hebrew tradition lists Heli as "Joseph's Father", which is actually to say that He was "Joseph's Father-in-law".
God's Plan

Thread 5: God's Plan is clearly incepted ahead of God creating ALL of Creation, including Heaven, Angels and all of God's Creation.
1 Peter 1:19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without defect or blemish. 20 He was chosen[k] before the foundation of the world but was revealed at the end of the times for you
Why did God Choose Himself as the Arbitrator of any dispute that is caused by all of Creation, before He "CREATES"?
I submit to you, 2 possible answers to that very important question.
1: God is Love and knew that Love fosters the sincere ability to Genuinely Be. Why is this so very difficult for people to accept? Because it is a HEAVY HANDED Theological assertion.
(Individual Free Autonomous Moral Agency)

Some now say; Foolish theologian, God Himself is bound to His very own attributes. His Royal Decree and Sovereign Omniscience demand that no such thing exists! To which I will now reply; Jn 10:34 Is it not written in the "Law" that you are gods? Apparently God agrees with the Jews that the word Law (Torah ; Nomos) applies to the entire Pentateuch! (Exodus 7:1)(Exodus 22:28)(Exodus 4:16)... but the most powerful proof verse of this statement is found within Psalm 82;
Psalm 82: He judges among the gods: (elohim)(rulers)(God granted us with the blessing of self government)[a] (Gn 1:26-31)​
2 “How long will you judge unjustly​
and show partiality to the wicked?Selah
3 Provide justice for the needy and the fatherless;​
uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.​
4 Rescue the poor and needy;​
save them from the power of the wicked.”​
5 They do not know or understand;​
they wander in darkness.​
All the foundations of the earth are shaken.​
Dominion is defined as: sovereignty or control.

Are we not made in God's "Image"? Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
2: God alone is ... refer to Thread 1: The standards and perfection of God. and Thread 2: The difference between God and God's Creation (Privation) that are listed above.
God had to respond to Satan's imputation of God's very Perfection against Mankind. God had to find a way to facilitate the Devil to become his very own judge, as the Devil was JUDGING and Condemning, left and right. This Judgment would be Just and Righteous, because it not only allows the Creation to condemn itself, but it sets up an opportunity for God to RECONCILE all of Creation back to Himself.​
How does God do this? He begins a lineage that traces all the way back to Eve, through which He Himself will Marry Himself to His Creation at the correct moment. He then breaks this lineage into sections that address each aspect of His necessary arbitration. This lineage leads all the way to Israel and the formation of a Legal document that will protect the very People that He heavily uses and simultaneously draws Satan within, to Bind Satan to the Consequences of his very own actions. God must entice Satan to "sign the document" in his own way, so that he is subject to it. This separates God Himself from the very fact that Satan is using God's perfection against Humanity and gives Satan a legal document through which he is further empowered over the Kingdom's of the Earth and further, more precisely do what he loves to do the most... Exert Dominion and Condemnation over Mankind.​
This concludes Part 6 of this OP series
Links to the previous OP Parts are at the top of this OP
More Parts are in development
Thank you for giving my opinion on matters a Read!
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