There is only one Dragon/Serpent in scripture (Part 2)

Grip Docility

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
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I will be direct... this next part isn't easy to write, because it shows exactly how the adversary of God attempted to overthrow God. Scripture is abundantly clear, more exciting than a fantasy novel, on this matter, and the end result of the study will leave any human being CLINGING TO THE CROSS, AS JESUS GRASPS THEM BACK.

I will think on how to pen this OP, because it is a very serious matter that many folks don't understand, accidently tamper with this matter... and unknowingly shift the spiritual power to the wrong side of the spectrum.


We closed part 1 with a reference to the Protoevangelium. (This is God being a serious chess player, alrady 10,000,000,000 moves ahead of His deceptive adversary)

I initially said that Satan was seen first in Genesis, but this is only correct per biblical Canon. We first meet the dragon in Job, because Job is the OLDEST book in scripture. Let us establish a known fact, in Job, we see this interesting tid bit of information.

Job 1

Satan’s First Test of Job​

6 One day the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan[b] also came with them. 7 The Lord asked Satan, “Where have you come from?”
Satan is where, at this council? He's returned from earth and is on good speaking terms with God. Further more, Satan is looking to "TEMPT" Job. (James 1:13) expresses that God DOES not tempt. Let's think this through. God does TEST Character, for sure (Genesis 22:1) So, the idea that God by Proxy is TEMPTING JOB, is completely against God's Character. God isn't the origin of Evil, nor a bringer of evil, so we know that Satan has some unique leverage in this matter.

1: Satan is currently able to access Heaven.
2: Satan is lying to God, as if what he is doing to Job is a "good" thing.
3: Satan assumes that his purpose, to God, is to "TEMP/TEST" Job and all of creation, just like He did to EVE in the Garden of Eden. But think about the scriptural entrance to the matter. Satan is called out, apart from the "son's of God". He's a pretty powerful fellow in this snapshot, having a very HIGH position of authority in heaven. By now, we know that Satan is a HIGH angel of God and he has the POWER of DEATH. (Hebrews 2:14)
4: Satan doesn't realize WHO is actually being tested. (Job 41 in it's entirety, reveals just WHO is being TESTED)... and yet, Job 41 is buried within the pages of some of the most eloquent, deep and diverse Philosophy ever written. Satan most likely had no idea, at the time, that Leviathan was a reference to him.
5: God is, out of Grace, allowing Satan to uphold his self usurped position of Power, as Death and the Tempter.
6: God is most angry with Satan for bringing Death into His creation.
7: Satan is Proud and.. I can't believe this actually transpired within his prideful mind... UNDERESTIMATED GOD!

“From roaming through the earth,” Satan answered Him, “and walking around on it.”
This is no laughing matter! At this moment, we see the words of a "Self Proclaimed god". (2 Corinthians 4:4)(Matthew 4:8)(Acts 7:53)(John 16:11)
I threw a verse in there that may seem out of place. It's in Acts and echo's a verse in Galatians. ... But, let's step aside from that verse, for a moment. Let's look square in the eyes of a biblical fact. GOD was the RULER of ALL CREATION, and had given FREE DOMINION over the entire Earth to Adam and Eve! (Genesis 1:26-28) Yet, we see that Satan deceived Eve (2 Corinthians 11:3) ... and know this... Adam and Eve were like CHILDREN, with the MOST LOVING FATHER in ALL of EXSISTANCE! Satan stole candy from a baby, so to speak! God wasn't angry with Adam or Eve! God knew WHO committed the ORIGONAL SIN! Satan attempted to appear as if he was this great, righteous, benevolent being, assisting God, by sorting the righteous from the wicked! Satan was storing up an OCEAN of human souls. Each soul that Satan claimed as a result of his judgment broke GOD'S Heart! (John 11:35)

8 Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job? No one else on earth is like him, a man of perfect integrity, who fears God and turns away from evil.”
Let's really think about God's words to Satan. God points Satan to a Human that Believes in God's Utter Benevolent Goodness! God then states that Job "Fears God and Turns away from Evil". This was a very tense moment, because Satan is standing there, possibly next to God, and attempting to appear RIGHTEOUS. That statement about Evil must have made the old goat sweat!

9 Satan answered the Lord, “Does Job fear God for nothing? 10 Haven’t You placed a hedge around him, his household, and everything he owns? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.
Satan is like the antithesis of an Advocate, of sorts! Satan is mediating between God and Mankind! Dollars to Donuts, he's more of a prosecution attorney! (Revelation 12:10) He is literally making a case... AGAINST Job! Yup! His prosecution is that God has blessed Job, but if God would take away his material possessions, Job will reveal that he hates God and is only happy because of the needs of his "belly" being met.

11 But stretch out Your hand and strike everything he owns, and he will surely curse You to Your face.”
Satan has to make a divine case as to why God should let Satan take Jobs stuff away. Satan is pretending to serve God and thinks he is doing so with that imbued by God, positional power. In Eden, it's called a curse to the reader, but to Satan, that POWER of Death was the desire of his heart! Scripture won't let us down on that assertion, but for now... we will press forward. Satan is given permission to DESTROY, which Satan thinks he has tricked God into allowing.

12 “Very well,” the Lord told Satan, “everything he owns is in your power. However, you must not lay a hand on Job himself.” So Satan left the Lord’s presence
God gives Satan marching orders, and the Prosecution Attorney of all mankind leaves the Heavenly dimension, then heads towards Job.

This is a lot of information for someone to check against scripture, if they so hopefully and diligently will, as I'm just an opinionated bloke, writing. This concludes Part 2.
Link to part 1

Link to part 3
Link to part 4
Link to part 5
Link to part 6
Link to part 7
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