The SDA church is God's remnant church of Revelation


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Dec 29, 2006
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In the final verse of Revelation 12, verse 17, we find Gods true church emerging from its 'wilderness' experience; and there comes to view a 'remnant' people identified by two characteristics:

1. They keep the commandments of God, all ten of them, including the fourth, or Sabbath commandment, and
2. They possess the 'testimony of Jesus' which in Revelation 19:10 in the KJV is defined as the 'Spirit of prophecy' a renewed bestowal of the divinely-inspired gift of prophetic utterance.

While several other churches keep the seventh-day Sabbath [i.e. Seventh Day Baptists, Church of God (Seventh Day), etc.], not one of them fits both identifying characteristics given here: that of keeping the commandments, all ten of them; and of having a renewal of the genuine gift of prophecy in their midst. On the other hand, there are some churches who claim to have the gift of prophecy in their midst, but they do not keep all ten of the commandments.

Revelation 12:17
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

The Adventist church teaches Gods Commandments and has the Testimony of Jesus Christ. Only those who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ will be part of the Remnant at the end, so those that do not hold on to this or accept it, cannot be the Remnant. A remnant looks like the original, so a remnant must teach what the original taught. You go to the earliest church fathers, and you will see they teach exactly the same as the Seventh-day Adventist Church today. Study the Reformation and you will find the same views as those taught in the Spirit of Prophecy. The reformers may not have had the full picture, but they had the same principles as the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Here is a good explanation by Frank Holbrook....
'The Millerites, the immediate spiritual forebears of Seventh-day Adventists, were historicists; that is, they interpreted Daniel and Revelation in harmony with the principles of the 'historical school' of prophetic interpretation. But the method was by no means original with the Millerites of mid-nineteenth-century America; they simply reflected and elaborated upon the labors of many earlier Bible students of the Reformation and post-Reformation eras.

Sixteenth-century-Reformation preaching of the apocalyptic prophecies of Daniel and Revelation tended to center on what the Reformers believed to be a Christian apostasy that had arisen within European Christendom and which they saw symbolized in the little horn (chap. 7), the leopard beast (Rev. 13), and the woman seated on the scarlet-colored beast (Rev. 17). This preaching had a telling effect upon Europe.' And what was this affect, it plainly showed the bishop of Rome had take the early church and led it into apostasy in fulfillment of prophecy, the Reformers saw it and clearly taught it.

Unfortunately, many Protestant churches have not maintained the views of the reformers. They have a different belief system. They’ve largely exchanged their view on the Antichrist for futurism, although some cling to preterism. Many have an antinomian theology, which says that the law is gone, and we are now under grace. So we have all these theologies out there that are not consistent with the early Church or the Reformation. The reformed churches cannot be a remnant because they are unlike the original.

Being the remnant is not about being arrogant or the 'only' ones that are going to be saved. Thats not what that term means. Its about being true to the original. The Adventist church holds to the fullness Gods truth in its doctrines and beliefs, there is no other church which can make that claim and prove it from scripture alone. You see many Christians loosing their faith in churches which no longer teach what the Protestant Reformers championed. They fall away and more and more are picking up strange philosophies, or private interpretations or letting themselves fall into false ideas of universal salvation or that grace means there is nothing from God that they need to obey, even a hardening of the heart against God.

The Remnant will be a special people at the endtime, who God uses in the last days to show His truth to the world and spread the gospel as we see in Revelation. Seventh-day Adventists believe that they have the message for the world found in Revelation 14:6-12. No other church today is proclaiming the 'Three Angels Messages.'

'aying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come'. (Revelation 14:7). Notice that a part of this last call of God will be announcing that the judgment has already started. 'is come,' not 'will come.'

The next part of the first angels message is this: 'And worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water' (Revelation 14:7). It is quoted almost word for word right from the fourth commandment of the decalogue, which strongly indicates that the Sabbath will be a part of the ';gospel' proclamation which must go to the whole world just before the end.

Right in the heart of the Ten Commandments God tells us, 'For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it' (Exodus 20:11).

The Sabbath is Gods own established sign that He is the maker of everything. Over and over throughout the Bible God claims worship because He created all things. 'thou are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: For thou has created all things.' (Revelation 4:11) and makes clear who formed the earth, 'God himself . . . formed the earth and made it . . . I am the Lord; and there is none else' (Isaiah 45:18).

The Sabbath was instituted by God as a great reminder-sign of His sovereign authority as the only God to be worshiped. The Creator set in motion the arbitrary cycle of the seven-day week to mark off the true Sabbath, so that the world would be without excuse in knowing whom to worship and when.

Thus the first angel message says to 'worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea'; a call to true Sabbath-keeping.
The second and third angels messages described by John say: 'Babylon is fallen . . . If any man worship the beast . . . and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God' (Revelation 14:8-10). The warnings against the mark of the beast will be heralded to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people by Gods remnant. The true remnant church of the last days will surely be used of God to carry His final warning message to all inhabitants of planet earth. That message will include (a) the judgment hour is come, (b) true Sabbath worship, (c) the fall of spiritual Babylon, and (d) the mark of the beast.
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Dec 3, 2010
I am currently in Greenville Georgia
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It so sad and very shallow as well as bias also untrue that Seventh day Adventist Church or any church is found in Revelation 12:17

Then the comment is made:

1. They keep the commandments of God—all ten of them, including the fourth, or Sabbath commandment, and

Yes we said that we keep all of ELOHIM'S Commandment but we do not!

And YAHWEH said unto Moses, Come up to me into the Mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a Law, and Commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them. Ex 24:12

The very idea that man think that they can alter or change ELOHIM'S Law is where we as a people of the messengers chosen by ELOHIM prove that the wheat and the tares both resided in the Seventh day Adventist Church. This is the same proof during the time the seed of Abraham was called. However, by the time YASHUA had come on the scene the House of Prayer had become completed corrupted. YAHSHUA pointing to the future and never call any church but said the Kingdom of Heaven is like10 virgins.

Then shall the Kingdom of Heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the BRIDEGROOM. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Mat 25:1, 2

EGW who was one of the early Adventist who received the gift of Act 2:17, 18. She clearly stated that it was the message and only a company would stay firm to the message given to the Seventh day Adventist Church.

I saw a company who stood well guarded and firm, giving no countenance to those who would unsettle the established faith of the body. ELOHIM looked upon them with approbation. I was shown three steps-- the first, second, and third angels’ messages. Said my accompanying angel, "Woe to him who shall move a block or stir a pin of these messages. . .

As the praying ones continued their earnest cries, at times a ray of light from Jesus came to them, to encourage their hearts and light up their countenances. Some, I saw, did not participate in this work of agonizing and pleading. They seemed indifferent and careless. They were not resisting the darkness around them, and it shut them in like a thick cloud. The angels of ELOHIM left these and went to the aid of the earnest, praying ones.

I asked the meaning of the shaking I had seen and was shown that it would be caused by the straight testimony called forth by the counsel of the True Witness to the Laodiceans. This will have its effect upon the heart of the receiver, and will lead him to exalt the standard and pour forth the straight truth. Some will not bear this straight testimony. They will rise up against it, and this is what will cause a shaking among ELOHIM'S people. . .

Said the angel, "Look ye!" My attention was then turned to the company I had seen, who were mightily shaken. I was shown those whom I had before seen weeping and praying in agony of spirit. . .

Said the angel, "Look ye!" My attention was then turned to the company I had seen, who were mightily shaken. I was shown those whom I had before seen weeping and praying in agony of spirit. . .

The numbers of this company had lessened. Some had been shaken out and left by the way. The careless and indifferent, who did not join with those who prized victory and salvation enough to perseveringly plead and agonize for it, did not obtain it, and they were left behind in darkness, and their places were immediately filled by others taking hold of the truth and coming into the ranks. EW p. 258, 270-271

Yes we know the symbol of a woman represents a church but not her seed!

2. They possess the “testimony of Jesus” which in Revelation 19:10 in the KJV is defined as the “Spirit of prophecy”—a renewed bestowal of the divinely-inspired gift of prophetic utterance.

Yes the SDA did receive the gift to review the Divine Message bestowed on the prophets of the Bible which is the Testimony of YASHUA. This Testimony is the Spirit of Prophecy that YAHSHUA gave to the angel who gave it to the last ever recorded prophet in the world-John!

The Revelation of YAHSHUA the MESSIAH, which ELOHIM gave unto HIM, to shew unto HIS servants things which must shortly come to pass; and HE sent and signified it by HIS angel unto HIS servant John: Who bare record of the Word of ELOHIM, and of the Testimony of YAHSHUA the MESSIAH, and of all things that he saw. Rev 1:1, 2

And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the Testimony of YAHSHUA: worship ELOHIM: for the Testimony of YAHSHUA is the Spirit of Prophecy. Rev 19:10

When we tried to alter from the Word of ELOHIM we become vain in our thinking. Those we could have won into our message have been turned away. The reason is that the church that have the message has watered it down or have not adhered to it at all herself! It was Paul who stated the same thing to his brethren and wrote the Book of Hebrew to show what they had. He also showed that they were still on milk when they should now be on meat. So it is with the SDA church who attempt to make themselves better than other churches as with the next comment will show. We have the privilege of having some called to lead us in the path of righteousness but even with these called ones we have place upon one particular one, something that she nor YAHSHUA has given her. She wrote about this yet those who write here on this forum eyes are blinded to the truth that has mark sadly our church!

To claim to be a prophetess is something that I have never done. . . Twice I referred to this matter, intending each time to make the statement, "I do not claim to be a prophetess." If I spoke otherwise than this, let all now understand that what I had in mind to say was that I do not claim the title of prophet or prophetess. SM p. 34, 35

"And I thank the MESSIAH YAHSHUA our MASTER, who hath enabled me, for that HE counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry" (1 Tim. 1:12).--The Review and Herald, July 26, 1906

While several other churches keep the seventh-day Sabbath [i.e. Seventh Day Baptists, Church of God (Seventh Day), etc.], not one of them fits both identifying characteristics given here: that of keeping the commandments—all ten of them; and of having a renewal of the genuine gift of prophecy in their midst. On the other hand, there are some churches who claim to have the gift of prophecy in their midst, but they do not keep all ten of the commandments.

Unfortunately, this is not true there are many Seventh Day keeping churches that believe in keeping all of the Commands and Laws of ELOHIM. There are those who like the SDA adhere to what they feel is YAHWEH'S Word, but it is not. The SDA claim to keep the Commandment but only mention all the time the Sabbath. The Command about YAHWEH'S Sacred Name and how THEIR reverence goes disregarded. While others of the Sabbath keepers recognizes this Command. The Statutes which is the Sabbath Command is not truly kept because there are Holy Appointed Set Times that has been given a pagan title feast, are not observed and disputed constantly in the SDA church today. It was originally given to the SDA Church by ELOHIM who HE called to be the new keepers of HIS Message. However, they rejected how our church was early formed.

After the disappointed that the SAVIOR had not returned as believed, Hiram Edison travel across his field to encourage his neighbor. His faith had not diminished and ELOAH, the FATHER through HIS SON continue the selection of those who were called to receive the SAVIOR'S Testimony, namely the Spirit of Prophecy. Brother Edison heard a voice telling him to look as the angel guided his eyes up as the curtain of the Heavenly Sanctuary was open for modern man to see what John saw, in time past. Hiram now behold the SAVIOR on Oct 22, 1844 the Day of Atonement, ELOAH, the FATHER'S Law or Statute. Here he saw what the day truly meant as YAHSHUA is standing before the throne and the Heavenly Ark of the Covenant containing ELOAH'S Law is contain inside. Real angels hover over each side with heads bow with reverence. The Apartment was now a large room that had been two Apartments. But the door was open to reveal the Universal Courtroom in all its glory. Hiram realize that this was the Investigated Judgment. He also realized that this what was taken place and not the SAVIOR'S return to the earth just yet. It was the sealing of the people of YAHWEH from Adam down to the six seal which would be the final seal of the living ones through the Time of Trouble. Rev Chapters Four - Seven.

Now I will make it very clear to all the SDA church denomination as a whole has lost its way. However it is true the final message has been given to them. But the church itself will fail, but not all in the church. So if anyone claims that I am against the church they are not telling the truth. The church was established by ELOHIM, but as YASHUA send other messengers to the church for them to truly keep all of HIS FATHER'S Commandments and Law, the church rejected them. The warning was given in advance that they think they have everything for salvation and they don't. Rev 3:15-17 But as EGW indicated a company of them will within the church. They will adhere to all of the Commandments and Law, they will stand firm against opposition within the church and finish the final call of the Loud Cry.

These wise virgin are called to finish reaping the harvest of souls during the worst time of this world history. Millions will be saved through their efforts. Then the beast/man and the harlot will battle it out for one world domination and the remnant will be shielded by the FATHER! The beast/man will now attempt to attack ELOHIM'S people but the SON is now sent to defend once and for all those HE died for to redeem to HIS FATHER.

Yes Seventh day Adventist will be among the remnant but so will others from other churches, domination, religions of all kind, atheist, nations, languages people and tongues. All will snatched from the lies of Satan, but many Seventh day Adventist will be lost because they choose to follow man. The reason why a church or a symbol of a church was never given is simple? Each church has vanity, selfishness, prejudices, biasness thinking that their church is the right one and none of them will be. Yes even the SDA church will fail but not all of the people. EW p. 13-21 Those called out of the SDA church will lead others and this is my stand. I am calling like Elijah (I am not a prophetess, but a messenger), urging those who have not bow their knees to the Baal of false unholy days of Christmas, Easter, New Years, Valentine, Whitsunday, Halloween. Reclaim ELOAH the FATHER'S Holy Appointed Set Time. Do not celebrate the passover as a Holy day that is against the FATHER by the pious unrighteous Jews. The Unleavened Bread is coming for us to take YAHSHUA'S Supper. I invite all who is not a coward to stand and worship the True ELOHIM-the ALMIGHTY ONES! Take the supper that should be taken once a year to baptize yourself in understanding the true message original given to the SDA Church!

Happy Sabbath,
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Born Twice
Mar 29, 2012
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When we tried to alter from the Word of ELOHIM we become vain in our thinking. Those we could have won into our message have been turned away. The reason is that the church that have the message has watered it down or have not adhered to it at all herself! It was Paul who stated the same thing to his brethren and wrote the Book of Hebrew to show what they had. He also showed that they were still on milk when they should now be on meat. So it is with the SDA church who attempt to make themselves better than other churches as with the next comment will show.

Happy Sabbath,
Well; there is no shortage of critical fault-finding in your posts here, to be sure. When you can show from the scriptures that what you alledge about the Adventist Church is true; then I will have more to say. Your inappropriate use of Ellen White's writings does nothing to bolster your case.
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Born Twice
Mar 29, 2012
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Yes Seventh day Adventist will be among the remnant but so will others from other churches, domination, religions of all kind, atheist, nations, languages people and tongues.

Happy Sabbath,
This is something that Adventists have taught for years.
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Dec 3, 2010
I am currently in Greenville Georgia
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Now I will make it very clear to all the SDA church denomination as a whole has lost its way. However it is true the final message has been given to them. But the church itself will fall, but not all in the church. So if anyone claims that I am against the church they are not telling the truth. The church was established by ELOHIM, but as YASHUA send other messengers to the church for them to truly keep all of HIS FATHER'S Commandments and Law, the church rejected them. The warning was given in advance that they think they have everything for salvation and they don't. Rev 3:15-17 (Quoted earlier by stinsonmarri)
How shall we search the Scriptures in order to understand what they teach? We should come to the investigation of ELOHIM'S Word with a contrite heart, a teachable and prayerful spirit. We are not to think, as did the Jews, that our own ideas and opinions are Infallible; nor with the papists, that certain individuals are the sole guardians of truth and knowledge, that men have no right to search the Scriptures for themselves, but must accept the explanations given by the fathers of the church. We should not study the Bible for the purpose of sustaining our preconceived opinions, but with the single object of learning what ELOHIM has said.
Some have feared that if in even a single point they acknowledge themselves in error, other minds would be led to doubt the whole theory of truth. Therefore they have felt that investigation should not be permitted, that it would tend to dissension and disunion. But if such is to be the result of investigation, the sooner it comes the better. If there are those whose faith in ELOHIM'S Word will not stand the test of an investigation of the Scriptures, the sooner they are revealed the better; for then the way will be opened to show them their error. We cannot hold that a position once taken, an idea once advocated, is not, under any circumstances, to be relinquished. There is but ONE who is Infallible--HE who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Those who allow prejudice to bar the mind against the reception of truth cannot receive the divine enlightenment. Yet, when a view of Scripture is presented, many do not ask, Is it true--in harmony with ELOHIM'S Word? but, By whom is it advocated? and unless it comes through the very channel that pleases them, they do not accept it. So thoroughly satisfied are they with their own ideas that they will not examine the Scripture evidence with a desire to learn, but refuse to be interested, merely because of their prejudices.
The MASTER often works where we least expect HIM; HE surprises us by revealing HIS Power through instruments of HIS OWN choice, while HE passes by the men to whom we have looked as those through whom light should come. ELOHIM desires us to receive the truth upon its own merits--because it is truth. TM p. 105, 106
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Dec 3, 2010
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Finally, with the passing of the 1260 years of papal supremacy (see on chap. 12:6, 14) and the arrival of the “time of the end,” the time when Heaven’s last message (ch. 14:6–12) was to be proclaimed to the world (see on Dan. 7:25; 11:35), God raised up another “remnant,” the one designated in Rev. 12:17 (cf. vs. 14–17). This is the “remnant” of the long and worthy line of God’s chosen people that has survived the fierce onslaughts of the dragon down through history, most particularly the darkness, persecution, and error of the “time, and times, and half a time,” or 1260 “days” of vs. 6, 14. It is God’s last “remnant” by virtue of the fact that it is the appointed herald of His final appeal to the world to accept the gracious gift of salvation (chap. 14:6–12).

From the very first, Seventh-day Adventists have boldly proclaimed the three messages of chap. 14:6–12 as God’s last appeal to sinners to accept Christ, and have humbly believed their movement to be the one here designated as the “remnant.” No other religious body is proclaiming this composite message, and none other meets the specifications laid down in chap. 12:17. Hence none other has a valid, scriptural basis for claiming to be “the remnant” of v. 17. The SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7 p. 815

The doctrine of the remnant is outlined in the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Adventist church, as follows:

"13. Remnant and Its Mission: The universal church is composed of all who truly believe in Christ, but in the last days, a time of widespread apostasy, a remnant has been called out to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. This remnant announces the arrival of the judgment hour, proclaims salvation through Christ, and heralds the approach of His second advent. This proclamation is symbolized by the three angels of Revelation 14; it coincides with the work of judgment in heaven and results in a work of repentance and reform on earth. Every believer is called to have a personal part in this worldwide witness. (Rev. 12:17; 14:6-12; 18:1-4; 2 Cor. 5:10; Jude 3, 14; 1 Peter 1:16-19; 2 Peter 3:10-14; Rev. 21:1-14.)" "Fundamental Beliefs" Seventh-day Adventist Church. Retrieved 2006-09-12.
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Born Twice
Mar 29, 2012
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Now I will make it very clear to all the SDA church denomination as a whole has lost its way. However it is true the final message has been given to them. But the church itself will fall, but not all in the church. So if anyone claims that I am against the church they are not telling the truth.
You are against the church; in every way, and in almost every post. You are a messenger of falsehood and calamity. IMVHO.
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Dec 3, 2010
I am currently in Greenville Georgia
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You are against the church; in every way, and in almost every post. You are a messenger of falsehood and calamity. IMVHO.

To My Friend Castaway:

"never waste time explaining yourself to people who are committed to misunderstanding you"

I am not trying to change anyone that is the HOLY SPIRIT'S job. My job is to present with love!

Blessings and love always,:wave:
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Born Twice
Mar 29, 2012
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To My Friend Castaway:

"never waste time explaining yourself to people who are committed to misunderstanding you"

I am not trying to change anyone that is the HOLY SPIRIT'S job. My job is to present with love!

Blessings and love always,:wave:
Thats what they all say. "I did it with love."
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Born Twice
Mar 29, 2012
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Now I will make it very clear to all the SDA church denomination as a whole has lost its way.
You keep denying what you just wrote above here!

Faithful Remnant
Tragically, persecution, apostasy, and corruption were to strike the church. Jesus Himself warned the disciples that “false prophets” would arise to lead them astray (Matt. 24:4, 24), that a period of “great tribulation” would come upon them (verses 21, 22). Paul likewise forewarned his fellow believers that after his departure “fierce wolves” would arise from among them, not sparing the flock, “men speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them” (Acts 20:29, 30).​

In spite of the apostasy, relentless persecution and tribulation, which, according to the book of Revelation, would last 1260 years (Rev. 12:6; cf. 12:4; 13:5; see Remnant/Three Angels III. A), at the end of a long and worthy line of heroes of the faith, and with the arrival of “the time of the end,” God would call a remnant (Rev. 12:17, KJV). “Remnant” in this passage, from which the “remnant church” is derived, is reminiscent of the OT usage of the term in which it described a minority remaining loyal to God (2 Chron. 30:6; Ezra 9:14; Isa. 10:20; Eze. 6:8, 9) and going forth to witness for Him (Isa. 37:31, 32; 66:19). God would raise up another chosen instrument to proclaim the apostolic message to earth’s inhabitants.​

The end-time remnant shows clear characteristics. John describes it as made up of those who “keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to [lit. “have the testimony of”] Jesus”(Rev. 12:17). Following in the steps of Christ, who kept His Father’s commandments (John 15:10), and holding fast to “the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3), the remnant is described here as being a commandment-keeping church, observing all of God’s commandments. The remnant also has “the testimony of Jesus,” which John later defines as “the spirit of prophecy” (Rev. 19:10; see Remnant/Three Angels IV. A; Gifts X. D).​

In the context of end-time circumstances, the message and mission of the church are further outlined in Revelation 14:6–12. Three messages—coupled with that of Revelation 18:1–4—constitute God’s last appeal to sinners to accept His gracious gift of salvation, as shown in the verses immediately following (14:13–16; see Remnant/Three Angels; Judgment III. B. 1. a. [1]From the proclamation of this last message there is gathered a people that John depicts (as in Rev. 12:17) as keeping the commandments of God (14:12), but adding “and the faith of Jesus.”

They are characterized by a faith similar to that of Jesus, reflecting His unshakable confidence in God and embracing all the truths of the Scriptures. The cross and the law are again brought together. God has loyal disciples in other communities, but He has called the remnant church once more to preach “the everlasting gospel” to the ends of the world (verse 6, KJV), to bear witness to Christ and prepare sinners for the Lord’s second coming.​

From beginning to end, these marks belong to the essential nature of the church: faith, fellowship, unity, holiness, universality, and faithfulness to the apostolic message. They are also intrinsically intertwined, and in their unity point to the authentic church of God.​
OT Old Testament, R. (2001, c2000). Vol. 12: Handbook of Seventh-Day Adventist Theology (electronic ed.). Logos Library System; Commentary Reference Series (564). Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association.

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Born Twice
Mar 29, 2012
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In the final verse of Revelation 12, verse 17, we find God’s true church emerging from its “wilderness” experience; and there comes to view a “remnant” people identified by two characteristics:

1. They keep the commandments of God—all ten of them, including the fourth, or Sabbath commandment, and
2. They possess the “testimony of Jesus” which in Revelation 19:10 in the KJV is defined as the “Spirit of prophecy”—a renewed bestowal of the divinely-inspired gift of prophetic utterance.

Here is a good explanation by Frank Holbrook....
'The Millerites, the immediate spiritual forebears of Seventh-day Adventists, were historicists; that is, they interpreted Daniel and Revelation in harmony with the principles of the 'historical school' of prophetic interpretation. But the method was by no means original with the Millerites of mid-nineteenth-century America; they simply reflected and elaborated upon the labors of many earlier Bible students of the Reformation and post-Reformation eras.

Sixteenth-century-Reformation preaching of the apocalyptic prophecies of Daniel and Revelation tended to center on what the Reformers believed to be a Christian apostasy that had arisen within European Christendom and which they saw symbolized in the little horn (chap. 7), the leopard beast (Rev. 13), and the woman seated on the scarlet-colored beast (Rev. 17). This preaching had a telling effect upon Europe.' And what was this affect, it plainly showed the bishop of Rome had take the early church and led it into apostasy in fulfillment of prophecy, the Reformers saw it and clearly taught it.

Unfortunately, many Protestant churches have not maintained the views of the reformers. They have a different belief system. They’ve largely exchanged their view on the Antichrist for futurism, although some cling to preterism. Many have an antinomian theology, which says that the law is gone, and we are now under grace. So we have all these theologies out there that are not consistent with the early Church or the Reformation. The reformed churches cannot be a remnant because they are unlike the original.

Being the remnant is not about being arrogant or the “only” ones that are going to be saved. That’s not what that term means. It’s about being true to the original. The Adventist church holds to the fullness Gods truth in its doctrines and beliefs, there is no other church which can make that claim and prove it from scripture alone. You see many Christians loosing their faith in churches which no longer teach what the Protestant Reformers championed. They fall away and more and more are picking up strange philosophies, or private interpretations or letting themselves fall into false ideas of universal salvation or that grace means there is nothing from God that they need to obey, even a hardening of the heart against God.

The Remnant will be a special people at the endtime, who God uses in the last days to show His truth to the world and spread the gospel as we see in Revelation. Seventh-day Adventists believe that they have the message for the world found in Revelation 14:6-12. No other church today is proclaiming the “Three Angels’ Messages.”

“Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come” (Revelation 14:7). Notice that a part of this last call of God will be announcing that the judgment has already started. “is come,” not “will come.”

The next part of the first angel’s message is this: “And worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water” (Revelation 14:7). It is quoted almost word for word right from the fourth commandment of the decalogue, which strongly indicates that the Sabbath will be a part of the “gospel” proclamation which must go to the whole world just before the end.

Right in the heart of the Ten Commandments God tells us, “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it” (Exodus 20:11).

The Sabbath is God’s own established sign that He is the maker of everything. Over and over throughout the Bible God claims worship because He created all things. “thou are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: For thou has created all things.” (Revelation 4:11) and makes clear who formed the earth, “God himself . . . formed the earth and made it . . . I am the Lord; and there is none else” (Isaiah 45:18).

The Sabbath was instituted by God as a great reminder-sign of His sovereign authority as the only God to be worshiped. The Creator set in motion the arbitrary cycle of the seven-day week to mark off the true Sabbath, so that the world would be without excuse in knowing whom to worship and when.

Thus the first angel’s message says to “worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea”—a call to true Sabbath-keeping.
The second and third angels’ messages described by John say: “Babylon is fallen . . . If any man worship the beast . . . and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God” (Revelation 14:8-10). The warnings against the mark of the beast will be heralded to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people by Gods remnant. The true remnant church of the last days will surely be used of God to carry His final warning message to all inhabitants of planet earth. That message will include (a) the judgment hour is come, (b) true Sabbath worship, (c) the fall of spiritual Babylon, and (d) the mark of the beast.
Thanks for posting this material from Holbrook. I love his materials and books. :)
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Dec 3, 2010
I am currently in Greenville Georgia
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According to the Bible, I still say:

It so sad and very shallow as well as bias also untrue that Seventh day Adventist Church or any church is found in Revelation 12:17

Then the comment is made:

1. They keep the commandments of God—all ten of them, including the fourth, or Sabbath commandment, and

Yes we said that we keep all of ELOHIM'S Commandment but we do not!

And YAHWEH said unto Moses, Come up to me into the Mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a Law, and Commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them. Ex 24:12

The very idea that man think that they can alter or change ELOHIM'S Law is where we as a people of the messengers chosen by ELOHIM prove that the wheat and the tares both resided in the Seventh day Adventist Church. This is the same proof during the time the seed of Abraham was called. However, by the time YASHUA had come on the scene the House of Prayer had become completed corrupted. YAHSHUA pointing to the future and never call any church but said the Kingdom of Heaven is like10 virgins.

Then shall the Kingdom of Heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the BRIDEGROOM. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Mat 25:1, 2

EGW who was one of the early Adventist who received the gift of Act 2:17, 18. She clearly stated that it was the message and only a company would stay firm to the message given to the Seventh day Adventist Church.

I saw a company who stood well guarded and firm, giving no countenance to those who would unsettle the established faith of the body. ELOHIM looked upon them with approbation. I was shown three steps-- the first, second, and third angels’ messages. Said my accompanying angel, "Woe to him who shall move a block or stir a pin of these messages. . .

As the praying ones continued their earnest cries, at times a ray of light from Jesus came to them, to encourage their hearts and light up their countenances. Some, I saw, did not participate in this work of agonizing and pleading. They seemed indifferent and careless. They were not resisting the darkness around them, and it shut them in like a thick cloud. The angels of ELOHIM left these and went to the aid of the earnest, praying ones.

I asked the meaning of the shaking I had seen and was shown that it would be caused by the straight testimony called forth by the counsel of the True Witness to the Laodiceans. This will have its effect upon the heart of the receiver, and will lead him to exalt the standard and pour forth the straight truth. Some will not bear this straight testimony. They will rise up against it, and this is what will cause a shaking among ELOHIM'S people. . .

Said the angel, "Look ye!" My attention was then turned to the company I had seen, who were mightily shaken. I was shown those whom I had before seen weeping and praying in agony of spirit. . .

Said the angel, "Look ye!" My attention was then turned to the company I had seen, who were mightily shaken. I was shown those whom I had before seen weeping and praying in agony of spirit. . .

The numbers of this company had lessened. Some had been shaken out and left by the way. The careless and indifferent, who did not join with those who prized victory and salvation enough to perseveringly plead and agonize for it, did not obtain it, and they were left behind in darkness, and their places were immediately filled by others taking hold of the truth and coming into the ranks. EW p. 258, 270-271

Yes we know the symbol of a woman represents a church but not her seed!

2. They possess the “testimony of Jesus” which in Revelation 19:10 in the KJV is defined as the “Spirit of prophecy”—a renewed bestowal of the divinely-inspired gift of prophetic utterance.

Yes the SDA did receive the gift to review the Divine Message bestowed on the prophets of the Bible which is the Testimony of YASHUA. This Testimony is the Spirit of Prophecy that YAHSHUA gave to the angel who gave it to the last ever recorded prophet in the world-John!

The Revelation of YAHSHUA the MESSIAH, which ELOHIM gave unto HIM, to shew unto HIS servants things which must shortly come to pass; and HE sent and signified it by HIS angel unto HIS servant John: Who bare record of the Word of ELOHIM, and of the Testimony of YAHSHUA the MESSIAH, and of all things that he saw. Rev 1:1, 2

And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the Testimony of YAHSHUA: worship ELOHIM: for the Testimony of YAHSHUA is the Spirit of Prophecy. Rev 19:10

When we tried to alter from the Word of ELOHIM we become vain in our thinking. Those we could have won into our message have been turned away. The reason is that the church that have the message has watered it down or have not adhered to it at all herself! It was Paul who stated the same thing to his brethren and wrote the Book of Hebrew to show what they had. He also showed that they were still on milk when they should now be on meat. So it is with the SDA church who attempt to make themselves better than other churches as with the next comment will show. We have the privilege of having some called to lead us in the path of righteousness but even with these called ones we have place upon one particular one, something that she nor YAHSHUA has given her. She wrote about this yet those who write here on this forum eyes are blinded to the truth that has mark sadly our church!

To claim to be a prophetess is something that I have never done. . . Twice I referred to this matter, intending each time to make the statement, "I do not claim to be a prophetess." If I spoke otherwise than this, let all now understand that what I had in mind to say was that I do not claim the title of prophet or prophetess. SM p. 34, 35

"And I thank the MESSIAH YAHSHUA our MASTER, who hath enabled me, for that HE counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry" (1 Tim. 1:12).--The Review and Herald, July 26, 1906

While several other churches keep the seventh-day Sabbath [i.e. Seventh Day Baptists, Church of God (Seventh Day), etc.], not one of them fits both identifying characteristics given here: that of keeping the commandments—all ten of them; and of having a renewal of the genuine gift of prophecy in their midst. On the other hand, there are some churches who claim to have the gift of prophecy in their midst, but they do not keep all ten of the commandments.

Unfortunately, this is not true there are many Seventh Day keeping churches that believe in keeping all of the Commands and Laws of ELOHIM. There are those who like the SDA adhere to what they feel is YAHWEH'S Word, but it is not. The SDA claim to keep the Commandment but only mention all the time the Sabbath. The Command about YAHWEH'S Sacred Name and how THEIR reverence goes disregarded. While others of the Sabbath keepers recognizes this Command. The Statutes which is the Sabbath Command is not truly kept because there are Holy Appointed Set Times that has been given a pagan title feast, are not observed and disputed constantly in the SDA church today. It was originally given to the SDA Church by ELOHIM who HE called to be the new keepers of HIS Message. However, they rejected how our church was early formed.

After the disappointed that the SAVIOR had not returned as believed, Hiram Edison travel across his field to encourage his neighbor. His faith had not diminished and ELOAH, the FATHER through HIS SON continue the selection of those who were called to receive the SAVIOR'S Testimony, namely the Spirit of Prophecy. Brother Edison heard a voice telling him to look as the angel guided his eyes up as the curtain of the Heavenly Sanctuary was open for modern man to see what John saw, in time past. Hiram now behold the SAVIOR on Oct 22, 1844 the Day of Atonement, ELOAH, the FATHER'S Law or Statute. Here he saw what the day truly meant as YAHSHUA is standing before the throne and the Heavenly Ark of the Covenant containing ELOAH'S Law is contain inside. Real angels hover over each side with heads bow with reverence. The Apartment was now a large room that had been two Apartments. But the door was open to reveal the Universal Courtroom in all its glory. Hiram realize that this was the Investigated Judgment. He also realized that this what was taken place and not the SAVIOR'S return to the earth just yet. It was the sealing of the people of YAHWEH from Adam down to the six seal which would be the final seal of the living ones through the Time of Trouble. Rev Chapters Four - Seven.

Now I will make it very clear to all the SDA church denomination as a whole has lost its way. However it is true the final message has been given to them. But the church itself will fail, but not all in the church. So if anyone claims that I am against the church they are not telling the truth. The church was established by ELOHIM, but as YASHUA send other messengers to the church for them to truly keep all of HIS FATHER'S Commandments and Law, the church rejected them. The warning was given in advance that they think they have everything for salvation and they don't. Rev 3:15-17 But as EGW indicated a company of them will within the church. They will adhere to all of the Commandments and Law, they will stand firm against opposition within the church and finish the final call of the Loud Cry.

These wise virgin are called to finish reaping the harvest of souls during the worst time of this world history. Millions will be saved through their efforts. Then the beast/man and the harlot will battle it out for one world domination and the remnant will be shielded by the FATHER! The beast/man will now attempt to attack ELOHIM'S people but the SON is now sent to defend once and for all those HE died for to redeem to HIS FATHER.

Yes Seventh day Adventist will be among the remnant but so will others from other churches, domination, religions of all kind, atheist, nations, languages people and tongues. All will snatched from the lies of Satan, but many Seventh day Adventist will be lost because they choose to follow man. The reason why a church or a symbol of a church was never given is simple? Each church has vanity, selfishness, prejudices, biasness thinking that their church is the right one and none of them will be. Yes even the SDA church will fail but not all of the people. EW p. 13-21 Those called out of the SDA church will lead others and this is my stand. I am calling like Elijah (I am not a prophetess, but a messenger), urging those who have not bow their knees to the Baal of false unholy days of Christmas, Easter, New Years, Valentine, Whitsunday, Halloween. Reclaim ELOAH the FATHER'S Holy Appointed Set Time. Do not celebrate the passover as a Holy day that is against the FATHER by the pious unrighteous Jews. The Unleavened Bread is coming for us to take YAHSHUA'S Supper. I invite all who is not a coward to stand and worship the True ELOHIM-the ALMIGHTY ONES! Take the supper that should be taken once a year to baptize yourself in understanding the true message original given to the SDA Church!

Happy Sabbath,
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Dec 29, 2006
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According to the Bible, I still say:

It so sad and very shallow as well as bias also untrue that Seventh day Adventist Church or any church is found in Revelation 12:17

Then the comment is made:

1. They keep the commandments of God—all ten of them, including the fourth, or Sabbath commandment, and

Yes we said that we keep all of ELOHIM'S Commandment but we do not!

And YAHWEH said unto Moses, Come up to me into the Mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a Law, and Commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them. Ex 24:12

The very idea that man think that they can alter or change ELOHIM'S Law is where we as a people of the messengers chosen by ELOHIM prove that the wheat and the tares both resided in the Seventh day Adventist Church. This is the same proof during the time the seed of Abraham was called. However, by the time YASHUA had come on the scene the House of Prayer had become completed corrupted. YAHSHUA pointing to the future and never call any church but said the Kingdom of Heaven is like10 virgins.

Then shall the Kingdom of Heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the BRIDEGROOM. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Mat 25:1, 2

EGW who was one of the early Adventist who received the gift of Act 2:17, 18. She clearly stated that it was the message and only a company would stay firm to the message given to the Seventh day Adventist Church.

I saw a company who stood well guarded and firm, giving no countenance to those who would unsettle the established faith of the body. ELOHIM looked upon them with approbation. I was shown three steps-- the first, second, and third angels’ messages. Said my accompanying angel, "Woe to him who shall move a block or stir a pin of these messages. . .

As the praying ones continued their earnest cries, at times a ray of light from Jesus came to them, to encourage their hearts and light up their countenances. Some, I saw, did not participate in this work of agonizing and pleading. They seemed indifferent and careless. They were not resisting the darkness around them, and it shut them in like a thick cloud. The angels of ELOHIM left these and went to the aid of the earnest, praying ones.

I asked the meaning of the shaking I had seen and was shown that it would be caused by the straight testimony called forth by the counsel of the True Witness to the Laodiceans. This will have its effect upon the heart of the receiver, and will lead him to exalt the standard and pour forth the straight truth. Some will not bear this straight testimony. They will rise up against it, and this is what will cause a shaking among ELOHIM'S people. . .

Said the angel, "Look ye!" My attention was then turned to the company I had seen, who were mightily shaken. I was shown those whom I had before seen weeping and praying in agony of spirit. . .

Said the angel, "Look ye!" My attention was then turned to the company I had seen, who were mightily shaken. I was shown those whom I had before seen weeping and praying in agony of spirit. . .

The numbers of this company had lessened. Some had been shaken out and left by the way. The careless and indifferent, who did not join with those who prized victory and salvation enough to perseveringly plead and agonize for it, did not obtain it, and they were left behind in darkness, and their places were immediately filled by others taking hold of the truth and coming into the ranks. EW p. 258, 270-271

Yes we know the symbol of a woman represents a church but not her seed!

2. They possess the “testimony of Jesus” which in Revelation 19:10 in the KJV is defined as the “Spirit of prophecy”—a renewed bestowal of the divinely-inspired gift of prophetic utterance.

Yes the SDA did receive the gift to review the Divine Message bestowed on the prophets of the Bible which is the Testimony of YASHUA. This Testimony is the Spirit of Prophecy that YAHSHUA gave to the angel who gave it to the last ever recorded prophet in the world-John!

The Revelation of YAHSHUA the MESSIAH, which ELOHIM gave unto HIM, to shew unto HIS servants things which must shortly come to pass; and HE sent and signified it by HIS angel unto HIS servant John: Who bare record of the Word of ELOHIM, and of the Testimony of YAHSHUA the MESSIAH, and of all things that he saw. Rev 1:1, 2

And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the Testimony of YAHSHUA: worship ELOHIM: for the Testimony of YAHSHUA is the Spirit of Prophecy. Rev 19:10

When we tried to alter from the Word of ELOHIM we become vain in our thinking. Those we could have won into our message have been turned away. The reason is that the church that have the message has watered it down or have not adhered to it at all herself! It was Paul who stated the same thing to his brethren and wrote the Book of Hebrew to show what they had. He also showed that they were still on milk when they should now be on meat. So it is with the SDA church who attempt to make themselves better than other churches as with the next comment will show. We have the privilege of having some called to lead us in the path of righteousness but even with these called ones we have place upon one particular one, something that she nor YAHSHUA has given her. She wrote about this yet those who write here on this forum eyes are blinded to the truth that has mark sadly our church!

To claim to be a prophetess is something that I have never done. . . Twice I referred to this matter, intending each time to make the statement, "I do not claim to be a prophetess." If I spoke otherwise than this, let all now understand that what I had in mind to say was that I do not claim the title of prophet or prophetess. SM p. 34, 35

"And I thank the MESSIAH YAHSHUA our MASTER, who hath enabled me, for that HE counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry" (1 Tim. 1:12).--The Review and Herald, July 26, 1906

While several other churches keep the seventh-day Sabbath [i.e. Seventh Day Baptists, Church of God (Seventh Day), etc.], not one of them fits both identifying characteristics given here: that of keeping the commandments—all ten of them; and of having a renewal of the genuine gift of prophecy in their midst. On the other hand, there are some churches who claim to have the gift of prophecy in their midst, but they do not keep all ten of the commandments.

Unfortunately, this is not true there are many Seventh Day keeping churches that believe in keeping all of the Commands and Laws of ELOHIM. There are those who like the SDA adhere to what they feel is YAHWEH'S Word, but it is not. The SDA claim to keep the Commandment but only mention all the time the Sabbath. The Command about YAHWEH'S Sacred Name and how THEIR reverence goes disregarded. While others of the Sabbath keepers recognizes this Command. The Statutes which is the Sabbath Command is not truly kept because there are Holy Appointed Set Times that has been given a pagan title feast, are not observed and disputed constantly in the SDA church today. It was originally given to the SDA Church by ELOHIM who HE called to be the new keepers of HIS Message. However, they rejected how our church was early formed.

After the disappointed that the SAVIOR had not returned as believed, Hiram Edison travel across his field to encourage his neighbor. His faith had not diminished and ELOAH, the FATHER through HIS SON continue the selection of those who were called to receive the SAVIOR'S Testimony, namely the Spirit of Prophecy. Brother Edison heard a voice telling him to look as the angel guided his eyes up as the curtain of the Heavenly Sanctuary was open for modern man to see what John saw, in time past. Hiram now behold the SAVIOR on Oct 22, 1844 the Day of Atonement, ELOAH, the FATHER'S Law or Statute. Here he saw what the day truly meant as YAHSHUA is standing before the throne and the Heavenly Ark of the Covenant containing ELOAH'S Law is contain inside. Real angels hover over each side with heads bow with reverence. The Apartment was now a large room that had been two Apartments. But the door was open to reveal the Universal Courtroom in all its glory. Hiram realize that this was the Investigated Judgment. He also realized that this what was taken place and not the SAVIOR'S return to the earth just yet. It was the sealing of the people of YAHWEH from Adam down to the six seal which would be the final seal of the living ones through the Time of Trouble. Rev Chapters Four - Seven.

Now I will make it very clear to all the SDA church denomination as a whole has lost its way. However it is true the final message has been given to them. But the church itself will fail, but not all in the church. So if anyone claims that I am against the church they are not telling the truth. The church was established by ELOHIM, but as YASHUA send other messengers to the church for them to truly keep all of HIS FATHER'S Commandments and Law, the church rejected them. The warning was given in advance that they think they have everything for salvation and they don't. Rev 3:15-17 But as EGW indicated a company of them will within the church. They will adhere to all of the Commandments and Law, they will stand firm against opposition within the church and finish the final call of the Loud Cry.

These wise virgin are called to finish reaping the harvest of souls during the worst time of this world history. Millions will be saved through their efforts. Then the beast/man and the harlot will battle it out for one world domination and the remnant will be shielded by the FATHER! The beast/man will now attempt to attack ELOHIM'S people but the SON is now sent to defend once and for all those HE died for to redeem to HIS FATHER.

Yes Seventh day Adventist will be among the remnant but so will others from other churches, domination, religions of all kind, atheist, nations, languages people and tongues. All will snatched from the lies of Satan, but many Seventh day Adventist will be lost because they choose to follow man. The reason why a church or a symbol of a church was never given is simple? Each church has vanity, selfishness, prejudices, biasness thinking that their church is the right one and none of them will be. Yes even the SDA church will fail but not all of the people. EW p. 13-21 Those called out of the SDA church will lead others and this is my stand. I am calling like Elijah (I am not a prophetess, but a messenger), urging those who have not bow their knees to the Baal of false unholy days of Christmas, Easter, New Years, Valentine, Whitsunday, Halloween. Reclaim ELOAH the FATHER'S Holy Appointed Set Time. Do not celebrate the passover as a Holy day that is against the FATHER by the pious unrighteous Jews. The Unleavened Bread is coming for us to take YAHSHUA'S Supper. I invite all who is not a coward to stand and worship the True ELOHIM-the ALMIGHTY ONES! Take the supper that should be taken once a year to baptize yourself in understanding the true message original given to the SDA Church!

Happy Sabbath,

You have picked up a strange and confused message...
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Mar 15, 2013
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My family is with SDA Church...however..the thread here 'stinks' of replacement theology. SDA are not the remenant.. The remenant is the 'called out assembly' which does translate to Church in todays words..who is it israel !~' i was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of israel' Math 15:24...subsequently when we 'gentiles' accept the God of Abraham, isaac, jacob then we become grafted into israel, accept Messiah 'jesus of nazareth' no jew no gentile one , the bride. ... "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."-Revelation 12:17.
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Dec 29, 2006
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My family is with SDA Church...however..the thread here 'stinks' of replacement theology. SDA are not the remenant.. The remenant is the 'called out assembly' which does translate to Church in todays words..who is it israel !~' i was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of israel' Math 15:24...subsequently when we 'gentiles' accept the God of Abraham, isaac, jacob then we become grafted into israel, accept Messiah 'jesus of nazareth' no jew no gentile one , the bride. ... "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."-Revelation 12:17.
So who in the world today do you consider which 'keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ'?
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Born Twice
Mar 29, 2012
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So who in the world today do you consider which 'keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ'?
red; I would say that the person who you replied to here does not have a very good understanding of just what God says constitutes "Israel."

Rom 9:6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel
Rather than being some sort of "replacement theology," it is obvious that God's use of "Israel" includes everyone from both OT & NT eras.

Meaning that 'the remnant" includes believers from many walks of life. (amongst other things).

The Adventist Church does meet that basic criteria; as well as all the other criteria for "remnant." "Remnant;" by the Bible's use, does not refer in any way to some sort of spiritual status; but rather, to a point in history where it was born, and has continued to develop since.
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Born Twice
Mar 29, 2012
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The Remnant and Its Mission

"The universal church is composed of all who truly believe in Christ, but in the last days, a time of widespread apostasy, a remnant has been called out to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

This remnant announces the arrival of the judgment hour, proclaims salvation through Christ, and heralds the approach of His second advent. This proclamation is symbolized by the three angels of Revelation 14; it coincides with the work of judgment in heaven and results in a work of repentance and reform on earth.

Every believer is called to have a personal part in this worldwide witness."

(Rev. 12:17; 14:6-12; 18:1-4; 2 Cor. 5:10; Jude 3, 14; 1 Peter 1:16-19; 2 Peter 3:10-14; Rev. 21:1-14.) Fundamental Belief #13
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Mar 15, 2013
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intresting thread. The church actually didnt start at pentecost….if you check church is from ecclesia…stephen in his defence / speach in front of the sandhedren stated 'as was moses in the desert with the ecclesia' (church Ecclesia (or Ekklesia) means both: a particular body of faithful people, and the whole body of the faithful. Latin ecclesia, from Greek ekklesiahad an original meaning of "assembly, congregation, council", literally "convocation". Adopted and applied today by christians to themselves only when ifact its all who are faithful to God..and His son. Dont like the replacement theology that seems to be prevalent.
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Robert Bee

Active Member
Jul 9, 2015
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The remnant church keeps the commandments of GOD and the testimony of JESUS .
The SDA church have not intended to do that as the SDA church is not run AS HJEAVEN IS RUN. Check the LORD' s PRAYUER on that one.
GOD is not a DICTATOR !!
The angels write in books about each of US and this is read as the JUDGEMENT OF GOD.
Figure that one out .
GOD knew me thousands of years before I was born. So GOD knew if I would fail or not. GOD had angels write in books so SIN WILL NOT RISE AGAIN.
Figure that one out. Matthew 25:40 proves GOD is treating me as his own son. I have to live the life or I am not his son
Sinner would never be happy in heaven as they must only be EQUALS no more or less .
1 Cor.2:14 proves HUMAN WISDOM is a waste of time .
Being justified by FAITH the FAITH has to have Substance & Evidence. Faith without works is dead being alone.
GOD knew all this before he created this earth.
"The leaders of this people CAUSE them to err and they that follow them are DESTROYED"
These are words from GOD not me !!!

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Robert Bee

Active Member
Jul 9, 2015
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Try to explain LOADICEA to US then. Being spewed out for being luke warm????
We are to be SPIRITUAL ISRAEL as the 144,000 right now.
An HOLY preisthood not run by leaders but as HEAVEN is run. GOD has all in heaven running heaven.
Check out Thy will be done on earth as it is in HEAVEN.
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