• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

I don't know if this goes here, but I need help, im addicted to lust.


Active Member
Jul 5, 2022
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I never thought I would say this, but I have an addiction, masturbation. I was an atheist all my life, so it never really mattered, I didnt care and did whatever I so pleased. I was introduced to porn at a very young age and just never gave it up.

I came to Christ just over a year back, and have been actively cleaning up my ways in terms of swearing, anger, and a bunch of other sins. But im helpless against lust. It has been a year and I just keep getting worse. Its not that I don't feel bad for doing it, I am swallowed up in grief everytime I do. But I just can't stop. In the moment, I just don't care about what God wants and throw it all to the wind. I need help, I have prayed and prayed and there have been times where I have had a burden taken off but for the most part I get nothing in response. Which tells me God is wanting me to overcome this. But I don't know how. Im caught because I know im damning myself but I can't stop myself from sinking deeper and deeper into the pit.


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Sep 13, 2023
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I have some experience in similar matters and what you need to do is apply the theophostic prayer ministry principals.. which work not because they are some secret knowledge that a skilled therapist can employ, but rather... you pray open endedly: God please bring to my mind what i need to pray about! find the lie you believe, find the trauma, ask God to fix it, etc.

Ask God to bring to your mind what scripture to read, both prophetically and reactively, ask God what scripture to read that will solve your present problems. i've gotten help in various times, and often the verses are interesting one time it was psalms 3 verse 2; i read it and i'm like.. what nonsense is this? i don't have any enemies? but in hindsight now praying and acknowledging that i had enemies i didn't know about, got rid of them.

i have struggles with very specific sexual matters that are rooted in childhood trauma i didn't know about till i was 31. And from experience i can tell you there is porn that generates corruption, and there is porn that doesn't: because you're already corrupted but you don't let the corruption take root and go further.

in general there is a set pattern where giving into temptation causes corruption that increases slowly at first but then everything is destroyed. christians can actually fight off the corruption but you remain stagnant like the current ukraine russian fight. neither side is going to win until the money runs out.

if you authentically ask God to protect you from further, supernatural corruption, i believe he will. you may remain addicted, but you will find that your addition doesn't increase. you may even get bored with it, and stop just because it doesn't bring any real lasting pleasure or whatever it is the mechanism is. for example, an alcoholic may find it just doesn't work anymore. they may find the chemical effects of alcohol make no further difference, so they quit drinking and nothing changes.. all of a sudden they can spend the 20$ a day on things that actually give them pleasure, or break the depression.

it will still take work on your part to break off the addition and repair all the damage. don't listen to people that say this isn't possible.. nothing is impossible with God.
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Feb 10, 2004
The Bible says we're to walk in the Sprit and we will not fulfull the lusts of the flesh. Something needs to be understood though. It doesn't say stop fulfilling the lusts of the flesh and walk in the Spirit. No we're to focus on spiritual actions we take to walk in the Spirit.....and the things of the flesh will grow strangely dim. We won't even have a desire for them

I'll say this again....most important. It's not stop fulfilling the lusts of the flesh and walk in the Spirit. No it's walk in the Spirit first. You can't overcome the flesh with the natural mind....you need the spiritual impartation in you in abundance of Gods strength and power. There's a number of things I can tell you about the HOW to walk in the Spirit that is what it entails. If I said to one how much LIFE does one impart into their spirit each day, that is God's words are spirit and they

are life. How much does one put that in them. A religious way of saying it is how much do you read your Bible each day) I don't like saying it that way for it seems like a religious chore. When you understand though that imparting God's word within you actually does something in your inward spirit...it actually imparts strength.....it actually does put in you right desires.....Ps 119 :11 states I have hid your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

God's WORD enables you it empowers you. If you show an interest in what I've shared here I will type out a couple more paragraphs about a couple of other important things....things that I know can be helpful ....forgive me but I don't want to type out much as some come back with one line answer.....or they don't answer at all. If what I"ve shared resonates with you I'll share more. God Bless!
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Jul 5, 2022
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The Bible says we're to walk in the Sprit and we will not fulfull the lusts of the flesh. Something needs to be understood though. It doesn't say stop fulfilling the lusts of the flesh and walk in the Spirit. No we're to focus on spiritual actions we take to walk in the Spirit.....and the things of the flesh will grow strangely dim. We won't even have a desire for them

I'll say this again....most important. It's not stop fulfilling the lusts of the flesh and walk in the Spirit. No it's walk in the Spirit first. You can't overcome the flesh with the natural mind....you need the spiritual impartation in you in abundance of Gods strength and power. There's a number of things I can tell you about the HOW to walk in the Spirit that is what it entails. If I said to one how much LIFE does one impart into their spirit each day, that is God's words are spirit and they

are life. How much does one put that in them. A religious way of saying it is how much do you read your Bible each day) I don't like saying it that way for it seems like a religious chore. When you understand though that imparting God's word within you actually does something in your inward spirit...it actually imparts strength.....it actually does put in you right desires.....Ps 119 :11 states I have hid your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

God's WORD enables you it empowers you. If you show an interest in what I've shared here I will type out a couple more paragraphs about a couple of other important things....things that I know can be helpful ....forgive me but I don't want to type out much as some come back with one line answer.....or they don't answer at all. If what I"ve shared resonates with you I'll share more. God Bless!
Hey you're the guy that helped me with my OCD in relation to Satan and whatnot. You truly are a Godsend man, thank you.
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Sep 29, 2015
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I never thought I would say this, but I have an addiction, masturbation. I was an atheist all my life, so it never really mattered, I didnt care and did whatever I so pleased. I was introduced to inappropriate content at a very young age and just never gave it up.

I came to Christ just over a year back, and have been actively cleaning up my ways in terms of swearing, anger, and a bunch of other sins. But im helpless against lust. It has been a year and I just keep getting worse. Its not that I don't feel bad for doing it, I am swallowed up in grief everytime I do. But I just can't stop. In the moment, I just don't care about what God wants and throw it all to the wind. I need help, I have prayed and prayed and there have been times where I have had a burden taken off but for the most part I get nothing in response. Which tells me God is wanting me to overcome this. But I don't know how. Im caught because I know im damning myself but I can't stop myself from sinking deeper and deeper into the pit.
First, you know it is an addiction. It’s not something most people can just turn off and be done with. So you get to fight it.

Do continue the fight. A long time from now you will, with God’s grace, win. Maybe not all that long from now. After each fall stand up again. Figure out one thing that could have kept you standing even ten minutes longer and implement it. When you fall again do that same thing. What could improve your situation? Implement it. God’s grace will work on you. Do not despair.

Consider that every picture or image is a representation of a real person. A person created in the image and likeness of God. A person Jesus died to save. Pray for that person. Stop using that person’s image for evil. No more dirty pictures. Destroy the pictures. Rig your computer so it doesn’t go there any more. Same for your phone. Those pictures will remain in your head though. So when they come up spend a moment praying for the actual person. Then move on.
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Aug 11, 2023
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I never thought I would say this, but I have an addiction, masturbation. I was an atheist all my life, so it never really mattered, I didnt care and did whatever I so pleased. I was introduced to inappropriate content at a very young age and just never gave it up.

I came to Christ just over a year back, and have been actively cleaning up my ways in terms of swearing, anger, and a bunch of other sins. But im helpless against lust. It has been a year and I just keep getting worse. Its not that I don't feel bad for doing it, I am swallowed up in grief everytime I do. But I just can't stop. In the moment, I just don't care about what God wants and throw it all to the wind. I need help, I have prayed and prayed and there have been times where I have had a burden taken off but for the most part I get nothing in response. Which tells me God is wanting me to overcome this. But I don't know how. Im caught because I know im damning myself but I can't stop myself from sinking deeper and deeper into the pit.
I am a Christian, and sometimes do that as well, though I have always stayed 100% away from bad content, and have installed an ad blocker, as one time back in 2015, a generic science applet downloading website had a random pop-up that went to a content-graphic website (am surprised how advertisers can get away with putting that gross filth online), when all I wanted to do was download a color mixer to experiment with additive color mixing. For me, I think of a modestly well-dressed man or woman, especially an actor/actress on a TV show that plays as a protagonist or hero, and that gets me to fall into a sin trap. Luckily, I don't crush on most actors or actresses from television, but this woman was my crush as a young teen guy back in 2013 when watching the Doctor Who (2005 remake). She still is attractive to me even in 2023. But God tells us not to lust.

Freema Agyeman from Law & Order and Dr. Who

Science additive mixer applet that I had
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Proselyte of Yah

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Apr 26, 2022
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Now, what I'm going to say, probably will meet with heavy disagreement with a few on this forum, and I understand if it does because it's a sensitive subject that has been debated often amongst Christians.

However, before I get into that, I should first say my piece on sexuality in general:

Sexuality or Desire is Not Evil

Having sexual desire, and even a high sexual drive, is not a sin in itself. It's actually very normal for many people, and even Apostle Paul says that there are those "burning with passion", and he suggests a solution for them; to marry, so that they don't end up in situations like fornication ( 1 Corinthians 7:9 ). So Paul's answer to people longing for sex, was to find someone to sate it with and marry them, as opposed to demonising the feelings they had in themselves

There are several scriptures in the Bible that speak positively of sensuality and sexuality. Song of Solomon for example, and several Psalms and Proverbs.

So don't think yourself dirty or evil, or somehow hated by God, just because you have bodily needs which God himself designed. They are obviously at different degrees in different people, but sexuality in itself is nothing to be ashamed of.

I think in some ways, Christian culture has a negative spin on sexuality, to a level of prudishness that isn't even in the Bible, but began with ascetic influences (Christians monks who vowed themselves to singleness and chastity - not wrong in itself, as it's an individual's choice to dedicate oneself to such a lifestyle - Matthew 19:12, 1 Corinthians 7:7 ), and possibly even some Gnostic influences in Christian culture earlier on (which had a negative view of sexuality in general to an extreme because it was so 'material').

So, I think some can have an obsessively prudish mindset in this area, where people criminalise normal feelings of sexuality, and it causes needless guilt in people as well as potential spiritual harm - and even bodily shame and sexual dysfunction or mental trauma in some. Because they are made to think their physical feelings or desires for sex in themselves are somehow wrong, but they are not.

Simply, it is 'what we do' with those feelings, and where we direct them, which becomes the issue of good or bad, immoral or moral.

Being attracted to people, isn't sin, but coveting is. That's why Jesus said don't commit 'adultery' (cheating on someone, or stealing someone's spouse) in your heart. But he said nothing about having a natural desire or physical sexual attraction to someone single being wrong.

P*rnography and Addiction

Of course, though sex and sexual desire is not bad in itself, I would say that, p*rnography (often accompanied by masturbation) is wrong, since that is engaging in unchaste conduct with other people, and sexual interaction, be it verbal, physical or visual, is ordained by God only between people committed to each other in a marriage bond. So p*rn is essentially like visiting a virtual prostitute.

And I wrote on such things on why p*rn is actually evil in many ways here in my blog:

(remove the "*" and replace with "o" in the link, the website censored the word and broke the link)

Understanding 'why' it's evil, and the consequences of it to oneself and others, can be immensely helpful in fighting the temptation to use it and helping one develop a godly hatred of what is immoral.

But many of us have been there, and often, may still struggle with addictions to things like p*rn, just like anything else. The key thing being 'repentance' and prayer in such scenarios. The 'effort' put forth to resist it, and develop a hatred for it in the heart. But through Christ, we have eternal forgiveness through Grace, if indeed we are truly repentant, and are in a state where our "spirit battles against our flesh" (as Paul would put it).

And we know we are repentant in heart regardless of addictions, if we hate what we do, and have godly sadness over it, as you do OP. This is why we are not justified by the works of the Law, but by the blood of Christ who died in our place so we would not have to, if we believe in him, and seek to obey him.

All under the Law are doomed because they try to justify themselves through works, meaning, they think salvation comes from "being perfect" and "obeying the Law", but this is impossible, the Gospel makes clear. Though we 'are' to obey the commands of God and the teachings of Christ, to fall because of our flesh, is not doom, if we rely on the sacrifice of Jesus in a repentant attitude.

Masturbation - Sin or Not a Sin?

Now, onto the touchier subject at hand, which I first warned will probably have many raised eyebrows and disagreements with, especially those of certain churches or denominational backgrounds that have rulings or traditions on these things.

However, I'm going to say right now, that based on my own studies of the Bible, that though p*rn use, coveting, fornication, and 'lust' (either by viewing the opposite sex as a mere sex object, or desiring something not yours to desire) is sin... the 'act' of masturbation itself, as it is not mentioned at all in scripture, I argue to believe, is not a sin in itself.

Furthermore, it is my position that the physical act of masturbation, given that it is not accompanied by lust for someone or something you should not have, or paired with use of p*rnography, may even be something "permissible" as a form of natural relief (akin to eating when hungry or drinking when thirsty) or as control against the temptations of greater sins (such as fornication), and as something God doesn't actually have a moral position on, given the absolute silence of it in scripture (if not 'potential' mentions of lawful masturbation in some scriptural contexts), yet there being sexual morals and laws on pretty much everything else explicitly.

However, I do think masturbation can be sin, if one 'believes it to be sin', based on the words of Apostle James, and if it affects one's relationship with God negatively.

In this respect, I think the act of masturbation itself, is very much a conscience based thing, and is highly contextual as to whether it is to be considered sin or not. And so I'd never say it was mine or anyone else's place to say "yes it's fine" or "no it's not don't do it".

For my take on that, and my investigation and considerations of the many arguments raised against masturbation by Christians for many years, as well as the scriptural approach, I wrote up my thoughts here:

I think it's important to meditate upon and consider, given that it's a very common thing, and so many people are made to wrongly (in my opinion) feel immense guilt over it, despite it not actually being said to be sin in scripture, and it being a very 'natural' desire that almost every single human on the planet has likely engaged in or desired to from the development of puberty.

This is not to say that, we should base all morality on naturalisms, especially in a fallen world, as God's word comes before the deceptive desires of the human heart, which is why I say, people should seriously ponder and act upon their own consciences and meditate on how it effects their relationship with God.

Quoting from my blog post I just linked above:

...it should be said, it is possible for masturbation to in fact be a sinful action, as with many other actions that may not be inherently sinful by themselves. If it is something leading a man or woman to sin, or fosters something such as the use of p*rn or the gross objectification or coveting (wrongful desire to attain) of the opposite sex, ‘then’ we would say it was certainly a problem.

Anything can be abused to become harmful. If, for example, the activity begins to become an obsession or addiction and even begins to result in bodily harm or harm to the daily function of one’s normal activities, or one finds it is somehow promoting and encouraging immoral thoughts, desires or activities, then something should be done to address it...

Scripture tells us to avoid what stumbles us and that it is “better to lose a hand than the whole body go to Gehenna” (Matthew 5:30), and that what we “believe to be sin” even if the activity is actually innocent, becomes sin by our own conviction and accusation:

  • “….we should be sure that the things we believe [to be right] also look good in the eyes of God! As for someone who doesn’t condem himself over specific things – good for him! However, if he’s unsure about something he’s eating, his lack of faith is condemning him for eating it; because everything that’s not from faith, is sin”.Romans 14:22-23

So, I get totally if my views on the act of masturbation as expressed above and further expounded upon in my post, are too "liberal" for some Christians, but I thought I'd say my piece here regardless, as to seek a balanced, yet still Christian based view on such matters, because I see this topic troubles some people, and perhaps to a degree that need not incur as much distress as I see it does here - even though indeed, we ought to be sexually modest in our conduct. And I hold a 'very' conservative traditional view when it comes to sex, marriage and p*rn.

I pray though, that the OP, and anyone else, for God's help in overcoming the works of the flesh in their lives, and that he helps us find a way out so that all of our natural desires can be sated in a way he approves of in his arrangements and laws. :)
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Feb 16, 2022
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Its not that I don't feel bad for doing it, I am swallowed up in grief every time I do.
The battle, believe it or not, lies within the mind not body
Matthew 5:28 (KJV)
[28] But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart
. (note: you may reverse the sexes around and still have the same)

and we see this spoken of as battle between flesh and s/Spirit
Romans 7:18 (KJV)
[18] For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
[19] For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
[20] Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
[21] I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
[22] For I delight in the law of God after the inward man

You are right to grieve... all other sin is outside the body, (which is the temple of God), but this is in the body and God says this
1 Corinthians 3:17 (KJV)
[17] If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are
Every time we allow our minds to purpose the body to mock Jesus for dying for us it can only be grief... This is what you are experiencing!

Which tells me God is wanting me to overcome this. But I don't know how.
This is found in sanctification aspects... growth in God by this
John 14:21 (KJV)
[21] He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him
Do you wish to love Jesus back?

You will have to sacrifice your desires by denial of self and find any method that will aid you to not fulfill the lust of you flesh... One the Bible suggests is
2 Timothy 2:22 (KJV)
[22] Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart

This fleeing ... getting into public has served me well ... all the while in prayer that Jesus would increase in me my love for Him... in these areas where satan still has hold of you in flesh cannot go with you in the new home Jesus has prepared for you~ but if you can replace these worthless things you are doing with love/obedience to The Lord this you can keep with you into the eternity with Him...

Im caught because I know im damning myself but I can't stop myself from sinking deeper and deeper into the pit.
If you have truly opened your heart to Him
Revelation 3:20-22 (KJV)
[20] Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
[21] To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
[22] He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches

Some argue this is not about salvation but I believe it is due to this fact... Christ outside knocking to come in... note if this entering had happened before as He promised/s, a prior opening of your heart to Him, = then He would still be there as His Word says
Hebrews 13:5 (KJV)
[5] Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee

I have prayed for you in this... Love, Steven
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