Baptism of Chaff


Continue Well 2 John 9
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Jan 27, 2009
Notre Dame, IN
United States
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Is what follows, a tale of Two Monumental Ministers, or a hidden call for All to Jump the Shark?

Jump the Shark
  1. To undergo a storyline development which heralds a fundamental and generally disappointing change in direction.
  2. To experience a decline in quality, appeal, popularity, etc.
This is a brief tale of two overseers who are originally to serve by the will of God. One, who serves the Christian within the Body of Christ (the Church) under the bond of unity”. Secondly, one who serves both the Christian and unbeliever alike outside the Church, if necessary, by bare the sword force (Romans 13:1-7).

Of course, this is the organic version of oversite that was originally committed to our sacred trust. If the original purpose were still in place, it would look something like this; God equips “God’s minister to you for good” (Rm 13:4) outside of the church (1 Cor 5:13), but also equips for us, spiritual overseers inside the Church (1 Cor 5:12). Oh, now I see, both sides of the door are covered by the will of God. For example, if a Christian is “sexually immoral”, that one is to be disassociated with, most have read that many times and is readily indorsed.

Sadly, to date, there remains a difference between re-reading easily the things we can accept, and re-reading indigestible passages that require our support of both ministers BEFORE we can even begin to discuss in this case, what is done with the worst of Sodom and Gomorrah types outside the Church.

To continue without the support of the two Ministers today, regardless of how well crafted an initiative can be, may as well say ‘I can do without’ this type of minister for me “for good”. For one office, we praise endlessly, the other now suffocates under the chaff of our hearts. Why was the Jump the Shark path thought more favorable to His help?

Is it not the same old fear of trying to initiate a theocracy, even though “Minister”-2 serves the unbeliever as well? If so, I don’t quite think ALL who align with this refusal fully grasp just how handy the Lord’s goodness would be at this hour, for the night is now spent and her watchtower crumbling. This prudent author put her finger on how needful that hour is. But it’s still a paramount avenue of the Lord’s help we need to turn this around:

Something is seriously wrong with American law schools and disciplinary outfits which are supposed to monitor corrupt conduct of practitioners, , ,With almost every law professor in the country supporting the Left and hiring of new law school faculty controlled by the existing pro-Democrat faculty, with bar disciplinary groups largely drawn from the same tranche of leftists and their sympathizers, ,”
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Continue Well 2 John 9
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Jan 27, 2009
Notre Dame, IN
United States
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Why was the Jump the Shark path thought more favorable to His help?

Is it not the same old fear of trying to initiate a theocracy, ,?"
Small, I would consider that minor. No, a much more robust reason lay at the feet of refusal here, a refusal to this very day - division of mind. Among several other instances found in God's word:

I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that all of you agree together, ,in mind and conviction (1 Cor 1:10)

Is this another small reason? Not so, and better not run a search for all the liberal splinters of "Christianity"! We are chock-full of those without our suitable unity to distance ourselves. Or did I overlook the headline somewhere saying for instance, 'Major denominations take concerted stance on gay teachers, LBGTQ materials in schools'? There is a 'Christian' college in my region who has supported these trends for the past decade. Sorely surrendering their own confidence. That great valley of decision remains as the waiting-room to God's rewarding, equipping hearts of patience.

Therefore “Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.” (2 Cor 13:11)
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Continue Well 2 John 9
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Jan 27, 2009
Notre Dame, IN
United States
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Or did I overlook the headline somewhere saying for instance, 'Major denominations take concerted stance on gay teachers, LBGTQ materials in schools'?
Those who seem to have a superior perspective for us on things would surely fault that one saying; ‘We have to keep the doors open to those caught in life’s wilderness of struggles, spiritually destitute’. That truth is not without its strong limitations. Look at the emphatic orderliness the Holy Spirit holds us to (1 Corinthians 14:23), regardless of any psychotic that may wander in to enjoy.
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