Did the Founding Fathers get anything Wrong?

You have a point. Maybe we compromise and winnow the amendment down to ban any former elected officials who have been convicted of more than one count of felonious fraud? :)
It's pretty sad to have to pass a law to keep people like that from being elected. We should know better without a law.
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Donald Trump indicted by Manhattan grand jury

This is a bogus , irrelevant argument! A man with life long experience as a lawyer and a professor of law is well capable to analyze and recognize the unreasonable and biased behavior of Merchan.
Why? What qualifies him as an expert in judicial ethics? Especially when it comes to the standards that NY judges need to follow?
This was not obcsure NY law,
You are correct. It was two New York laws, Penal Law § 175.10 with the predicate crime extending it to a felony being Election Law § 17.152
it was made as you go law combining unknown never specifically named Federal laws
The jury instruction specifically named the Federal Elections Campaign Act as a "illegal mean" under Election Law § 17.152, as well as falsifying business records, and both state and city tax laws.
only for the purpose of reviving past statute of limitation charges the BRAGG HIMSELF earlier chose not to bring until Trump was a viable presidential candidate.
Actually, the law seems pretty clear that the SoL would have been tolled by Trump leaving the state. If Bragg had decided to go after the misdemeanor second-degree charge he could have. Instead, he decided to go after the more serious felony charge.
I have already addressed this in other posts. Gag orders have traditionally been used to protect the DEFENDANT, NOT to silence him while a witness publicly trashes the man he is testifying against.
Gag orders are to protect the legal process. Granted that protection is usually invoked in favor of the defendant, but if the defendant can't stop making comments that endanger the integrity of the process, then they can be used for that function.
In any legit court room Cohen would have been gagged.
Cohen wasn't a recipient of a formal gag order, but he was warned to watch what he said and if he proceeded a formal order probably would have followed.
You brought it up, so any self respecting judge would recuse himself at even the slightest appearance of a conflict of interest.
He was concerned enough that he caught official advice and was informed he didn't meet the formal recusal requirements.
NY law is corrupt!
Based on what? The fact that your personal understanding of judicial ethics doesn't match the states?
Totally irrelevant and untrue.
No, it is 100% relevant. Your whole argument is that Dershowitz and Turley are inherently more qualified to discuss this case than former New York prosecutors. And if it wasn't true, there would be no need for the bar exam in the first place.
Not a very good analogy! This was a political hit job and every fair minded person knows it. Even a few fair mind liberals have been brave enough to speak out against this travesty.
Do you deny the things in question happened?
The out cry of "no one is above the law" is sickening to me and millions of others who see this for what it is, a political hit job. Did you notice the sly evil grin from Biden when he was ask about the verdict? That says it, all but politically blind individuals will never admit it.
Biden can be happy about the political implications without the prosecution itself being political.
This is not about the. rule of law it is lawfare and how will it feel when the shoe is on the other foot?
If a former democratic president is shown beyond a reasonable doubt to have committed a crime, I would hope he gets convicted.
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Right-wing media figures vow revenge after Trump‘s conviction

Livestream Abruptly Ends As Laura Loomer Calls For Democrats to be Executed

“I’ll put it this way: should Democrats be in jail? No question. When Donald Trump gets elected, should he start locking them up? No question. Should there be lists of Democrats who need to go to jail? One hundred percent,” Pool said

LOOMER: Not just jail, they should get the death penalty. You know, we actually used to have, the punishment for treason in this country —

Dems are totally the same.
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New GOP efforts to make it harder to vote

Several Amendments and Acts of Congress forbid the disenfranchisement of certain groups of people though.
Right. You can't deny somebody the right to vote because they're black. You can deny them the right to vote because they're fat or because you think they're ugly.
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Maryland’s Republican Senate nominee (and former gov) Larry Hogan calls for everyone to respect the jury's verdict in Trump's case

We agree on this. While I will never use drugs nor condone their recreational usage, it is sad how we put folks in jail for pot. Other countries allow it legally.
Yes incarcerations for pot are likely just a waste of money, unless it is huge amounts and distribution. The problem is that states that have legalized pot are violating Federal law, but few care. How is it that some laws are ignored, other laws are only used for selective prosecutions? Immigration laws to are often ignored, with the Federal government even threatening states to make them also ignore Federal laws. I could give a hundred examples of the legal system being broken. OJ Simpson for instance was found not guilty for murder. So when he tried to take some memorabilia back in a robbery they also charged him with kidnapping. In other words, they really wanted payback so he served more time for the robbery than just about anyone in history. The sentence was set at 33 years. The average sentence for robbery nationwide was 71 months for a first offender. https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Robbery_FY18.pdf
So in reality it seems the idea that OJ was guilty of murder was brought into the courtroom and destroyed the rule of law. That is selective prosecution. Was Trump treated fairly? Hillary and Biden both mishandled documents, yet Trump has 40 counts of that too that he is indicted for. As to this trial we will see if they really care about justice or if they simply wanted trump off the campaign trail and convicted as a felon. If he loses the election it will likely all go away. If he wins they likely will step up the pressure.
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Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

Sorry, I still don't get it. Are you saying that since Trump is wealthy and can easily pay any fines, he will learn nothing unless he goes to jail?
No, that’s not what I said. Democrats are happy he got a guilty verdict but why? If he doesn’t go to jail he will still be running for president.
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The meaning of God exists as three persons

And it makes sense more so a point being made is that others were called gods because they were representing in office God to have His authority to make judgement which includes priests that it includes them to forgive sin though others were too as God as in office of judges and priests to to forgive sin as psalm 82 where it says it says He judges among the gods so they are considered so as acting in the place of God but they are not actually so but they are called gods as they are representing God what only He can do so if they are called gods because God gave them authority to be called gods because of who they are representing how much the Son of God who is actually God from the same being since He has received power from God to do the signs that they had to consider others whatever they say of themselves as having authority as gods because God was with them aiding to testify of them by their works that their authority is legitimate so they ought to believe in Him what He says that He is God because of the works the Father which is the part of Him that has the power to make the Son do.
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My mental health…

Praying the Lord will bring you peace of mind and the strength to move forward. Not sure about your job circumstances .... but make yourself get out there and seek employment ... usually when one door shuts a window opens. Never give up!

Lord please show this person the way forward .... Amen.
Thank you. I am working it’s just I don’t have the energy to go in and do my job. And it’s a job I normally love.
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Was polygamy a sin?

My above post was simply an attempt at humorous exegesis.
Ok. I was just giving my view.
However, I will say this. Divorce is a painful thing. Abuse from a person that someone is married to is FAR WORSE.
It is far more common people get divorced for another relationship.
Jesus was talking to ISRAEL in a spiritual sense, when He spoke of "Divorce".
No, He was speaking of Adam and EVE, male and female.
6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;
8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.
9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Now, you have every right to say that I'm nuts for saying that, but remember, Jesus talked to Israel as His cherished bride. I have to tread lightly, but.. not by His choice.... well... that's a bible study you can do or not do.
LOL, I know the feeling about "say Im nuts". I think most reading our exchange would far prefer your position to mine.
Now, do I believe that Israel is forgotten? Nope. But, that's also a bible study you can do or not do.

Divorce stinks, for sure, but God knows the hearts of mankind, while mankind tends to look at the FLESH.

That's my personal opinion on the matter.
God's law, neither To Abraham, nor Moses condemned polygamy. And Levirate marriage often commanded it.

Not only do men today have many wives, they just have them one at a time. Women the same, Many Husbands just not at the same time. Each one, often another family comes from them. Not good.
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Christian lifeguard sues LA County Fire Department over LGBT pride flag mandate

What a bizarre thing to be proud of...
I agree. We are taught to humble oneself.

If people can be proud of having an LGBT flag, then I should be proud of having an LG TV (well, technically a monitor with built-in speakers connected to a Roku stick and DVD player). We should hang the LG logo across government buildings.

  • Haha
Reactions: Chesterton
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The Gift of Christ's Righteousness

Our disagreement is in regard to God's eternal decree and time.

You see his eternal decree as being executed when it is decreed.

The NT presents it being executed in time, and not actually effected until it is executed in time, it nevertheless being sovereignly certain.
Im speaking on imputed righteousness and how its a gift
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Atheist Alex O'Connor presses Jordan Peterson on Exodus, Christ's resurrection

O'Connor said this type of response is “inappropriate,” and then asked, “Do you believe that these people in that time period actually did this in such a way that for instance might show up in an archaeological report?’” Peterson responded, “I think the simplest answer is, ‘Probably, but we don't know.’” The psychologist incorrectly stated that “we don't know” if the Exodus was an actual historical event. There are plenty of Jews, Christians and others who know for a fact that the Exodus truly took place.

I would interpret Peterson's comment to mean it will probably show up in an archaeological report someday. We don't know what we'll find in the future. Future digs haven't happened yet. There's more to discover. We know that the ancient Egyptians worked hard to erase military and political losses from the records, so I don't see why the Exodus would be different in this regard. However, it wouldn't be surprising if we eventually find more evidence. The places and events of the Bible tend to be consistent with what we know about ancient history. That records of kings and countries match up shouldn't be interpreted as a threat to atheists because they aren't supernatural claims. The dividing of the Red Sea might be more than they are willing to accept, but the idea of nomadic Jews escaping captivity under Egyptian rule shouldn't ruffle their feathers.
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Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

If Trump doesn’t go to jail then this trial accomplishes nothing besides gives people ability to just talk smack.
Sorry, I still don't get it. Are you saying that since Trump is wealthy and can easily pay any fines, he will learn nothing unless he goes to jail?
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