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What are the requirements for a person to get to heaven?


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The Bible tells us to " Repent," to stop being selfish and unloving, and become Loving and Caring men and Women " Be Born Again." It is not easy for us, but Jesus will help and guide us,
and God is Love, and God wants Love from us:
Love God with all our beings and love our neighbour as we love ourselves.

So friends, remember, all you need is love.

Our closing hymn will be led by the Beatles: The Beatles - All You Need Is Love-HQ - YouTube
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Christian Skeptic
Sep 27, 2013
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This question is just like asking a group of random people (not talking just random Christians) what happens when you die? You're going to get a bunch of different answers because everyone has a different interpretation of the world, just as every Christian has a different interpretation of the Bible. Nobody knows the real answer, nobody has proof because nobody has died and can still answer you, just as nobody here has been to heaven.
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Truth Seeker
Jun 3, 2013
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And am I allowed to start my own denomination and set my own rules? And if I do, will my rules then be as valid as everybody else's?

Sure! It's not that easy though. At first you'll be considered a "cult" but as your denomination grows you'll start to become more and more accepted. Remember, In religions, there's acceptance in numbers.

Eventually once your denomination consists of a substantial voting block with adequate funds you'll then be accepted by God and be allowed to enter the pearly gates! (even if you believe crazy stuff like hell not existing and salvation through witchcraft... I'M LOOKING AT YOU BILLY GRAHAM!)
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Sure! It's not that easy though. At first you'll be considered a "cult" but as your denomination grows you'll start to become more and more accepted. Remember, In religions, there's acceptance in numbers.

Eventually once your denomination consists of a substantial voting block with adequate funds you'll then be accepted by God and be allowed to enter the pearly gates!
Oh good, I can start my own denomination, and if I get enough of people to join me, God will accept it? OK, in my denomination people will be asked to seek the truth. They will not be forced to "believe" certain events happened in ancient times to get to heaven. Instead we will let everybody in, regardless of what they think or believe. (If they cause trouble there may need to be disciplinary measures, but nobody will be sent to eternal torment in hell.)

And if I get enough to join me, God will accept it? Great. Let it be written, let it be done. The Doubtingmerle denomination has just been started, and currently has one member, me. Would you like to join my denomination?
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...every Christian has a different interpretation of the Bible. Nobody knows the real answer, nobody has proof because nobody has died and can still answer you, just as nobody here has been to heaven.
So everybody here is just guessing what it takes to get to heaven?
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So everybody here is just guessing what it takes to get to heaven?

I hoped in blind faith for a while, then I met people who were clearly different .. they had contentment, love, joy, peace, confidence & spoke if miracles ... they had God's nature, unlike anything I had sen in myself or anyone else, and I had seriously looked in various places (churches, philosophies etc).

They had simply done as the original disciples did and called on GOD to facilitatie a real daily relationship. God answered the same way - giving His Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues, an unlearned prayer language by which he ministers his love and peace "that passes understanding". (Acts 2:4, 33; 1 Cor. 14:2, 4, Jude 19-21).

That is the way to heaven, enter that relationship and keep it #1 and you will be there and you will be "walking along a heavenly road" in the meantime.

John 14:
Thomas: Lord, we know not where you go; and how can we know the way?
Jesus: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.
Philip: Lord, shew us the Father, and it suffices us.
Jesus: have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father

... I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. ... At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

Merle, you need to see the difference God's Spirit within people can make, that's why you should meet with people that have him, as I did 27 years ago.

Here's an invitation.
Here are some video testimonies.
Doubt is a mental state of suspended animation, it will get you nowhere, it is a state of not knowing and therefore believing nothing, and according to you what you believe you will receive. It's like remaining in hibernation when spring has already sprung, you need to get to where the heat & light is.
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They had simply done as the original disciples did and called on GOD to facilitatie a real daily relationship. God answered the same way - giving His Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues, an unlearned prayer language by which he ministers his love and peace "that passes understanding". (Acts 2:4, 33; 1 Cor. 14:2, 4, Jude 19-21).

That is the way to heaven, enter that relationship and keep it #1 and you will be there and you will be "walking along a heavenly road" in the meantime.
OK, so we erase the previous lists and forget those who said "all we need is love" and we start all over with the correct way? Sure, why not.

So our list now becomes 2 things:
1. Call on God to facilitate a real daily relationship.
2. Keep that relationship #1, "walking along a heavenly road."

I know your relationship may feel very real, but others thought they were experiencing a relationship with God, and they thought God was asking people to do something very different from what you hear of God. If all are hearing from God, why do they hear contradicting things? If all are hearing from God, why does one group "hear" God direct them to oppose what another group does, even though that other group thinks God directed them to do it?
Doubt is a mental state of suspended animation, it will get you nowhere, it is a state of not knowing and therefore believing nothing, and according to you what you believe you will receive. It's like remaining in hibernation when spring has already sprung, you need to get to where the heat & light is.

You doubt the Greek god Poseidon, yes? Are you therefore in a mental state of suspended animation?

You doubt the Greek god Aprhodite, yes? Are you therefore remaining in hibernation?

You doubt the Greek god Athena, yes? Do you need to get to where the heat and light is?

It seems to me that it is OK to have doubts.

If a state of doubt is so sad, why is my skepticism such a relief to me compared to what I had with faith?
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...So our list now becomes 2 things:
1. Call on God to facilitate a real daily relationship.
Yes, that's what heaven is all about, when Jesus separates sheep & goats the divider will be whether or not he knew (had relationship with) them.
I also pointed to scripture that details how to enter into that relationship "(Acts 2:4, 33; 1 Cor. 14:2, 4, Jude 19-21)." You "call on God", from the heart i.e wanting nothing more, to receive His Spirit.

I know your relationship may feel very real, but others thought they were experiencing a relationship with God, and they thought God was asking people to do something very different from what you hear of God. If all are hearing from God, why do they hear contradicting things?

Jesus also claimed to hear from God but he didn't asked people to blindly accept that, in fact he said if I don't have the miraculous signs following, don't believe me.
Same today, if people don't have God's signs & wonders why should you believe them?

I have told you God's sign and if you can make it to one of our meetings you will get a whole lot more to enable you to have more faith.

If that's not possible, here are some video testimonies and I can e-mail mine & some others.

You doubt the Greek god Poseidon, yes? Are you therefore in a mental state of suspended animation? ...
I was referring to doubting the one true living God

If a state of doubt is so sad, why is my skepticism such a relief to me compared to what I had with faith?
You didn't have the faith once delivered to the saints, faith in a living active God who does what we cannot do. Your faith was in dead religion. So, your skepticism was a right response but now at least give what works a serious try. To refuse to do so is not skepticism, it is cynicism.
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Yes, that's what heaven is all about, when Jesus separates sheep & goats the divider will be whether or not he knew (had relationship with) them.
I also pointed to scripture that details how to enter into that relationship "(Acts 2:4, 33; 1 Cor. 14:2, 4, Jude 19-21)." You "call on God", from the heart i.e wanting nothing more, to receive His Spirit.
So Matthew got it wrong? Here is how he thought God separated the sheep from the goats:

Matthew 25:32 All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; 33 and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.
34 “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38 And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39 When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’
41 “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; 43 I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ 44 Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not fntake care of You?’ 45 Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46 These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.​

So taking care of the least of our brothers has nothing to do with salvation?

Matthew goofed?

Jesus also claimed to hear from God but he didn't asked people to blindly accept that, in fact he said if I don't have the miraculous signs following, don't believe me.

Same today, if people don't have God's signs & wonders why should you believe them? I have told you God's sign.
Right, you said God's sign was speaking in tongues.

It seems to me that tongues could simply be a state one can get into through religious practice. How do you know tongues proves it is of God?

Many Christians are strongly opposed to the modern tongues movement. If tongues is so integral to salvation, are non-charismatics hopelessly bound for hell?
I was referring to doubting the one true living God
Oh, so doubting in itself is not bad. Doubting is bad only if one doubts what is obviously true. Of course!

Before you condemn my doubts about your tongues-producing God, you need to convince me that the power that makes you speak in tongues is the true God. Many Christians disagree with you on that.

You didn't have the faith once delivered to the saints, faith in a living active God who does what we cannot do. Your faith was in dead religion.
Why do you condemn my past faith? You know nothing about my past faith experience. How can you possibly condemn my faith experience before you know anything about my faith?

Before you condemn the faith experience of other people in this forum, would it be too much to request that you first ask about that person's faith experience?

So, your skepticism was a right response but now at least give what works a serious try. To refuse to do so is not skepticism, it is cynicism.
Ah, you want me to be open minded. I agree. I should be open to the possibility that I may be wrong.

Do you also want yourself to be open minded? Are you openly looking at evidence that you might be completely wrong?
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So Matthew got it wrong? Here is how he thought God separated the sheep from the goats:
No, he used different words to express the same relationship after all, it's the same Jesus speaking of the same separation. Actually I was wrong in that it was Luk 13:23-26 where the phrase I quoted comes from.

The fact that the "sheep" don't know how they did the feeding clothing etc shows it is spiritual not natural. If it was natural they would remember feeding & prison visiting etc, as the goats did. It fits very well with the Luke passage where we read of people protesting that they thought they were right because they went through the motions.

So taking care of the least of our brothers has nothing to do with salvation?
Matthew goofed?
No, you did, if you love God & his ways you will enjoy sharing Him with others who are the same!

It seems to me that tongues could simply be a state one can get into through religious practice. How do you know tongues proves it is of God?

It happens to Joe Average off the street if he just hears the truth from a saint & calls on God, as often happened in Acts. He/she will acknowledge the peace/power that comes after, unlike anything they got from themselves or this world. It's not just a one-off experience, it's the start of a new life.

Many Christians are strongly opposed to the modern tongues movement. If tongues is so integral to salvation, are non-charismatics hopelessly bound for hell?
Yes they are because God isn't going to change his way & his word to suit modern-day "Christianity". As Paul prophesied:

"in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be ... Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." (2 Tim. 3)

Of course some "charismatics" & "pentecostals" have brought in some wrong ideas & practices such as "Toronto blessing", "slain in the Spirit" etc which cause the truth to be spoken against.

Oh, so doubting in itself is not bad. Doubting is bad only if one doubts what is obviously true. Of course!
Anyone who doubts the obvious is giving credence to some myth that denies the obvious. God offers proof with his truth. He has witneses, all those that have found it who are sent to testify to the others. There are many proofs of God that can lead people to seek Him. God used the stars to call the "wise men", for me it was meeting people who were shining spiritually in the darkness.

Before you condemn my doubts about your tongues-producing God, you need to convince me that the power that makes you speak in tongues is the true God. Many Christians disagree with you on that.
What you/people call "Christian" is more often than not what God calls "Christian". A person is not one until they receive God's Spirit (Romans 8:8-9), an experience clearly defined.
I can only tell you my testimony and invite you to give some priority in your life to getting to a meeting where you will meet people like me and see and hear for yourself. I know that God will speak/show you things in that. It may mean traveling, but if your body (hear, heart say) was damaged and you had to see a specialist, you would go, others have traveled great distance because they put their salvation #1, they found it.

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I was brought up Church of England, but I only went because my dad wanted me to go, there was nothing inspiring there for me so when I left for University I stopped going. While there I started to consider the purpose of my life, and realised I didn't have one that satisfied me, "the world was my oyster", but there was no pearl ![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
So when some people who obviously believed in the bible spoke to me I decided to investigate properly. I started going to various church meetings and was told to pray a
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]“sinners prayer”[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif], believing, and as such I was [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]"a Christian"[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]. For the next 18 months I continued going to meetings and reading books by people considered to be "Christian leaders" to try and work out God's will for me, without success! All I got was opinions.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
Then I met people who were not going to different churches and reading lots of books about God, they had a confidence and contentment I had not attained to, despite my efforts. I realised my relationship with God was mostly one-way, from me, not the daily, growing 2-way relationship they seemed to have.
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
They had received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues (an unlearned prayer language that God leads his people in as only he knows his perfect will for us, it allows him to minister his grace & love to our hearts - 1 Cor. 14v2, 4; Jude 20-21). They also had other direct input and leading from God. After a while I realised I was getting nowhere spiritually so for the first time I actually prayed expecting God to *do* something... namely give me the same as them or whatever else I needed.
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
One evening I was alone in my room, not doubting or fearing, just believing God had said yes to me (because he could have no favourites), and wanting nothing more, I prayed and spoke in tongues and in the days that followed I realised I had the Life spoken of in the bible, whereas before I was trying to be something I was not! I used to worry and get bored, now I see God opening my understanding about why things are the way they are, and more importantly, what life can be like.
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I left the old churches because I could see they was as I was before, not as I wanted to be. The church I'm now in is like the one in the new testament, all members have the new Life, we have a unity I never found before. I now have contentment and fulfilling purpose that only the living God can give. I am now able to know God's thoughts and live according to His nature because I have His heart and mind through the Holy Spirit in me, so long as I'm disciplined to look at things God's way . . . that's the "good fight". [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I know that God has no favourites, what he has done for one, he will do for another.[/FONT]

I don't condemn anyone, they condemn themselves by rejecting God's offer to them. Such is the pride of man!
Why do you condemn my past faith? You know nothing about my past faith experience. How can you possibly condemn my faith experience before you know anything about my faith?
Judge a tree by it's fruit. It left you full of doubt!

Do you also want yourself to be open minded? Are you openly looking at evidence that you might be completely wrong?
If you can find any I'll listen.
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Wow, this thread sure has changed. I was hearing all these other ways to heaven. Now you come along with something very different, a salvation based on tongues speaking. If tongues is so important, it is odd that everybody else forgot to mention this requirement for heaven.

No, he used different words to express the same relationship after all, it's the same Jesus speaking of the same separation. Actually I was wrong in that it was Luk 13:23-26 where the phrase I quoted comes from.

The fact that the "sheep" don't know how they did the feeding clothing etc shows it is spiritual not natural. If it was natural they would remember feeding & prison visiting etc, as the goats did. It fits very well with the Luke passage where we read of people protesting that they thought they were right because they went through the motions.
Ah, why didn't I think of that? (slapping my forehead). When Jesus said "to the extent you have done it to one of these brothers" he really meant "to the extent you were empowered by a tongues speaking relationship." Feeding the hungry is just another term for an empowered relationship through speaking in tongues? So no contradiction?

Let me guess: Most people don't buy it when you give that interpretation of Matthew 25, huh?

If you love God & his ways you will enjoy sharing Him with others who are the same!
Huh? I wasn't asking you about sharing God with others.

I was asking about sharing material goods with others. Some believers share, some don't. Some non-believers share, some don't. Matthew says we will be judged on whether we share material goods.

Do you agree with Matthew that those who share material goods go to eternal life and those who don't share material goods go into eternal punishment? If so, then sharing material things is a requirement to go to heaven.

How do you know tongues proves it is of God?
It happens to Joe Average off the street if he just hears the truth from a saint & calls on God, as often happened in Acts. He/she will acknowledge the peace/power that comes after, unlike anything they got from themselves or this world. It's not just a one-off experience, it's the start of a new life.
You experience peace and power. Great.

Some people experience peace/power through smoking weed. Does that prove that this experience is of God, and that they are therefore going to heaven?

I cannot understand how finding an experience of peace/power proves it is of God.

If tongues is so integral to salvation, are non-charismatics hopelessly bound for hell?

Yes they are because God isn't going to change his way & his word to suit modern-day "Christianity". As Paul prophesied:

"in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be ... Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." (2 Tim. 3)
Wow! So all those non-charismatic Christians that posted here are hopelessly bound for hell in your view. And they will all suffer eternal punishment with no hope of any relief, all because they didn't have a tongues-speaking relationship with God?

And you say this faith of yours gives your peace? This is a peaceful thought to you? Really?

Somehow I can't see how millions of mistaken Christians burning in hell is a peaceful thought.

Of course some "charismatics" & "pentecostals" have brought in some wrong ideas & practices such as "Toronto blessing", "slain in the Spirit" etc which cause the truth to be spoken against.
Oh, of course, true tongues-speaking Christians can be as messed up as anybody else.

But hey, they go to heaven, and other messed up people don't?

Anyone who doubts the obvious is giving credence to some myth that denies the obvious. God offers proof with his truth. He has witneses, all those that have found it who are sent to testify to the others. There are many proofs of God that can lead people to seek Him. God used the stars to call the "wise men", for me it was meeting people who were shining spiritually in the darkness.
OK, and Christians who don't accept your tongues speaking salvation are denying the obvious?

Can you understand that to them, none of what you say is obvious?

What you/people call "Christian" is more often than not what God calls "Christian". A person is not one until they receive God's Spirit (Romans 8:8-9), an experience clearly defined.
Defined by speaking in tongues, yes?

And until they have that experience they are not Christians in your view?

I can only tell you my testimony and invite you to give some priority in your life to getting to a meeting where you will meet people like me and see and hear for yourself. I know that God will speak/show you things in that. It may mean traveling, but if your body (hear, heart say) was damaged and you had to see a specialist, you would go, others have traveled great distance because they put their salvation #1, they found it.

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I was brought up Church of England, but I only went because my dad wanted me to go, there was nothing inspiring there for me so when I left for University I stopped going. While there I started to consider the purpose of my life, and realised I didn't have one that satisfied me, "the world was my oyster", but there was no pearl ![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
So when some people who obviously believed in the bible spoke to me I decided to investigate properly. I started going to various church meetings and was told to pray a
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]“sinners prayer”[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif], believing, and as such I was [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]"a Christian"[/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]. For the next 18 months I continued going to meetings and reading books by people considered to be "Christian leaders" to try and work out God's will for me, without success! All I got was opinions.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]

Just silly people with opinions, huh?

I love opinions. Maybe you don't enjoy it when all you get is opinions, but I do.

Then I met people who were not going to different churches and reading lots of books about God, they had a confidence and contentment I had not attained to, despite my efforts. I realised my relationship with God was mostly one-way, from me, not the daily, growing 2-way relationship they seemed to have.
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
They had received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues (an unlearned prayer language that God leads his people in as only he knows his perfect will for us, it allows him to minister his grace & love to our hearts - 1 Cor. 14v2, 4; Jude 20-21). They also had other direct input and leading from God. After a while I realised I was getting nowhere spiritually so for the first time I actually prayed expecting God to *do* something... namely give me the same as them or whatever else I needed.
Ok, so you joined the tongues-speaking community and found great hope.

There is almost always great hope when one joins a community. Could this experience be nothing more than the social high of a shared ritual?

I don't condemn anyone, they condemn themselves by rejecting God's offer to them. Such is the pride of man!
OK, so the non-charismatics here reject God and true salvation because of their pride?

Or could it actually be that to them your tongues-speaking gospel makes no sense?

Judge a tree by it's fruit. It left you full of doubt!
Not when I had faith. At that time I was strong in my trust in the Bible.

The doubts came later.

Do you also want yourself to be open minded? Are you openly looking at evidence that you might be completely wrong?
If you can find any I'll listen.
Great. As long as you keep an open mind that you could be wrong on these claims, we can review them together. Stick around.

I might be wrong. You might be wrong. Let's talk.
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...If tongues is so important, it is odd that everybody else forgot to mention this requirement for heaven.
They didn't forget, they never knew. Most people have been taught what to believe by "men of the cloth". Salvation cannot be understood until experienced personally - a revelation, the beginning of a father-son/daughter relationship, a 2-way thing whereby God does what we cannot so we grow in faith & understanding of Him.

Jesus isn't confused, he only set up one church that believed, and received what I'm talking about. They expressed this truth this way:

"as it is written, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit" (1 Cor. 2:9-10)

Anyone who believes you are a Christian, you have God's Spirit because you have made a sincere confession (that's what most churches teach) hasn't even begun that relationship.

As mentioned it began at Pentecost and continues unchanged. When The Samarians had made a sincere confession of faith in getting baptised they were judged not to have received the Spirit! It was known they had not ! - Acts 8:12-16. I could go on proving the blindness of "churchianity" that claims to believe the bible but without salvation cannot understand most of it ... but I won't bother.

When Jesus said "to the extent you have done it to one of these brothers" he really meant "to the extent you were empowered by a tongues speaking relationship." Feeding the hungry is just another term for an empowered relationship through speaking in tongues? So no contradiction?

You are showing the same error the goats showed - they protested that they fed the hungry, but didn't feed his brothers, because they were not in that relationship so could not understand it - Matt. 25:44-45.

Let me guess: Most people don't buy it when you give that interpretation of Matthew 25, huh?
It's the only one that fits - prove me wrong!

Huh? I wasn't asking you about sharing God with others.
Yes you were, you said:
"So taking care of the least of our brothers has nothing to do with salvation?
Matthew goofed?

I was asking about sharing material goods with others. Some believers share, some don't. Some non-believers share, some don't. Matthew says we will be judged on whether we share material goods.
No he does not. You have completely missed it!

Matthew makes 2 points that you need to explain:
1) how come the sheep didn't know when they had fed, clothed freed Jesus' brethren?

2) how come the goats thought they had but Jesus says they didn't do it to his brethren?

Obviously it would help if you know Just who Jesus means by his brethren.
If you get that bit right you should make sure you know what Jesus means by feeding. clothing etc At the end of John Jesus repeatedly tells Peter to "feed my lambs/sheep" (John 21:15-17)

Do you agree with Matthew that those who share material goods go to eternal life and those who don't share material goods go into eternal punishment? If so, then sharing material things is a requirement to go to heaven.
I cannot accept that interpretation. It doesn't make sense of what is said. If it meant physical giving I would know what I was giving and when / to whom yet the sheep did not know. Also, physical food and clothing does not bring salvation to the soul, if it does, Jesus didn't need to give his life, mankind can physically help people without his death.

Some people experience peace/power through smoking weed. Does that prove that this experience is of God, and that they are therefore going to heaven?
No, the power & peace I received remains and I am increasingly able to appreciate God's word and will and see it fulfilled in me and others I speak to. Weed does not do this.

Wow! So all those non-charismatic Christians that posted here are hopelessly bound for hell in your view. And they will all suffer eternal punishment with no hope of any relief, all because they didn't have a tongues-speaking relationship with God?
Relief from weeping & gnashing of teeth, i.e. bitterness and regret comes soon after they have been shown their wilfull rejection , the soul is destroyed in "the second death". Eternal torment may be one of their doctrines, not mine.

Also, encountering people like me will turn some from the error they are in ... I know, I was one of them.

Oh, of course, true tongues-speaking Christians can be as messed up as anybody else.
Yup, because having received the Spirit they do not develop a relationship with God, they turn to following man's ideas.
Jesus said make disciples, not converts.

Defined by speaking in tongues, yes?
And until they have that experience they are not Christians in your view?
You don't care about my view, neither do I.

Fact: in the new testament it was known precisely when people received God's (invisible) Spirit! And it was known that some believers had not yet received - how?
- see Acts 2:4, 33; 8:18, 10:44-46, 19:5-6

Please give your honest answer.

Just silly people with opinions, huh?

I love opinions. Maybe you don't enjoy it when all you get is opinions, but I do.
You will get tired of opinions one day.
Opinions leave people with doubt, inability to believe anything really, no relationship with God, none of his wonderful, transforming salvation.

I'm looking for people that are fed up with opinions, they just want God's truth.

There is almost always great hope when one joins a community. Could this experience be nothing more than the social high of a shared ritual?
It's been over 27 years "high", rituals are repetitive, predictable, learned... not growing relationship.

OK, so the non-charismatics here reject God and true salvation because of their pride?
In some cases, for others it's fear of what others will say, or just plain ignorance.

Or could it actually be that to them your tongues-speaking gospel makes no sense?
People that say that are really showing their own unwillingness to listen.

"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented. For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil. The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children." (Matt. 11:15-19)

"if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." (2 Cor. 4:3-4)

Not when I had faith. At that time I was strong in my trust in the Bible.

The doubts came later.
Yours is a story I have heard 1,000+ times. People have a sincere faith as a child (or perhaps later), they believe the bible stories ... but, they never receive and live by "the faith once delivered", the Spirit of God, so as soon as something bad happens that they can't explain they think "where are you God?", no answer, so, game over ... except that they never entered the game by being born again - which means you receive the Spirit & speak in tongues:

"The wind blows (the Spirit breathes) where it wills, and you hear the sound thereof ... so is every one that is born of the Spirit." (John 3:8)
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paul becke

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This young Kiwi will give you the answer. It's a long, fascinating, indeed, gripping story of his near-death experience, after being stung by five box-jellyfish, one being enough to kill an adult in some cases - depending on where the person is stung. And it was spelt out to him what was required of him, if he was to be saved.

One of the salient features of this story, what makes it remarkable to my way of thinking is that he was clearly a wild extrovert. And they don't often change through 180 degrees, while still young. Gesticulating all the time, his enthusiasm really gets you in.

Ian McCormack - NDE - former atheist - near death experience - YouTube
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This young Kiwi will give you the answer. It's a long, fascinating, indeed, gripping story
Thanks but I don't have time to listen to a long story.

Just the facts please.

What must one do to go to heaven?
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You are showing the same error the goats showed - they protested that they fed the hungry, but didn't feed his brothers, because they were not in that relationship so could not understand it - Matt. 25:44-45.

That's not what the goats said. The goats said, "Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?"

Jesus responded, "Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me."

I see nothing there about them claiming to feed the hungry. Jesus says they did not.

What part of "you did not do it" do you not understand?

It's quite simple. Matthew 25 says they go to hell because they didn't share their material goods.

Matthew makes 2 points that you need to explain:
1) how come the sheep didn't know when they had fed, clothed freed Jesus' brethren?
Huh? What they didn't know is that they had "fed Jesus". So they asked when they had fed Jesus, and Jesus explains that they had "fed him" when they had fed his brothers.

Nowhere do the sheep say they aren't aware of having fed his brothers. Nowhere.

2) how come the goats thought they had but Jesus says they didn't do it to his brethren?

Excuse me, but where does it say the goats thought they had?

Matthew 25 is quite clear to me. The sheep fed the brothers, the goats didn't.
Obviously it would help if you know Just who Jesus means by his brethren.
If you get that bit right you should make sure you know what Jesus means by feeding. clothing etc At the end of John Jesus repeatedly tells Peter to "feed my lambs/sheep" (John 21:15-17)
Oh puhleeze! So every time you find Jesus talking about feeding he is talking figuratively? How do you know he never ever talked about physically feeding?

Also, physical food and clothing does not bring salvation to the soul, if it does, Jesus didn't need to give his life, mankind can physically help people without his death.
Good question: Why did Jesus die?

I have no idea why the crucifixion would make it easier for God to forgive. One would think if God wanted to forgive, he would simply do it, and not wait until we first killed his son.

Relief from weeping & gnashing of teeth, i.e. bitterness and regret comes soon after they have been shown their wilfull rejection , the soul is destroyed in "the second death". Eternal torment may be one of their doctrines, not mine.
In Matthew 25:46 (in the parable we are looking at) it says, "And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

If the soul is destroyed, how are they being eternally punished?
You don't care about my view, neither do I.
Oh yes I do.

Why would I ask about your views if I don't care about them?

You will get tired of opinions one day.
Opinions leave people with doubt, inability to believe anything really.
Tired of opinions? :eek: Never!

Every morning I start with the opinion page of the paper. I will never get tired of hearing opinions.

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Doubtingmerle, You are correct to question what Stormhawk is saying.

There is nothing in the Bible that says you must speak in tongues to be saved. That is a doctrine of men.

Ah, so words mean what they say after all?

I was scratching my head trying to figure out how Matthew 25 can mean that those who speak in tongues go to heaven, as was claimed here. :scratch:
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There is nothing in the Bible that says you must speak in tongues to be saved.

OK, I will take tongues off the list.

But just in case he is right, maybe I should text in tongues:

jawo fawov jawf awio;v awpv weaofjaw;vaw;fjawef jawfwadkfawoeawie

That oughta do it. ;)
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I think the first requirement is to realize and admit that we cannot go there by ourselves but that we need God's help... I think it's what we see when Jesus was surrounded and comfortable among a crowd of sinners... verses being attacked by those who thought they were just - mostly religious leaders of his time!
Yet another plan? :confused:

Ok, let's start from scratch with a new plan to get to heaven. Sure, why not?

New list:
1. Admit we need God's help.
2. ....
Is there anything else on your list, or does that pretty much cover it?

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