...If tongues is so important, it is odd that everybody else forgot to mention this requirement for heaven.
They didn't forget, they never knew. Most people have been taught what to believe by "men of the cloth
". Salvation cannot be understood until experienced personally - a revelation, the beginning of a father-son/daughter relationship, a 2-way thing whereby God does what we cannot so we grow in faith & understanding of Him.
Jesus isn't confused, he only set up one church that believed, and received what I'm talking about. They expressed this truth this way:
"as it is written, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit" (1 Cor. 2:9-10)
Anyone who believes you are a Christian, you have God's Spirit because you have made a sincere confession (that's what most churches teach) hasn't even begun that relationship.
As mentioned it began at Pentecost and continues unchanged. When The Samarians had made a sincere confession of faith in getting baptised they were judged
not to have received the Spirit! It was known they had not ! - Acts 8:12-16. I could go on proving the blindness of "churchianity" that claims to believe the bible but without salvation cannot understand most of it ... but I won't bother.
When Jesus said "to the extent you have done it to one of these brothers" he really meant "to the extent you were empowered by a tongues speaking relationship." Feeding the hungry is just another term for an empowered relationship through speaking in tongues? So no contradiction?
You are showing the same error the goats showed - they protested that they fed the hungry, but didn't feed
his brothers, because they were not in that relationship so could not understand it - Matt. 25:44-45.
Let me guess: Most people don't buy it when you give that interpretation of Matthew 25, huh?
It's the only one that fits -
prove me wrong!
Huh? I wasn't asking you about sharing God with others.
Yes you were, you said:
"So taking care of the least of our brothers has nothing to do with salvation?
Matthew goofed?"
I was asking about sharing material goods with others. Some believers share, some don't. Some non-believers share, some don't. Matthew says we will be judged on whether we share material goods.
No he does not. You have completely missed it!
Matthew makes 2 points that you need to explain:
1) how come the sheep didn't know when they had fed, clothed freed Jesus' brethren?
2) how come the goats thought they had but Jesus says they didn't do it to his brethren?
Obviously it would help if you know Just who Jesus means by his brethren.
If you get that bit right you should make sure you know what Jesus means by feeding. clothing etc At the end of John Jesus repeatedly tells Peter to
"feed my lambs/sheep" (John 21:15-17)
Do you agree with Matthew that those who share material goods go to eternal life and those who don't share material goods go into eternal punishment? If so, then sharing material things is a requirement to go to heaven.
I cannot accept that interpretation. It doesn't make sense of what is said. If it meant physical giving I would know what I was giving and when / to whom yet the sheep did not know. Also, physical food and clothing does not bring salvation to the soul, if it does, Jesus didn't need to give his life, mankind can physically help people without his death.
Some people experience peace/power through smoking weed. Does that prove that this experience is of God, and that they are therefore going to heaven?
No, the power & peace I received remains and I am increasingly able to appreciate God's word and will and see it fulfilled in me and others I speak to. Weed does not do this.
Wow! So all those non-charismatic Christians that posted here are hopelessly bound for hell in your view. And they will all suffer eternal punishment with no hope of any relief, all because they didn't have a tongues-speaking relationship with God?
Relief from weeping & gnashing of teeth, i.e. bitterness and regret comes soon after they have been shown their wilfull rejection , the soul is destroyed in "the second death". Eternal torment may be one of their doctrines, not mine.
Also, encountering people like me will turn some from the error they are in ... I know, I was one of them.
Oh, of course, true tongues-speaking Christians can be as messed up as anybody else.
Yup, because having received the Spirit they do not develop a relationship with God, they turn to following man's ideas.
Jesus said make
disciples, not converts.
Defined by speaking in tongues, yes?
And until they have that experience they are not Christians in your view?
You don't care about my view, neither do I.
Fact: in the new testament it was known precisely when people received God's (invisible) Spirit! And it was known that some believers had not yet received -
- see Acts 2:4, 33; 8:18, 10:44-46, 19:5-6
Please give your honest answer.
Just silly people with opinions, huh?
I love opinions. Maybe you don't enjoy it when all you get is opinions, but I do.
You will get tired of opinions one day.
Opinions leave people with doubt, inability to believe anything really, no relationship with God, none of his wonderful, transforming salvation.
I'm looking for people that are fed up with opinions, they just want God's truth.
There is almost always great hope when one joins a community. Could this experience be nothing more than the social high of a shared ritual?
It's been over 27 years "high", rituals are repetitive, predictable, learned... not growing relationship.
OK, so the non-charismatics here reject God and true salvation because of their pride?
In some cases, for others it's fear of what others will say, or just plain ignorance.
Or could it actually be that to them your tongues-speaking gospel makes no sense?
People that say that are really showing their own unwillingness to listen.
"He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented. For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil. The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children." (Matt. 11:15-19)
"if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." (2 Cor. 4:3-4)
Not when I had faith. At that time I was strong in my trust in the Bible.
The doubts came later.
Yours is a story I have heard 1,000+ times. People have a sincere faith as a child (or perhaps later), they believe the bible stories ... but, they never receive and live by "the faith once delivered", the Spirit of God, so as soon as something bad happens that they can't explain they think
"where are you God?", no answer, so, game over ... except that they never entered the game by being born again - which means you receive the Spirit & speak in tongues:
"The wind blows (the Spirit breathes) where it wills, and you hear the sound thereof ... so is every one that is born of the Spirit." (John 3:8)