Fellowship True spiritual warfare (read the ruleset before you post)


Aug 12, 2007
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I can't find the button to upload a pdf file. I used to know how, but CF has changed and there doesn't seem to be a way to do it now.
I'll send you one of my email accounts privately you can send it to.
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Aussie Pete

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What is out there on this subject?

Are there any good books about this stuff?

Survey says,......No,.... there is nothing.

It's unfortunate, but having looked at some of the books that people have put together since the 90's and earlier, they don't really teach you anything. They pontificate about different sections of scripture and give historical views and recollections about such things, but they don't really include anything of substance that is useful in situations. Worse yet, they might include things that are not really scriptural, like the pleading of the blood stuff. If they happen to include a subject that is useful, like faith, they won't teach you how your faith is properly applied in situations, they will just give you an overview of sorts. "Yep, I wrote a book, now let me write some more and create a retirement account for myself!!" That's what it basically amounts to, besides the pride factor involved. These people are not really there to help it seems. You are pretty much on your own with this stuff. It's just you and GOD.

Currently, satan has been working his way into most of the mainline protestant churches and dividing their leaderships. Even the baptists and their love of scripture are seeing some of these problems with their leadership. Sin and it's effects is growing, even in the body of Christ. Now add spiritual warfare on top of the mix, without anyone knowledgeable about how to fight it, and things can quickly spiral out of control. Sure, Jesus can raise up more churches (and it's probably better that He did in most cases), but the residual fall-out from a church failing can possibly have an impact in a community.

So,.... where to start?

How about Purpose.
One of the best books I've read about spiritual warfare is "War on the Saints" by Jesse Penn-Lewis. She was a journalist for a Christian newspaper and covered the Welsh revival in the early 1900's. There was a certain amount of deception along with the genuine. If you can find the unabridged version, it is by far the best. An editor got hold of the original and ran his anti Baptism in the Holy Spirit eye over it. That is a great shame because the restoration of the truth of the baptism in the Holy Spirit was central to the Welsh revival.
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Aug 12, 2007
United States
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One of the best books I've read about spiritual warfare is "War on the Saints" by Jesse Penn-Lewis. She was a journalist for a Christian newspaper and covered the Welsh revival in the early 1900's. There was a certain amount of deception along with the genuine. If you can find the unabridged version, it is by far the best. An editor got hold of the original and ran his anti Baptism in the Holy Spirit eye over it. That is a great shame because the restoration of the truth of the baptism in the Holy Spirit was central to the Welsh revival.

Yes, I read a good portion of it years ago. If I remember correctly, she was dealing with the more deceptive demonic aspects she found in a lot of the revival scenarios in her day. It's been a while.

While that is true, we will run into that sort of stuff, I'm dealing with more of the heavier behind the scenes stuff that most people are not introduced to. The demonic, in many regards, is easier to deal with than many people think, as long as you using the biblical tools correctly and are guided by The Holy Spirit.
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