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To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race

The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
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Which is probably a wise decision, given Trump's cognitive issues. His handlers were wise to pull the plug on an open debate.
I thought we were going to get serious??????
Donald Trump says he is pulling out of a scheduled September debate with Vice President Kamala Harris on ABC and wants them to face off on Fox News

No point in you denying it. It's just a fact. Trump's handlers bailed out on the agreed venue, just as they pulled him early from that interview in which he went off-message and started blathering racial foolishness.
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
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The facts are Trump had agreed to debate Biden with certain terms NOT KAMALA.
Well, yes. A level playing field with Harris, was an obvious loser for Trump. And his handlers accordingly bailed out of the agreed debate. Wise decision on their part.

"You got to know when to hold 'em; know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away, know when to run."
Kenny Rogers.

And they wisely ran.
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A Believer/Follower
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Most Americans don’t think Trump has strong religious beliefs, according to the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute poll. Roughly 40 percent say the president “is mostly using religion for political purposes.” White evangelicals who vote Republican see things differently: Fifty-nine percent say Trump has strong religious beliefs.​

Also - might your acerbic rhetoric above be influenced by the fact that social media has exacerbated your rather tame Democratic party to be some kind of Socialist extremists? I mean - talk about melodrama! The Democrats are so far right they would be our conservative party here in Australia. You do realise there's a great big world of developed nations out there with modern democratic welfare states and that the "Political Economy of the Welfare State" settings have a thousand different degrees between "Free market" (which America DOES NOT have) and "Communist"?
The fact that the Democrats don't even have Medicare for all as a policy shows how far to the right your whole country has shifted. "Tax is theft" is a totally unbiblical mantra the right throws around way too easily - even Christians. (Read Romans 13). Could it be you're just responding to the known and documented psychological forces in both history (with the Cold War gone, feeling the need for new villains?) and Social Media? (See "The Social Dilemma.")

As the above link finishes....

Today, when the Cold War struggle has been replaced by culture war conflicts, critics see Trump’s move from Presbyterian to nondenominational Christian in the opposite light: It’s too specific. Instead of trying to represent all Americans with platitudes about “deeply felt faith,” they claim Trump is making a political move, identifying with the religious voters he needs at the polls.​
You are certainly entitled to your opinion but I must live with the damage these paid thugs cause and desire their expulsion.
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A Believer/Follower
Jul 5, 2003
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The enthusiasm for her candidacy is surprisingly strong, but remember she's very smart and very capable.

After high school, Harris attended Howard University, the prestigious historically Black college in Washington, D.C. She majored in political science and economics, and joined the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.

She got her law degree at the University of California Law School at San Francisco.

Became a prosecutor in San Francisco.

During her first three years as district attorney, San Francisco’s conviction rate jumped from 52 to 67 percent.

Seems to be obvious to anyone with any sense at all.

Do you really believe what you wrote? C'mon. Not only has she produced a lot of enthusiasm among democrats, she's also produced a lot of dismay and denial on the part of republicans. And gaslighting won't do you any good. Trump needs to make some adjustments in his campaign quickly.

Performance counts. She wasn't just a brilliant student. She was a very good prosecutor, as her numbers show.
Degrees do not make life intelligence. And that cackle she so loosely distributes drives people up the wall and the following answers do not relate to the questions.
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Tropical Wilds

Little Lebowski Urban Achiever
Oct 2, 2009
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Degrees do not make life intelligence. And that cackle she so loosely distributes drives people up the wall and the following answers do not relate to the questions.
I’m so glad we are back in the era where our big complaint about a candidate is how they laugh. Here’s hoping she learned from Obama and doesn’t wear *gasp* mom jeans.
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Sep 29, 2014
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No point in you denying it. It's just a fact. Trump's handlers bailed out on the agreed venue,
Just what is it about Kamala is not Joe do you not understand?

If you and I entered into an agreement then you decided you would not longer honor what you agreed on and tried to substitute someone else we would renegotiate that agreement this is common sense and should.....

be obvious to anyone with any sense at all.
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Sep 29, 2014
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Well, yes. A level playing field with Harris, was an obvious loser for Trump. And his handlers accordingly bailed out of the agreed debate. Wise decision on their part.

"You got to know when to hold 'em; know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away, know when to run."
Kenny Rogers.

And they wisely ran.
Just more liberal propaganda!
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
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Well, yes. A level playing field with Harris, was an obvious loser for Trump. And his handlers accordingly bailed out of the agreed debate. Wise decision on their part.

"You got to know when to hold 'em; know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away, know when to run."
Kenny Rogers.

And they wisely ran.

Just more liberal propaganda!
You've never played poker? They folded and ran for the obvious reason. Trump was OK with debating Biden in an open venue, but Harris would shred him, and his handlers know it.
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Scripture is God's word, Science is God's works
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Yes yes very very smart and very very capable! Give me a break do you really believe what you wrote?

This enthusiasm you speak of is a contrived result of the gaslighting of the America public.The papers on her wall do not show intelligence, that is a false premise.
Donald Trump believes in invisible F35's, that he will not support NATO, (see photo below), and done a thousand other ridiculous, inappropriate things. Like when he addressed thousands of Boy Scouts with a rambling political speech about cocktail parties and rich people having sex on boats, when he told scientists that they might kill the coronavirus by finding a way to inject people with light or disinfectants, when he served college football players a fast-food feast during a government shutdown, when he speculated that anti–police brutality protesters were throwing bags of soup, when he told a hurricane victim whose yard became the landing spot for someone’s unmoored yacht, "At least you got a nice boat out of the deal", when he met with people affected by mass shootings at schools and had a note reminding himself to say "I hear you", when he told reporters his coronavirus test came back "positively toward the negative", when he was hospitalized with COVID-19 and released photographs of himself working in which he appeared to be signing blank pieces of paper with a marker, when he briefly left the hospital to hold a COVID parade and greet supporters, when he hugged and kissed the flag, when he congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his reelection despite being advised in a State Department memo, "DO NOT CONGRATULATE", when he tweeted the word "covfefe" in the middle of the night, when he said he met with the "Prince of Whales", when he walked in front of the Queen and she made this face, when he pronounced the national park "Yosemite" as "Yo-Semite", when he drew on a hurricane map with a Sharpie, when he said they should nuke hurricanes, when he said a hurricane was "one of the wettest we've ever seen, from the standpoint of water", when he feuded with the musical Hamilton, when he feuded with Meryl Streep, when he feuded with Robert De Niro, when he saluted a North Korean general, when he bragged about his cognitive abilities by repeating the phrase "person, woman, man, camera, TV", when he complained for years about the water pressure in toilets, when he complained for years about windmills (falsely) killing birds, knocking out TV reception, and causing cancer, when he met with Kanye West, when he met with Kanye West another time, when he released a photo of himself pretending to write his inauguration speech, when he lied *to the CIA* about the number of people at his inauguration, when he apparently didn't get the memo about not smiling in this picture with the pope, when he talked about how he had bombed Syria while eating "the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen", when he didn't seem to like a French military band's cover of Daft Punk, when he talked about "local milk people", and on and on it goes.


Of course - other than these few gaffs - you've got a real genius on your hands!​

As the following book demonstrates:

Donald Trump has made the United States of America the laughing stock of the world, and desecrated the institution of the presidency. It is still a mystery how we allowed such a sociopath become President of the greatest country on earth. And we must NOT let him return to the White House. This book is a collection of only 1,000 of the most horrible, insensitive, senseless, polarizing and wicked things Donald Trump has done and said over the years ¬– before and during his presidency. This book hopes to remind you of Trump’s lackluster executive orders, his brazen racism, his islamophobia, disregard for the environment, sexism, egoism, and hatred for low-income Americans. This book lists Trump’s very serious blunders – like his rollbacks on DACA and ObamaCare – and the less serious (yet, equally repulsive) stuff like him like him defending his xxxx size. In any case, I hope you find something in this book that makes you angry, makes you despise Trump even more, and makes you go out to vote against him in the November 2020 polls. Trump must not return to the Presidency. This is a personal contribution towards getting Trump out of power. The proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the Joe Biden Campaign. This book is not in anyway endorsed by the Joe Biden Campaign.​
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
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Degrees do not make life intelligence.
But they can help you write gooder.

And that cackle she so loosely distributes drives people up the wall
Racists, for example. Trump never laughs. There's a reason those guys don't like laughter. Harris is, as you see, is a very intelligent woman, who was very successful in putting away criminals as a prosecutor.

Trump's not laughing about that, either.
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
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No point in you denying it. It's just a fact. Trump's handlers bailed out on the agreed venue,

Just what is it about Kamala is not Joe do you not understand?
No, I get it completely. Trump's handlers were good with another debate with Biden in an open venue. But they realized it would be a terrible thing if Trump had to debate Harris. So they bailed and proposed limiting it to Fox News and a picked audience. We all get it. And I see why they bailed. It would have been a disaster for Trump.

It probably looked like a trap to get him one-on-one with Harris in a debate. Maybe it was. I'm not going to criticize them for doing what they thought was best for their guy.
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Sep 29, 2014
United States
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No point in you denying it. It's just a fact. Trump's handlers bailed out on the agreed venue,

No, I get it completely. Trump's handlers were good with another debate with Biden in an open venue. But they realized it would be a terrible thing if Trump had to debate Harris. So they bailed and proposed limiting it to Fox News and a picked audience. We all get it. And I see why they bailed. It would have been a disaster for Trump.

It probably looked like a trap to get him one-on-one with Harris in a debate. Maybe it was. I'm not going to criticize them for doing what they thought was best for their guy.
I believe you have greatly over estimated Kamala’ ability to debate, but you are definitely towing the party line. You get points for defending the indefensible. Hang in there maybe the campaign will seek you out to help in the gaslighting of the American public. Great job promoting liberal nonsense.
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
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I believe you have greatly over estimated Kamala’ ability to debate
Trump's handlers certainly seem to regard her as a formidable opponent. They cut and ran from the debate when they realized Trump would have to face Harris instead of Biden.

But you are definitely towing the party line. Trump keeps telling us how dumb she is, even as his handlers refuse to let him do the scheduled debate. Yes, I understand that things are different now that he would have to face Harris instead of Biden. That's the point, your gaslighting not withstanding.

We both know that if Trump's handlers thought Trump had a good chance of winning the debate, they would have been eager to have him face Harris. Now, they want to put all sorts of new conditions on any possible debate.

For reasons we all understand, don't we?
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
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Donald Trump believes in invisible F35's
Apparently, he read just the title and a paragraph or so of a briefing paper, and became convinced that we could build invisible airplanes. It's no crazier than windmills causing cancer or George Washington seizing all the airports.

He's an old guy, who doesn't read much, and is easily confused He claimed the George Washington thing was caused by him misreading a teleprompter, even though any rational adult would have immediately realized the absurdity of such a statement.
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Sep 29, 2014
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Trump's handlers certainly seem to regard her as a formidable opponent. They cut and ran from the debate when they realized Trump would have to face Harris instead of Biden.

But you are definitely towing the party line. Trump keeps telling us how dumb she is, even as his handlers refuse to let him do the scheduled debate. Yes, I understand that things are different now that he would have to face Harris instead of Biden. That's the point, your gaslighting not withstanding.

We both know that if Trump's handlers thought Trump had a good chance of winning the debate, they would have been eager to have him face Harris. Now, they want to put all sorts of new conditions on any possible debate.

For reasons we all understand, don't we?
You say Trump is afraid to debate Kamala?? Here are som facts for you to consider. Trump is doing interviews even in hostile situations. Kamala 16 days into her coronation and has yet to do a press conference or answer real policy questions. Tell us what she is afraid of or what is the party afraid of if she actually does what a real Presidential candidate normally does. It is laughable for anyone to spin the idea Trump is afraid to debate Kamala. Just watched some replays of the gaslighting convention, gotta go make some popcorn.
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Dec 21, 2005
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You say Trump is afraid to debate Kamala?? Here are som facts for you to consider. Trump is doing interviews even in hostile situations. Kamala 16 days into her coronation and has yet to do a press conference or answer real policy questions. Tell us what she is afraid of or what is the party afraid of if she actually does what a real Presidential candidate normally does. It is laughable for anyone to spin the idea Trump is afraid to debate Kamala. Just watched some replays of the gaslighting convention, gotta go make some popcorn.
You say it is laughable? Because there was a debate all set up that he backed out of. The debate was between presidential candidates and that remains the same. So why would they need to change venues simply because the candidate is now a different person?
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