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Perhaps the author of them didn't study more on the placements of the 70ad structures? [Unlike today, there were no cameras back then to take pictures]In those videos though, the Temple is incorrectly positioned?
That aside, I believe he was inspired to make them as was Josephus inspired to write about it.
The Destruction of Jerusalem - George Peter Holford, 1805AD
Of the prophecies which have already been fulfilled, few, perhaps, are so interesting in themselves, or so striking in their accomplishment, as those which relate to the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple, and the signal calamities which every where befel the Jewish nation. The chief of our Lord's predictions, relative to these events, are contained in Matt. 24 ch. Mark, 13 ch., Luke 21 ch., Ib. 19 ch. 41-44 ; Ib. 23 ch. 27-30 : and we may with confidence appeal to the facts which verify them as conclusive and incontrovertible proofs of the divinity of his mission.
Before, however, we enter upon this illustration, it may be gratifying to the reader, and add considerably to the interest of many of the subsequent pages, to give in this place a brief description of that renowned city and its temple...............
"Ye will hear of battles and rumors of battles" 1st century Judea
All 3 mention "the End".
Matt 24:8 and Mark 13:8 has "All these are the beginning of sorrows.”
Some versions leave out "pestilences" in Matt 24:7.
Matthew 24:6
“Yet ye shall be being about to be hearing battles and tidings of battles, be seeing! be not be being troubled<2360>, for is binding to becoming,
but not as yet the End<5056>
Mark 13:7
“Yet whenever ye should be hearing battles and tidings of battles, be seeing! be not be being troubled for is binding to be becoming,
but not as yet the End<5056>
Luke 21:9
“Yet whenever ye should be hearing battles and tumults<181>, no may be being frightened<4422>, for is binding these to be becoming,
but not immediately the End<5056>
This site is best as far as showing the history of 7 yr Jewish Wars in the 1st century [up to Masada in 73ad]:
Visual Timeline of the Roman-Jewish War ARTchive @
CAST OF CHARACTERS: Roman: Emperor Nero | General Vespasian | General Titus | The Roman Army || Jewish: General / Historian Josephus | Factional Leaders in Jerusalem || Administrators of Roman Judea Targets: Jerusalem | Herod's Temple // Maps of the Roman Invasion // Theological Timeline
Stage 1: Murder of James the Just, "Opposition High Priest" ; Irrevocable Split: 62
Stage 2: General Revolt in Jerusalem ; Zealot Occupation of Masada: August-September 66
This video shows the events that led to the Jewish Revolts/War:
Invicta Published on Dec 12, 2016
The Siege of Jerusalem stands out as one of the most brutal examples of Classical Era total war since the fall of Carthage over 200 years earlier! In part 1 we discuss the lead up to the siege as well as the details of the attacking and defending forces.
I like this version of Josephus and the Destruction of Jerusalem and those 70ad videos appear to follow this version fairly well, IMHO.
The Destruction of Jerusalem - George Peter Holford, 1805AD
So far as they tend to verify OUR LORD'S PREDICTIONS Relative to that event.
"I consider the Prophecy relative to the destruction of the Jewish nation,
if there were nothing else to support Christianity, as absolutely irresistible."
(Mr. Erskine's Speech, at the Trial of Williams, for publishing Paine's Age of Reason)
History records few events more generally interesting than the destruction of Jerusalem, and the subversion of the Jewish state, by the arms of the Romans. -- Their intimate connexion with the dissolution of the Levitical economy, and the establishment of Christianity in the world ; the striking verification which they afford of so many of the prophecies, both of the Old and New Testament, and the powerful arguments of the divine authority of the Scriptures which are thence derived........
The day on which Titus encompassed Jerusalem, was the feast of the Passover ; and it is deserving of the very particular attention of the reader, that this was the anniversary of that memorable period in which the Jews crucified their Messiah ! At this season multitudes came up from all the surrounding country, and from distant parts, to keep the festival. How suitable and how kind, then, was the prophetic admonition of our LORD, and how clearly he into futurity when he said "Let not them that are in the countries enter into Jerusalem." Luke xxi. 21.
Nevertheless, the city was at this time crowded with Jewish strangers, and foreigners from all parts, so that the whole nation may be considered as having been shut up in one prison, preparatory to the execution of the Divine vengeance ; and, according to Josephus this event took place suddenly ; thus, not only fulfilling the predictions of our LORD, that these calamities should come, like the swift-darting lightning" that cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the West," and " as a snare on all of them (the Jews) who dwelt upon the face of the whole earth " (Matt. xxiv. 27, and Luke xxi 35,) but justifying, also, his friendly direction, that those who fled from the place should use the utmost possible expedition.
Invicta Published on Feb 4, 2017
The Siege of Jerusalem continues to prove that the Jews are always one step ahead of the Romans with clever tactics and bold attacks! In part 2 we follow the legions as they push through two of the outermost defensive layers and almost face defeat.
The Siege of Jerusalem (70 AD) - The Fight for the Walls (Part 2/4)
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