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Hello. Many traditions within Christianity floating around.As for me, LittleLamb of Jesus, It is like all traditions that become as if they are the “WORD”.
How long after the rapture that will take I do not know, but I know the last seven years of it begins with the two witnesses, Moses and Elijah, preaching in the streets of Jerusalem for three and a half years, then killed, and so on...
The last seven years, imho, happend during the 7 years of the Jewish wars, culmination in the siege and conquering of Masada in 73ad.......[I show 2 utube vids of both of those historical Jewish events]
[Please visit my "rumors of wars........" thread:]
"Ye will hear of battles and rumors of battles" 1st century Judea
A good site that shows maps and info on the great Jewish War/Rebellion in the 1st century:Matthew 24:6 “Yet ye shall be being about to be hearing battles and hearings of battles, be seeing! be not be being troubled<2360>, for is binding to becoming,
but not as yet the End<5056>
Mark 13:7 “Yet whenever ye should be hearing battles and hearings of battles, be seeing! be not be being troubled for is binding to be becoming,
but not as yet the End<5056>
Luke 21:9 “Yet whenever ye should be hearing battles and tumults<181>, no may be being frightened<4422>, for is binding these to be becoming,
but not immediately the End<5056>
CAST OF CHARACTERS: Roman: Emperor Nero | General Vespasian | General Titus | The Roman Army || Jewish: General / Historian Josephus | Factional Leaders in Jerusalem || Administrators of Roman Judea Targets: Jerusalem | Herod's Temple // Maps of the Roman Invasion // Theological Timeline
Stage 1: Murder of James the Just, "Opposition High Priest" ; Irrevocable Split: 62
Stage 2: General Revolt in Jerusalem ; Zealot Occupation of Masada: August-September 66
Stage 3: The Campaign of Cestius Gallus and the Defeat of the Twelfth Legion: October-November 66
Stage 4: End of Collaborative Government, Priesthood ; General Flight: November 66 - March 67
Part 6: Vespasian Subdues Northern and Western Palestine: December 66 - December 68
Part 7: Three-way Power Struggle within Jerusalem After Roman Retreat: January 68 - May 70
Part 8: Romans Breach City Walls and Leave Jerusalem Desolate: May 10 - September 10, 70
My thread on the siege of Masada in 70ad.......
The fortress at Masada in Israel
I really had not studied on Masada much until I watched a video of it from a person who had made 4 videos of 70ad Jerusalem.
It has been mentioned that a lot of Christian Jews had fled Jerusalem when they had heard reports of the Roman campaign against Jewish rebel cities and making their way to the City. The City most often mentioned the Christian Jews fled to was Pella.
But a group of Jewish Zealots fled to Masada, the final Jewish fortress stronghold left.
Masada - Bible History Online
Decades after Jesus’ death, Zealots engineered a revolt against Rome. The uprising was brutally stamped out and ended with Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 AD.
Survivors fled to Masada, a fortress built by Herod near the Dead Sea. Today, the excavated remains of Masada have become a national symbol for all Israelis.
Here 900 Zealots held out until the year 73. Then, the inevitable day came when 15,000 Roman troops breached its walls. Since it was late in the day, the Romans delayed the final attack until dawn. That night the survivors met and voted for suicide, rather than for capture...................
At dawn, the Romans poured through the breached walls. Fires burned quietly everywhere. A ghostly stillness hung over the air. Finally, 2 old women and 3 small children came out of hiding to tell the story. The contemporary Jewish historian Josephus concludes his report of Masada with these striking words:
"When the Romans saw the mass of slain, they were unable to take pleasure in the sight, even though the people were their enemies." -Jewish Wars FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS
The tragedy at Masada and the destruction of Jerusalem was the inevitable outcome that the Jewish leaders and their followers would face for the tragedy of all tragedies when they forced the hand of Pilate to order the crucifixion of their Messiah.
What I like about this vid is that it gives a summary of the entire events from the start of the Jewish wars in 63ad.
Look at what the Romans had to engineer in order to scale the walls!!!
They had to almost literally build a small mountain!
How many mountain fortresses did the Jews have in the 1st century
When I did a google search asking that, it took me to Masada.
Masada means fortress. 70ad Jerusalem was also considered a fortress.
Masada - Wikipedia
I understand that all inductees into the modern Israeli army take their oath in Fortress Masada.
Herod the Great built palaces and fortresses in the Dead Sea area. Jesus Christ Superstar was filmed in the area between Advat National Park and Masada National Park in Israel. Herod the Great built much structures in this area...
No. Only how the Jews would be conquered and the survivors enslaved. Luke 21:20-24
You mentioned other fortresses; the others built by Herod were the Herodium, near Bethlehem where he was buried and Machaerus, on the eastern side of the Dead Sea; now in Jordanian territory. I have been there.

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