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My Scientific Prayer


Love to pray! :)
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Mar 6, 2011
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If E = mc2 then we can divide and conclude that...

Mass (m) = Energy (E/c2) --- Making this eternal stuff

And there are three varieties...

Natural E/c2 - All mass is basically cooled plasma --- And bang! Back to plasma!
Mental E/c2 - Mentally, A mathematical formula, and a mind to study these things
Spiritual E/c2 - E (motivation, warmth, love) / c2 (faith, hope, charity, joy)

Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his counselor hath taught him? - Isaiah 40:13

Even if we could... What could I do with basic silica sand save make sand castles? I used to like the feeling that I knew everything... But a living creature consists of trillions of cells! And somehow a spirit is nested in all of that! I like to pray something like...

My Dear Heavenly Father
Hallowed be thy name
By kingdom come thy will be done
As in earth as it is in Heaven
Give me today my daily bread
Forgive me my debts as I forgive my debtors
Lead me not into sin but deliver me from evil
For thine is the power... The Glory... The light and the energy!
To associate into mass. To disassociate in plasma!
To create and to make alive! To destroy and to make dead!
However to your will and to your liking!
Remember me in your imaginations
And help me put your light and energy to work
Spiritually... Naturally... Intellectually!
And remember me in times of blessings!
In Jesus name! Amen!
This site stays free and accessible to all because of donations from people like you.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


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Jun 18, 2006
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Even if we could... What could I do with basic silica sand save make sand castles?

Make computer chips.

And as Jesus said ...

Matthew 7:26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

And when the computer industry gets shut down* during the Tribulation, it's going to be one doosey of a crash.

* Restricted to those who have the Mark.
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Jun 18, 2006
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Stop with the spam

Spam is sodium, not silicone.

Spam is extremely high in sodium, packing 1/3 the daily recommended amount into just one serving.
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Recalcitrant Procrastinating Ape
Nov 12, 2008
United Kingdom
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If E = mc2 then we can divide and conclude that...

Mass (m) = Energy (E/c2) --- Making this eternal stuff

And there are three varieties...

Natural E/c2 - All mass is basically cooled plasma --- And bang! Back to plasma!
Mental E/c2 - Mentally, A mathematical formula, and a mind to study these things
Spiritual E/c2 - E (motivation, warmth, love) / c2 (faith, hope, charity, joy)

Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his counselor hath taught him? - Isaiah 40:13

Even if we could... What could I do with basic silica sand save make sand castles? I used to like the feeling that I knew everything... But a living creature consists of trillions of cells! And somehow a spirit is nested in all of that! I like to pray something like...

My Dear Heavenly Father
Hallowed be thy name
By kingdom come thy will be done
As in earth as it is in Heaven
Give me today my daily bread
Forgive me my debts as I forgive my debtors
Lead me not into sin but deliver me from evil
For thine is the power... The Glory... The light and the energy!
To associate into mass. To disassociate in plasma!
To create and to make alive! To destroy and to make dead!
However to your will and to your liking!
Remember me in your imaginations
And help me put your light and energy to work
Spiritually... Naturally... Intellectually!
And remember me in times of blessings!
In Jesus name! Amen!
The Kitchen Sink sub-forum is designed for threads that don't fit in elsewhere. Your post is certainly out of place in a sub-forum committed to Physical and Life Sciences. May I recommend you consider that as a more fitting place, and one where you may get some traction.
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