You didn't think I was going to change it, did you?
No .. but it achieved the desired result .. you agree its a belief.
(Thank you for your honesty).
Four times in the Bible, God wrote something in His own handwriting.
What in that sentence makes it "delusional"?
It all depends on how one defines
'delusion'. If its defined as a mental process that creates a model of reality that is not based on scientific analysis of objective data, then yes, of course religious beliefs, (along with 'what God's secretaries wrote'), are delusions, as is artistic inspiration, human emotion, music appreciation, aesthetics, and many other of the things that humans value more highly than the vast majority of science.
If its defined as a mentally generated image that actively
contradicts observed data, then sadly science is a delusion as well, because
all scientific predictions would then contradict observed data. Scientific delusions there, just achieve
useful accuracy, (as defined by the practitioner). News flash: By that definition,
so do religious delusions!
Coming back to the scientific paradigm, it would only be a delusion if a person claimed that their belief was scientifically proven, (like IDers), because it is logically impossible as anything but an axiom or an arbitrary definition. But most religious people simply don't care about this because they realize that their belief is subjective. They might not carry that more sophisticated understanding of their own beliefs around with them all the time, just as someone watching TV doesn't know the quantum mechanics of what they are seeing. They believe because
it works for them and has value, just as TVs work as well for people who failed physics.
In this thread, my objection to the belief about newborn children being (figurately) 'unclean', (on the condition of the respective the parent's own belief status), is not based solely on objective reality .. I am claiming that it has no subjective value, nor does it
work as a fellow human being because it contradicts parental subjective nurturing instincts (with God writing that through his secretaries). Even if you want to believe its
a delusion that
does have subjective value, (like the delusion that you are sitting on a chair right now and not a froth of quantum fields, or that anything in science is
the actual reality, or like that it's better to cure a disease than to just die from it), then it still can accomplish its purpose as being
a delusion.