Hello again Soldier of Light, yes, the miracles that they performed in the earliest days of the church were a sign to the people who they were teaching/evangelizing, telling them,
1. that they were who/what they claimed to be (the Lord Jesus' Apostles and messengers, then, from God Himself) and,
2. that they could believe that what they were being taught was the truth.
Just to be clear however, they had no inherent power to perform these miracles by themselves, rather, it was received by them from the Holy Spirit (who now indwelt them .. following Pentecost, that is) .. e.g.
Acts 1:8, 2:1-4. IOW He, the Holy Spirit, gave the power to them and performed their many miraculous signs through them.
That's true, as the abundance of miraculous signs (that were the mark of the Lord's Apostles) are no longer needed today but, as I mentioned earlier, they will happen again in a similar way at the end of the age .. e.g.
Revelation 11:1-14.
There are more than a quarter of a million local churches in the United States today, and millions of teaching elders and pastors who lead them. You speak as if you are an authority on this topic, but since you do not attend any of these churches yourself, how can you possibly know what is going on inside even one of them, much less inside of all of them
Have I seen behavior like this in some of our local churches, and/or by some of our pastors? Sadly, yes, but this is ~hardly~ the majority report, at least it has not been in my 39+ years of experience as a Christian anyway. Instead, it has always been FAR better than that, PTL!!
Finally, if this is what you truly believe about the general condition of our churches, the laity, and our pastors, why aren't you attending at least one of them regularly as a Soldier of "Light", to do whatever you can to help them recognize and fix the problems that they're having, and to find their way, then, back to God who is light?
God bless you!!