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If you please don’t micro quote me you will see what James 2:8 means from scripture and which law James is quoting from in James 2:10-12. People try to make it more complicated than what it is by not allowing the scripture to interpret itself. It doesn’t need our help. Let’s use the law James is quoting from in its proper context. You seem to take much issue that God only wrote and spoke Ten Commandments Deut 4:13 Exo 34:28 and only placed the Ten Commandments inside the ark Exo 40:20 and after God was finished He added no more Deut 5:22, they are a standalone unit, so your argument on why only the Ten Commandments was separated from all the other laws written by Moses placed besides the ark as a witness against is not with me. Deut 31:24-26. I do find it odd that man wants to exalt man over God. God doing is always a much better promise than man doing.Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandments. His reply directly quotes from the Torah but outside of the 10. All the law and the prophets hang upon these commandments, so it is not just the privilege of the 10 that use these as constructs but the entire canon of Jewish scripture. You seem only use to use Paul's words in Rom 13:9 that says "sum" but refuse to reconcile it with Christ's words. What is it I see constantly in these threads? That Paul's words are hard to understand so we shouldn't rely on them. Well I'm not saying that, but since Paul agrees with Christ it is Christ that defines Paul's words, not Paul that defined Christ's words.
We shouldn't be using this to separate the 10 either. James 2:8 doesn't single out the 10, nor does it say the 10 are the base. You have got things backwards, the construct is not the 10, the construct is the royal law. If it were a pyramid the royal law is at the top, the 10 are below, along with other laws. James 2:9 tells us "if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers". Do you not see that by elevating the 10 in the way you are showing favoritism to a group of laws and as a consequence are guilty of the ones you reject thus are guilty of the whole thing?
James point blank says to keep the royal law by loving each other and you've edited it and say what he actually meant to say was keep the 10. He would have said that if that's what he wanted. Value the words on the page not the reading you wish it would say.
Which law is quoted to love our neighbor as ourselves, one of the greatest commandments. We don’t need to guess, scripture tells us verbatim Rom 13:9 which defines what James 2:8 means and is essentially what the whole bible hangs on- love to God, love to our neighbor summarized from the Ten Commandments the principles of the entire bible, God’s perfect law converting the soul. Psa 19:7 your grievances with God’s perfect law will need to be taken up with a much Higher Authority than I. We are just commissioned to teach them Mat 5:19 but there is a time where you need to move on, plant the seeds and pray one will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit Heb 3:7-8 His Spirit of Truth which helps us keep His commandments John 14:15-18 the same Spirit who wrote them. God’s Truth never changes Psa 89:34 Mat 5:19 Psa 119:151 and either does His righteousness Psa 119:172 Psa 119:142 We should be loyal to God and if so should be willing to submit our will over to His. Psa 40:8 Heb 8:10 this is the faith that reconciles Rev 14:12 Rev 22:14
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