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I have this feeling I should obey this


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Nov 14, 2004
I believe rather it is wrong that now that I know what I see as truth and it is right to trust only the Lord and trust He is sufficient I must not compromise to risk harming other souls who may seek to support that for they should leave judgement to God while we don’t know to believe Christ is sufficient since it appears truth and can be in danger and they have no excuse if they heard. It is not judging others in church for we don’t know now and will change not to support divisions if know and pray for that and should not be cause to support priests in error to harm them and they should teach truth.For being priests they ought to admit they do not know and I should not support that.

It was also a mistake since I bought some books explaining the gospel which you can also find on Amazon kindle that I bought from koorong such as below which explains how one is saved by faith but faith that justifies is not alone but sanctifies though there is more that I have not read to help me understand and is very important if true to defend the doctrine so I should not deviate if true. So I will only ever follow church to show it does not know better if I come to know from reading bible and from others that it makes most sense to me clearly others beliefs is not an issue from bible and proven that such differences don’t matter.

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Nov 14, 2004
I believe God in His mercy did send one to show support to my decision my beliefs since it is very important. I was given this pamphlet today



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May 22, 2013
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There can be Orthodox people who are very nasty against ones who are not Orthodox. But Jesus is not conceited, looking down on anyone, even though Jesus is truly superior to all of us. But other Orthodox people can be humble and kind with everyone.

So, I would not make general conclusions about all Orthidox people.

And in other groups there can be very snotty and stuck-up people, but they do not represent all members of their group!

So, I would not assume all groups are political, but only the political members of a group are political. And you need to be able to tell the difference, and not use only certain group members for making a general conclusion about everyone Orthodox or in other groups.

Find people who help you to grow in Jesus and how Jesus has us loving as family while we reach to evil people who are still in Satan's kingdom. God has us personally sharing with Him and with one another. But there can be churches where you do not find this; by the way, it is possible to be where people are so friendly but you are not personally sharing with God and growing in Christ.

So, theological ideas and church practices are not what matter the most, plus I keep finding that the Bible has so much more and better than I have found in any Catholic or Protestant or other group's things that certain but not all people can make quite a project of promoting.

But a church can have mature members who give you what is better than their church might officially teach. Pastors might start in a denomination that is more or less wrong, but the pastor grows and then ministers better than before, and that pastor's church can get blessed better than others in the same denomination. And then sometimes a whole church leaves the denomination, once they get wise to things!

So, trust Jesus to take care of you. Get to know the Bible. And don't only try to compare groups, because not all in each group are the same > and some might not give you an honest representation of their group's ways and beliefs. Others might be not correctly informed about their group's official things. So, just find who is really Christian and helping you mature in Jesus and sharing as God's family; never mind just trying to figure out what label to put on a person!
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Nov 14, 2004
Thankyou for kind advice but I believe belief may matter because of bible and wise to follow incase true for there are divisions and unless they are resolved or one sees truth when seeking God I don’t believe it is wise to accept another belief for now.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided to follow this

I am glad some seek to stop making divisions which is progress that I think that is right that I should trust Christ justice as God does not like when others do not trust to help others to do good work that He is just that it is important to encourage good works as is important as Christian to show love to all to feed the hungry clothe the naked receive the stranger and visit those in prison if it is someone you know and you can to try to.

Though you can with not accepting others beliefs but may still be hurtful and should do to encourage good works for though one can be saved just accepting Christ if that is all one can do as that is receiving Him from receiving a stranger but as with the parable of the virgins you have to seek to keep doing when you can and you would if you don’t die that otherwise you may die when you are not seeking that you may die when you don’t have opportunity to seek Christ to call to Him in repentance.

I liked the Baptist church I went to they all looked very God fearing and kind but I don’t think I should focus there as I feel they may feel offended that they must reach out to my every need. And they may feel I should belong in other churches if I can grow but all that matters is the bible but if a church teaches bible well to be more fruitful is better. And I will visit baptist church and other churches from time to time to keep visiting more where I feel when and where they are devoted.I am therefore going to accept Orthodox Church just to show it does not know better when I take sacraments God does not teach me better and then others will know to join if true or can join Catholic Church if they want but I believe it won’t teach better either. Actually I decided I will accept Catholic and Orthodox Church to show both dont know better.
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Nov 14, 2004
Yes but one can take it to mean still that even if person believed but was not trusting as He said to Martha that one is still saved.

Anyway I think is mistake as others still claim is true that I have seen video of them saying about the lost that they warned them and I thought to myself if I and others are in danger so I thought incase true and it is most right to follow the Lord Jesus only so I think all should receive Christ as Lord and saviour to trust in His work alone and pray for Christ to show all Christian’s can be saved. But since churches still are misleading to claim to be true I decided to accept from them though they ought not to accept if they know it is not right but since they have already been ordained truly sacraments will work as church teaches it does not matter the unworthiness of priest as long as I accept that I will accept churches just to prove it is not right but others I believe should not that they should all trust in Christ only for now unless proven otherwise perhaps when we pray.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe divisions are wrong that I should not support as others may not be living seriously though they are wrong to as bible clearly teaches hell and to be ready but they may feel because many others are casual that they are excused because of people offenses but they are not. But I should not make distractions. We should be united serving the Lord. I do seek to go to churches just to show it does not know better and do not want to support divisions that all should be ready and others can follow any Christian belief that is acceptable and church they want.
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May 22, 2013
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No, we can not have an unworthy priest. Our Apostle Paul is clear who is qualified to take care of God's people > 1 Timothy 3:1-10.

But ones will go to a church with an unworthy pastor and then criticize things there . . . instead of going where they will have real example people who will help them get real correction and maturity.

Others might look only or mainly for correct doctrine and practices, then sit cozy without getting real correction and maturity.
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Nov 14, 2004
I do believe is mistake to seek to follow church like catholic and orthodox as I do believe bible may teach against it and since others do it is not time for unity as also we are warned the rapture could happen soon and it was wrong not to trust Christ as bible says trust in Him and lean not on your own understanding that it is enough to trust Him knowing it is sufficient because it is all about one faith that God judges and if following Him. So I won’t go to church anymore as I realise they are not just anyway because you can never know now if you are doing enough because it would be assumed you have to try to join church and do not respect your wishes to be rebaptised or to be full water immersed as bible said if don’t agree with others about what church first taught and to be christmated they require you to have baptism certificate so do not give assurance if you have not done enough.
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Nov 14, 2004
I am aware that I could seek to just accept rebaptism by pouring I think they will allow to be chrismated and also tell them to tell me when another priest is near a pool to baptise but I believe it is right to trust only in Christ not to lean on one’s own understanding that Christ is enough and that people should trust and leave judgement of other Christian’s to Christ incase what others say is true and pray if Christ shows all Christian’s can be saved. Also I did think I should stop going to baptist church as I thought it is mostly for those with families and I would make them uncomfortable and I told baptist pastor but he said not true and I should come so I will.
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Nov 14, 2004
I do not believe it is right to support divisions but there are and I believe Orthodox Church follows bible most now even if others can argue whether it is beginning church and claims to be church though I don’t agree with divisions but I might as well follow incase if it shows me better when I take sacraments how one needs to follow church books to follow bible since bible may mean when it says you have no need that anyone teach you but Holy Spirit teaches you all things Holy Spirit bears witness to agree with church books which is considered like scripture and keep sacraments to follow it so I seek to follow just to show it does not bring me closer to God to need it.Others can follow Catholic Church if they believe they need the church or follow evangelical. I will only visit churches that I believe may follow whole bible to see to learn from them also.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided it is wrong to teach that that I should trust in Christ alone and lean not on understanding since it is only from Him if He proves to one the path otherwise He wants to trust only in Him as I said for I know it is only a person faith and His following that is right to save not needing any other commandments because God does not require any perfection but wants only to see people want to follow Him since there could be risk that it is not time for unity as there are divisions and it is not clear if God did not allow so since others have warned need to to be saved and to be raptured if there is persons should trust in Christ as Lord alone as Lord and saviour and pray if Christ shows all Christian’s can be saved though I will go to churches just to support to show support for communities to be together and not keep people from each other in community if they think they may teach a helpful word though I teach that others should not accept man doctrine that if priest can not prove the church alone knows the way to following bible through its books they should not teach but receive Christ as Lord and saviour.
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Nov 14, 2004
I could follow Catholic and Orthodox Church but I sense that what I teach may be the truth that if I follow I would stop many from coming to Christ and I do believe Christ is sufficient that the church is not supported by the bible acting like it is able to save as bible says that God desires all to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth and not willing that any should perish but the church makes it very hard to have assurance you are doing enough and if it was true a person would be guaranteed to find truth whenever they need it from a priest and sometimes not all have heard from a priest all things and they may not have knowledge and they may choose not to preach which is why the bible says there is only one mediator that we should all trust in Him that the devil wants me to do such to keep people from that truth.
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Nov 14, 2004
Actually as I believe I see the truth it is wrong to mislead others potentially if it is not true because of divisions because of offending others even if they don’t like it that it is not the time for unity if there are divisions and I believe the truth is in the bible so should teach it to be saved and to be raptured if there is and we can pray if Christ shows all chrsitians can be saved but it is not time now as incase as it may seem only those who believe such are saved and to be prepared for rapture.



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Nov 14, 2004
I believe though that is the gospel that we are saved by grace it might not be necessary to believe it but others should incase but God will judge people by whether they still love Him to seek to obey if they can to be worthy and being repentant if can’t and I decided I will follow Catholic and Orthodox Church just to see to prove it does not know better but I don’t think others should trust it.I am going just to prove it does not know better because I have never been chrismated or had any sacraments when doing so.Those who are chrismated and have should know already if they know better to know as fact they know better that they can see for sure it is impossible for God to support others if for example they know confession will naturally make one discover all their sins and to be assured when they are perfected but I have not find that and not just from their feelings of sacraments which could just be psychological feeling created by them because of their own embarassment before one they look up to for sin and if not trust only in Christ.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided it is better to follow Catholic and Orthodox Church for myself to prove to myself it is not true and I don’t see better by following that you need it and that I am not losing by not following and to prove to others but others should not trust in it. Priests have already been anointed according to them to do sacraments and if they know they do not know better they ought to trust only in Christ and tell others to. As it was in Jesus day nicodemus had to be born again and the priests had to choose praise of God more than praise of men. One should not love his position more than God. One has served in Babylon enough.
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