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I have this feeling I should obey this


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Nov 14, 2004
I wrote this in thread condition for people to be saved in last moments that I decided to follow that it is most right.

I believe instead it is not right not to have trust in Christ that He is sufficient and it should all be left to Him that I believe all Christian’s should receive Christ as Lord and saviour to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is for one need not fear any time that God will be available then as bible says He is not willing for any to perish and we should pray if Christ shows all Christian’s can be saved.
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Nov 14, 2004
I don’t think there should be divisions but there are so I decided to follow Catholic Church as I read evidence though I may not agree there is some points that perhaps pope is not considered only teacher you can know but pope confirms those who teach truth that others can be infallible if they seek God but to support and confirm who is telling the truth the pope job is to clear matter if he seeks God that he can be that if he is seeking God and I believe it is wrong to judge people who do not know.

The saying call no one on earth your teacher may just mean if you have understanding about something knowing as well as others you are permitted to have same authority to teach but some others may know the ancient faith better having already been taught well so you should learn and if you are instructed you can teach as them. That it is best all join Catholic Church to leave judgement to Christ that it could be orthodox are saved too that early church accepted them but I don’t know. I want to join anyway to be closer to God to repent of all sins if it helps.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided to follow below as I said in thread condition for people to be saved in last moments

I decided is wrong to take risk as this video shows our names are in book of life it seems can only know if one trust is in Christ now. That one is not to come to Christ to be considered worthy because of any other work that one does not need to do works but if one does no work when there is clear need his faith is dead for one comes to Christ in conviction that old life must be buried. Our object in faith is only to be in Jesus and not in man.

To do what He said only so I believe all should accept Christ as Lord and saviour to follow only Him to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is and leave judgement of other Christian’s to Christ. Perhaps if we pray Christ will show all Christian’s can be saved. For I just wanted to be closer to God following church but we can not risk that I can just go to church to show it does not know better in their meetings and to show care that others may trust in Christ. For I believe otherwise is risk that God may consider any who does not have faith in Him alone to be the fearful people mentioned in revelations.

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Nov 14, 2004
As I explained in thread condition for people to be saved in last moments I think this is safest to follow

I don’t agree with Protestant teachings that works are not necessary if can do and since I know I am only guaranteed to find support in orthodox or Catholic Church and since they are historical though I don’t think there should be divisions there are and I think safest to follow Orthodox Church to find support for anyone I don’t believe pope should make difference that you need Him so I decided to focus on my relationship with Christ to follow Orthodox Church to help me follow Christ to lose my life serving Him through His help that is sufficient to serve and may be missionary though not needed that if God wants me to lose my life I will.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided to follow below as I think it right to be safe as I said in thread condition for people to be saved in last moments.

I believe it is not right to follow what I know may not be true that so I seeked to understand gospel better. The gospel teaches all are guilty and that none do good that it confines all under sin that every mouth may be stopped that by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified.So one hope should be only in what Christ did that you don’t need to do any work but works are evidence to remain saved.For you do not because you earn salvation by works as though you are more worthy than others for a reason for all can be saved now that it Is only because of grace you are saved.

For God justifies you by faith and proper response is now you do it because you are saved doing what you can though it makes you not worthy but it is because of grace that you are saved but you must do works as one who received Him though such are not worthy in itself as reason to make you worthy though without it you don’t remain saved but not because you are good but because of Jesus grace for everyone failed to keep all God law but person must only do what they can.So Jesus said after you have done say we are unprofitable servants we have done only our duty.

So I believe all should receive Christ as Lord and saviour and leave judgement of other Christian’s to Christ and pray if Christ shows all Christian’s are saved as is safest to ensure to be saved and to because if there is rapture.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe it is mistake to support divisions and I don’t believe there should be but there that I should trust God justice but I decided to follow Catholic Church just to test that I believe it may be safest for all to follow Catholic Church that God would not judge if they don’t know because if you feel far from God in Orthodox Church while accepting it that they are not showing you which is their responsibility it is safest to follow Catholic Church that you did your part but I am only going to Catholic Church to test but if it can not help teach I will not follow it. For I don’t know if church teaches that it can reveal mysteries of following Christ only if you accept the faith such as how to repent of many years of illegal downloads. If Catholic Church does not give me security to have all answers to my question about path I will not support divisions. For I can not say all catholics trust in works it is not church teachings as John chrysostom says that I believe they teach you are saved at any time to trust is now in Christ if you can’t go to church.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe it is a mistake to follow church as bible says to trust in the Lord only to guide so should not do anything He has not completely shown me and He also said He is only teacher as bible says in new covenant none will say know Lord for all shall know Him. That I should know truth if I accept catholic faith but I don’t. St John said you have no need that anyone teaches you but the anointing teaches you all things and scripture makes you wise for salvation so I will follow Christ only to trust Him asking Him wisdom that He will give assurance only if I do. For I do not believe one needs to seek to discover all sins to make up for all sins or that one could to be saved and if that was the case I could present any sin to those who are catholic to ask about it and I don’t believe also they can show one can completely make up for sin. So I believe all Christian’s should receive Christ as Lord and saviour to be saved and to be raptured incase there is.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided it is not right to support divisions as eternities are at stake to help to witness that we are taking bible seriously and let anyone decide what they believe is right. I will go to any church to help me in my dedication to serving Christ for benefit of gospel and churches that do encourage such. I think though some evangelicals are persuasive so I will give out tracts with my comments about my beliefs and that one should go to church which teaches word of God to be disciple to remain saved.

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Nov 14, 2004
I believe it is not wise to reject what others said though it is my mistake not to trust to mislead others they are responsible for themselves to search truth. The bible says only follow Christ that one trust should be in Christ alone His work so I believe all should to ensure to be saved and leave judgement of other Christian’s to Christ as also should to me seems to be scripture that we have peace with Christ by faith only in Him being all that is required but works are only evidence of salvation therefore being necessary only to remain saved to be disciple but if can not do not required. For such may be our only hope that there will be a rapture and tribulation may soon start that should not mislead people so they are not here for such times. For others should understand the risk close to time so should not think not taking seriously to stumble.

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Nov 14, 2004
I believe it was mistake to support divisions as they are not just that I should trust God. If others are worried they can trust only in Jesus but I should seek to encourage unity to show seriousness though all should understand so I will and we should encourage each other to be disciple to obey all Jesus said. For every Christian must confess Christ before men and obey the great commission to seek to share gospel with others with words and life and use more talents to serve if God wants you for Christian to aid you to learn. It is only right if others mean it is not helpful to preach if life is not living according to gospel but if you are seeking to it is right.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe is wrong to take risk that I believe salvation is not of works lest any boast. It is just that works are evidence of salvation that you would do at times if you are really saved not that you have to do works to maintain your salvation but if you are saved you would want to so that you do at times and if you refuse to help those who especially need your help one that is evidence of not being saved then that if you die while not repenting to seek to won’t be saved though you don’t have to always seek to be doing good works to seek to be saved that you don’t know you are definitely needed only you to help are necessary to do to be saved onto death but the grace of God is for all who received Christ as Lord and saviour.So I believe all Christian’s should receive Christ as Lord and saviour and can pray if Christ shows all Christian’s can be saved to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe was mistake to support divisions when there is no real difference that I don’t agree with them and also is wrong to take risk that I believe it is safest though I don’t know people should seek to sell all they have which includes to children that it is not wrong as I am not saying not to provide for children but that if you serve God He will make a Christian provide and if He doesn’t at any time provide needs if you ever find you were in desperate need that you needed to beg just one time from church that they provide if you promise not to do again being found testing God then you can work and save for money.
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Nov 14, 2004
I don’t believe there should be divisions but there are so I decided to follow the Orthodox Church incase to give strength and perhaps if can understand better in the way of giving assurance to all who are orthodox seeking according to their knowledge yet to teach about the way. And I will seek Jesus if He shows all Christian’s can be saved. For I am not sure I am qualified to evangelise from my background not knowing for most make it seem like it is inappropriate time to evangelise. But I will still seek to evangelise but others may not accept path I choose.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe it is not right to take risk that the object of our faith should not be in any work we have done nor that we need to keep doing works to ensure to be saved only that we help all who we know especially need only our help.

I believe also to be safe I will not trust in any baptism but in Christ alone that wages of sin is death but gift of God is eternal life that you receive it now by faith eternal life not any work so that if you die now you would be ready that it did not matter if you did work but if you don’t seek to do work when there is need you are not in Christ then so if you die you are not saved.

So I believe all should put faith in Christ as Lord and saviour to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is and pray if Christ shows all Christian’s are saved.

For Billy Graham also believes after you are saved you should be doing works if you can that it is evidence of salvation but you are saved by faith now.

Actually I believe there is no harm to also accept baptism and communion so I will as God is just to understand person is seeking to obey what He said.

Is it More Important to Have Faith or Do Works in Service to God?

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Nov 14, 2004
I don’t think there should be divisions so I can not know that God allowed church history to not be proven wrong even if there is scripture so I think it could claim to be right so I decided to follow Orthodox Church for I don’t think preaching in person from people from my background is even respected though I will still do to preach Orthodox Church and pray for Christ to show truth more if all Christian’s can be saved. However it is important to emphasise it is sufficient to believe in Christ work to be saved but I seek to obey what He may have commanded because may not have opportunity to call upon Christ.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided it is not right to trust any but Christ that we should all leave judgement to Him as much as I think there should be no divisions I believe people should trust in Christ as Lord and saviour to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is that there is no harm and we can pray to find out the truth if there is if true that all Christian’s can be saved for it is sufficient to trust in Christ and we should be united for Christ knowing such times could be bad and there may be escape. One should not even trust church knowing it is wrong that it teaches all teenagers who were not baptised can not be saved if they didn’t choose orthodox or catholic church when they may have been persuaded by others it is wrong not to and even if Protestants are extreme it is because others are to be safe that it seems scriptural and it does not judge those not old enough.

Why Won't Being a Good Person Get Me to Heaven?
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided to trust God justice as it does not help to make divisions to witness better as others need to be saved that we are serious and for all to take seriously to be repenting not to be distracted by divisions though they ought not to be and I am planning to go to any good church and this bishop if he will not be offended so that I benefit that it should help to make one more prepared.

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