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Has anyone here heard of Apostle Lynn'da Threat?

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Princess of the Lord of Grace and Power
Dec 27, 2004
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Had an idea...

Those of us who have myspaces should make bulletins and blogposts about her, linking to this thread. I don't know about you but I have friends from many different states on my myspace friend's list. It would get the word out.
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Jesus is the only Way
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Nov 15, 2006
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***** You should not post someone's phone number on these threads.

That is her phone number according to anywho.com (her husband is named Robert)

If anyone feels led to call her.....at this point I am too emotional.

WHOA, WHOA - remember this is the internet - do NOT post someones personal contact info here.

Slow down folks - we should pray for people, but before you go linking threads and spreading information you better think twice.

Defamation of Character is a hard thing to defend, but if you go doing things like that you could be liable.

This is only an information thread. I strongly do NOT recommend taking actions into your own hands - Let's use wisdom - and pray!

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Presbyterian Continuist

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We do need to be careful. If she is the type of person as described, then she would be the type of person to take legal action against anyone who spoke against her.

It is possible to get a court order to reveal the name and details of people even on this forum if legal action for defamation was to be taken.

So even if the posters are usually anonymous, names and contact details are accessable if a judge were to issue a warrant or a court order compelling the owners of this forum to reveal the names of anyone who is the respondent in a civil action.

Another reason why we should concentrate on the issues and not make it too personal is that I think there are laws now that prohibit people from making "hate" comments about others. Perhaps those more knowledgable can enlighten us about that.

I would like to see this person closed down as much as anyone, but I can see the dangers if we go too far in our denunciation of her.
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Junior Member
Nov 17, 2007
I am sorry about posting the phone number for that pastor. The information is available if anyone wants to look it up.

As for defamation of character/liable/slander suits; I assure you all that there is nothing to be concerned about. I am all too familiar with those laws and they don't have any real teeth, especially when dealing with the internet. Even wealthy hollywood stars have a difficult time getting a judgement in thier favor. Lastly, it is only slander if it is a lie. Everything I posted was the truth and I can produce many witnesses who would verify that. She can't prove otherwise.

This woman is moving from church to church causing a lot of upset. I am really struggling with this. She also proclaimed that several people in our church would be millionaires. This is not what the Kingdom is about.

In our church she publicly told two of our on staff pastors that they were not pastors. Both of these men are great men of God who have laid done their lives for the kingdom and for the body of Christ. They each have poured in my life and I am far from the only person would say that.
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Junior Member
Nov 17, 2007
JeepChick -

I sent you a private message.

Curious, did she have her recording unavailable after her "visitation"?
My husband and I are also wondering about this. There was a video of her first visit. I am planning to inquire about the recordings. It would be curious if they are not available.
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Now known as GrapeGirl
Sep 18, 2007
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That sounds a lot like the cult I got out of that was under the leadership of a "prophet". The $1000 seed gifts......not mentioning Jesus at all....tearing people down to make them feel worthless and useless and destroying and sense of hope they might have. Just ripping people and lives apart. I got out of it in August of this year. These people are so dangerous. I didn't want to have anything to do with God or Jesus or Christians or anything religious or spiritual when I moved in with my daddy. I have joked about my daddy making me go to church....but he really did. And this stuff is exactly why he had to make me. I'm definetely praying for all these churches and for others that someone will be able to speak up and bring this "apostle's ministry" down before it gets worse. From someone who's been there....my prayers are with ya. Peace.
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Oct 28, 2004
United Kingdom
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Hello Balance and others:wave:

My advice is you have got to get these testimonies out and warn people.........

The story will break eventually when someone outside the 'church', a friend or relative of an abused person breaks the story.

When they do all Christians and Churches will be tarred with the same brush.

Christians must break this story before it gets worse and worse and inevitably makes the whole body look bad:)
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Junior Member
Nov 17, 2007
I don't know what makes someone an Apostle so I won't even debate that.

However, the Bible says that Love is not rude, this lady was very rude. I can't imagine Jesus or even the Apostle Paul behaving this way. Jesus spoke privately with the woman at the well and with the woman who was nearly stoned. I don't see a scriptural example for publicly calling someone out like this.

Paul wrote letter to churches that he was sheparding. Some of them were meant to correct them, but he had a personal relationship with these people. He once said "should I come to you with a whip or with a gentle hand in love?"..

According to the James principal, if we see our brother in sin we first speak to him privately, then bring another if he won't listen and after that we publicly reprimand.

The bible speaks of gentleness and love. I know there are times for correction, but I don't see any reference of it in this manner.

Please feel free to correct me if any of my statements are not quite right. I am just sharing my personal thought process with you.
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Oct 28, 2004
United Kingdom
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I totally understand, I'm just praying that not all these pastors are in accord with what is being testified here. I imagine some are so dumbfound and awestruck they just sit in shock.

Yes, sometimes it is all too easy to make a mistake, invite a speaker in good faith and then oops!

It takes a lot of courage to stand up and stop a meeting when it is going dangerously out of hand!

And its hard for the members of the fellowship to stand up and walk out during a meeting, something I have only done once, banging the door on the way out. {Then running away quickly up the drive}.

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Junior Member
Nov 17, 2007
Yes, sometimes it is all too easy to make a mistake, invite a speaker in good faith and then oops!

It takes a lot of courage to stand up and stop a meeting when it is going dangerously out of hand!

And its hard for the members of the fellowship to stand up and walk out during a meeting, something I have only done once, banging the door on the way out. {Then running away quickly up the drive}.

There were many many meetings at my church. 3 weeks of them. I wish I had left the night she flipped out on my husband for putting his arm around me. I was cold and shivering. Without giving it a thought he put his arm around me to warm me a little. She stopped speaking, looked at him and pointed a finger, yelling "you take your arm off of her. This is not the movies, you are not on a date."
My husband did as she asked but all I could think was "I don't think GOD was offended by my husband trying to warm me."
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