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God vs Satan

Apple Sky

In Sight Like Unto An Emerald
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Have you discussed the evidence for a globe earth with him?

Many times, he believes the earth rotates & it orbits the sun & the evidence is in the stars as he says that had once spotted Saturn with it's rings.
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Phil G

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Sep 11, 2012
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Many times, he believes the earth rotates & it orbits the sun & the evidence is in the stars as he says that had once spotted Saturn with it's rings.
I’ve seen Saturn’s rings myself through my brother’s telescope. It’s a beautiful sight.

I don’t think you would ever convince your husband that the earth is flat because it contradicts what he sees with his own eyes.

This is why I say that a flat earth does not fit with the evidence. Amateur astronomers are fascinated with the night sky and love to learn everything they can about what they observe. And they confirm for themselves that the earth is a rotating globe through those observations. It’s not some indoctrination that they’ve imbibed and are deluded. It’s real evidence.

As soon as a flat earth model is introduced, it effectively tells them that they are not seeing what they are seeing. It would be like telling you that what you see out your window is only a picture on a tv screen and not real. It makes absolutely no sense.

If you want to know the truth about the shape of the earth, then the evidence seen by people like your husband has to be treated objectively and tested. And it is not beyond ordinary people to be able to do that. If amateur astronomers are lying or are indoctrinated, it’s easily checked by observation. And observations will show they are neither of those things.
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