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Did God save Trump? Why?


Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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He might have just been one who's eternal destination was not in question or jeopardy, etc.

God Bless.
So, omnipotent, benevolent God adjusted the trajectory of the bullet to just graze Trump but couldn't be bothered to miss the guy behind him? Who surely had family who loved him?

And that's a better explanation than Jesus having said, essentially, "Sometimes things just happen."
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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So, omnipotent, benevolent God adjusted the trajectory of the bullet to just graze Trump but couldn't be bothered to miss the guy behind him? Who surely had family who loved him?
God the Father doesn't step in and do or change or alter anything, but already did it/decided it all before He ever started it/this/me/you/us, or anything, etc.

You want to question that, you go right ahead, etc.

Man is always trying to make himself out to be more righteous than God, but it is a child's dream, etc, that only comes from a child's understanding, etc.

Time to "grow up", etc
And that's a better explanation than Jesus having said, essentially, "Sometimes things just happen."
Where did Jesus say this?
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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God the Father doesn't step in and do or change or alter anything, but already did it/decided it all before He ever started it/this/me/you/us, or anything, etc.

You want to question that, you go right ahead, etc.
I could make a better argument of Satan sparing Trump at the cost of another man's life than God.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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I could make a better argument of Satan sparing Trump at the cost of another man's life than God.
I added to my post right before you replied, might want to go back and check what I added, etc.

But God is always much more concerned with people's eternity than this life, and there are a lot of things we cannot see about any individual life regarding either life, etc.

Would you be against God killing someone here early, or earlier, if you found out that if they continued on here, that they were going to miss out on eternal life in Heaven in the afterlife?

Like I said, there are a lot of things we cannot see here, etc.

God Bless.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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Would you be against God killing someone here early, or earlier, if you found out that if they continued on here, that they were going to miss out on eternal life in Heaven in the afterlife?
The evidence we have in scripture is that God allows someone who is prone to evil to fully exercise his evil. God explicitly did that a couple of times.

There is no scriptural evidence that God ever killed anyone to prevent them from becoming evil.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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The evidence we have in scripture is that God allows someone who is prone to evil to fully exercise his evil. God explicitly did that a couple of times.
And you don't think that is evil?
There is no scriptural evidence that God ever killed anyone to prevent them from becoming evil.
Foresight, and getting to decide who lives or dies, both either here, or in the afterlife, or the next life, implies that, or that those kinds of decisions will have to be made sometimes, etc.

And I'm still waiting on the scripture where Jesus said "Sometimes things just happen"?

Because I'm not finding it in my Bible?

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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There is no scriptural evidence that God ever killed anyone to prevent them from becoming evil.
I shouldn't have to run all the hypotheticals with you about how some people dying earlier can work out for what's best for some or all or even that person in the end sometimes, because you should be able to think of at least some of them yourself, etc.

And I can think of a ton of them, but not nearly as many as God can, who knows and can see everything, and all things, etc.

You/me/we should all learn to trust in that, etc.

Instead of saying God is "bad", etc.

God Bless.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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I shouldn't have to run all the hypotheticals with you about how some people dying earlier can work out for what's best for some or all or even that person in the end sometimes, because you should be able to think of at least some of them yourself, etc.

And I can think of a ton of them, but not nearly as many as God can, who knows and can see everything, and all things, etc.

You/me/we should all learn to trust in that, etc.

Instead of saying God is "bad", etc.

God Bless.
If you're going to make an assertion or implication about God's behavior, yes, you do have to point out a scriptural example.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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And you don't think that is evil?

Foresight, and getting to decide who lives or dies, both either here, or in the afterlife, or the next life, implies that, or that those kinds of decisions will have to be made sometimes, etc.

And I'm still waiting on the scripture where Jesus said "Sometimes things just happen"?

Because I'm not finding it in my Bible?

God Bless.
"The rain falls on the just and the unjust" is one.

This is a fallen world, and chaos is a characteristic of this fallen world.
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Everything You say is Life to me
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Mar 17, 2015
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Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
If you do think he is a true prophet, then that is fine, etc, but I'm just skeptical of everyone's heart motives either way, and how success can take that away, etc.

I'm not saying he doesn't ever hear from God after all, etc.

I just have no reason to listen to or follow any prophet either way, etc.

God Bless.

And we read from Christ our Savior:

10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold....

And it does seem we might be entering that time, so therefore we need to remember that any 'prophet' can easily be a false prophet.

But Christ said after giving us many commandments in the Sermon on the Mount that here is what matters most for us -->

24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

That's what we have to get right, by hearing all He said to us in the gospels, and putting his commandments to us into practice in our lives.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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"The rain falls on the just and the unjust" is one.
That is a message to us about not judging, and for whom we choose to do good for, or upon, etc, and is most definitely not Jesus saying "Sometimes things just happen", because he never said anything even close to that.
This is a fallen world, and chaos is a characteristic of this fallen world.
There is no such thing as "chaos" with God, but He orders and orchestrates all things.

At least, not with the God I refer to here anyway, etc.

Which is not God in the OT, BTW.

Although He does that also with some things, etc.

God Bless.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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If you're going to make an assertion or implication about God's behavior, yes, you do have to point out a scriptural example.
Are you saying there are no scriptural examples of how God allowed killing or people dying to work out for what he wanted, or for the greater good?

Have you even seen the OT, etc?

But I am even talking about a higher God than God in the OT, etc.

God Bless.
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Jan 16, 2019
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I wish people cared about that @bèlla, I really do, but the real truth is, most of them don't, etc. They know they should, but they don't, etc. And would rather believe all the lies either coming out of either their favorite candidates mouth, or what they see or are exposed to on TV.

Ignorance is the culprit not ambivalence. Most Americans aren't financially adept or knowledgeable about economics. If they were they'd see the hoax for what it is and hear the truth from the horse's mouth. While they lie to the majority you get the deets in investment circles which inevitably includes politics of varying stripes.

It's easier to overcome biases and traditions when you recognize your position in the scheme. And if that doesn't bring you to your senses the historical references would have you crying or pulling your hair in response.

The middle class didn't always exist and many forget that. Only three groups had means out of the four. The aristocracy, gentry, and merchants. The remainder were poor. Some were worse off than others but there were hardships nonetheless.

We've watched its dismantling like zombies. Little by little it's whittled away. And the writing is there but they refuse to see it. They elect people who enrich the wealthy and deepen the income gap. We have reports that six figures isn't enough in some locations and suggestions we'll need over $250k to survive.

How many times does someone have to show you who they are before you believe them? I told them we were going to the gilded age. You can't be more specific than that. America wasn't great for the majority during that period. But they believe what they hear.

A wise person would look at my post and a question should come to mind. How is he creating a pro-crypto administration given the SEC's position? But if they weren't distracted they'd know Gensler was the same when he taught at MIT. The pivot isn't real and he's kicking the can as required.

He says it's a scam as do the rest while buying it behind the scenes. By the time they tell the truth the prices will be higher and access will be limited. But if you're an early adopter and chose well you'll make a sizable profit. We'll never have another opportunity of this magnitude and the majority will be left behind.

Trump will be elected president, it's almost a certainty now, and we will just have to hope and pray that he doesn't cause TTHTF in this country.

God Bless.

This is the presidency that will usher in digital currency. The pairing is ideal for the liberties they'll take to get it done. We need a crisis that requires ubi. I told them it would be specialized and California revealed the same. There's a pilot for monthly payments and one for transportation.

Yellen's testimony before the House Financial Service Committee confirmed the dollar's devaluation. She said her greatest concern in regards to the international financial system is our powerful sanctions that are available because of the important role of the dollar in international transactions.

We have the means to cut off foreign banks, or other businesses or individuals from the ability to conduct and transact through the US system and to participate in the dollar. Protecting the dollar is important and the more we've used sanctions the more countries look for ways to engage in financial transactions that don't involve the dollar.

---> Russia, BRICS, Iran and the Saudi's leaving the petrodollar.

If you remember what Milton Friedman said you'd have panicked years ago. He told us inflation is created by the government and by no one else. No one can turn on the printing press or has the authority to create deposits. Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. It is a result of a greater increase in the quantity of money and the output of goods and services which are available for spending.

When we printed all that money during the pandemic that was the time to create new income streams. Inflation was inevitable and was going to be bad. They're preparing us for a lower standard of living. We're getting more apartments, a section 8 rollout, automated cars will be normalized and digital tags (for clothing) arrive next year. I don't know if it will be in the label or the fabric but they're coming.

This is the physical manifestation of parables: talents, the virgins, the steward, etc. If we took those words to heart we wouldn't be in this position. The Lord is proactive. He puts things in place before the crisis. But that's only possible if we're alert.

As for things hitting the fan, I expect upheaval and planned for it judiciously. When the outcome was evident I started pulling back and cleaning house. I positioned my family and prepared them too. Now I'm focused on the refuge. It's a challenging topic but I've reconciled the outcome because I've done my part. I provided warnings, advice and resources until the Lord said otherwise.

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Dis Member
Aug 28, 2007
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There is no such thing as "choas" with God, but He orders and orchestrates all things.
This is a fallen world, and chaos is a characteristic of this fallen world.
Im always a little amazed that lots of Christians could disagree on this point.

Sure, its not the most important point of Christian belief. But it does indicate quite divergent worldviews.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Ignorance is the culprit not ambivalence. Most Americans aren't financially adept or knowledgeable about economics. If they were they'd see the hoax for what it is and hear the truth from the horse's mouth. While they lie to the majority you get the deets in investment circles which inevitably includes politics of varying stripes.

It's easier to overcome biases and traditions when you recognize your position in the scheme. And if that doesn't bring you to your senses the historical references would have you crying or pulling your hair in response.

The middle class didn't always exist and many forget that. Only three groups had means out of the four. The aristocracy, gentry, and merchants. The remainder were poor. Some were worse off than others but there were hardships nonetheless.

We've watched its dismantling like zombies. Little by little it's whittled away. And the writing is there but they refuse to see it. They elect people who enrich the wealthy and deepen the income gap. We have reports that six figures isn't enough in some locations and suggestions we'll need over $250k to survive.

How many times does someone have to show you who they are before you believe them? I told them we were going to the gilded age. You can't be more specific than that. America wasn't great for the majority during that period. But they believe what they hear.

A wise person would look at my post and a question should come to mind. How is he creating a pro-crypto administration given the SEC's position? But if they weren't distracted they'd know Gensler was the same when he taught at MIT. The pivot isn't real and he's kicking the can as required.

He says it's a scam as do the rest while buying it behind the scenes. By the time they tell the truth the prices will be higher and access will be limited. But if you're an early adopter and chose well you'll make a sizable profit. We'll never have another opportunity of this magnitude and the majority will be left behind.

This is the presidency that will usher in digital currency. The pairing is ideal for the liberties they'll take to get it done. We need a crisis that requires ubi. I told them it would be specialized and California revealed the same. There's a pilot for monthly payments and one for transportation.

Yellen's testimony before the House Financial Service Committee confirmed the dollar's devaluation. She said her greatest concern in regards to the international financial system is our powerful sanctions that are available because of the important role of the dollar in international transactions.

We have the means to cut off foreign banks, or other businesses or individuals from the ability to conduct and transact through the US system and to participate in the dollar. Protecting the dollar is important and the more we've used sanctions the more countries look for ways to engage in financial transactions that don't involve the dollar.

---> Russia, BRICS, Iran and the Saudi's leaving the petrodollar.

If you remember what Milton Friedman said you'd have panicked years ago. He told us inflation is created by the government and by no one else. No one can turn on the printing press or has the authority to create deposits. Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. It is a result of a greater increase in the quantity of money and the output of goods and services which are available for spending.

When we printed all that money during the pandemic that was the time to create new income streams. Inflation was inevitable and was going to be bad. They're preparing us for a lower standard of living. We're getting more apartments, a section 8 rollout, automated cars will be normalized and digital tags (for clothing) arrive next year. I don't know if it will be in the label or the fabric but they're coming.

This is the physical manifestation of parables: talents, the virgins, the steward, etc. If we took those words to heart we wouldn't be in this position. The Lord is proactive. He puts things in place before the crisis. But that's only possible if we're alert.

As for things hitting the fan, I expect upheaval and planned for it judiciously. When the outcome was evident I started pulling back and cleaning house. I positioned my family and prepared them too. Now I'm focused on the refuge. It's a challenging topic but I've reconciled the outcome because I've done my part. I provided warnings, advice and resources until the Lord said otherwise.

I just wish the common people were capable of understanding what you are right now saying @bèlla, but unfortunately, even if it put them on pause for even just a second, they'd just go back to watching and vicariously following their favorite sports teams, and watching their favorite "news" channel networks on their TV's, which is equivalent to them just putting their heads back in the sand, and forgetting all about it.

This is most of the population, and "they" "know it", etc.

"Bread and Circus", etc.

Which is what everything has now become, etc.

Which is the way "they" have always wanted it, or have always dreamed of it being, etc.

God Bless.
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Dec 27, 2009
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So, omnipotent, benevolent God adjusted the trajectory of the bullet to just graze Trump but couldn't be bothered to miss the guy behind him? Who surely had family who loved him?

And that's a better explanation than Jesus having said, essentially, "Sometimes things just happen."
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Dec 27, 2009
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So, omnipotent, benevolent God adjusted the trajectory of the bullet to just graze Trump but couldn't be bothered to miss the guy behind him? Who surely had family who loved him?

And that's a better explanation than Jesus having said, essentially, "Sometimes things just happen."

Five bullets fired, one grazed Trumps ear.

What is there to say that same bullet killed a bystander?

Many mean that by Trump turning his head saved his life.
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