Discussion Best novels and on screen stories, old and new, stories, characters, prose...?


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Mar 12, 2007
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What are the best novels and on screen stories, old and new, stories, characters, prose...? I never read but watched the LOTR in one evening and was impressed. Character development and history around the rings were interesting, suspense around the ending was great.

I also still love the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The original. Such amazing character and places, situations and imagination.

I liked of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. A fair read long ago, along with Animal Farm.

At the time I was very impressed by That was then this is Now. But in retrospect the characters were too violent.

I think Rebel Without a Cause was interesting, yet the characters were unrealistic. But others prefer that.

I am a Star Wars fan and the accidental development of Luke was amazing. Remarkable range of characters. And the developed over time, reminiscent of Paul the apostle and the Spirit. Also Hitler and WW2.

I watched and I am reading through The Shack and it is interesting.

I found the story of the Exodus hard to read, God seemed distant and hard on them, prompting explanations!

Howard Storm's NDE was interesting, his own character change and the places.

I'd like to know others impressions...