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A conservative argument for women priests

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Oct 13, 2024
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I think the sense of the word is shifting. In 1:2, the church - congregation - in Corinth. In the other reference, in regard to church services.

We know that Paul worked with and commended a woman apostle, a woman deacon, women who taught and prayed and prophesied and presided over worship in their homes. So whatever the issue was at Corinth, it clearly wasn't universal.
So would you say that Paul's reprimand in Corinthians is inconsistent? Was he wrong to do so?

In Corinthians, we have evidence of women actually speaking during a church service. With regards to the above list of women provided, do we have scriptural evidence of them actually speaking during a church service? Or are assumptions made?
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Clara bonam audax
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It makes sense of all the evidence.
So would you say that Paul's reprimand in Corinthians is inconsistent?
No, because the context was not the same as other situations.
Was he wrong to do so?
Probably the only people who could answer that are the original recipients of the letter, as they had to deal with the immediate reception of it.
With regards to the above list of women provided, do we have scriptural evidence of them actually speaking during a church service?
Indirectly, yes. We see, for example, that Paul describes Phoebe as a prostatis; and that is the same word that Justin Martyr later uses to describe the person who presides over worship.
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Oct 13, 2024
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No, because the context was not the same as other situations.
And how was the context different?
Indirectly, yes. We see, for example, that Paul describes Phoebe as a prostatis; and that is the same word that Justin Martyr later uses to describe the person who presides over worship.
Where did you get 'prostatis' from? The original Greek uses 'diakonon' which literally translates as 'a servant' (noun - active, feminine, superlative) if you need the basis as well.

This does not prove that she spoke during a church service, but that she was commended for her servitude to God by Paul. Next?
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Clara bonam audax
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And how was the context different?
Because there was clearly some situation in Corinth which required Paul to tell the women to be quiet while they were learning.
Where did you get 'prostatis' from?
In verse 2. It's often translated as something like "benefactor," but that makes it sound like she's a financial donor, where the Greek word is indicative of a much more active role (it literally means something close to "one who stands before others").

Does it prove she spoke in a church service? No. But it would be highly unusual to suggest that a deacon and prostatis had no speaking role. In addition, we know that the person entrusted to carry a letter was generally also expected to read and explain it to the recipients, which also implies teaching and speaking on Phoebe's part.
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Oct 13, 2024
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Because there was clearly some situation in Corinth which required Paul to tell the women to be quiet while they were learning.

1) And what authority did Paul have to restrict them?

2) If some women came into your church or mine, and had their own psalm, doctrine, tongue (language), revelation and interpretations to the disruption and confusion of the service, would you embrace and permit it?

NB: We are now seemingly conversing upon two threads of the same topic. I'm happy to continue in that way if you are? I feel that both avenues have much more to delve into.

In verse 2. It's often translated as something like "benefactor," but that makes it sound like she's a financial donor, where the Greek word is indicative of a much more active role (it literally means something close to "one who stands before others").

Does it prove she spoke in a church service? No. But it would be highly unusual to suggest that a deacon and prostatis had no speaking role. In addition, we know that the person entrusted to carry a letter was generally also expected to read and explain it to the recipients, which also implies teaching and speaking on Phoebe's part.
Ahh, I see, 'a patroness' or 'a helper'. Still, neither description specifically denotes speaking during a service unless assumptions are made. And God does not live in a world of assumptions.

Also, the letter to the Corinthians is written to 'the church', not 'to Phebe'.

Who's next?
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No hand waving occured. It took the text read it and put it in it's context. something that takes work and effort. I look for an application.
The application is straightforward, you just don't like the result and have to put these parts of the Bible in a category where you can safely ignore them. But that seems like a very unsafe thing to do, at least to me.
so what, the were wrong for 2000 years.
"...I will build My church, and the the gates of hell will not prevail against it." Surely you don't think this is also part of the Bible you can ignore? Or the part about the Holy Spirit leading Christians "in all truth"? Or the part about the Church being "the pillar and foundation of truth"?
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Adventist Heretic

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It would be helpful if you provided references for what you say. Did you read feminist literature from the 1960s? Which one?
The Feminine Mystique, The founding document of the NOW "the National Orginization for Women" Exerpts by Marylin French, some articles by Gloria Steinem
Have you read Mary Wollstonecraft?
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B Anthony?
those are all first wave feminist. we are talking 3rd and 4th wave feminism.
Motherhood is a woman’s highest calling as it the only thing she can be that a man will never be.
To discard motherhood in favor of supposed equality with men is absurd
to say that a woman can only be a mother and cut off all avenures to personal and professonal development is enslavement in and of it's self. Not allowing a person to reach theie full possiblity as a human being is again enslavement.
Historical examination shows that once a society forsakes marriage and family, especially premarital chastity, it invariably collapses in three generations, with a generation defined as 32 years. You need not listen to me. You just have to look and see that we are on the verge of societal collapse.
no disagreement here.
From the advent of “the pill” in 1960 it has been 64 years. We are at the end of the second generation and society no longer can tell man from woman. We have gender fluidity.
i think it was 1954.
I am amazed by the quick decline from 1992 until now. Barring a miracle of divine intervention, we will see the total collapse by 2056.

How will that look? Don’t know, don’t want to find out. Time to repent in dust and ashes and stop listening to the architects of the destruction
We need to restore the patriarchy, not further emasculate it

so you turn a blind eye to history?
And become wise in your own eyes?
no one disagree with you on the family issue.
Ok, you still have not established your position
My position it is that Christ is returning and restoring all things back to their original state and established in the Garden of EDEN. That is the Standard for humanity on all things. Christ through his blood brought the right to redeem humanity return us to our first state. This included women being given their rightful place in the order.

Now because of the Holy Spirit, being poured in our hearts, and the law written in the heart, we now "walk in His ways and do them" , By the Holy Spirit the gifts are given to human beings God executes the sovereign right to grant to whom ever he sees fit. The gifts are distributed at his will, to both men and women and the church is to recieve the gifts as given by God.

Now there are those that say that the gift of teaching, pastor and evanglist and overseer are with held from women. There is not hint of scripture that women are denied the gifting of the Holy Spirit and no hint of Scripture that Women cannot have the gift of teacher, pastor evangelist and overseer. We do see however spicific situation where women were forbidden to preach and ask question. in the case of association of immorality as in Ephesus or in the Case of orderliness as in Cornith.
The same arguments the Pharisees used against Jesus when they said He spoke demeaning against them. We have Abraham for our father.

So what? Do you not think that from stones could be raised children for Abraham?

So what if you have some guy that claims a bishopric that made you a priest? Did he have authority to do so in the first place? If so, how?
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Adventist Heretic

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The application is straightforward, you just don't like the result and have to put these parts of the Bible in a category where you can safely ignore them. But that seems like a very unsafe thing to do, at least to me.
Lazy, Not straight forward. I don't like the result because it hurts people and degrades them. You don't seem to care about that. Also degrades the image of God. Misrepids that God's to humans.

I have shown you that there is another way to interpret the passage. That neither violates the text you're downgrades the word of God. You simply just don't like the result.

Pot calling kettle black.
"...I will build My church, and the the gates of hell will not prevail against it." Surely you don't think this is also part of the Bible you can ignore? Or the part about the Holy Spirit leading Christians "in all truth"? Or the part about the Church being "the pillar and foundation of truth"?
None of that is relevant to what we're talking about it's just grandstanding in a red herring
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The Feminine Mystique, The founding document of the NOW "the National Orginization for Women" Exerpts by Marylin French, some articles by Gloria Steinem

those are all first wave feminist. we are talking 3rd and 4th wave feminism.

to say that a woman can only be a mother and cut off all avenures to personal and professonal development is enslavement in and of it's self. Not allowing a person to reach theie full possiblity as a human being is again enslavement.

no disagreement here.

i think it was 1954.

no one disagree with you on the family issue.

My position it is that Christ is returning and restoring all things back to their original state and established in the Garden of EDEN. That is the Standard for humanity on all things. Christ through his blood brought the right to redeem humanity return us to our first state. This included women being given their rightful place in the order.

Now because of the Holy Spirit, being poured in our hearts, and the law written in the heart, we now "walk in His ways and do them" , By the Holy Spirit the gifts are given to human beings God executes the sovereign right to grant to whom ever he sees fit. The gifts are distributed at his will, to both men and women and the church is to recieve the gifts as given by God.

Now there are those that say that the gift of teaching, pastor and evanglist and overseer are with held from women. There is not hint of scripture that women are denied the gifting of the Holy Spirit and no hint of Scripture that Women cannot have the gift of teacher, pastor evangelist and overseer. We do see however spicific situation where women were forbidden to preach and ask question. in the case of association of immorality as in Ephesus or in the Case of orderliness as in Cornith.

You should read Teresa of Avila and Theresa of Lisseaux they are doctors of the Church and know very well about womens issues

They bear no resemblance to modern feminism and they were very close to God

Blessed Mary Agreda Mystical City of God is a good one

St Rose of Lima is another wonderful woman

These woman can teach us about God and the Church. They never had to become priests or overthrow the Patriarchy
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Adventist Heretic

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You should read Teresa of Avila and Theresa of Lisseaux they are doctors of the Church and know very well about womens issues

They bear no resemblance to modern feminism and they were very close to God

Blessed Mary Agreda Mystical City of God is a good one

St Rose of Lima is another wonderful woman

These woman can teach us about God and the Church. They never had to become priests or overthrow the Patriarchy
Not interested in pursuing that issue any further than I have to.
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Clara bonam audax
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1) And what authority did Paul have to restrict them?
Well, clearly he believed he did.
2) If some women came into your church or mine, and had their own psalm, doctrine, tongue (language), revelation and interpretations to the disruption and confusion of the service, would you embrace and permit it?
No. Which is why it makes sense that Paul says this in this place, but elsewhere permits women to exercise appropriate leadership.
Ahh, I see, 'a patroness' or 'a helper'. Still, neither description specifically denotes speaking during a service unless assumptions are made. And God does not live in a world of assumptions.
If this person had been male, and described in these terms, nobody would dispute the idea that he spoke in church services. The assumption that Phoebe did not, is, I would argue, more of a stretch than the likelihood that she did.

As for Therese of Lisieux, is she not the one who wrote so ardently of her desire to be a priest, and asked God to take her life before the age of ordination so that she would not have to live through the grief of her vocation being denied? And indeed, she died one year before the age of ordination to the priesthood.
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I don't like the result because it hurts people and degrades them.
And there you have it, you don't like the result, so you look for a way to ignore that part of the Bible you find inconvenient.
Misrepids that God's to humans.
I've been able to parse out most of your typos and misspellings, but I have no idea what this is supposed to be.
None of that is relevant to what we're talking about
Sure it is, the Church has the truth, and it follows that the Church was not without the truth for two thousand years. Again, liberals don't like this fact because they want to change doctrines, and that change can only be legitimate if the Church is not the body of Christ and is not guided by the Holy Spirit, but a human institution led by mean old men who can be overthrown like politicians.
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Adventist Heretic

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And there you have it, you don't like the result, so you look for a way to ignore that part of the Bible you find inconvenient.
What a wacky way of twisting what I am saying. you are saying that you must accept you interpretion even if it hurts us. You are telling everyone on this forum who is paying attention that you do not have there well being in mind. You will uses them and degrade them and thrown them away and you will justify it in the name of Christ. Your religion, as presented by you, is a religion of human degradation. And people should run away.
I've been able to parse out most of your typos and misspellings, but I have no idea what this is supposed to be.
Misrepresent God to humans
Sure it is, the Church has the truth, and it follows that the Church was not without the truth for two thousand years.
no one is saying that, your appeal to tradition is a logical fallacy.
Again, liberals
I am an evangelical, I accept the scripture as the word of God, but I don't accept your interpretation and application of the scripture as the word of God.
don't like this fact because they want to change doctrines, and that change can only be legitimate if the Church is not the body of Christ and is not guided by the Holy Spirit, but a human institution led by mean old men who can be overthrown like politicians.
that is your interpretation of the situation, because you sit at the top and benefit out of the system, you are not the one who sacrifices and must be under the tryanny of the overlord. who's fate is not in your own hands. Having seen many different churhes and cults and religious practices I can tell you that Christianity is only as good as they follow Christ command "love the Lord your God with all your heart and Love your neighbor as yourself"
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What a wacky way of twisting what I am saying. you are saying that you must accept you interpretion even if it hurts us.
Take a breath and proofread your posts, please. Are you saying that I'm saying someone in general has to accept my interpretation, even if it hurts him? If so, then no, I'm saying that you should have some humility and stop acting like Christians up until a few decades ago were lazy simpletons who didn't understand your hermeneutic. And if submitting your will to the faith "once for all delivered to the saints" is hurtful to you, that's something for you to work on.
no one is saying that
You did, post #56.
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Well, clearly he believed he did.

No. Which is why it makes sense that Paul says this in this place, but elsewhere permits women to exercise appropriate leadership.

If this person had been male, and described in these terms, nobody would dispute the idea that he spoke in church services. The assumption that Phoebe did not, is, I would argue, more of a stretch than the likelihood that she did.

As for Therese of Lisieux, is she not the one who wrote so ardently of her desire to be a priest, and asked God to take her life before the age of ordination so that she would not have to live through the grief of her vocation being denied? And indeed, she died one year before the age of ordination to the priesthood.
Theresa did indeed desire the priesthood out of love for God and admiration of the office. The priest carries the body of Christ in his hands and feeds Him to hungry souls. That put the flame of love in Theresa’s heart.

To say that she advocated for a female priesthood is entirely misleading. Theresa is a doctor of the Church. She would not have been given this honor had she not advocated and believed all Church teaching, including a male only priesthood. She admired the priesthood and earnestly desired to do what they do, but knew that she could not.
All that she did was out of love for God and His kingdom, not for selfish ambition. She lived the Gospel to die to self and follow Jesus. You would do well to study her life, not use her as an advocate for your views

Other great saints worth study are St. Rose of Lima who wished to live a consecrated religious life, but was called to live as a third order Dominican, that is as a member of the laity. She is not a doctor of the Church but a great saint

St Teresa of Avila is a doctor of the Church. She lived during the time of the Spanish Inquisition. She is a saint and doctor of the Church along with her contemporary , St John of the Cross.

Teresa is a beautiful example of humility and contemplative prayer. John of the Cross wrote Ascent of Mt Carmel and deceived the dark night of the soul
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Adventist Heretic

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Take a breath and proofread your posts, please
Are you saying that I'm saying someone in general has to accept my interpretation, even if it hurts him?

If so, then no, I'm saying that you should have some humility and stop acting like Christians up until a few decades ago were lazy simpletons who didn't understand your hermeneutic.
Well they were lazy simpletons, case in point, people used the bible to justify slavery. Now do you think slavery is God's ideal or it circumstantial? The Ideal is the Garden of Eden. So no. Not circumstances as found in the 1st century. yet people justified the abuse of an entire race of people in Christianity. Now how do you square that circle with "love the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself" "In Christ there is neither male nor female, slave nor free, rich nor poor, jew nor gentile" yet people justifed terrible abuse.

Now if you want to talk about deviation and errors talk about the priesthood and the nunnaery again so much error

When one does not factor in circumstances of the fall then one can use the scripture to justify any evil.
And if submitting your will to the faith "once for all delivered to the saints" is hurtful to you, that's something for you to work on.
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Oct 13, 2024
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No. Which is why it makes sense that Paul says this in this place, but elsewhere permits women to exercise appropriate leadership.
By answering 'no', you provide the evidence that your church, as with mine, practice a form of order within church worship and are therefore continuing from the basis set by Paul in this chapter. Proving that this basis is universally beneficial.

In verses 1-32, Paul speaks of church order. This is first concluded by Paul showing God's authority on the matter;

'For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.'

Notice again, the plurality of 'churches', but not only that, it says, 'all churches'. Resulting in this being unequivocally useful for all time and in all places as both of our churches today prove.

Once Paul completes this first conclusion with authority, verse 34 to 36 address a different topic within the 'church order' being dealt with, and I must be firm here in stating that your views of these verses applying to this church alone is fundamentally flawed given the now several reasons I have provided.

And then verse 37 which begins 'If any man...'

But also notice, the chapter continues onto a final conclusion with regards to the church order written at the beginning of the chapter. So therefore the verses in 34-36 are surrounded and a part of the whole chapter which is provably useful in all churches and for all time.

If this person had been male, and described in these terms, nobody would dispute the idea that he spoke in church services. The assumption that Phoebe did not, is, I would argue, more of a stretch than the likelihood that she did.

I have thought long on this. And my conclusion is that I am wrong. I still question whether Phebe spoke because 'diakonon' could be a minister and it could be a servant. However, that is beside the point given that, as you would say, Junia, being an apostle, and more especially, Anna, being a prophetess would be somewhat certain to have speaking roles.

So, how do we marry these two in what is 'inerrant scripture'. The only way I see how is that in the early church, with Christ having fewer followers at the time, both women and men were called by grace to spread the gospel. But then, once churches were established and Paul begins his letters, restrictions begin to be implemented. Remember, Paul is writing 1 Corinthians around 54 AD, and whilst the church is hungering and thirsting for the word, it is still in some confusion of practice and there are some home churches still.
As for Therese of Lisieux, is she not the one who wrote so ardently of her desire to be a priest, and asked God to take her life before the age of ordination so that she would not have to live through the grief of her vocation being denied? And indeed, she died one year before the age of ordination to the priesthood.
I think I have covered this verse quite thoroughly and have provided a very reasonable explanation for what may appear contradictory passages. Obviously we have not covered 1 Timothy 2v12 but that too would fit in with the 'restrictions once founded' notion.

People believe all sorts. Millions agree with the incredibly erroneous Catholic church which is so scripturally flawed one does not know where to start. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is not God which is not Biblical. And yet individuals feel 'called' to those beliefs and doctrines. The question for each individual, myself included, is whether we are willing and prepared to ' Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.' 2 Timothy 2:15

I also know of male ministers who have not wanted to 'go forward and preach', but they received a calling and declared 'nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.' Luke 22:42

I would like to discuss free will if would like to? I got a sense from an earlier post that you believed in free will?
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Adventist Heretic

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Take a breath and proofread your posts, please. Are you saying that I'm saying someone in general has to accept my interpretation, even if it hurts him?
If so, then no, I'm saying that you should have some humility and stop acting like Christians up until a few decades ago were lazy simpletons who didn't understand your hermeneutic.
they were lazy simpletons. how else to you get the nunnry and the preisthood, which is not in scripture? how else to you justify Slavery in the name of scripture.
And if submitting your will to the faith "once for all delivered to the saints" is hurtful to you, that's something for you to work on.
see, just lazy, you assume that you are offering the faith "once delivered to the saints" you are linking yourself to the apostles, then justifying condemning everyone who disagree with you. Kinda of Cult like, you are not the apostles and you did not delieverd the faith to us. you are not some defender, you are just a dude reading the scripture and trying to interpret and apply it in the manner you were taught. not taking into to account that you may have been taught incorrectly.
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that is your interpretation of the situation, because you sit at the top and benefit out of the system, you are not the one who sacrifices and must be under the tryanny of the overlord. who's fate is not in your own hands. Having seen many different churhes and cults and religious practices I can tell you that Christianity is only as good as they follow Christ command "love the Lord your God with all your heart and Love your neighbor as yourself"

I find this part of your post very telling. Who is the overlord that is tyrannical? None of us have our fate in our own hands. That is the whole point of the Gospel.

If any man come after me, let him first deny himself and follow in my footsteps.

It’s one thing to claim the Catholic Church is unscriptural, it is another to prove it. If you refuse to prove it, that becomes at best distraction and at worst slander, both of which are gravely sinful

If we deny ourselves, then who do we look to for truth except the Church Christ established by His own words? The word in the psalms say, Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.

The apostolic teaching of that Church is found in the Demonstration of the Apostolic teaching by Iraneus in the second century, paragraph 96.

We do not tithe because everything belongs to God, we do not keep sabbath because Christ is continually with us, we need not say do not commit adultery because it is absurd for a man that has denied himself to desire the wife of another. We need not say do not kill, as it is absurd for one that loves his enemies and mortifies the deeds of the flesh to ever wish the death or misfortune of another

The law is not overthrown, rather fulfilled in Christ Jesus.
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Clara bonam audax
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To say that she advocated for a female priesthood is entirely misleading.
I didn't say that, though. As far as I know, she did not publicly advocate for women's ordination. She does, however, stand as an interesting example of a woman with a clear sense of vocation.
All that she did was out of love for God and His kingdom, not for selfish ambition.
The insinuation that women who seek to pursue their vocations do so out of selfish ambition is becoming very tiresome.
By answering 'no', you provide the evidence that your church, as with mine, practice a form of order within church worship and are therefore continuing from the basis set by Paul in this chapter.
I wouldn't put it quite like that. I think Paul was reiterating and perhaps expanding something that existed before his instruction.
And then verse 37 which begins 'If any man...'
Except, of course, the Greek is "ei tis," which is "if anyone," and not a gendered expression.
I have thought long on this. And my conclusion is that I am wrong.
I genuinely appreciate your willingness to say so.
So, how do we marry these two in what is 'inerrant scripture'. The only way I see how is that in the early church, with Christ having fewer followers at the time, both women and men were called by grace to spread the gospel. But then, once churches were established and Paul begins his letters, restrictions begin to be implemented.
I can see why that would make sense. However, that's not the way I see it. The way I see it is that both men and women have always been called; Paul recognised and honoured those callings (hence his support and positive comments about so many women), and it was only later, as the church became more socially "mainstream," that patriarchal norms were reasserted, taking some comments of Paul's out of their original context as justification.
I also know of male ministers who have not wanted to 'go forward and preach', but they received a calling and declared 'nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.' Luke 22:42
In my experience, that is true of most women ministers as well.
I would like to discuss free will if would like to? I got a sense from an earlier post that you believed in free will?
I'm wary of how far off topic that could go, but I would be willing to venture there a little if we can keep it reasonably close to the topic. I believe in a degree of free will; that is, we make real choices, we make meaningful choices, but we are not always entirely without various limitations on our ability to choose.
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