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this is an over exxageration,I appreciate that perspective and I do not doubt that it is the truth. When I was Pentecostal, there was talk of very conservative parents pressuring their teen daughters into abortion, because they could not bear the shame in the assembly of having a pregnant unwed teen
We are suffering the effects of the so called “sexual revolution”, when the women became promiscuous and seduced all the men and turned them into boys.
A woman is called to be a mother. That is the one thing that she can be that a man can never be. All of this feminist clap trap, that tries to prove that a woman is just as good as a man, causes her to abandon her original vocation, motherhood.
Take a look at feminist politics. It is all bent on destroying motherhood. Abortion kills a child and prevents a woman ever becoming a mother to that child. Sterilization and contraception prevents motherhood and makes a woman a plaything of men or a mere seductress. Working outside the home abandons her children to strangers and severely impairs the mother/child bond. Transgender takes someone that can never be a mother and dresses it up to look like a woman but never will be, or takes a potential mother and tells her she is no good just be a man. All feminist, all destructive.
having read the feminist literature from the time period of the "sexual revoloution" I can tell you are misrepresenting there view. Christian's often do this. either because they are ignorant of the objection or ignorant of the problem. You see the feminist of that era were different from the ones that came before them in that they were not Christian feminist, they were atheist and pagans. They did not buy into the assumption of Genesis and the Garden of Eden. and do not see motherhood as the highest calling. they see it as a calling if the woman want's it, it should be her choice and not societies. There were many assumptions that they simply would not buy into, like all you were to be was a wife - a mother, have children and then die. That was not there view. they wanted more out of life and Christianity said nope, no personal development for you.The Bible says the thief comes not but to kill, rob and destroy. Feminism kills a woman, robs her of children and destroys her motherhood. There is nothing feminine about it
speak for you self.Yes I know men are no better. The sexual revolution has killed their masculinity, robbed them of their leadership and destroyed fatherhood. Are we not men? No we are beer guzzling fat lazy babies that bark orders at women and demand sex. Or else you have the virtue signaling wimps that agree with feminism that women quickly grow bored of.
the sexual revoloution was the atheist and the pagan say we don't believe the bible and your assumed world view leave us alone. we will chart our own way.Genesis says you will be saved through the bearing of children . Motherhood is a woman’s vocation. Feminism says it’s not. Who is denying God? I don’t care what anyone’s conscience says. We are all called to deny ourselves and submit our conscience to the word of God
The elect will do so, the others will just make excuses. Yes there are special circumstances where women are called to serve God as virgins or repentant celibates, just as men are called the same way, but they do not abandon the roles God has ordained for them. Men are fathers, women are mothers. The two shall not mix roles in this world and still say they are obeying God
that is not what the NT origanally had in mindThere will never be women priests, just as a man will never be a mother. It is not what God created them to be
yes, be faithful to the men and you will get the gift Christ has already won for you back. you get noting but suffering on this planet. the but remeber God loves you. we don'tIn the next world eye has not seen not ear heard. Women could very well be above and ruling men, but not in this world. Be faithful unto death and we are given a crown of life. Resentment and rebellion only invites chastisement