My child actually died of cancer and I don't care who you are if your not a psychopath this boy and his story of overcoming cancer is heartwarming and uplifting.
If this child can, against all odds, beat cancer then there's nothing we as a nation can't overcome.
If this child can be a symbol of that then maybe for him it made the pain a little more meaningful to help the rest of us learn how to persevere with hope in God and hope in a future that can dream big.
If we can't come together over such messaging, over such pleas for national healing and unity in making sure all our children have the kind of future they deserve, then what are we and where are we going really? Do we want to be a nation together or are we just waiting for some Democrats to start shooting more Republicans?
As far as Trump cutting children's cancer research I haven't done any looking into it but even as a parent who lost a child to cancer I'm not at all worried about it.
We've probably just stopped more orgies from occurring on our dime, in empty buildings we throw millions into for no earthly reason. I'd rather save our country from the national debt for a minute so our nations children won't be starving in the next great depression.
It's not like people are going to stop privately funding cancer research... It's actually the one thing that seems to get a large amount of private funding, we can do less government funding in areas that have positive funding sources for goodness sakes.
We need to concentrate on doing what's necessary to government, and make sure we are doing that extremely well. The public treasury isn't an infinite source of money, it's definitely finite in nature.
Edit to add:
So people know I am not embellishing I mentioned losing both my daughter and my dad to cancer in this post made years ago:
I have terminal stage 4 cancer I was originally given 3 months now it’s 3 years thanks to Gods grace and mercy , it’s been tough failed open heart surgery ( to try and remove the tumour ) I am weak , full of bruises and scars , for most of that time she was by my side going through this awful...