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Search results

  1. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    Here is another good one by another group.
  2. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    Here is an:other:
  3. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    I do know what you mean though. The christian music that you've run into doesn't engage your heart... I'm sure if you continued you will find some that do. When i feel down or distressed i like to turn to the book of psalms because i can often relate to the psalmist's cry and it helps fill my...
  4. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    I do know what you mean though. The christian music that you've run into doesn't engage your heart... I'm sure if you continued you will find some that do. When i feel down or distressed i like to turn to the book of psalms because i can often relate to the psalmist's cry and it helps fill my...
  5. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    I don't see people being close minded. I zee people trying to help you because you talking about heart attacks and these voices. We are not close minded, but wise. You eant to call that judgemental then you have the bigger problem. Have you considered that you may be the close minded one. I...
  6. J

    (Somewhat of a vent) I’m so lost I don’t think I have much hope left

    Oops, wrong video, but I'll leave it in case ...here is the one i meant to post:
  7. J

    (Somewhat of a vent) I’m so lost I don’t think I have much hope left

    Was listening to this song today and thought it may help. Guilt and condemnation will not change you. Not saying it can't be useful in regards to the law and what that was put in place for, but it will always point back to you. If you want lasting change, you need an intimate knowledge of Him...
  8. J

    (Somewhat of a vent) I’m so lost I don’t think I have much hope left

    You can ask God to show you too like he does me because it is one thing knowing how the enemy works, but a whole other thing really seeing it in operation. It makes it's a lot easier to resist and cast down all imaginations that try to raise itself up against the knowledge of God. When you...
  9. J

    (Somewhat of a vent) I’m so lost I don’t think I have much hope left

    One more that may help. Sometimes i get these short visions of pornographic stuff. I know it is God letting me know that there is s spirit of lust nearby and i rebuke it in Jesus name. You need to deal with it before you find yourself engaged by your carnal nature. Let God change your view...
  10. J

    (Somewhat of a vent) I’m so lost I don’t think I have much hope left

    The devil is a drug dealer. Sorry, I've replied on a few of these and may have gotten them mixed up, but either way i believe it is good advice. Your problem is bigger than sin. Sin is just the product of trying to fill our hunger and thirst for God. Just one advice for now, God one time...
  11. J

    (Somewhat of a vent) I’m so lost I don’t think I have much hope left

    I have to agree to a good degree. I was getting similar inclinations. I think you are afraid of what you may have to give up. Sometimes we do have to find ourselves sharing our dinner with pigs before we come to our senses. Sin is pleasurable for a season and then it will imprison you. But you...
  12. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    The dream appears to be a warning. It possibly speaks of the real you in danger of dying. Appears you are on a similar path that your father was on... There is some great advice here. Music can be a powerful influencer. It is spiritual food so you want to be careful with what you are feeding...
  13. J

    I am addicted to porn. Its time I face it.

    I'm going to speak to you as a woman. Pornography is a very evil, twisted way of looking at women. It's lust. I'm not telling you this to condemn you. Be honest, i rarely ever feel condemned as He has given me a revelation of his great love for me and acceptance as i am. It pains me when i see...
  14. J

    (Somewhat of a vent) I’m so lost I don’t think I have much hope left

    Additionally, there is quite a bit wrong with your thinking, and feeling. You appear to be under deception. I'm not saying you haven't sinned and shouldn't be repentant ... But he doesn't want you hopeless and helpless because you are not. More i can say, but I'm thinking it wouldn't do good...
  15. J

    (Somewhat of a vent) I’m so lost I don’t think I have much hope left

    Additionally, there is quite a bit wrong with your thinking, and feeling. You appear to be under deception. I'm not saying you haven't sinned and shouldn't be repentant ... But he doesn't want you hopeless and helpless because you are not. More i can say, but I'm thinking it would do good...
  16. J

    (Somewhat of a vent) I’m so lost I don’t think I have much hope left

    The more you try to clean yourself up, the more you'll fail. Come just as you are.
  17. J

    (Somewhat of a vent) I’m so lost I don’t think I have much hope left

    You can always come home to Him. The door is still open. It appears you have an inner struggle with that because you still desire sin. Come as you are. He is waiting with open arms. Admitting and confessing is what He wants. Only He can change your heart as He reveals the abundance of his love...
  18. J

    I am being oppressed so how do I break free from the bondage of sin?

    Here is a breakdown that will help you identify if you are walking under the law (partaking of knowledge of good and evil), or free from it. 1. The self-centered life, 2. the law, 3. and fear, all work in conjunction with each other. You'll recognize it because you will feel...
  19. J

    I am being oppressed so how do I break free from the bondage of sin?

    Also, look up to Him. This world can be quite depressing in its current state. Let His Spirit take you to another realm.