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Search results

  1. F

    Is belief that a god exists a choice?

    Believing is always a choice! God Bless
  2. F

    Merry Christmas!!!

    To all and God Bless. Have a wonderful day!!!
  3. F

    Views on secular music.

    Nice quote! God Bless
  4. F

    Hey Guys Im New !!

    Welcome!!! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!! God Bless
  5. F

    Would you consider wearing a cross as a statement to be wrong?

    It is not the fault of thou if others thinkith incorrectly. Why would I care what others think of me?
  6. F

    Views on secular music.

    If secular music were wrong, so would be TV, movies, parties, sports, games, etc, etc. You get the point.
  7. F

    Law of conservation of mass

    For those who do not believe that God created the Universe, please explain how the law of conservation of mass is valid. So then where did everything come from if "nothing can be created"? Thanks God Bless
  8. F

    Why I believe in God

    I agree. It is very clear and simple that God created everything. How else would stuff just appear? You also cannot say you agree with the conservation of mass but at the same time believe that the universe has just been here all along. How can there even be matter if nothing can be created...
  9. F


    One question. Why do countries not say they don't like war and don't want to go to war yet they continue to develop weapons/armies??? God Bless
  10. F

    Faith in God or faith in man?

    The bible is not the only way to communicate with God. You can pray and talk and God will respond.
  11. F

    Christianity and Hope

    Why would this make someone less of an incentive to do go on earth? Jesus tells us to be kind to all and help all and love our enemies. Wouldn't you want more people to be saved? Why is is hopeless for them to have eternal life? Not to judge, but just because someone says they are a...
  12. F


    I will say I believe the bible and every word within it.
  13. F

    Do you think flag burning should be a crime?

    I definitely don't think it should be illegal. It relates to something that happened in colonial times. They tried to make it illegal to say bad about the government. Obviously that goes against freedom of speech, but also it is sort of communistic to disallow people to do what they please with...
  14. F

    Anti-God advertising on city buses?

    Unfortunately, you can't do much because of the first amendment. If anything, you could form a boycott, but that would be too much, in my opinion. Prayer is a good option. Good luck and God Bless
  15. F

    Random OCD Spike

    Everything is fine, best buy was just being polite and helping you out. Don't stress about it.
  16. F

    What do Christians think?

    I'd say the monster logo is nothing more than an "M".
  17. F

    Are vacation and other forms of entertainment wrong for christians?

    Its not the entertainment thats bad, its what we do with it that is.
  18. F

    What are you thankful for today?

    Jesus' steadfast guidance, love and forgiveness!!! Praise Jesus God Bless
  19. F

    Do Christians really believe that ONLY THEY's SAVED?

    You can only get to heaven through Jesus Christ. But that is not up to me to determine, its up to God. Who am I to say who goes to heaven? Only God can tell you that one. God Bless Praise Jesus