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Search results

  1. Hoankan

    Forgiveness Sunday

    Always before me lies my sins. I know I am a sinner and many are the sins that I have done. Forgive me an unworthy sinner. As God forgives, I forgive.
  2. Hoankan

    purchasing icons, the good, the bad and the ugly

    looks like I need to get to updating!
  3. Hoankan

    anyone remember me?

    hugs are always welcome:groupray:
  4. Hoankan

    anyone remember me?

    thank you. One thing that has suffered has been my faith. I've held on to it but only by the narrowest of threads at some points. As I learn more I will hopefully be able to restore. For now, all I can say is, I'm still here. :)
  5. Hoankan

    anyone remember me?

    Too long of a story to really describe, but I have PTSD. I'm still trying to understand the depth of it but at least I have some idea of what is going on finally.
  6. Hoankan

    anyone remember me?

    yeah, I'll be sticking around, though how active I will be I don't know
  7. Hoankan

    anyone remember me?

    and here I thought I would be long forgotten. I'm still here north of Nagoya. Not doing the greatest in the world but compared to last year things have improved relatively well. still got a long way to go to heal, so I'm taking small steps as I can.
  8. Hoankan

    anyone remember me?

    Been ages since I posted in here. Looking at the names, looks like a lot of people have changed round here. Feels strange coming back after such a long absence.
  9. Hoankan

    Keeping up on the radiation leaks at Japanese Nuke Plant

    Speaking as one living in Japan, listen more to the local prefectures than the national government. They usually seem to have better radiation information. And yes the radiation did spread out pretty far, much farther than the government would admit for a long time. As for the current state...
  10. Hoankan

    Stress And Heart Rate

    I wound up at the ER with a BP of 143/92 and a pulse of 99 due to anxiety last month. The high BP and pulse were keeping me awake at night. The doctor put me on anti-anxiety medicine immediately. I'm no professional either but after my experience I do think it is something you should talk to...
  11. Hoankan

    Any Christians here that like Warhammer 40k?

    It was good. Got about $130 a month in minis. Downside was that I couldn't paint as fast as I got.
  12. Hoankan

    Any Christians here that like Warhammer 40k?

    Outriders job is to go out into independent retail shops, demonstrate the games, teach new players how to play and how to paint, and promote the game. Outriders are volunteers who are paid in miniatures. They use to be everywhere but as GW got bigger, they were phased out. Until two months ago...
  13. Hoankan

    Any Christians here that like Warhammer 40k?

    Let's see, I have; Imperial Guard (my own regiment) Minotaur Space Marines Grey Knights Iron Warriors Chaos Marines I was building a 30k Word Bearer army, but with the price hikes that got scraped. Enjoy the books, Brothers of the Snakes is good. Gaunts Ghosts is a good series. I usually go...
  14. Hoankan

    How do YOU feel about homosexuality?

    Mod hat Thread permanently closed. Do not promote homosexuality on Christian Forums. Homosexuality can only be discussed, without promotion, in Christian Communities and Faith Groups. Homosexuality may also be discussed in the Recovery and Ask a Chaplain forums solely for the purpose of...
  15. Hoankan

    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN 2011 March 11 05:46:23 UTC

    Two prefectures away there were two 6.0s last night plus two minor 4.0s in the northern part of my prefecture. It's a bit scary but so far we are doing fine here. And thank you to everyone who has included me in their prayers and your support.
  16. Hoankan

    Tsunami hit Japan! I don't know yet if my relatives are alive...

    I'm in central Japan. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know. And my prayers for you.
  17. Hoankan

    Magnitude 9.1 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN 2011 March 11 05:46:23 UTC

    I'm still here and fine. I'm pretty far from the epicenter of this, but even so my car was shaking something fierce (we got it only at a 4.8). Still I have been through worse. The whole country is on edge and the damage reports keep coming in. Tokyo and the Sendai area is home to...
  18. Hoankan

    Is Pelagius a heretic?

    Closing for staff review.