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JD Vance is really unpopular and "dragging Trump down"


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Dec 8, 2018
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Bottom line: I'm done with the Uniparty. I will no longer play their game. Honestly, I really don't think we have much longer. The writing is on the wall and has been since the election of Obama. We are no longer a sane nation, though we were given a four year reprieve in 2016. IMO, the Lord is in control now, and I became convinced the day the assassination attempt failed. It's clear to me that it is reasonable to conclude that a conspiracy to assassinate trump was thwarted. At least, I've seen enough evidence to convince me. And I believe the Lord thwarted it. We'll see in the next few months. I'm glad I'm not in any urban area. And all of my family is too. Well, a couple are in suburbs.
This is an interesting take on divine intervention. Your god allowed the murder of a man and the critical injury of two more in order to save Trump? Wouldn't it have been easier and more compassionate to have intervened a split second sooner and caused the gun to jam?

The simplest explanation of Trump's survival is that the would-be assassin simply missed his target by a fraction. I think Trump himself said he turned his head.

Can we return to the topic now?
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CoPacEtiC SkEpTic
Sep 13, 2008
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This is an interesting take on divine intervention. Your god allowed the murder of a man and the critical injury of two more in order to save Trump? Wouldn't it have been easier and more compassionate to have intervened a split second sooner and caused the gun to jam?

The simplest explanation of Trump's survival is that the would-be assassin simply missed his target by a fraction. I think Trump himself said he turned his head.

Can we return to the topic now?
This one is interesting on several fronts…
Bottom line: I'm done with the Uniparty. I will no longer play their game.
Apparently this “Uniparty” schtick is how some interpret the polarization of our two party system, that many actively encouraged by demanding the GOP be “the Conservative Party”. Sadly it left conservatism (which is a fine, old, traditional stance to have) and veered into right wing populism without most of the hoi polloi noticing

Honestly, I really don't think we have much longer.
Everything is chugging along nicely, but is seen as “the end of everything we hold dear!”.

The writing is on the wall and has been since the election of Obama.
Gee, what was different about Obama that made people think him a portent of collapse?

We are no longer a sane nation, though we were given a four year reprieve in 2016.
We survived Trump I, if he becomes the 47th President, we’ll survive that too.

IMO, the Lord is in control now, and I became convinced the day the assassination attempt failed.
It's clear to me that it is reasonable to conclude that a conspiracy to assassinate trump was thwarted.
Here we veer off into “if it is possible, it must be true” territory.
Faith is fine and powerful thing to not engage politics with, we get such “thinking” when it is.

At least, I've seen enough evidence to convince me. And I believe the Lord thwarted it. We'll see in the next few months. I'm glad I'm not in any urban area. And all of my family is too. Well, a couple are in suburbs.
Why? (One wonders.) If the Lord is “in control”, why is there so much to fear?
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Let's get back to the topic.
There doesn't seem much to say about him. He appears to be a bit of a blank space, politically. No experience, no clout, little known, no significant following, no enthusiasm for him here.

Why Trump chose him is a puzzle. Any supporters here?
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Life is a mist. Think of this life as boot camp. We are here to learn to love. To learn to trust him. Etc. My wife lost her first husband to leukemia in the 70's. We lost our oldest son in a traffic fatality two years ago. Our faith is stronger than ever. We live by the phrase, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. And look at how the apostles died. You gotta admit that hanging on to Jesus even in such tribulation, especially theirs, suggests amazing faith. Meanwhile, my wife, her sister and our grandaughter have all seen our son since then. Pretty dramatic in each case. Never asked for. It just happened. Make of it what you will.

You might also read the C. S. Lewis book, the problem of pain. FWIW, I see bad things happening to us as the equivalent of a college professor giving you a tough assignment. God doesn't give out easy A's. And there is a life after this one.

'Course, if you don't believe that then, well, " What do I gain if, humanly speaking, I fought with beasts at Ephesus? If the dead are not raised, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”" 1 Corinthians 15:32
Can we get back to the topic now?
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I'm a supporter. I agree with you that he's a bit of a blank slate, kind of like Trump was. But he has at least a short political career to scrutinize. So far I like very much what I see and here, but as I've said, I ignore what a politician says, and watch what they do. I liked his book.
OK, thank you. I agree, political actions are more important (and more telling, in my view) than what they say.

What is it you see about him that you like? What has he done? I haven't read his book. I hadn't heard of him until last week.
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And that we don't yet know the motive for the shooting.

Can we get back to the topic now?
yes, if people would stop making the false claim that this guy was a Republican operative. There is no proof of that aside from the registration, and some comments from high-school classmates.

He also donated to left-wing PAC, and has a social media history supporting Biden. He was apparently planning on attending the DNC convention as a supporter (not assassin)

but no, we don't have a motive yet
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and has a social media history supporting Biden
No, we have the FBI asking Gab for some account history and we have the CEO of Gab saying that this account simped for Biden, but we can't be sure it was his. (but wink wink, we should assume it was his)
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No, we have the FBI asking Gab for some account history and we have the CEO of Gab saying that this account simped for Biden, but we can't be sure it was his. (but wink wink, we should assume it was his)
until we know for sure, we shouldn't make assumptions

My conspiracy theory is that he didn't act alone--he had some help, and was in contact with others through encrypted apps

Now I have no proof, but I always ask "who benefits the most", if a certain crime is committed.

1. Crooks kills Trump and escapes, or is killed himself. GOP loses access to Trump's entire war-chest, and loses the election to Biden. Joe then steps down a few months later, and Kamala becomes president

2. Crooks tries to kill Trump but fails. Donald's popularity soars, and Democratic insiders force Joe out of the race (which is what happened). Kamala is handed the nomination, and potentially Kamala becomes president

3. Crooks goes to the DNC convention and kills Biden. The country unites around his replacement, and Kamala becomes president

In all scenarios, a couple things happen: Kamala gets into the Whitehouse, and Ukraine funding continues, with billions in cash and weapons.

The people who benefit: Kamala Harris, V. Zelensky, and Hunter Biden

and it is easy to imagine Zelensky telling his intelligence people "find me a dumb kid in the US who hates politicians, and who is a gun enthusiast --a loner, a lost-soul, someone easy to manipulate. After you convince him, give him some logistical support"

again, total conspiracy theory, but when all possibilities basically go to one place, it is suspicious
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and it is easy to imagine Zelensky telling his intelligence people "find me a dumb kid in the US who hates politicians, and who is a gun enthusiast --a loner, a lost-soul, someone easy to manipulate. After you convince him, give him some logistical support"
You think they could've found somebody with decent aim and enough sense to both stay a little more inconspicuous and not go for a headshot.
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until we know for sure, we shouldn't make assumptions

My conspiracy theory is that he didn't act alone--he had some help, and was in contact with others through encrypted apps

Now I have no proof, but I always ask "who benefits the most", if a certain crime is committed.

1. Crooks kills Trump and escapes, or is killed himself. GOP loses access to Trump's entire war-chest, and loses the election to Biden. Joe then steps down a few months later, and Kamala becomes president

2. Crooks tries to kill Trump but fails. Donald's popularity soars, and Democratic insiders force Joe out of the race (which is what happened). Kamala is handed the nomination, and potentially Kamala becomes president

3. Crooks goes to the DNC convention and kills Biden. The country unites around his replacement, and Kamala becomes president

In all scenarios, a couple things happen: Kamala gets into the Whitehouse, and Ukraine funding continues, with billions in cash and weapons.

The people who benefit: Kamala Harris, V. Zelensky, and Hunter Biden

and it is easy to imagine Zelensky telling his intelligence people "find me a dumb kid in the US who hates politicians, and who is a gun enthusiast --a loner, a lost-soul, someone easy to manipulate. After you convince him, give him some logistical support"

again, total conspiracy theory, but when all possibilities basically go to one place, it is suspicious
This is not the topic of the thread.

The conspiracy theories forum is here: Conspiracy Theories
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This is an interesting article on Vance:

"The road got a lot harder. He was the only pick that wasn't the safe pick. And I think everyone has now realized that," one House Republican told Axios, speaking on the condition of anonymity to candidly discuss his party's VP nominee......

  • "On the whole, the feeling is: doesn't add much," another House Republican said of Trump picking Vance.....
  • "And now with Kamala at the top, the capacity to have expanded the map a little bit ... would have been much more beneficial."
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Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, is making history as Donald Trump's 2024 running mate, but not in the way that the Trump campaign had hoped. According to a CNN survey taken after the Republican National Convention, Vance has an approval rating of -6 points, making him the first vice presidential nominee to enter the general election with a negative rating since 1980.​
The average rating for a running mate after a party convention has been +19 points.​
"Frankly, I don't really understand the pick, and apparently neither do the American voters," CNN data analyst Harry Enten said on Tuesday's OutFront with Erin Burnett. Vance, he said, is "dragging Trump down."...​

With Trump struggling to appeal to moderate women, the former president may rue choosing a man who ran for Senate on a hardline anti-abortion stance, criticized childcare subsidies as "class war against normal people" and suggested that married women would be selfish for divorcing their abusive husbands, saying in 2021 that "one of the great tricks that the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace" was "making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear.”​
Trump could have done better.
Well if far left Salon is reporting this, then he actually must be doing rather well. I've heard this song and dance before.

Salon – Bias and Credibility​

Salon - Left Bias - Liberal - Progressive - Democrat - Mostly Credible
Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


These media sources are moderate to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy

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CoPacEtiC SkEpTic
Sep 13, 2008
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Well if far left Salon is reporting this, then he actually must be doing rather well. I've heard this song and dance before.

Salon – Bias and Credibility​

Salon - Left Bias - Liberal - Progressive - Democrat - Mostly Credible
Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable


These media sources are moderate to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy

Yeah, how does their bias affect the polling data though?
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Mar 25, 2023
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Yeah, how does their bias affect the polling data though?
I can't even find the polling data. It was apparently done by CNN on a small number of people after the GOP convention

so Salon is linking to another site, which is in turn linking to CNN

I think we can simply throw this out as totally unreliable
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I Did Nothing Wrong!! ~~Team Deep State
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I think he is definitely controversial, but no worse than Trump.
This brings to mind the phrase "to damn with faint praise". No worse than Trump - can't get much fainter.
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