Shane R
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    • Shane R
      Shane R reacted to Daniel9v9's post in the thread The way of salvation with Friendly Friendly.
      Oh, that’s very interesting! Thank you for sharing! I’m not always aware of what that goes on in America as I’m in the UK and tasked...
    • Shane R
      Shane R replied to the thread The way of salvation.
      Last summer. I had the second unit on Hutter too but I've not finished that. Sort of became moot when the NALC Secretary General refused...
    • Shane R
      Shane R replied to the thread The way of salvation.
      I took that class through the ILD seminary.
    • Shane R
      Shane R reacted to JM's post in the thread How many synods? with Informative Informative.
      Please define, "define." jk Confessional, sticking to the confessions only, and their historical interpretation, rejecting modern...
    • Shane R
      Shane R replied to the thread How many synods?.
      Define confessional, conservative, and synod separately. That's not a joke or a snide remark. It's the key to the answer and...
    • Shane R
      Shane R replied to the thread Seventh Day Baptists.
      Interesting. I lived with my grandparents in Eastern Kentucky many years ago and there were many 7th day Baptist churches but none...
    • Shane R
      Shane R replied to the thread What is for dinner?.
      I agree. It is, however, one of the dishes my mother pulled off reasonably well when she was ambitious.
    • Shane R
      Shane R reacted to Paidiske's post in the thread What is for dinner? with Agree Agree.
      Yum. Lasagna is one thing I don't tend to make myself; for the amount of effort that goes into it, I'm happy to buy a pre-made one.
    • Shane R
      What is your definition of those terms? What difference do you perceive?
    • Shane R
      Shane R replied to the thread Religious Life.
      “Confessional” churches receive more converts than “Missional” churches, and “Traditional” churches receive more converts than...
    • Shane R
      Shane R reacted to JM's post in the thread Wild Boar Inn with Friendly Friendly.
      Absolutely, yes. If there are any it will be posted all over the beach advising not to swim. This almost never happens.
    • Shane R
      Shane R replied to the thread Wild Boar Inn.
      Aiming to take my kids to Ontario in July. Crossing from Detroit to Windsor. Is your side of Lake Erie amenable to swimming at that time?
    • Shane R
      I was 33 when I was ordained a priest.
    • Shane R
      Shane R reacted to Love365's post in the thread Does the Lutheran Church ordain women? with Optimistic Optimistic.
      Saint John Paul II was correct for making female alter servers. The next step should be women priests.
    • Shane R
      The most recent data I've seen was more like 400 congregations and 140,000 members. Frankly, the membership number is usually inaccurate...
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