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    • Mari17
      Mari17 replied to the thread Anxiety&Overthinking.
      I am sorry for my late response. Why do you think you feel that way? Do your plans always turn out the way you think they will, and what...
    • Mari17
      Mari17 replied to the thread Anxiety&Overthinking.
      I completely understand! This happens to me too. May I ask what other kinds of things you overthink or worry about?
    • Mari17
      Mari17 replied to the thread Worried still about revelations.
      I understand, because I struggle with this same kind of thing. I think that people with OCD tend to put a lot of weight on feelings. But...
    • Mari17
      Mari17 replied to the thread Worried still about revelations.
      I'm sorry you're struggling! I know how tricky OCD can be. What are strategies you have for dealing with other obsessions, that you...
    • Mari17
      Mari17 replied to the thread Worried still about revelations.
      In your opinion, what does the verse mean?
    • Mari17
      Obsessing about salvation is quite common with OCD. Do you have any help for dealing with your OCD? You may find these resources...
    • Mari17
      Have you ever watched Mark DeJesus' videos about OCD on YouTube?
    • Mari17
      I understand how it is with OCD! What do YOU think you should do?
    • Mari17
      Mari17 replied to the thread Severe OCD blasphemy.
      This article about people with OCD struggling with the unpardonable sin may be helpful. Eckert also has other articles about...
    • Mari17
      Mari17 replied to the thread Severe OCD blasphemy.
      Do you have anyone to help you deal with your OCD? For example, a therapist, pastor, friend, etc.? Or any helpful resources?
    • Mari17
      Mari17 replied to the thread Blasphemous OCD.
      You are right, that kind of thing CAN become a compulsion for people with OCD. So we have to be careful of that. What do you find is...
    • Mari17
      This sounds sort of like OCD. Have you obsessed about other things in the past?
    • Mari17
      Mari17 replied to the thread OCD and vows.
      I'm glad you could talk to someone who understands! I hope that you continue to get better. Please feel free to reach out at any time!
    • Mari17
      Mari17 replied to the thread ocd.
      I'm sorry you are struggling! I know how difficult it is to have OCD. Are you getting any professional help, for example a therapist...
    • Mari17
      Mari17 replied to the thread Hello!.
      I am so glad that you are getting some help, and have a supportive husband! I don't know if this would be helpful, but here are some...
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