Christian Dominionists Meet at Trump's Washington Hotel to Answer the "Divine Call to War"


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Christian Dominionists Meet at Trump's Washington Hotel to Answer the ''Divine Call to War''
Last month, while NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre was regaling culture warriors at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference with tales of socialists trying to take away their guns, Christian Dominionists were holding an event called "The Turnaround: An Appeal to Heaven National Gathering," at Washington's Trump International Hotel. It featured some of the most prominent Christian Dominionists in the country. Although there are various iterations of Dominionism, Dominionists are united in their belief that conservative Christians should take complete control of all the political, secular and cultural institutions in the country.
tulc(think this sounds a little...odd) :sorry:


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Apr 20, 2013
The dominionists are not scriptural. Oh they seem to sound that way, but they think if they turn the world into a christian world, that enables Christ to return. Which is totally unscriptural, so against what God has said in His book about what things are going to occur surrounding the second coming of Christ.

Christ said His return will be like the time of Noah, and at that time the world was so awful, bad, evil and full of violence, it was destroyed. So when Christ returns, the world is again at its worst as it was in Noah's day, not a christian paradise, as the dominionists think they must make it or Christ wont return at all.
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Apr 20, 2013
Matthew 24:36-39 New King James Version (NKJV)

No One Knows the Day or Hour
36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of [a]heaven, but My Father only.

37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,

39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Christ's return is a day of destruction of this world, the Day of the Lord, the end of this age and marks the beginning of the age of the resurrection where the dead in Christ rise from their graves. He comes back and sweeps away all the evil of that time as did the flood, leaving just the righteous to inherit the earth.
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A quote from the link in the OP:
"Dominionists are the most extreme faction of the Religious Right -- they're people who literally embrace the concept of theocratic government," Rob Boston told me in an email. "They're latter-day Puritans with modern-day technology, and they would make this country an officially 'Christian' one by force if necessary.

If this cohort of the christian right have their way, it sounds like the US will head for a re-enactment of the handmaidens tale in part. The equivalent of a christian sharia law
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More than odd sir tulc, it's diabolical.

A Theology That Intermingles with Mysticism But Not the Word of God

Dominionism and the Rise of Christian Imperialism

"There has been a significant rise of cross-pollination between evangelical dominionists and New Age Theosophists.41 Since the late 1970s there has been a closeted fraternization between dominionists and Theosophists for the purpose of finding common ground for the future. Both groups seek to bring in a "Christ" figure to solve the world's problems. Both groups have grand utopian plans to create "peace" on earth. During the past decade, the two groups began borrowing doctrinal terminologies from one another and working on common theologies. The events of 9/11 gave a new impetus to this effort. Jay Gary, who has been a leader within all three sects of dominionism has had close ties with the Theosophists and is adopting new theologies, including a hybrid of preterism called "transmillenialism." Bob Buford of Leadership Network ... has been working since the mid-1990s to create a youth culture based on "emergent" theologies called the Emergent Church - a mixture of New Age paganism, eastern mysticism and evangelical dominionism. And Patriotic Dominionist leaders have long-standing, close ties with the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who has his own messianic kingdom ambitions.


"Dominionism teaches:
The Gospel of Salvation is achieved by setting up the "Kingdom of God" as a literal and physical kingdom to be "advanced" on Earth in the present age. Some dominionists liken the New Testament Kingdom to the Old Testament Israel in ways that justify taking up the sword, or other methods of punitive judgment, to war against enemies of their kingdom.

"Dominionists teach that men can be coerced or compelled to enter the kingdom. They assign to the Church duties and rights that belong scriptural only to Jesus Christ. This includes the esoteric belief that believers can "incarnate" Christ and function as His body on Earth to establish His kingdom rule. An inordinate emphasis is placed on man's efforts; the doctrine of the sovereignty of God is diminished."
Click here to read the rest of article, "Dominionism and the Rise of Christian Imperialism"
What the piece above does not mention is the largest section of overt Dominionism is in not only the emergent church but the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement:

New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a dominionist movement which asserts that God is restoring the lost offices of church governance, namely the offices of Prophet and Apostle.

Leading figures in this seemingly loosely organized movement claim that these prophets and apostles alone have the power and authority to execute God’s plans and purposes on earth. They believe they are laying the foundation for a global church, governed by them.

They place a greater emphasis on dreams, visions and extra-biblical revelation than they do on the Bible, claiming that their revealed teachings and reported experiences (e.g. trips to heaven, face-to-face conversations with Jesus, visits by angels) can not be proven by the ‘old’ Scripture. (Source)


The New Apostolic Reformation, or NAR, is a loose collection of non-denominational and independent churches rallying around a particular set of biblical interpretations. The New Apostolic Reformation approaches church leadership and biblical interpretation differently from mainstream Protestant denominations. Of particular distinction are the role and power of spiritual leaders, a literalist approach to spiritual warfare, and an overt interest in cultural and political control. Unfortunately, this has led to some unscriptural approaches to faith and spirituality.

Growth in the New Apostolic Reformation is driven primarily through small groups and church planting, often completely independent of a parent congregation. The movement is not centrally controlled, and many of its followers will not self-identify as part of it or even recognize the name. All the same, thousands of churches and millions of believers adhere to the teachings of the New Apostolic Reformation. Popular teachers associated with the New Apostolic Reformation include C. Peter Wagner, Rick Joyner, and Kim Clement.

The New Apostolic Reformation teaches that God’s intended form of church governance is apostles and prophets, holding leadership over evangelists, pastors, and teachers. However, this has not been the case for the vast majority of Christian history. So, according to the New Apostolic Reformation, God began to restore prophets and apostles over the last thirty to forty years. Only now, as the church is properly guided by the appropriate spiritual leaders, can it fulfill its commission. This commission is seen as more than spiritual, as it includes cultural and political control.

In the New Apostolic Reformation, apostles are seen as the highest of all spiritual leaders, being specially empowered by God. True maturity and unity, per the New Apostolic Reformation, is only found in those who submit to the leadership of their apostles. According to this teaching, as the church unifies behind the apostles, these leaders will develop greater and greater supernatural powers. Eventually, this will include the ability to perform mass healings and suspend the laws of physics. These signs are meant to encourage a massive wave of converts to Christianity. These apostles are also destined to be recipients of a great wealth transfer (in the end times), which will enable the church to establish God’s kingdom on earth.
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A quote from the link in the OP:
"Dominionists are the most extreme faction of the Religious Right -- they're people who literally embrace the concept of theocratic government," Rob Boston told me in an email. "They're latter-day Puritans with modern-day technology, and they would make this country an officially 'Christian' one by force if necessary.

If this cohort of the christian right have their way, it sounds like the US will head for a re-enactment of the handmaidens tale in part. The equivalent of a christian sharia law
Actually nothing like Puritans who wanted to be left alone.

There are women leaders in this movement too so don't see a handmaiden deal happening.

However as I posted here this is a diabolical and false gospel movement.
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Raphael Cruz (Ted's father), Ted Cruz, Kenneth Copeland, David Barton....

Seven Mountains is what Cruz and Copeland profess.
Yes the 7 mountains is the strategic plan:

7 Mountain Politics and Theology
posted by Marsha West on in New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Politics

What is “7 Mountains” theology? Supposedly there are “7 mountains” of global society – Media, Government, Education, Economy, Religion, Entertainment and Family. Conquering these areas of influence is the key to taking a nation for the kingdom of God. The 7 Mountain mandate is the brainchild of the Dominionist movement. Over the years Dominionists have gone by many names including Latter Rain/Kingdom Now /Joel’s Army/Manifest Sons of God and most recently the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).
7 Mountain Politics and Theology

10 years ago or so we saw the rise of the Emergent Church movement. The NAR comes from that movement as well as the strange reappearances of some age old heresies like non-Trinitarian beliefs, denying the Deity of Christ, Annihilationism and Universalism.

There are probably many politically moderate and liberal Christians sitting in these churches not knowing what the leadership is up to. I would extend that politically conservative as well.

And this is not what some would call the Religious Right. That was overwhelmingly Dispensationalists who believed that we are close to end times, a great apostasy would happen and then the rapture, tribulation and then second coming of Christ. Dispensationalists are at the polar opposite to dominionists.
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loves "SO'S YER MOM!! posts!
May 18, 2002
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You are making me chuckle because of how little you seem to know of Dominionists. ^_^
Shouldn't you be addressing what's in the OP not be concerned with what I seem to do or don't know about Dominionists? :scratch:
tulc(just a thought) :wave:
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The dominionists are not scriptural. Oh they seem to sound that way, but they think if they turn the world into a christian world, that enables Christ to return. Which is totally unscriptural, so against what God has said in His book about what things are going to occur surrounding the second coming of Christ.

Christ said His return will be like the time of Noah, and at that time the world was so awful, bad, evil and full of violence, it was destroyed. So when Christ returns, the world is again at its worst as it was in Noah's day, not a christian paradise, as the dominionists think they must make it or Christ wont return at all.
The dominionists are the 'perfect' storm movement for the false prophet of Revelation.
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Is the president sympathetic to this cohort?
It's more like they are trying to "woo" him. The goal of dominionists is to gain and maintain political support.

As we are told a lot on some these threads, Trump doesn't know much about Christianity so probably does not recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing.
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And more than a little scary.
Why scary? Would you prefer the Anarchists and Marxists to take control, or perhaps the Islamic Caliphate?

There's nothing scary about this. But by the same token that is NOT the mandate of the Church, which is clearly spelled out in Matthew 28:18-20.

Dominionism (or Dominion Theology) is probably limited to a small number of Christians. What should be scary is that Turkey has called for worldwide Jihad this week, which means that the United States will be the primary target. In the meantime, the Muslim migrant invasion into Western countries is doing quite nicely, Sharia Law has already been established in the UK, and there are probably dozens of sleepers in the US government pretending to be loyal citizens but preparing for murder and mayhem.
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It's more like they are trying to "woo" him. The goal of dominionists is to gain and maintain political support.

As we are told a lot on some these threads, Trump doesn't know much about Christianity so probably does not recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Or is it possible they will appeal to his ego - Is it possible he may find the messianic image attractive and therefore garnish his support. Is the recognition of Jerusalem as capital part of all this (because I couldnt figure what was in it for the USA to go down that particular road)
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Or is it possible they will appeal to his ego - Is it possible he may find the messianic image attractive and therefore garnish his support. Is the recognition of Jerusalem as capital part of all this (because I couldnt figure what was in it for the USA to go down that particular road)
Don't think this group is interested in promoting a national Israel as they see themselves as having the promises of Israel from the Old Testament. Israel would be a peer competitor.
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