Pre-Trib Only Will Egypt and the Nile River be destroyed?


And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Aug 10, 2015
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Yep! The land will be enlarged from the Euphrates to the Nile, but is this before or after the return of Lord Jesus?

Most people don't know this but Israel will expand it's borders twice in the near future. Once just before the tribulation after their next great war and again after the tribulation. This next war will be pretty big for Israel.

Just for the record, here's a list of all their wars since becoming a nation.

Just like previous wars in which Israel captures new land, they will do the same in it's next great war. But unlike the past, they will not give away the land they capture for peace.

The expansion just before the tribulation looks a little like this map but the southern area is larger stretching into the Sinai area of Egypt. Isaiah 26:15. I could be wrong but I don't think the land will be allocated to the 12 tribes till after the tribulation.


The expansion after the tribulation is Genesis 15:18. The borders will look something like this after the tribulation.


You don't consider this one already fulfilled?? I ask because it mentions Nebuchadnezzar , and we know he conquered that whole area. Show me what parts were not fulfilled back then so I can get it straight in my thinking. I believe you see something that I am missing. Maybe it is one of those prophecies that is only partially fulfilled.And there is that in part "c" about making those lands a desert forever, and the Middle East is mostly desert. So much information, I cannot digest it all in one sitting. So as Arnold would say " I'll be back". LOL!^_^ I thank you and Keras for hanging in here with my question. Hugs:hug: :hug: to both of you.

Yeah the OT bible does that a lot using names of past rulers in their prophecies to describe the future, but Jeremiah is still future and not yet fulfilled. You can recognize this by comparing the historic writings of the Babylonian empire and Nebuchadnezzar from the book of 2nd Kings all the way to the book of Esther. It tells a different story from what the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel predicted about the future. The prophecies in the prophetic book of Ezekiel with Nebuchadnezzar's mentioned are also future.


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Handmaid for Jesus

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The expansion after the tribulation is Genesis 15:18. The borders will look something like this after the tribulation.


That looks to be about 1500 miles square, the same size of New Jerusalem. It makes sens e and jives with a teaching I heard about New Jerusalem.

Yeah the OT bible does that a lot using names of past rulers in their prophecies to describe the future, but Jeremiah is still future and not yet fulfilled. You can recognize this by comparing the historic writings of the Babylonian empire and Nebuchadnezzar from the book of 2nd Kings all the way to the book of Esther. It tells a different story from what the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel predicted about the future. The prophecies in the prophetic book of Ezekiel with Nebuchadnezzar's mentioned are also future.

I see.When I was in elementary school, (yes I can remember that far back.(^_^:p) ,I was taught the area around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers was called the fertile crescent, and that it was a stretch of most beautiful and fertile land. Today it is mostly desert. So, imho, Jeremiah's prophesy about the land turning into a desert has been fulfilled. You may disagree with me, but that is the way it looks to me. My son fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and he describes a most desolate land with tempertures soaring to 100 + degrees. He was stationed near the Euphrates near where ancient Babylon was. I told him that there were four angels trapped under the Euphrates River and that it is supposed to dry up.
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FYI, some facts about the Qattara Depression: Area - 20,000 or 7,500 sq. miles. Max depth - 133m or 436ft

If this huge hole was filled to sea level, it would be larger than Lake Ontario.
The effect of such a large freshwater lake in the Middle East, would be to change the regions climate. Rain will fall regularly where it hardly ever falls now. It will be the way the Lord will fulfil prophesies like Isaiah 44:3, Psalms 68:9-10
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And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Aug 10, 2015
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I see.When I was in elementary school, (yes I can remember that far back.(^_^:p) ,I was taught the area around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers was called the fertile crescent, and that it was a stretch of most beautiful and fertile land. Today it is mostly desert. So, imho, Jeremiah's prophesy about the land turning into a desert has been fulfilled. You may disagree with me, but that is the way it looks to me. My son fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and he describes a most desolate land with tempertures soaring to 100 + degrees. He was stationed near the Euphrates near where ancient Babylon was. I told him that there were four angels trapped under the Euphrates River and that it is supposed to dry up.

In the new testament, the next prophetic event is the 6th seal in revelation, but overall there's many other prophecies to be fulfill prior to the 6th seal and all are found in the old testament. There's prophecies about the Middle East prior to the tribulation. Many have been fulfilled, even in the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah 12:7-17 describes the land withering away becoming a desert (fulfilled), but it's also a very interesting prophecy because it's very consistent with other prophecies, confirming a clear view of what's ahead for other nations of the Middle East.

You and I both know Egypt will someday be one of those nation who turn away from Islam and turn to Yahweh and be saved. Jeremiah 12:16

Verse 9 is also interesting as Israel has been attacked from all sides since being a nation.

So is verse 13. It sounds a lot like Haggai 1:5-11 how God describes the land and the poor harvest just before the tribulation.

Isn't prophecy interesting? ;)

Jeremiah 12:7-17 Good News Translation (GNT)
The Lord's Sorrow because of His People

7 The Lord says,
“I have abandoned Israel;
I have rejected my chosen nation.
I have given the people I love
into the power of their enemies.
8 My chosen people have turned against me;
like a lion in the forest
they have roared at me,
and so I hate them.
9 My chosen people are like a bird
attacked from all sides by hawks.
Call the wild animals
to come and join in the feast!
10 Many foreign rulers have destroyed my vineyard;
they have trampled down my fields;
they have turned my lovely land into a desert.

11 They have made it a wasteland;
it lies desolate before me.
The whole land has become a desert,
and no one cares.

12 Across all the desert highlands
people have come to plunder.
I have sent war to destroy the entire land;
no one can live in peace.

13 My people planted wheat, but gathered weeds;
they have worked hard, but got nothing for it.
Because of my fierce anger
their crops have failed.”

The Lord's Promise to Israel's Neighbors
14 The Lord says, “I have something to say about Israel's neighbors who have ruined the land I gave to my people Israel. I will take those wicked people away from their countries like an uprooted plant, and I will rescue Judah from them. 15 But after I have taken them away, I will have mercy on them; I will bring each nation back to its own land and to its own country. 16 If with all their hearts they will accept the religion of my people and will swear, ‘As the Lord lives’—as they once taught my people to swear by Baal—then they will also be a part of my people and will prosper. 17 But if any nation will not obey, then I will completely uproot it and destroy it. I, the Lord, have spoken.”

Haggai 1:5-11 Good News Translation (GNT)
5 Don't you see what is happening to you? 6 You have planted much grain, but have harvested very little. You have food to eat, but not enough to make you full. You have wine to drink, but not enough to get drunk on! You have clothing, but not enough to keep you warm. And workers cannot earn enough to live on. 7 Can't you see why this has happened? 8 Now go up into the hills, get lumber, and rebuild the Temple; then I will be pleased and will be worshiped as I should be.

9 “You hoped for large harvests, but they turned out to be small. And when you brought the harvest home, I blew it away. Why did I do that? Because my Temple lies in ruins while every one of you is busy working on your own house. 10 That is why there is no rain and nothing can grow. 11 I have brought drought on the land—on its hills, grain fields, vineyards, and olive orchards—on every crop the ground produces, on people and animals, on everything you try to grow.”

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Handmaid for Jesus

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FYI, some facts about the Qattara Depression: Area - 20,000 or 7,500 sq. miles. Max depth - 133m or 436ft

If this huge hole was filled to sea level, it would be larger than Lake Ontario.
The effect of such a large freshwater lake in the Middle East, would be to change the regions climate. Rain will fall regularly where it hardly ever falls now. It will be the way the Lord will fulfil prophesies like Isaiah 44:3, Psalms 68:9-10

Wow! That is a big hole. Thank you Keras. It was you who taught me that the QD was even there. And to know that it could hold so much water is amazing to me.:oldthumbsup: There are many things about the Earth that I don't know, and learning new things is such a joy.Now I can call you one of my teachers. LOL.^_^
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Handmaid for Jesus

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Isn't prophecy interesting? ;)
It is very interesting. And I like discussing it with knowledgeable people. :) I will be back to this later this evening.
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Handmaid for Jesus

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In the new testament, the next prophetic event is the 6th seal in revelation, but overall there's many other prophecies to be fulfill prior to the 6th seal and all are found in the old testament. There's prophecies about the Middle East prior to the tribulation. Many have been fulfilled, even in the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah 12:7-17 describes the land withering away becoming a desert (fulfilled), but it's also a very interesting prophecy because it's very consistent with other prophecies, confirming a clear view of what's ahead for other nations of the Middle East.

I agree with this. :) Our lens through the pages of history is kind of cloudy if we do not use the scripture, particularly the prophecies , to view the events. You can see how a type of blindness has overtaken most people, Christians included ,as most people have embraced the world.
You and I both know Egypt will someday be one of those nation who turn away from Islam and turn to Yahweh and be saved. Jeremiah 12:16

Yes! :) And that will be a great day.But this will be after Lord Jesus returns, right?
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And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Aug 10, 2015
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You can see how a type of blindness has overtaken most people, Christians included ,as most people have embraced the world.

Yes I do noticed this with many issues of prophecies, particularly with scriptures on the rapture. Even when they see it in the bible: Isaiah 26:19 - 27:1, Hebrews 12:22-29, some will never accept it as if blinders have been place before their eyes like the gospel to Israel. Romans 11:25-27, John 12:40.

As many as there are Jews who are blinded by the gospel, there are as many Christians who are blinded by prophecy. If this was not so, we would all be in agreement.

And some of us are lucky to be blessed by God's word to know the truth: Colossians 1:25-26

Colossians 1:25-26 New King James Version (NKJV)
25 of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God, 26 the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints.

Yes! :) And that will be a great day.But this will be after Lord Jesus returns, right?

In general, you are correct. The country of Egypt as a whole will be saved after Christ's return. As for now, though a minority, the process has started as there are Egyptians gradually turning to the gospel more and more each year since 2013 as a growing number are turning to Christ and will be with us during the rapture, fortunately.

Egyptian Christians on the rise since 2013 after the ousting of Mohamed Morsi (a member of the Muslim Brotherhood) from office. Sounds a little like Isaiah 19 doesn't it?

This is what's been fulfilling the 5th seal, the rising death of Christian martyrs in the Middle East as more and more Muslims convert to Christianity. One area is in Egypt as more and more Christian persecutions are on the rise.

Persecuted and forgotten: Egypt's Christians

Christian churches in Egypt under worst attack in years

The Muslim Brotherhood’s War on Coptic Christians


Those people that actually think Christ will return in a much later time in the future. I wonder if they've ever thought about the numbers of martyrs being killed daily? I don't think there will be any Christians left in the Middle East long before Christ return by 2100 or even 2050. Meaning there would be a huge gap in time between the 5th and 6th seal if the tribulation doesn't start sooner than later.

Just wondering if any of this ever crossed anyone's mind?

And here's the evidence it has to be sooner than later. In Revelation 6:10, the souls of the martyrs cried out for justice asking God when will He avenge them (begin the tribulation), and God replies it will be soon, ""a little while longer" until the number of their fellow servants and brothers would be kill."

Revelation 6:10-11 New King James Version (NKJV)
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” 11 Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.

John's telling us God isn't waiting till all Christians are dead or even wait much further after a certain number have died to begin the tribulation.

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Handmaid for Jesus

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Yes I do noticed this with many issues of prophecies, particularly with scriptures on the rapture. Even when they see it in the bible: Isaiah 26:19 - 27:1, Hebrews 12:22-29, some will never accept it as if blinders have been place before their eyes like the gospel to Israel. Romans 11:25-27, John 12:40.

As many as there are Jews who are blinded by the gospel, there are as many Christians who are blinded by prophecy. If this was not so, we would all be in agreement.

The Bible says the Gospel of Christ causes offense. It does not make sense that it should, but it does. I find that there are a lot of Christians who do not even want to discuss the second coming of Lord Jesus. I want to know all I can know about it so I can be ready when He comes.
In general, you are correct. The country of Egypt as a whole will be saved after Christ's return. As for now, though a minority, the process has started as there are Egyptians gradually turning to the gospel more and more each year since 2013 as a growing number are turning to Christ and will be with us during the rapture, fortunately.

I have seen where the Muslims are being awakened by the Lord Jesus Himself through dreams and visions. Some of them gave awesome testimonies. The word of God says:
Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

Those people that actually think Christ will return in a much later time in the future. I wonder if they've ever thought about the numbers of martyrs being killed daily? I don't think there will be any Christians left in the Middle East long before Christ return by 2100 or even 2050. Meaning there would be a huge gap in time between the 5th and 6th seal if the tribulation doesn't start sooner than later.

Just wondering if any of this ever crossed anyone's mind?

Like I said earlier, lots of Christians are caught up in the world system. And you can see by this forum how much error there is. No most people are not thinking about the horror the persecuted church is experiencing.
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And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Aug 10, 2015
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The Bible says the Gospel of Christ causes offense. It does not make sense that it should, but it does.

Are you referring to Matthew 24:9-10, Mark 13:9-13 and Luke 21:12-17?

If so, there's a good reason why Christ prophesied it and why it's happening today. You might or might not already know about it. One example of a conversion would be those dreams and visions of Christ Muslims are having throughout the Middle East which are helping to convert many into Christians. Family members have been more effective at helping other members within their family find Christ, this is the good news.

The bad news is, as former Muslims who are now Christians within families with other Muslims, they confess their conversion and or are evangelising the gospel to other members within their family. As a result, families are torn apart feuding between the two religions. The ending result is usually the Christian is tortured or murdered by their Muslim family members. It's a prevalent event occurring in the Middle East nowadays, and also a fulfilment of prophecy.

Outside of the dreams and visions of Christ, this has been an effective way to spread the gospel amongst Muslims in the Middle East as most people dare not attempt to travel to the Middle East to preach the gospel for fear of being put to death. Family conversion has been effective but has also been very costly leading up to many being put to death for their testimony of the gospel, fulfilling the 5th seal.

There's a lot of horror stories about Christians being put to death by their family members. Fulfilling Matthew 24:9-10, Mark 13:9-13 and Luke 21:12-17. But I think you already know about it so I won't post links. I've post other links instead.

Why Muslims Are Becoming the Best Evangelists

Muslims Who Convert To Christianity and The Price They Pay

When a Conversion Separates a Family

Basically it's all fulfillment of prophecies in the Olivet Discourse and the 5th Seal in Revelation. The events of the birth pangs just before the start of the tribulation.

I find that there are a lot of Christians who do not even want to discuss the second coming of Lord Jesus. I want to know all I can know about it so I can be ready when He comes.

I feel the same way also. I'm doing what I can to be ready. My goal is to stand before Christ and just hear Him say "Well done my good and faithful (or wise) servant!"

And I do believe Christians need to be watchful and be prepare for His return as I don't think all Christians will be caught up based on scriptures: Luke 21:36, Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 25:1-13, Matthew 24:43-51, Matthew 22:1-14, Luke 19:41-44.

I have seen where the Muslims are being awakened by the Lord Jesus Himself through dreams and visions. Some of them gave awesome testimonies.

I did some studies on this a few years back and think it's wonderful how Christ has touch some many lives in an area of the world where Christianity is forbidden and the high risk of death to anyone willing to go preach the gospel in the Middle East.

And you can see by this forum how much error there is.

Unfortunately, yes I do.

We already know the tribulation is soon but we can also see a war involving Israel will come sooner as we follow the news and can understand the prophecies as it happens. Daniel 12:4.

I have a question for you. I've notice a few people have been talking about Daniel 12:4 the past few weeks and might has saw you in the conversation as well. I posted a small comment on it in post#152 in the above quotation a few days ago.

My question is "did you catch what Daniel 12:4 means, what the angel Gabriel meant from my comment?"

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Handmaid for Jesus

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Are you referring to Matthew 24:9-10, Mark 13:9-13 and Luke 21:12-17?

If so, there's a good reason why Christ prophesied it and why it's happening today. You might or might not already know about it. One example of a conversion would be those dreams and visions of Christ Muslims are having throughout the Middle East which are helping to convert many into Christians. Family members have been more effective at helping other members within their family find Christ, this is the good news.

Yes these verses were my reference.What I have noticed is if the men are converted, they usually can lead the whole family to Christ.But our Father also gives visions and dreams to the women. I do not understand why Jesus causes so much offense, but He experienced it Himself. I think we are wandering from the OP.
I feel the same way also. I'm doing what I can to be ready. My goal is to stand before Christ and just hear Him say "Well done my good and faithful (or wise) servant!"

And I do believe Christians need to be watchful and be prepare for His return as I don't think all Christians will be caught up based on scriptures: Luke 21:36, Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 25:1-13, Matthew 24:43-51, Matthew 22:1-14, Luke 19:41-44.

I think all of those who are waiting and watching will be caught up.
I have a question for you. I've notice a few people have been talking about Daniel 12:4 the past few weeks and might has saw you in the conversation as well. I posted a small comment on it in post#152 in the above quotation a few days ago.

My question is "did you catch what Daniel 12:4 means, what the angel Gabriel meant from my comment?"

Which thread are you referring to? Daniel 12:4 is a very profound passage imho.
We already know the tribulation is soon but we can also see a war involving Israel will come sooner as we follow the news and can understand the prophecies as it happens. Daniel 12:4.

Is this the comment you are referring to?

Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

It is my opinion that the increase in knowledge granted by the unleashing of technology and the digital age is indeed what the angel was speaking about.
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@keras Hey elder brother. :hug: I saw this news clip and I wondered if you had heard about it. Do you think this could be related to the OP of this thread?
Handmaid! You don't have much to say lately, keep watching and keep an open mind about what God will do for His people.
A dam in Ethiopia for electric generation won't actually use water, just the power from its drop in level. However they may tap off water for irrigation, which would reduce Egypt's supply.

I do not see think this dam, or any other scheme of man, as having any effect on what is prophesied to happen. Isaiah 19:1-25, Ezekiel 29:8-12, Joel 3:19, Zechariah 10:11
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Handmaid for Jesus

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Handmaid! You don't have much to say lately, keep watching and keep an open mind about what God will do for His people.
A dam in Ethiopia for electric generation won't actually use water, just the power from its drop in level. However they may tap off water for irrigation, which would reduce Egypt's supply.

I do not see think this dam, or any other scheme of man, as having any effect on what is prophesied to happen. Isaiah 19:1-25, Ezekiel 29:8-12, Joel 3:19, Zechariah 10:11
I will elder brother. I read the posts every day and occasionally I comment.:) I just wondered, because of this big meeting may be leading up to the prophecy being fulfilled in our lifetime.IMHO from what I have seen of Egypt, it is already pretty desolate. I remember you said you had been there. But the prophecy said it will be desolate for forty years. I know only our Father can accomplish this. I Keep watching brother. :)
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