What's your relationship like?

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Hi Snup, don't get too discouraged when people didn't respond quick enough. I, for one, just found your post. I do not know how to do the quote thingy yet so I am gonna try to answer your questions the best i can remember what they were. I feel like I have a solid relationship with God but it is an ongoing one, one that requires my entire self. I don't have thoughts as to whether or not He is real, I believe He is. Sometimes I do fall upon shaky ground, though. I am a worrier. I don't like to worry, but I do. I can tell myself all day long that I shouldn't worry, but that is easier said than done. It doesn't mean that I doubt His power and I am working on that very hard because I don't want it to hinder my relationship with Him. As for prayer, I conversate with Him through out the day. I let Him know how thankful I am for being given one more day to do His service. I pray for opportunities to show others how much I love Him, but more importantly, how much He loves everyone. I enjoy sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with all. That's probally why I work with our youth in my home church and enjoy it sooo much. I study His word and I agree with Quaffer, I use other books, particularly books that are inspirational in nature. Does He answer my prayers? Yes, but I have learned to be patient and not to make demands. He will answer them in His time, not mine. I try not to sound selfish in my prayers, as a matter of fact, most of my prayers do not concern me personally, they are prayers for other people. I hope this answers some of your questions. I thought it was a very good post you wrote so thanks for wanting to know alittle bit about us.
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Feb 9, 2002
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((if God talks to you and how,))

I believe that under the new covenant, God talks to everyone. Some people just choose not to listen.

Jeremiah 31:34a No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. 

I have been told there are two different types of sinners. Honest sinners and dishonest sinners. The honest sinner needs someone to give them an example of how to live a Godly life. When they see it, they will adhere to it. That is why the way we live talks louder than what we say.

The dishonest sinner, just wants to continue in their sin. They want to hide in the darkness, least their ungodlyness be exposed.

John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

They use to have a cartoon about this, that people have a devil on one shoulder and a angel on the other shoulder. Each individual would have to decide which one they were going to listen to.

Then one day Flip Wilson came along with his famous: "The devil made me do it". At first it was the most absurd thing people had ever heard. That the devil could make anyone do anything. But now that sort of stinking thinking has crept into the church to where you actually hear pastors saying: We have no choice but to be sinners. The Bible calls this an apostasy, or a falling away from the truth.

The Bible clearly teaches from the beginning that we have a choice and that it is up to us to make the right choice. Thanks, JohnR7

Deut. 30:19  I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;

Genesis 4:7  If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it."

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Hello Snup!  God ministers to me through my thoughts everyday.  I try to be sensitive to his leading in everything that I do.


I need much improvement in my prayer life.  I do not have a designated time that I pray but I pray before studying scripture which is usually at night.  My prayers are quick and to the point.  I hate it when my dad asks me to say grace at family gatherings because they are so short and to the point.  My husband teases me about this mercilessly.  :rolleyes:   This could be do to the fact that I am from a pentecostal background and they are very good at long scripted prayers!! LOL I stick out like a sore thumb. :sorry:


God shows his love for me with continuous protection and health.  I feel his presence when I ask him to comfort me -- most times.  I try to be a positive person and let my light shine daily.  I ask the Lord to help me decrease my desires will so that he can show me direction and I can fulfill my purpose in this life. ;)


As far as study, that is something I have been concentrating on for the last 2 years.  I posted a question to all of the members of Christian Forums on the Bibology and Hermenutics section entitled "Best Study Tools".  I am interested in everyone's imput.  Since I used to lack discipline in my bible reading habits, I am on a strict reading schedule to complete the bible in a year.  This is the second year that I have done this and am enjoying it!! :cool:   My husband is a noisy musician so I usually find quiet time before I go to sleep and close the bedroom door.  I pray for understanding and dive into my Thompson Chain KJV.  I keep an Ungers Dictionary, Strong's Concordance and a NASB nearby in case I don't understand a certain passage.  I am still mostly trying to become very familiar with the entire bible and memorize some great verses!  :D


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A son of the Most High
Jul 22, 2002
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The best study help that I have found is the Spirit Himself. The bible tells us that he will teach us all things, so I take Him at His word. If I do not understand a scripture I ask Him to explain it. If something just sortof sticks out at me in the word I ask Him what He is trying to show me. I ask Him where He wants me to go. What His opinion is on certain issues. He has the ability to just illuminate passages like no one else.

On a side note. I do not trust commentaries. Except to sometimes check the accuracy of my ears.
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Feb 9, 2002
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Originally posted by Quaffer
Hey, out of 154 views only 19 people have responded. 

You need to crunch your numbers and do a little bit of math.  As new posts are added then people view the thread again. If 19 people kept up with the post and viewed it 10 times each, that would be 190 views and still only 19 people.  What makes more sense is for 40 people to view the post 5 times, so perhaps half the readers are posting.

There are times I will not add to a thread, because what I would have said has already been said. Or there are so many opinions already one more opinion or perspective would just make things that much more complicated. It would be better just to develop what has already been started at times.
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Feb 9, 2002
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((I can tell myself all day long that I shouldn't worry, but that is easier said than done.))

That is when we need to pray it through. IF we are not at peace about something, then we need to keep praying about it, 'tell God gives us a sense of peace that it is all going to work out ok.  

As Corrie Tan Boon use to say. Sometimes we worry about our future, because we know we will be facing difficult times ahead and we just do not feel as if we have the strength to get through them. But as her father told her, when the time comes, God will give us the strength to deal with and to handle whatever comes out way.

When we have the Holy Spirit, then the fruit of joy, peace, faith and so forth should be at work in us and in our lives. Also, perfect love casts out all fear. So when God's divine love is in us, we do not have to be afraid of anything. My wife is like that, she has lots of faith and lots of love and she really is not afraid of anything. She is not afraid to live, she is not afraid to die. The only thing she says she would be afraid of, would be to talk against the church, or to talk against the people of God. But she knows that God is going to work it all out for her best. So she has nothing to fear and nothing to be worried about.
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<font size="1"> In perfect orbit they have circled
Jul 24, 2002
On a side note. I do not trust commentaries. Except to sometimes check the accuracy of my ears.

I guess Im a little similar, I only trust those that in the past have been right. I am kinda making my own and will start to lend them out, perhaps make a site and try to help that way too. Best way IMO, is just to pray and study hard about it and get info from reliable resources, I being bless so much that I have that in not only my family but also my church.
God bless!

Oh yeah! Today I started a foot hole in sharing with my Mormon friend! He told me about their view of salvation and I was kinda shocked to a degree. I should have spoke up, but I didn't want to be too assertive, but I think I should be. Advice in PM form would be appreciated.
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Originally posted by JohnR7
You need to crunch your numbers and do a little bit of math.&nbsp; As new posts are added then people view the thread again. If 19 people kept up with the post and viewed it 10 times each, that would be 190 views and still only 19 people.&nbsp; What makes more sense is for 40 people to view the post 5 times, so perhaps half the readers are posting.

There are times I will not add to a thread, because what I would have said has already been said. Or there are so many opinions already one more opinion or perspective would just make things that much more complicated. It would be better just to develop what has already been started at times.

OK, so math is not my strong point! :)
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Sep 15, 2002
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How God ministers to me?

God ministers to me through his word, through people he puts into my path, through my daily life experiences, but mostly through him personally telling me or showing me things through my spirit.

What my prayer time is like?

My prayer time is not at all what I desire it to be, but, when I do pray and wait for his reply (through his showing me or telling me things) it is rather awesome to have a real 'one on one' wire directly to God the Father. The one who holds my very breath within the palms of his hands.

Does God talk to me and how?

God does talk to me quite often. Most of our communication comes through seeing things he is putting into my spirit about different situations, circumstances, people, his will or desires, etc. It is like the Lord is standing by me talking to me (through words or pictures) just as real as if I were talking to my husband or daughter.

Is it mental or physical?

It is mental and at times physical, because of how real his presence is. There have been times where I could physically feel his arm around me or him comforting in some way. But, it is also spiritual. There is a quickening within my spirit and a confirmation that goes on proving to me over and over again that God is here and that he is more real than the very air I breathe.

How he shows his love?

God shows me his love by talking to me, showing me through my visions, by allowing me to enter into his presence, constantly drawing me closer and closer into a more intmate relationship. And mostly by his concern over my daily business. I was once told by a sunday school teacher, when I was a child, that God so desired to be a part of our everyday lives that if we were sewing a piece of fabric he would would want to be a part of every stitch.

How I show my love?

This has more to do with matters of the heart. I have an intense desire to know the Lord as intimately as possible. For God's will and desires and callings to be completely fullfilled within my life. Although my heart is true my everyday actions are not always true. There may be times of stuggle or fear which causes me to look away for a moment. But my desire for relationship always keeps me chasing him.

How he answers prayer?

I believe, for me, he has answered my prayers more through people around me. Though there many ways God answers prayer whether it is through the natural realm or super naturally.

How I study?

I study more through my own experiences, but also through the word, revelational teachings, and one on one communication with the Lord himself.
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Originally posted by KimmyK
How God ministers to me?

God ministers to me through his word, through people he puts into my path, through my daily life experiences, but mostly through him personally telling me or showing me things through my spirit.

What my prayer time is like?

My prayer time is not at all what I desire it to be, but, when I do pray and wait for his reply (through his showing me or telling me things) it is rather awesome to have a real 'one on one' wire directly to God the Father. The one who holds my very breath within the palms of his hands.

Does God talk to me and how?

God does talk to me quite often. Most of our communication comes through seeing things he is putting into my spirit about different situations, circumstances, people, his will or desires, etc. It is like the Lord is standing by me talking to me (through words or pictures) just as real as if I were talking to my husband or daughter.

Is it mental or physical?

It is mental and at times physical, because of how real his presence is. There have been times where I could physically feel his arm around me or him comforting in some way. But, it is also spiritual. There is a quickening within my spirit and a confirmation that goes on proving to me over and over again that God is here and that he is more real than the very air I breathe.

How he shows his love?

God shows me his love by talking to me, showing me through my visions, by allowing me to enter into his presence, constantly drawing me closer and closer into a more intmate relationship. And mostly by his concern over my daily business. I was once told by a sunday school teacher, when I was a child, that God so desired to be a part of our everyday lives that if we were sewing a piece of fabric he would would want to be a part of every stitch.

How I show my love?

This has more to do with matters of the heart. I have an intense desire to know the Lord as intimately as possible. For God's will and desires and callings to be completely fullfilled within my life. Although my heart is true my everyday actions are not always true. There may be times of stuggle or fear which causes me to look away for a moment. But my desire for relationship always keeps me chasing him.

How he answers prayer?

I believe, for me, he has answered my prayers more through people around me. Though there many ways God answers prayer whether it is through the natural realm or super naturally.

How I study?

I study more through my own experiences, but also through the word, revelational teachings, and one on one communication with the Lord himself.

Hey Kimmy,

Welcome and Thanks for sharing.&nbsp; Your hubby is a great incouragement to us.

You and I seem to have a lot in common regarding to our time with God.&nbsp; Isn't He wonderful!

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Sep 4, 2002
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Originally posted by SnuP
Tell us:

how God minister to you,
what your prayer time is like,
if God talks to you and how,
if it all mental or is it physical also,
how He shows His love,
how you show your love,
how He answers prayer,
how you study,
Hey, just ran into this one, so I'll post as well

how God minister to you,
God ministers to me as I pray, sometimes not as immediatly as others, but I do feel that He speaks to me.

what your prayer time is like,
I do not really have a prayer time, I am always doing prayers throuout the day, like a constant conversation.

if God talks to you and how,
if it all mental or is it physical also,

That second part is harder, for me sometimes He reveals Himself to me through what my wife does or says, same w/ my kids.

how He shows His love,
Wow, great question -Through out the Bible. Reminding me of his Great love and grace. I am in a study of Ephesians, read the 1st chapter

how you show your love,

Service to the body, in whatever way I can. Through obediance to His word.

how He answers prayer,

I need to write down my prayers and the answers to them, The lord usually answers my prayers, either yes, no, or wait

how you study,
IBS - Inductive Bible Study I do every couple days. I do word studys in the greek, or hebrew. I use the Strongs Concordance and Vines Bible Dictionary.

Great thread Bro!
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Jun 13, 2002
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Hey KimmyK

Just browsing through your profile and saw your born in the same month I am. Here's some blessings to celebrate being born in February. :clap:

I notice you like music too. Besides Jesus, I too love music. God uses me in it quite a bit.

God bless,

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