What's your relationship like?

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A son of the Most High
Jul 22, 2002
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does none of you have a relationship with God?

if so then why are you not willing to share it?

does you're prayer life feel like you have problems getting above the ceiling?

do you feel discouraged about some of the mess in your life that you cannot seem to get past?

do you sometime question whether God even exist?

do you find it difficult trying to live right?

when you pray does it feel like no one is listening?

please share with us
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Sorry just found this, and have found that on most Christian forums that people do not tend to respond to this question as it is not argumentative!!! :p

how God minister to you,
God ministers to me through friends and family. I have not been working for a while consistently (IT recession) but my ministry is still ticking over. God ministers to me through the youth I witness too and has especially been ministering through my family. He also has spiritual people (leaders, teachers) whose words of wisdom keep my mind focused on his majesty.

what your prayer time is like, :pray:
Mornings I find beautiful to talk to God. Sunrise, first light,etc. It sets the pace for the day, where I can ask God what he wants me to do and for him to control my day.
Also during the day talking to God, sharing something that made me laugh or cry and asking him to keep me focused.
At nights it's nice to reflect on what God has done for you today. Pray again for forgiveness of sins and thank him for my wife, two girls, other family, friends, youth, community, church,etc.

If God talks to you and how,
God talks to me through other people, Christian radio, my conscience, the Bible, songs. Not very often when I can say I have heard him apart from ealry in the morning when everyone else is asleep and it is real quiet in the house.

if it all mental or is it physical also,
Both. I mean sometimes something physical can occur and it's like God is saying "Are you listening to me ?"

how He shows His love, :clap:
Oh man...were do I start. My wife is just an example of his love to me. I take her love and times it by infinity because she makes me so happy. My kids' smile also show me his love. Ah there is so much.....

how you show your love,
I try to listen and follow his way as much as I can. The text "be ye therefore perfect" is a summary of God's goodness and love and I try to let show through my manner. A smile (even when I don't want to sometimes), a prison visit, quiet time in nature alone with God, sacrificing my time sometimes even though it is hard to take time out for my fellow man.

how He answers prayer,
(see how God talks to me)

how you study
I like to study by theme. Creation, Grace, Salvation, Love, Prophecy...but am also reading through my Bible from start to finish. I was prompted to do this because I was having a conflict with the God of the OT and God in the NT, but he never changes.

God is Awesome :bow:  How anyone can keep quiet about him I don't know.

Personally I think this should be on the Devotionals and Testimony section (http://www.christianforums.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=56) rather than here in Theology!!
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A son of the Most High
Jul 22, 2002
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Thank you for responding, And I think that you are right, some people just want to argue. I posted this topic here so that it could be discussed. There is an ideal relationship that God desires from us. I think that most of us arn't walking in that. I'd like to find out what that relationship looks like from other peoples experiences and then see if we can discover what God would like to have.

In my opion this may be the most important thread on the forum for christian growth. Its disappointing  and disturbing to me that so many are more interested in arguing then in deepening their relationship.

I would like to urge all those who normally discuse other topics with me to post here. There will be no harrassment or belittling on this thread as such will be reported imidiately to a moderator.

God bless
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It means 'yellow dog'
Jan 16, 2002
>>how God minister to you,

God has ministered to me in many ways over the years; through other people, through his word, through prayer, and sometimes through his simple presence in times of trouble.

>>what your prayer time is like,

I just talk to him. Whenever I want, all the time.

>>>if God talks to you and how,

God has spoke directly to me through his still, small voice, through the Bible and though other people.

>>>if it all mental or is it physical also,

It's not mental or physical, it's spiritual.

>>>how He shows His love,

Are you kidding? Look around. The existence of this planet, this universe, and our very existence shows me how much he loves me! Plus, we spend enough time together than I get a lot of satisfaction from our relationship.

>>>how you show your love,

I spend time with him, try to obey his teachings, and point other people toward him.

>>>how He answers prayer,

All sorts of ways. Sometimes by saying "no."

>>>how you study,

Reading, talking to other Christians, listening at church, going to Bible study, listening to the radio, and I start Bible college next week.
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a long journey ahead
Jan 30, 2002
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how God minister to you
through people and events, and books and tapes. Mostly through the Holy Spirit, which helps me to be very reflective on my actions.

what your prayer time is like
have a routine of making a long prayer just before i go to sleep, laying on the bed with my eyes closed. nope, don't fall asleep.

if God talks to you and how
through people, mostly my mum, and books. Sometimes, He let me know stuff through prayers.

if it all mental or is it physical also
both, as for physical, i usually don't take the initiative. It's in my mind, yet i have no problem waiting until He pushes me along, usually through my mum.

how He shows His love
by allowing me to talk to Him directly through prayers.
A palpable love through the bible and the family He has given me.

how you show your love
by obeying Him, and renewing my heart, try to do things that He'd do, rather than what i'd do.

how He answers prayer
through people and events.

how you study
reading the bible and Christian books. Listen to Christian tapes, go to fellowship, church service. I like reading Christian books more than the bible, so i need to work on that...
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Originally posted by SnuP
Tell us:

how God minister to you,

God ministers to me in a variety of ways.  The majority of the time He usually uses some event in relationship with one of my pets.  Such as, one day, when I first got my little dog, Wigglesworth (Wiggles for short) he use to follow me so close that his little nose would bump the back of my leg as walked.  One day, out of irritation, I said, "Wiggles, will you stop that".  I heard the voice of the Lord say, "Barbara, that's how close I want you to follow me." :pink:

Sometimes I ask a question and He'll answer by bringing a certain scripture to remembrance.

One time, He even told me joke. And it was funny.  :D

Originally posted by SnuP
what your prayer time is like,

My prayer time varies.  Usually, I'm sitting comfortably on the couch and reading the Word.  When something reaches out and grabs me, I start asking Him questions.  Or, I may start praising and thanking Him for whatever it was that I read.  Other times I may turn on the praise and worship music and dance before Him and worship Him.

Originally posted by SnuP

if God talks to you and how,

The answer for this one is pretty much the same as the first.  He speaks in my everyday walk with Him.  Sometimes, I've just thought something, and He gave me an answer.

Originally posted by SnuP

if it all mental or is it physical also,

It's mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.  He reaches my mind, body and spirit. 

Originally posted by SnuP
how He shows His love,

He shows His love by the compassionate way He corrects me.  Most of the time it is very direct, but never condemning.  Always gentle.  He shows His love by keeping His promises.

One time, a few days before my Pastor had prayed over me and told me not to try and figure out what the Lord was referring to but that the Lord wanted me to know that for that present time, He had extra ministering angels assigned to me. 

A few days later, while in my prayer time with the Lord, the Holy Spirit brought a particularly painfull experience from my teen years, to my remembrance.  It was not something I had totally forgotton about but the Holy Spirit brought the remembrance of the pain.  The shock of that pain surprised me and I began to weap.

Immediatelly, I felt (literally) as if I was being inveloped with comfort.  I don't know how to explain it.  But I knew, it was those ministering angels, giving me comfort, and helping me let loose of something I was not aware was even there.  I did not see them but I felt them.  Many of them.

Originally posted by SnuP
how you show your love,

By obedience to His Word.  Even when I don't want to.

Originally posted by SnuP
how He answers prayer,

As described above, and/or meeting my needs and requests and petitions. 

During my teen years I asked for many foolish things but I have matured a lot since then.  It's been years since I've heard a "no" because I ask for things that are according to His Word.  Such as, I don't say, Lord, please let me win the lottery (although I've said, Lord it would be nice to win the lottery :) ) But I do say, Lord I thank you that you meet my needs. My bills total to this amount so I need your help to get that amount so I can pay my bills. 

Also, Lord, I desire to follow You more in the area of giving.  I thank You that You are increasing so that I may be able to obey you better in that area.

Sometimes, people have come up to me and just handed me money.  Most recently, God provided lot's of overtime at work.  I make good overtime money and it has help me immensly.  That was God answering my prayers.  And I've been able to increase my giving too.  Yeah!   

Originally posted by SnuP
how you study, 

Study, usually comes out of my personal time with Him.  I read His book.  I read other's books.  I listen to Christian tapes and videos.  If someone says something I'm not sure of, I'll check it out.  I ask Him and others a lot of questions.  I guess I do a lot of meditating on His Word.

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Loser For Jesus

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Aug 14, 2002
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How does God minister to you?
God ministers to me through the Holy Spirit and through fellowship with other believers who are walking the narrow road and picking up their cross daily.

What your prayer time is like?
I usually have a quiet time in the morning before I do anything else. Spend most of the time in prayer. It can be very different. Sometimes the Lord leads me to just talk and lay my heart out before Him, often I will just sit and listen, sometimes He will be dealing with my sin, and other times I will just be resting in Him.

If God talks to you and how?
Yes, absolutely God talks to me. The only problem is how often I don't listen or don't obey. It is a struggle to be dead enough to "self" and my own flesh to be able to hear His voice clearly, and not be deceived. He talks to me directly through the Holy Spirit a lot, plus through His Word, and through other people - often a combination of all of these.

Is it all mental or is it physical also?
Usually its just spiritual - its not something that can really be described in terms of mental or physical. Although, certainly He can use physical things as pointers and ways of trying to get my attention.

How He shows His love?
Far too many ways to mention, apart from the obvious one of His amazing grace which sacrificed His son to save a wretch like me. The biggest way I can think of is simply the fact that He has allowed me to be part of a body of believers who truly live out His love, who walk in the Light and have true fellowship with each other. Nothing compares to it.

How you show your love?
By obedience to His commands. By denying myself, hating my own life, taking up the cross that He lays on me, allowing my flesh to be crucified, dying to my sin, and seeking in every way to love Him with ALL my heart, soul, mind, and strength - whatever the cost.

How He answers prayer?
By constantly providing for His work. By constantly being faithful to forgive and purify of sin. By constantly providing the discipline of a Father.

How you study?
Mainly reading the Bible. I went to Theological College for a few years, but it quickly became apparent how worthless it was. I also listen to sermon tapes and read books by those who I know have walked, or are walking, the narrow road of being crucified to self and preach the true gospel and the message of the cross.
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"God doesn't require us to give Him first place in our hearts, He requires us to give Him the <B>only</B> place." (Deut. 6:5, Mark 12:30)

Loser For Jesus,

This statement is so right!&nbsp; My ex pastor use to say this. It does make&nbsp;a difference in the way one&nbsp;walks with Him.

We are to give God "all".&nbsp; Of everything.&nbsp;

Thanks for sharing&nbsp;brother.

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Heavy lean toward Messianic
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Jun 13, 2002
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Originally posted by SnuP
Tell us:

how God minister to you,
what your prayer time is like,
if God talks to you and how,
if it all mental or is it physical also,
how He shows His love,
how you show your love,
how He answers prayer,
how you study,

Hey SnuP,

What about you?&nbsp; Please share with us.&nbsp;&nbsp; :angel:
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2002
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SNUP, great thread!!!!

God is ministering to me now through my situations and other people. My prayer time with God, as it has always been, is amazing. I really can't describe it any other way. he talks to me through people and scripture. I've even had him talk to me through music I listen to. As far as physical and mental I'm not sure what you mean. I've never heard an audiable voice, but I have had clear things happen that show me him and his thoughs on things. God shows me his love though life. The fact that I'm breathing is so much. A song I just heard says it quite nicely...as long as the seasons change..as long as....As long as time is and longer then I can ever know, God's heart belongs to me..because he loves me. Its so amazing. God's love, how deep it is..

As for how I love him, the next line kinda summs it up, "I know I don't deserve the grace you give, so I will give you my heart that I might live.."

He is just so amazing.

As for how I study, with lots of help ;) I use about 3 or 4 translations and a couple of concordances, as well as some texts in hebrew and greek. I'm trying to learn both and its not easy. I also have some dear friends I bounce ideas off of.
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A son of the Most High
Jul 22, 2002
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Originally posted by Quaffer
Hey SnuP,

What about you?&nbsp; Please share with us.&nbsp;&nbsp; :angel:

Quaffer, I promise you, I will share, but I must wait will I have more time.&nbsp; I'm also going to see if I can get my wife to share.&nbsp; You may find her experiences very interesting.

You are a blessing sis.

I want to thank everyone who has and will pertissipate in this thread.&nbsp; It is very uplifting and I can't wait till we get to the second half of the discussion.

thank to all.

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Heavy lean toward Messianic
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Jun 13, 2002
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Originally posted by SnuP
Quaffer, I promise you, I will share, but I must wait will I have more time.&nbsp; I'm also going to see if I can get my wife to share.&nbsp; You may find her experiences very interesting.

You are a blessing sis.

I want to thank everyone who has and will pertissipate in this thread.&nbsp; It is very uplifting and I can't wait till we get to the second half of the discussion.

thank to all.


Hey SnuP,

I hope you don't mind me adding this little story on . . .it describes a litttle more about my relationship with God and the way He responds to me.&nbsp;&nbsp;I think it's just the coolest thing how God responded.&nbsp; I've always known Him to do things like this for me but this one in particular shook me to the bones (a good shake of course)&nbsp; :pink: I did put it on another thread but it does not seem to be too active.&nbsp; I sense that someone else out there in forum world needs to hear it.&nbsp; I wanted to post it where hopefully I would not be bombarded with sarcasim.

About 11 years ago I moved with my job from California to Florida.

Thinking that I could easily buy another, I sold my car before moving.&nbsp; Well, it was not so simple.

I was without a car for 5 years before the Lord worked everything together as needed.&nbsp; And when He did, it was a GOOD THING!

Anyway, this time of being carless, was extremely frustrating.&nbsp; And I went through a lot of times where people treated me rather shabby.&nbsp; Opinionated people,&nbsp;christians, who thought they knew what my problem was and really were, at times, quite cruel.&nbsp;

One time in particular, a couple (co-workers)&nbsp;decided that I should purchase their car at decided price per month.&nbsp; After sitting down and reviewing my budget, I told them I could not do that.&nbsp; They asked how much I could do.&nbsp; I told them.&nbsp;

They proceeded to berate me and tell me how poor I was with money, yada, yada, yada.&nbsp; NOTE:I had&nbsp;not approached them, they approached me.&nbsp; The only thing I had ever asked people for was a ride as they would drive right by my apartment.

So, I left their presence feeling very much like scum.&nbsp; I remember going back to my desk overcome with the emotion of the way I was treated.

My job at that time was as a reimbursement clerk where I received in from the varied groups under that ministry, forms that were very similar to tax returns.&nbsp; With these forms would be attached receipts for reimbursement.&nbsp; My job was to verify the expenses as legitimate and give the OK for reimbursement.

So, I'm back at my desk feeling crummy.&nbsp; On the edge of my desk is an envelope that needed to be mailed but I did not have a stamp to put on it, nor did I have the few cents I needed to buy a stamp.&nbsp;

As I resumed my work and began opening a reimbursement, I said to God, "How can they expect me to buy a car when I can't even buy a stamp?"

At that very moment, a stamp fell from the packet and dropped right in front of me.&nbsp; I sat there in stunned silence, just stareing at the stamp.&nbsp; I unfolded the paper it had fallen out of and written on the paper were these words . . "here is a stamp for you".

The story goes a little further but is of no consequence of what the Lord did for me that day.&nbsp; He showed me that He loved me and would provide.

Another note: The car that this couple wanted me to buy broke down a month later.&nbsp; They had to pay alot of money to get it fixed.&nbsp; God protected me too!&nbsp;

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