What would you say in this situation?


Aug 15, 2005
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A girl from my daughter's youth group is pregnant. Samm used to be friends with both her and her boyfriend. Now the girl goes to a different school than Samm, but the boyfriend goes to Samm's school. There is a whole long story to go along with this, but to make a long story short, the boyfriend is not the father.

Well, the whole youth group has really ganged up on this pregnant girl and my heart really goes out to her and her family. Last night, I sat down with Samm and tried to get her to understand that this girl will suffer the consequences of her actions enough already, and that all her friends turning on her is not what she needs right now. I told her that the girl is probably hurting and scared and knows she made a mistake, but I can't seem to get Samm to understand this. She is angry at the girl for hurting her friend (the boyfriend) and for getting pregnant.

I have made an appointment with the youth pastor to speak to her about what is going on with the other kids and ask her to speak to the group, but I am at a loss as to how to explain to my daughter that it isn't her place to judge this poor girl.

Any ideas? Help :help:

Edited to Add: I also wanted to add that I am really upset that the Youth Pastors have not taken the opportunity to talk to them already about being cruel about this. The girl's father was crying in church on Sunday, and it really upsets me that the Church seems to be more interested in punishing this girl than in helping this family. But that is another issue altogether I guess.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2005
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Oh that's awful. The thing this girl needs right now is friends and family. You are correct - she will have to deal with this and the consequences - a baby! - and it's not up to the church to punish her. Let he who has no sin cast the first stone. I know pre-marital sex is a sin, but what's done is done, if she is repentent, she should be allowed to move on, recognise that she is pregnant and move forward.

I've never been in this situation so I'm not sure what to advise you to do. I think you are doing really well with what you are already planning. Perhaps you could talk to the church/youth group with the girl to show support, not only for her, but for the other children to see that she has support? It makes it more difficult because she cheated (?) on her boyfriend and it will take a while for them to totally get over this. However, I feel a lot of the children are probably jumping on the bandwagon, relieved that the focus is off of them and their own sins/problems.

Pray, offer her support and try to explain the situation to your daughter. It is a hard situation. I just wanted to add that I think it's wonderful how understanding you are being, when you could easily jump on the bandwagon and alienate this girl and her family. That is Christianity. :hug:
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Nov 13, 2004
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I wouldn't normally divulge this kind of information, but I feel compelled to do so because of your post.

I got pregnant with my oldest child when I was 17. I was an active member of my youth group and had many friends at church...until they found out.

I felt so ostracised by my family, my friends....but especially by my church. Yes, I had made a huge err in judgement by having premarital sex. I knew that and I felt a tremendous amount of guilt over it.

But, what made it hurt so much more was how my church reacted to my situation. They (the Pastor and the Youth Pastors) wanted to use me as an example of what not to do and how one would be shamed by the church for such behavior. They were not there to pray for me or to support me or to lead me back to repentance.

For me, that was life-changing in many ways. It weakened my relationship with God for starters....because I believed that as Christians we are supposed to be representatives of Christ (Christian = Christ-like). We are to love the sinner, but not the sin. We are to pray for others who are struggling and help build them back up. Yet, I had nobody who was doing that for me. Instead, I had the finger-pointing, the bad-mouthing and the reprimands. That really struck a nerve inside my heart and made me feel like if "Christians" who are called to be God's example of love and forgiveness could turn on me like that and make me feel worthless - then maybe God himself felt that way about me too?

To this day....17 years later, I struggle with feeling like that at times. I still find it very hard to accept that God loves me despite what happened in my life so many years ago. I still feel guilty and ashamed, even though I have prayed and asked for forgiveness for my sins. And underneath it all I still feel the sting of being so unworthy of God's love.

Yes, I know we are all unworthy - but how many people actually BELIEVE that about themselves to the point that it strains their very ability to draw closer to God?

What difference can it make for your daughter and the youth group to see this differently??

It could be the difference between someone (the pregnant young lady) being able to find her way back to God and accepting his Mercy & Forgiveness - as well as learning from her mistakes and raising her child up in the Lord - or - it could scar her so deeply that it causes her to feel shunned from the ONE who actually DOES love her and will forgive her (GOD) if she asks for that forgiveness.

Sometimes "Christians" do not want to accept how great of an influence or impact they actually have on others. It is too easy to get caught up looking at that "speck in the other persons eye, while overlooking the plank in their own eye." We have ALL sinned. We have ALL fallen short of God's glory.

It may sound "cliche" but honestly - they need to ask themselves - what would Jesus do in this situation? And - what would Jesus have ME to do?

As Christians we have a huge responsibility put on our shoulders. We really have to be the example of Christ here on Earth.

Think about this - if there were no Christians here on Earth - how would ANYONE come to be saved? How would anyone else know what God's love was about? How would we discover God's grace, His mercy, His forgiveness or His love? We would have no example to guide our lives by. But, since there are Christians here - we look to them as examples of Christ's love and mercy.

When the church rejects you because of a sinful time you are going through, where do you feel you have to turn to? Will that draw you to turn to God or will that be more likely to cause you to turn to the world - who WILL accept you just as you are?

The goal here should be to help this young lady find her way back to God. I am not saying that anyone should advocate her behavior as acceptable. But, with tenderness, kindness and showing God's mercy - they should pray for her and for her unborn child.
That life that is inside of her had no choice in this matter. Yet, that life is a creation that God has made. If we don't provide the Godly direction that young mother needs in her life - then how will she be able to provide that for her own baby?

It can be difficult sometimes to put our own feelings to the side - to look past the faults and see the person inside - but that is what we not only should do, but MUST do.

If Jesus had shown no compassion to the sinners he encountered, who among them would have ever turned from their ways?

Many people who have fallen into sin know that what they did was wrong. But, without a loving guidance from another Christian - to remind us that despite our sins (no matter how big or how small) - God still loves us - He still has a plan for us - He still will forgive us......without someone showing us that - how will we find our way back to God?

The world accepts sinners as they are - because the world is filled with sin. The church must learn to open their hearts and their arms to accept the sinners in too. They aren't accepting the sin and saying that the sin is okay. But, they are to speak to the sinner's heart and soul - by showing them that God still loves them and as long as there is life within them - there is HOPE!

Sorry for the long ramble here, but I just wanted to point out some very important points and share with you from someone who was in a similar situation to that young lady you wrote about. My prayers are with her and her unborn child. She has a lot of work ahead of her and she is going to need all of the prayer, support and love she can get. Her and her baby's spiritual well-being depends on it!

I hope that your daughter, the youth group and the Youth Pastor will have a change of heart.

Perhaps you can help your daugther to put her feelings to the side for even a moment and ask herself - if I somehow had gotten myself into a similar situation - how would I really want to be treated? And what would I need from my fellow-Christians to get my life back in order and make things right between myself and God?
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Jan 5, 2006
North Carolina
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My oldest daugher is now pregnant and not married nad the father of her baby was her ex-boyfriend at the time. The church that she was attending at the time, were all whispering around her and asking others, "who is the father?" She was very hurt when a 13 year old came up to her and told her some of the adults in the church, in leadership, had been talking about her. She stopped going to that church and is now attending the church that I go to. She has total support from this church and they are giving her a baby shower next month.

Ask your daughter, "have you never sinned?" God forgives us when we sin. I don't know the teens that go to your church, but just because they aren't pregnant doesn't mean that they are without sin. She just happened to be one of the ones that ended up pregnant.
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Just me
Jul 20, 2004
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3girls2dogs said:
Well, the whole youth group has really ganged up on this pregnant girl and my heart really goes out to her and her family. Last night, I sat down with Samm and tried to get her to understand that this girl will suffer the consequences of her actions enough already, and that all her friends turning on her is not what she needs right now. I told her that the girl is probably hurting and scared and knows she made a mistake, but I can't seem to get Samm to understand this. She is angry at the girl for hurting her friend (the boyfriend) and for getting pregnant.

I agree with the way you have tried to explain things. It is really too bad that they are focusing on the "cheating on boyfriend" aspect rather than the consequence she already faces. I would pull all the verses out of the Bible where Jesus spoke to a "sinner" and read them with your daughter. She may yet see the light and show it to others.
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Grammatically incorrect
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Sep 4, 2005
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3girls2dogs said:
Any ideas? Help :help:

Edited to Add: I also wanted to add that I am really upset that the Youth Pastors have not taken the opportunity to talk to them already about being cruel about this. The girl's father was crying in church on Sunday, and it really upsets me that the Church seems to be more interested in punishing this girl than in helping this family. But that is another issue altogether I guess.

Yes, one, lead by example, you be a friend to this girl and her family, next time you see her give her a hug and tell her if she needs to talk, prayers, anything, you'll be there for her.
And don't shut up about it, stand up for this girl and her family, no pressure or anything but it could well be you that may make a difference to this girls spirtual life, whether she remains a christian or walks away thinking that all christians are backstabbing hypocrites and carries that attitude to her grave.

And you can tell your daughter that Jesus had a lot more to say to the hypocritcal judgemental pharisees then he did to the woman committing adultery.
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My solace my terror, my terror my solace.
Apr 20, 2005
At my home church, this happened, though I was too young to remember what the other teens did then, I do remember what the adults did. Some got together and threw her a baby shower. They made it known they did not approve of her actions, but they did approve of her choice to keep the kid(twins actually) and not have an abortion. About half the church was against this though.

Recently (the baby was just born last week) a teen at my second church (the one I attend when I live at my dorm) had this happen to her. The other ones really supported her, including the youth pastor. They used is as a tool to tell others that having sex was more that fun, but they did it in a way not to hurt the girls feelings. Today, the Youth Pastor came by and warned that becuase of the affter affects of having a baby, no one should call becuase the girl needed her rest.

As for the group not being supported, I would suggest you talk to the youth pastor, and if he does nothing, talk to the kids themselves and explain that being a Christian means you must forgive. But forgiving is not just forgetting, but helping. And I will though this out there, how the kids are acting may have something to do with how their parents are acting.
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