Warnings against "Jerusalem" as a part of Israel.


Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004
A Chronology Of The Attempt By The Vatican To Displace Israel From The Old City Of Jerusalem

The &#8220;Chronology of Events&#8221; for the Vatican&#8217;s conquest of the Old City of Jerusalem is as follows- all of which can be verified via the sources of the information: ...<snipped for bevitiy but an excellent chronological revealing of the cooking frog.>....

So What Is The Vatican Planning And What Can Israeli Jews Do About It?

For centuries the Vatican has been pushing its "replacement" doctrine which states that the Catholic has replaced Israel as "the New Israel".

The Roman Catholic Church wants Israel to lose sovereign control over the Old City of Jerusalem so that "the promises to the literal descendents of Abraham will be applied to the 'New Jerusalem.'" If Israel controls Jerusalem it is evidence that Rome's claims are not legitimate and that the literal interpretation of Scriptures is correct. There is no place for the restoration of the nation of Israel in its theology. How can the Vatican claim to be "the New Jerusalem" and "rightful heir to the Kingdom of God" if the Jews control Jerusalem? How is the Catholic Church going to convince the world that their version of theology is correct?

The Vatican is going to have everyone believe this "mysterious individual who will "unite the faiths" and appear in Jerusalem which will be under the control of an authority headed by The Vatican. " That deal to have the Vatican come into Israel and take over these properties and to "control and dominate the Old City of Jerusalem" already exists and has been fully documented and reported in the world's media.

The end goal of The Vatican is to seize control of the Old City of Jerusalem out of the clutches of the state of Israel. To that end they have a secret agreement with Israel which obliges Israel to respect the "extraterritorial" claim to their physical presence in the city. In short, "we have accepted the Vatican's rights to have little Vatican sovereign embassies throughout our eternal capital of Jerusalem. That same Vatican has committed itself, in public and in a written agreement, to ensure that the Palestinians have sovereignty in the Old City of Jerusalem.

The public record shows a secret deal has already been conducted behind the backs of the Israeli public whereby the Vatican was promised to take over the Old City. There is ample proof in the public record to prove that a secret deal was done with the Vatican by two Israeli government representatives, Yossi Beilin and Shimon Peres. As it was concocted covertly it can&#8217;t serve the Israeli public- but someone else. Thus these agreements need to be made void and nullified.

It doesn't matter if religious Jews or Israelis think that "Catholic theology" is "strange looking" or extremely "ritualistic." What matters is that all Israelis understand that The Vatican has a secret agenda and it includes stealing the Old City of Jerusalem away from the Jews. That is what you need to know and understand. Unfortunately, this agenda is being carried out in secret and behind your back and that is why you are ignorant of its true aims. The purpose of this essay is to warn you of these exact intentions of The Vatican so that you will be an "informed consumer" when it comes to Israel's relations with the Roman Catholic Church. Even the overt clauses of the Vatican agreement, the exchange of ambassadors and the opening of the Vatican archives to Israeli researchers, have not been fulfilled by The Vatican. From an Israeli perspective, the "Fundamental Agreement Between The Holy See and The State of Israel" has been a complete failure and should be immediately rescinded.

Joel Bainerman is an investigative journalist based in Israel. See the whole article here... http://www.redmoonrising.com/chamish/vaticanagenda.htm
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Mar 31, 2012
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Israel will never again be defeated - doesn't matter if we are with them or not and according to this administration - it is not.

Amos 9:15

New International Version (©2011)
I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them," says the LORD your God.

I agree SharonL.........I am convinced that God is about to bless the nation of Israel in ways that utterly astonish all of us!!!!!
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Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004
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Sep 22, 2013
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I personally feel it is not just Obama that is anti Israel, it is the world. The attitude of the world can be judged by the number of times Israel had been rapped over the knuckles in the United Nations compared to those surrounding it. The United Nations represents the opinions of the world.

Also Israel is up against a lot of negative attitude from some clergy and it condemned through the world council of churches.

The only nation who for centuries has ever claimed the importance of Jerusalem as its capital has been Israel.

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Jul 4, 2013
Reaganomics: TOTAL FAIL
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My argument didn't go anywhere.

Democrats voted for Obama because he was the Democrats man.

They could care less that Obama is a racist, so are they.

Democrats could care less about morals, ethics and anything rational.

You can't make an argument what Democrats will do because they are against themselves.

Not only do most of them hate America, but a great majority of whites among them are racist against whites and Jews.

Obama got 67% of the Jewish vote and the majority vote.

Obama haters can go on and on about their hatred for him and the USA but that doesn't refute the fact that he is Israel's best friend and supporter.
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Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004
posted: "... that doesn't refute the fact that he is Israel's best friend and supporter."

A couple of questions:
By "he," do you mean Obama?
How is he Israel's best friend and supporter?
My question... how, where, when? where is the evidence?
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Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004
I have seen no evidence of Obama being concerned about Israel - only the opposite. It does not matter how much they go against Israel - the American people stands with Israel.
Then it is too bad that Obama represents the American People.
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Jul 4, 2013
Reaganomics: TOTAL FAIL
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Folks, it's not April Fool's Day. Evidently, you may have had too much spiked egg nog and are celebrating New Year's eve much too early.

Please, please do your homework before making such incredibly foolish and ignorant comments.

Take a good lookee here for proof of what I wrote above:

President Obama and Israel: The Facts | NJDC

February 28, 2013 President Obama and Israel: The Facts

Listed in: Israel, Fact Sheets, NJDC News
Throughout his presidency, President Barack Obama has made strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship a top foreign policy priority. His work to strengthen that relationship places him among Israel’s strongest supporters ever; the facts, with citations, follow below and can be downloaded here as a pdf.​
”The United States of America stands with the State of Israel because it is in our fundamental national security interest to stand with Israel. It makes us both stronger. It makes us both more prosperous. And it makes the world a better place. That’s why the United States was the very first nation to recognize the State of Israel 65 years ago. That’s why the Star of David and the Stars and Stripes fly together today. And that is why I’m confident in declaring that our alliance is eternal, it is forever— lanetzach” [Obama, March, 20, 2013]
Obama provided Israel with the largest amount of American military aid in U.S. history, including:​
* Over $3 billion per year to assist Israel’s military to ensure it has the latest and most efficient technologies and weapons available; and​
* $275 million in supplemental funding to develop the Iron Dome missile system, praised by Israel’s defense leaders for its “exceptional” and revolutionary success at saving the lives of Israelis who live under threat from Hamas’ rockets.​
* Additional funding for the Arrow and David’s Sling missile systems, bringing the total funding for missile defense to $650 million—double the amount spent by the Bush Administration.​
Obama restored Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge (QME) with advanced weaponry by:​
* Committing American troops to the 2009 Juniper Cobra and 2012 Austere Challenge joint military exercises—the largest and most extensive exercises ever with Israel;​
* Authorizing Israel to use American weapons stored in Israel during an emergency; and​
* Working with Israel to combat smuggling into Gaza.​
Obama’s diplomatic support for Israel is unparalleled. Obama:​
* Defended Israel’s right to self-defense—including during Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012;​
* Forcefully opposed the Palestinians’ attempt to unilaterally declare a state;​
* Rallied the world against a nuclear-armed Iran and continues to lead the sanctions effort by example;
* Voted with Israel 100% of the time at the United Nations, a first in modern history;
* Defended Israel’s legitimacy on the world stage, and vocally protested efforts to isolate Israel at the United Nations and in UN bodies; and
* Consistently affirmed the U.S.-Israel bond.
Obama personally came to Israel’s aid immediately when it needed it most. Obama:
* Answered Israel’s “3am phone call” and personally intervened to rescue Israel’s diplomats in Cairo; and
* Personally ordered that Israel receive “whatever it need[ed]” to put out the Carmel fire.

Israeli Leaders on President Obama

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
“Thank you for unequivocally affirming Israel’s sovereign right to defend itself by itself against any threat. Thank you for enhancing Israel’s ability to exercise that right through generous military assistance, revolutionary missile defense programs, and unprecedented security and intelligence cooperation.
Thank you, Mr. President, for upholding the Jewish people’s right to a Jewish state in our historic homeland, and for boldly defending that right at the United Nations. And thank you for strengthening the unbreakable alliance between our two nations during your Presidency.” [March 20, 2013]

“Americans know that Israel and the United States share common values, that we defend common interests, that we face common enemies. ... We are you, and you are us. We’re together.” [March 5, 2012]
“I think that standing your ground, taking this position of principle… I think this is a badge of honor and I want to thank you for wearing that badge of honor.” [September 22, 2011]
“I would like to express my gratitude to the President of the United States, Barack Obama. I asked for his help. ... He said, ‘I will do everything I can.’ And so he did. ... We owe him a special measure of gratitude.” [September 10, 2011]
“I trust Barack Obama, President of the United States to carry out with me the policies that have joined Israel and the United States.” [July 7, 2010]
President Shimon Peres:
“This [Presidential Medal of Distinction] speaks to your tireless work to make Israel strong. And peace possible. Your presidency has given the close ties between Israel and the United States a new height. A sense of intimacy. A vision for the future. The people of Israel are particularly moved by your unforgettable contribution to their security. To defending our skies. To the collaboration in the domain of intelligence, which is the right way to preempt bloodshed. The diplomatic and military bonds between us have reached an unprecedented level.” [March, 21, 2013]
“We welcome you as a great President of the United States of America. As a remarkable world leader. As a historic friend of Israel. Of the Jewish people. Your visit here is a crown demonstration of the profound relationship between our two nations. The people of Israel welcome you with open hearts. From the depth of our hearts, From the depths of our history, ‘Toda Raba.’” [March 20, 2013]
“Mr. President, I know your commitment to Israel is deep and profound. Under your leadership, security cooperation between the US and Israel has reached its highest level. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a friend in the White House.” [March 4, 2012]
“Thank you America for being our friend and our ally. And thank you President Barack Obama, for your leadership, for your deep and moving ongoing and unwavering commitment to the peace and security of our land.” [June 30, 2011]
Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren:
“When I came to this job four years ago, I knew the alliance was strong, but I had no idea just how vast and dynamic it is. Our ties are not restricted to the political and military, but rather they extend to broad commercial and agricultural ventures, unbelievable humanitarian projects, intelligence sharing, and security coordination. I would say in the past five years, these bonds have only become stronger and grown wider. We will work closely with President Obama to further strengthen this unshakable alliance, and his visit to Israel in the spring will be a great start.” [February, 21, 2013]
“We see things very much eye-to-eye on how to move forward. ... The President’s speech here at the General Assembly was quite strong in his support for Israel in its security needs, in its sympathy for the Israeli people and the situation they find themselves in the Middle East and I think the most important thing was the strong emphasis placed on the connection between the Jewish people of Israel and the Land of Israel.” [September 26, 2011]
Defense Minister and former Prime Minister Ehud Barak:
“I should tell you honestly that this Administration under President Obama is doing in regard to our security more than anything that I can remember in the past.” [July 30, 2012]
“The unshakable bonds between Israel and America and their respective defense establishments under the guiding hand of President Barack Obama are stronger and deeper than ever and we are very thankful and appreciative of that.” [December 16, 2011]
“Our countries are good friends. And I’m the minister of defense, I can tell you… I can hardly remember a better period of support, American support and backing and cooperation and similar strategic understanding of events around us than what we have right now.” [August 3, 2011]
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon:
“I can tell you in a very categoric way I believe also in an authoritative way that we have not had a better friend than President Obama and we will continue to work together because not only it’s our ideal it’s also our interests ... cooperation has never been better while issues which are of the most sensitive and of most importance to our collective security and wellbeing.” [August 28, 2011]

Time to take off the blinders boys and girls. School time is in.
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Oct 15, 2005
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HonestTruth - I have read many of your threads and what you refuse to realize is that Obama says one thing and does the opposite. There are many proven lies that you refuse to accept and continue to take up for this administration no matter what they are claiming. It is just lie after lie after lie and scandal after scandal and still you support them. That does not make us look bad or having too much egg nog, just the opposite.
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Jul 4, 2013
Reaganomics: TOTAL FAIL
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HonestTruth - I have read many of your threads and what you refuse to realize is that Obama says one thing and does the opposite. There are many proven lies that you refuse to accept and continue to take up for this administration no matter what they are claiming. It is just lie after lie after lie and scandal after scandal and still you support them. That does not make us look bad or having too much egg nog, just the opposite.


You're joking, right?

Did you bother to read the post I made? It quotes Israelis and American supporters of Israel each of whom ENDORSES Obama and his policy towards that country.

But all you do is to criticize me and refuse to even try to refute anything written there. This is typical of the forum's angry right wingers whose minds are so clouded with hate and rage so that they are not able to engage in reasoned debate.

If you disagree with what is posted, why don't you at least try to find some evidence that anything in it is incorrect instead of just criticizing?
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Jul 4, 2013
Reaganomics: TOTAL FAIL
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A blogger is entitled to her opinion as much as anyone.

But that does NOT refute the fact that Netanyahu and others whom I quoted all called President Obama Israel's best friend.

If any of you angry right wing cynics have any character at all, let's see you apologize and take back your ridiculous comments.
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Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004
A blogger is entitled to her opinion as much as anyone.

But that does NOT refute the fact that Netanyahu and others whom I quoted all called President Obama Israel's best friend.

If any of you angry right wing cynics have any character at all, let's see you apologize and take back your ridiculous comments.
US prepares to pay Netanyahu back for Iran campaign, using Palestinian issue as bludgeon The Obama administration is preparing to settle scores with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, for his campaign against US-led nuclear diplomacy with Iran, by holding him to blame for the impasse in Israel-Palestinian negotiations.
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Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004
December 30 was a traumatic day for Israel as authorities released another batch of Palestinian terrorist killers -- 26 in all. They comprised the latest installment in an Israeli promise to free more than 100 Palestinian murderers -- a step reluctantly taken under pressure from President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, purportedly to advance the peace process and lure Mahmoud Abbas to the negotiating table. Yet, so far, Israel's concession has been fruitless. Abbas' Palestinian Authority continues to disseminate vile anti-Semitic incitement in PA schools and media, while promoting an agenda for a single Arab state that would swallow all of Israel.

Read more: Blog: NYT's Vendetta Against Netanyahu
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Your God is my God... Ruth said, so say I.
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Mar 25, 2004
A blogger is entitled to her opinion as much as anyone.

But that does NOT refute the fact that Netanyahu and others whom I quoted all called President Obama Israel's best friend.

If any of you angry right wing cynics have any character at all, let's see you apologize and take back your ridiculous comments.
&#8220;Netanyahu is giving the American administration the finger,&#8221; MK Zehava Gal-On, leader of the extreme left-wing Meretz Party, said regarding the prime minister&#8217;s announcement that a tenders for an unspecified number of new housing units in existing Jewish communities would be issued in the coming weeks.
Netanyahu 'Gives Obama the Finger', Holds Secret Talks With Palestinians - Israel Today | Israel News


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Jul 4, 2013
Reaganomics: TOTAL FAIL
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leader of the extreme left-wing Meretz Party

Wonderful - says an extremist from the far left. I presume this character has some kind of agenda that doesn't quite square with the truth. As for the radical far right "American Thinker", well, you use a far left and a far right source for your "proof".

How pathetic is that?
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