Walking in wisdom or error, question?

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Come Lord Jesus
May 17, 2011
Manhattan, KS
United States
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This is not meant to denigrate a sister of the Lord that I know, but I would like some feedback on how I feel about the situation so I can better learn to discern godly wisdom from self-righteousness.

So this sister in Christ was praying and seeking the Lord on her employment and housing. She had a job (that I know of) and an apartment for herself and her 2 children. She stated that she didn't hear the Lord tell her to stay, so she took that to mean that she should leave and so she did. She has no job at the moment and she will be homeless in 2 weeks. She has known about this for a few weeks, and I guess only chose to inform one or two other sisters in the fellowship about this. She said she didn't want to burden anyone in the group about it. Well they informed the group last Wednesday about it and kind of got on to us for not helping in a tangible way, kinda like James 2:15-16.

Now I'm not "a leader" in the group, but I wanted to tell her a couple of things, and this is where my questions come in.

1) I can't remember exactly what she said concerning this part of her story, but she said something to the effect of she was seeking the Lord alone in this matter and only when she didn't hear anything did she open up to the group as a whole. I feel this is a form of pride, maybe I'm being a bit extremist in this, but God has a way of exposing sins to us so that we become humble before Him, and I feel partly like that is going on here.

2) I'm more disappointed that no one seemingly made the case for living and walking in wisdom in absence of a direct revelation from the Lord. I have not quite figured out how to approach this to the leadership, but someone I feel should have advised this sister that in such situations it's likely best to stay put where you are until you hear God tell you to go somewhere. I just think there is this emphasis on revelation that compromises wisdom, and I just don't feel like they are doing right by her by allowing her to walk like this.

Lastly, not really related to this matter, but it is in a way. Concerning the leadership of the group. They are currently seeking to officially organize with elders and other 5 fold ministry positions as the Lord leads. I do not see in scripture where positions of authority over men can be held by women, but they are charging ahead with apostleship and elders as being ok for both men and women. I know this topic splits churches and Christianity rather sharply in today's environment and some here will likely disagree with my stance, but that's not the point of bringing this up. I bring it up only to highlight where I feel the leadership of this group is going off track and into error. Their reasoning for such is that scripture doesn't specifically say that women can't be in authority over men and in a hypothetical situation where all men die, a women would have to lead. I feel very strongly that this is error and combined with this other situation where there is a distinct lack of leadership in this young woman's life I feel it may be time for me to move on from that fellowship.



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I think this issue about women in leadership is not enough to say a church is in error, i have been ministered by women pastors, i was through a rough time in my life and i asked the Lord, "if you want to send help please do because i can't do this alone", another 2 men pastors didn't help me so this 'samaritan' woman did, like the story of Jesus the other 2 'righteous people' passed the injured man, the samaritan stopped to help him.

I just say we can't say a church is in error because of this, i bring home the presence of God every meeting in this church with a woman pastor if it was so 'sinful' for a woman to be pastor God wouldn't support them at all.
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Come Lord Jesus
May 17, 2011
Manhattan, KS
United States
Marital Status
I think this issue about women in leadership is not enough to say a church is in error, i have been ministered by women pastors, i was through a rough time in my life and i asked the Lord, "if you want to send help please do because i can't do this alone", another 2 men pastors didn't help me so this 'samaritan' woman did, like the story of Jesus the other 2 'righteous people' passed the injured man, the samaritan stopped to help him.

I just say we can't say a church is in error because of this, i bring home the presence of God every meeting in this church with a woman pastor if it was so 'sinful' for a woman to be pastor God wouldn't support them at all.
That's not what I'm asking about here though, just provided for context to my specific question.
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